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Effect of Silica Composition from Rice Husk Ash on The Performace of Absorbing Electromagnetic Wave on Composite of Unsaturated Polyester Resins/Silica Rizky Fauzy; Wisnu Ari Adi; Yana Taryana; Y. Yusmaniar
Jurnal ILMU DASAR Vol 19 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2353.719 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jid.v19i1.6336


This study aim is to know the effect of silica composition on the absorption of electromagnetic waves in the composite of unsaturated polyester resins (UPR)/silica. Silica raw materials have been synthesized from the results of rice husk ash extraction. The results of the analysis phase and elementary respective using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) show that the extraction of silica has an amorphous phase with a high purity. This silica powders are filler material acts as an electromagnetic waves absorber material and combined with the UPR as a matrix to form a composite. Silica powder varied with several compositions in this composite. The observation of scanning electron microscope (SEM) shows that the silica particles have been distributed evenly in the UPR matrix. Meanwhile the results of testing the absorption of electromagnetic waves at frequency range of 8 GHz - 12 GHz using a vector network analyzer (VNA) show that the addition of silica composition have significant effect on the absorption of electromagnetic waves. The more the silica content in the UPR matrix causes the absorption of electromagnetic waves more increasing. It was concluded that the presence of silica can improve the absorption performance of electromagnetic waves in composite UPR/silica. Keywords: rice husk ash, silica, UPR, composites, electromagnetic wave absorber
Hubungan antara Pemahaman Konsep dengan Beban Kognitif Siswa pada Materi Hidrolisis Garam Zahara Sabilla; Achmad Ridwan; Yusmaniar Yusmaniar
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Kimia (JRPK) Vol 9 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Kimia (JRPK), Volume 9 Nomor 1 (2019)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (222.99 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/JRPK.091.06


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara beban kognitif dengan pemahaman konsep siswa pada materi hidrolisis garam. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI MIA 1, XI MIA 6 dan XI MIA 7 di SMAN 2 Cibinong sebanyak 96 orang. Penelitian dilaksanakan berdasarkan permasalahan kemampuan seseorang dalam menerima dan mengolah informasi yang melebihi kemampuan kapasitas memori kerja yang dimiliki akan menimbulkan beban kognitif. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif korelasional. Beban kognitif siswa pada materi hidrolisis garam tergolong tinggi. Hasil uji hipotesis dengan Spearman Rank diperoleh hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara pemahaman konsep dengan beban kognitif siswa, sehingga dapat disimpulkan semakin tinggi beban kognitif maka akan semakin rendah pemahaman konsep siswa. Kata kunci: Beban kognitif, hidrolisis garam, pemahaman konsep
Analisis Miskonsepsi pada Materi Larutan Penyangga Menggunakan Two-Tier Diagnostic Test Mian Gultom; Dewi Fitriyani; Maria Paristiowati; Moersilah; Yusmaniar; Yuli Rahmawati
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Kimia (JRPK) Vol 9 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Kimia (JRPK), Volume 9 Nomor 2 (2019)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (245.392 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/JRPK.092.01


Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui miskonsepsi yang terjadi pada materi larutan penyangga menggunakan instrumen soal two-tier diagnostic test . Instrumen dikembangkan berdasarkan indikator kompetensi materi larutan penyangga menjadi 10 pertanyaan dan dinyatakan valid untuk digunakan. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap siswa dan mahasiswa tingkat I dan III berjumlah 159. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi miskonsepsi pada konsep sifat larutan penyangga sebanyak 24,6%, konsep komposisi larutan penyangga sebanyak 24,1%, konsep prinsip kerja larutan penyangga sebanyak 29,3%, dan konsep pH larutan sebanyak 25,4%. Penyebab miskonsepsi dikarenakan konsep awal responden yang lemah, penjelasan guru yang sering menyederhanakan konsep, kebiasaan responden untuk menghafal, pemahaman bahasa dan konsep matematis yang lemah, serta model pembelajaran yang belum memberikan kesempatan responden untuk memahami komponen dan prinsip kerja larutan penyangga secara mikroskopis. Pengetahuan tentang miskonsepsi diperlukan sebagai evaluasi terhadap guru dan dosen agar lebih termotivasi untuk menerapkan model pembelajaran yang mampu mengatasi miskonsepsi untuk mencegah timbulnya miskonsepsi lebih luas dalam pembelajaran kimia yang menjadikan kimia dianggap sulit. Kata kunci Miskonsepsi, Two-Tier Diagnostic Test, Larutan Penyangga
Pengaruh Integrasi Laboratorium Virtual dalam Model Pembelajaran Problem Solving Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Peserta Didik pada Materi Elektrolit dan Non elektrolit Dwi Afni Musyaillah; Sukro Muhab; Yusmaniar
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Kimia (JRPK) Vol 10 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Kimia (JRPK), Volume 10 Nomor 1 (2020)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JRPK.101.07


The purpose of this study was to determine the positive effect of virtual laboratory integration in Problem Solving learning models on students' critical thinking skills in the electrolyte and non-electrolyte solution materials. This research was conducted in December 2018 - May 2019. The quantitative research method used was a quasi-experiment with Posttest Only Control Group Design. This research consisted of experimental class and control class, with 36 students in each class. The experimental class applies virtual laboratory integration learning in the Problem Solving learning model, while the control class applies 5M learning. The results showed that the average posttest value of the experimental class was 72.8 and the control class was 63.7. The results of the testing of the hypothesis were obtained by the value of t count (4.942)> t table (1,667) with a value with a significant level of 0.05, indicating that the positive influence of virtual laboratory integration in the Problem Solving learning model on students' critical thinking abilities in electrolyte solution material and nonelectrolytes. KeywordsVirtual Laboratory, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking Ability, Electrolyte and nonelectrolyte
Analisis Pemahaman Konsep Siswa pada Pembelajaran Larutan Elektrolit dan Non-Elektrolit dengan 8E Learning Cycle Dewi Fitriyani; Yuli Rahmawati; Yusmaniar Yusmaniar
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Kimia (JRPK) Vol 9 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Kimia (JRPK), Volume 9 Nomor 1 (2019)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.28 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/JRPK.091.04


This study was aimed to develop students’ conceptual understanding in material “electrolyte and non-electrolyte solution” using 8E Learning Cycle model. The study involved 36 students in 10th grader of Math and Science Studies senior high school in Jakarta. Data collection techniques used was interview, concept understanding test, reflective journal and students’ worksheet. Based on the research, the result shows that by using 8E Learning Cycle model , the students’ understanding toward the concepts in sub-material of the solution characteristics and the nature of the solution are increased. Referring to the graph, students’ concept understanding increased to 96% in the sub-material of the characteristics of the solution. Besides, the students’ understanding toward sub-material of the nature of solution increased to 80%. The biggest misconception occurs at the explore stage, this is caused by the students initial knowledge. Students are able to group the electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions correctly based on the ionization of the solution, but the students are not able to connect the electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions to the type of bond. In learning process, 8E learning cycle model is not only used as instrumental in developing students' concepts understanding, but also this model plays a role in developing the students’ communication skill and collaboration skill in chemistry learning. Keywords 8E learning cycle model, conceptual understanding, electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions
Effect of Temperature and Feeding Time in Zero-Valent Iron (ZVI) Synthesis with Polyphenol Extracts of Kepok Banana Peels Yusmaniar Yusmaniar; Affif Alfiansyah; Mega Sutrisno
Chemistry and Materials Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pusat Inovasi Sains

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (888.859 KB)


In this research, zero-valent iron (ZVI) was synthesized from kepok banana peels extracts as reducing agent. The fourier transform infrared spectrum showed a clear peak at a wavenumber of 600 cm-1 that could be assigned to Fe-O bond. XRD measurement results prove that ZVI has been successfully formed. The resulting ZVI particles are spherical granules with heterogeneous sizes and close together or agglomerating. Based on the results, it was found that the optimum ratio between FeSO4 and polyphenols for ZVI preparation is 4 : 1. Based on the particle size distribution analysis, it was shown that the optimum feeding temperature and time for ZVI synthesis were 25 oC and 30 minutes, respectively.
Preparation of Polyaniline/Polypyrrole Thin Films as Electrode in Salt Water Dechlorination Maryanti; Yusmaniar
Chemistry and Materials Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pusat Inovasi Sains

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (927.903 KB)


Chlorine is a chemical element that is widely used in daily life that require for dechlorination process to prevent the environment. One method that can be used to treat chlorine waste is through dechlorination. During the dechlorination process, electrodes that chemically stable properties are used. This study aims to test the dechlorination of polyaniline (PANI), polypyrrole (PPy), and various compositions of PANI/PPy composite. FTIR shows related functional groups found in PANI, PPy, and PANI/PPy. XRD shows that the PANI formed was in the semicrystalline phase, while PPy was in the amorphous phase. The conductivity test shows that the PANI sample has the highest conductancy value compared to the PPy or PANI/PPy samples. PANI/PPy with composition ratio of 75/25 had the highest difference in conductance values compared to other composites. The highest dechlorination efficiency value occurred in PANI at a voltage of 1.8 V, which was 1.9%. Meanwhile, in PANI/PPy composite, the highest dechlorination efficiency value came from PANI/PPy 75/25, which was 0.97%.
SINTESIS DAN UJI ADSORPSI SILIKA TERMODIFIKASI 3-Aminopropiltrietoksisilan (APTS) PADA LOGAM Cu (II) DALAM LARUTAN Yusmaniar Yusmaniar; Maria Paristiowati; Nathasya Jofita
Jurnal Riset Sains dan Kimia Terapan Vol 4 No 2 (2014): JRSKT - Jurnal Riset Sains dan Kimia Terapan, Volume 4 Nomor 2 Desember 2014
Publisher : Program Studi Kimia Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (935.472 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/JRSKT.042.02


Pada penelitian ini dibuat adsorben silika termodifikasi APTS yang disintesis menggunakan bahan dasar sekam padi. Abu sekam padi ini diolah sedemikian rupa menjadi larutan natrium silikat hingga menghasilkan produk silika gel. Silika gel kemudian dimodifikasi secara kimia dengan reagen 3-aminopropiltrietoksisilan (APTS) sehingga menghasilkan silika termodifikasi APTS. Hasil FTIR menunjukkan bahwa silika termodifikasi APTS mengandung serapan gugus fungsi amino (-NH2), silanol (Si-OH), siloksana (Si-O-Si), dan rantai alifatik (-CH2-). Kandungan dari silika termodifikasi APTS yang ditunjukkan melalui hasil analisis EDX juga menunjukkan bahwa produk memiliki persentase massa masing-masing atom 35.26% silika, 48.47% oksigen, dan 16.27% nitrogen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pH optimum yang diperlukan untuk adsorpsi ion Cu(II) dengan silika termodifikasi APTS adalah 4.0 dan konsentrasi optimum sebesar 100 mg/L. Adsorpsi ion Cu(II) oleh silika termodifikasi APTS mengikuti isoterma adsorpsi Langmuir dengan nilai qmaks sebesar 48.36 mg/g. Dengan demikian adsorpsi terjadi secara kimia dengan membentuk lapisan monolayer. APTS modified silica adsorbent which has been synthesized, using rice hull ash as a raw material. This rice hull ash was carried out to sodium silicate which will be produced to silica gel product. Silica gel was modified with 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane (3-APTS) so that produced APTS modified silica. FTIR data indicated APTS modified silica showed the presence of amine (-NH2), silanol (Si-OH), siloxane (Si-O-Si) groups, and aliphatic chains (-CH2-). Contents of APTS modified silica were determined by EDX which had 35.26% silica, 48.47% oxygen, and 16.27% nitrogen. Research results showed that a pH value is 4.0 which is favorable for copper adsorption and optimum concentration value is 100 mg/L Cu(II). Adsorption process of Copper(II) ion by APTS modified silica followed Langmuir isotherm with qmaks 48.36 mg/g. Therefore adsorption happened chemically with monolayer.Key words: APTS modified silica, sol-gel, rice hull ash, adsorption, copper.
Jurnal Riset Sains dan Kimia Terapan Vol 4 No 2 (2014): JRSKT - Jurnal Riset Sains dan Kimia Terapan, Volume 4 Nomor 2 Desember 2014
Publisher : Program Studi Kimia Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (722.45 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/JRSKT.042.04


Besi bervalensi nol (ZVI) telah berhasil disintesis menggunakan ekstrak kulit pisang kepok sebagai reduktor alami. Analisis terhadap karakteristik ZVI hasil sintesis berupa ukuran, kristalinitas dan morfologi telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis, particle size analyzer (PSA), X-ray difractometer (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), dan fourier transform infra-red (FT-IR). Pengukuran konsentrasi Fe2+ yang bereaksi dengan ekstrak yang digunakan divariasikan terhadap waktu, yaitu: 0 jam, 3 jam, 24 jam, 48 jam dan 144 jam. Konsentrasi Fe2+ yang bereaksi dengan polifenol terbesar terjadi ketika waktu reaksi 3 jam, yaitu 110.465,22 ppm. Waktu reaksi 1 jam menghasilkan distribusi ukuran partikel yang paling rendah, yaitu Dv 10 = 383,93 nm; Dv 50 = 537,17 nm; dan Dv 90 = 851,36 nm dengan polydispersity Index (PDI) sebesar 0,1240. Difrasi sinar-X menunjukkan ZVI hasil sintesis merupakan amorf yang terdiri dari fasa iron dan magnetite dengan presentase masing-masing berturut-turut 17,5 % dan 82,5%.Kata Kunci: Besi Bervalensi Nol (ZVI), Reduksi Garam Besi, Polifenol, Waktu Reaksi, Dv, PDI, Aglomerasi. Zero valent iron (ZVI) has been synthesized using banana peel extracts. Characterization of the obtained ZVI was carried out using UV-Vis spectrophotometer, particle size analyzer (PSA), X-ray difractometer (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and fourier transform infra-red (FT-IR). Measurement of the concentration of Fe2+ reacted with the used extracts varied with respect to time, namely 0 hours, 3 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours and 144 hours. The concentration of Fe2+ which reacts with the largest polyphenols occur when reaction time of 3 hours, ie 110,465.22 ppm. Reaction time of 1 hour to produce a particle size distribution of the lowest, ie Dv 10 = 383.93 nm; Dv 50 = 537.17 nm; and Dv 90 = 851.36 nm with a polydispersity index (PDI) of 0.1240. X-ray diffraction showed that synthesized ZVI is an amorphous phase consisting of iron and magnetite with the percentage of each respectively 17.5% and 82.5%.Keywords: Zero Valent Iron (ZVI), Reduction of Iron Salt, Polyphenols, Time Reaction, Dv, PDI, Agglomeration
Jurnal Riset Sains dan Kimia Terapan Vol 3 No 1 (2013): JRSKT - Jurnal Riset Sains dan Kimia Terapan, Volume 3 Nomor 1 Juli 2013
Publisher : Program Studi Kimia Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (902.702 KB)


Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai pengaruh penambahan silika pada membran Sulfonasi Polieter Eter Keton-Akrilonitril Butadiena Stirena untuk aplikasi PEMFC. Variasi dilakukan pada konsentrasi silika sebesar 0%, 3%, 5%, 10%, dan 15% dari berat polimer. Tujuan penambahan silika adalah untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi silika optimum pada membran SPEEK-ABS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi silika optimum berada pada penambahan silika 3%. Penambahan silika 3% memberikan karakteristik pada membran yaitu mampu meningkatkan konduktivitas ionik sebesar 0.0075 x 10-3 S/cm. Dengan penambahan silika juga dapat meningkatkan swelling terhadap air dan metanol. Analisis gugus sulfonat pada membran dilakukan dengan FTIR dan memperoleh hasil gugus sulfonat membran SPEEK-ABS berada pada bilangan gelombang 1203.58 cm-1.Kata kunci : membran elektrolit, SPEEK, ABS, silika, konduktivitas ionik, swelling. Has done research on the effect of silica on membranes sulfonated polyether ether ketone – acrylonitrile butadiene styrene for applications PEMFC. Variation performed on silica concentration of 0%, 3%, 5%, 10%, and 15% by weigh of use polymer. The purpose of this addition silica is to find the optimum of silica concentration on membranes SPEEK-ABS. The result experiment showed that optimum of silica concentration is 3%. Additionally of 3% silica can be characteristic on membranes is to be increasing ionic conductivity of of 0.0075x10-3 S/cm. With addition silica can be increasing swelling water and methanol. Analysis of group sulfonated membranes is done by FT-IR and getting the wave value is 1203.58 cm-1.Keywords : membranes electrolyte, SPEEK, ABS, silica, ionic conductivity, swelling