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Diversifikasi Olahan Pangan Lokal Ubikayu Dan Teknologi Pengolahannya Pada Tingkat Rumah Tangga Pedesaan Dalam Rangka Ketahanan Pangan Utami, Pujiati; Budiningsih, Sulistyani
Proceeding Seminar LPPM UMP Tahun 2014 2014: Proceeding Seminar Hasil Penelitian LPPM 2014, 6 September 2014
Publisher : Proceeding Seminar LPPM UMP Tahun 2014

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Ubikayu merupakan tanaman rakyat yang dapat dikatakan makanan pokok selain nasi oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Bukan hanya bagian umbi saja yang dapat dimanfaatkan atau dikonsumsi, namun daun, kulit dan batangnya pun dapat dimanfaatkan. Potensi dari tanaman singkong ini sangat beraneka ragam dan yang pasti kaya akan manfaat. Bila digunakan sebagai penganan dapat diolah menjadi keripik, kudapan, sayuran, tape, cake, puding, roti atau berbagai hidangan lezat lainnya. Berbagai aspek perlu diperhatikan dalam upaya mengembangkan agroindustri berbasis pangan lokal. Ketersediaan bahan baku yang merupakan sumberdaya lokal merupakan faktor utama. Faktor lain yang perlu dipertimbangkan adalah teknologi pengolahan, sumberdaya manusia, pasar, dan kebijakan pemerintah.                 Kata Kunci : Diversifikasi, olahan, ubikayu 
Perubahan Perilaku Anggota Kelompok Pemuda Tani Mlethek Srengenge Pada Adopsi Teknologi Modifikasi Produk Tourism Souvenir Goods Olahan Limbah Kelapa Dumasari, Mrs.; Budiningsih, Sulistyani; Utami, Pujiati
Proceeding Seminar LPPM UMP Tahun 2014 2014: Proceeding Seminar Nasional LPPM 2014, 20 Desember 2014
Publisher : Proceeding Seminar LPPM UMP Tahun 2014

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Tujuan dari tulisan ini ialah mengkaji perubahan perilaku anggota Kelompok Pemuda Tani Mlethek Srengenge pada proses adopsi teknologi modifikasi produk tourism souvenir goods olahan limbah kelapa.  Lokasi kegiatan ditetapkan secara sengaja di Desa Tinggar Jaya, Kecamatan Jatilawang, Kabupaten Banyumas, Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Metode pendekatan yang dimanfaatkan adalah diskusi terfokus, pelatihan dan demostrasi cara. Mitra yang menjadi khalayak sasaran strategis yakni delapan orang anggota Kelompok Pemuda Tani Mlethek Srengenge. Waktu kegiatan berlangsung mulai Maret sampai November 2014.  Berdasarkan hasil analisis terhadap evaluasi antara pre test dengan post test diketahui bahwa terjadi perubahan perilaku pada kesemua anggota kelompok mitra dalam proses adopsi teknologi modifikasi produk tourism souvenir goods berbahan ragam limbah kelapa. Perubahan perilaku tersebut berlangsung baik pada domain afektif, kognitif maupun psikomotorik. Tingkat perubahan yang paling dominan ditemukan pada domain kognitif.   Meskipun demikian, perubahan perilaku yang dialami kesemua anggota khalayak sasaran strategis perlu terus mendapat pendampingan intensif khususnya untuk mencapai kemandirian dalam pengelolaan usaha mikro tourism souvenir goods olahan limbah kelapa.  Kata Kunci: perubahan perilaku, adopsi, teknologi modifikasi produk, tourism souvenir goods dan limbah kelapa
Intensitas Fungsi Modal Sosial untuk Penguatan Posisi Tawar Pengrajin dalam Pemasaran Souvenir Olahan Limbah Kelapa . Dumasari; Sulistyani Budiningsih; Wayan Darmawan; Imam Santosa
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 24 No. 3 (2019): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (370.48 KB) | DOI: 10.18343/jipi.24.3.227


A weak bargaining position in product marketing is a serious problem for farmers including those who diversify their livelihood patterns as souvenir craftsmen. Collector traders and retailers are dominant to set prices for souvenirs. Souvenir craftsmen surrender to accept any price level determination. As a consequence, souvenir craftsmen in the villages of Baturaden and Purbalingga Wetan have difficulties in earning profits from micro-souvenir businesses. The results of this study found that a solution to overcome the problem of the weak bargaining position of craftsmen in marketing souvenir products is through the use of a social-capital creation approach. The intensity of network functions of cooperation, mutual trust, values, and norms have different values in each bargaining position activity. Price domination by collectors and retailers is not only due to the dilemma of patron-client relationships. The qualities of souvenir products that are still not qualified turned out to be the cause of the weak bargaining position of craftsmen. The creation of social capital has a real function to strengthen the bargaining position of craftsmen in marketing souvenirs. The intensity of the function of social capital needs to be increased through the development of product quality, bargaining courage, and the ability to make price decisions in an agreement.
STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN WIRAUSAHA GULA KELAPA DI PERDESAAN Sulistyani Budiningsih; Tri Septin Muji Rahayu; Rina Mudjiyanti
Agritech: Jurnal Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto Vol 19, No 2 (2017): AGRITECH
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/agritech.v19i2.2503


The purpose of this research is 1) to identify the economic and non economic problems (technical and managerial) which become the constraint of local coconut sugar producer with local wisdom in Kasegeran Village, Cilongok District, 2) To find the strategy of coconut sugar entrepreneurs development in Kasegeran Village, Cilongok DistrictThe research method is conducted by survey which take sample from population and use questioner as data collecting tool (Singarimbun, 2008). Research activities in the form of descriptive research quantitative and qualitative, that aims to find facts with interviewing techniques, observation and documentation . Research location in the Village District Kasegeran Cilongok Banyumas regulated purposively (Purposive Sampling) based on the potential of local resources and the existence of entrepreneur entrepreneurs processed palm into coconut sugar superior products. the sample of research was deliberately determined by 20 sugarcane craftsmen. The formulation of coconut sugar coconut development strategy was analyzed through SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats).Results shows that the strategy that needs to be applied in the form of Aggressive Strategy. From the SWOT matric can be known the strategy of coconut sugar entrepreneurs as follows : experience and entrepreneurial spirit of entrepreneur who owned and supported the potential of local resources as a force in realizing coconut sugar production goes continuously. Increased coconut production potential increase tends to increase especially the existence of partnership relationship between coconut business entrepreneur and business opportunity is still wide open and continuous development from government and related institution
Agritech: Jurnal Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto Vol 18, No 1 (2016): AGRITECH
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/agritech.v18i1.1732


This research was conducted in Pabuaran village, Salem Sub-district, Brebes regency. This research aims were to describe adoption level and factor sthat affected farmer’s adoption system of pair rowson Sekar Arum farmers using method of descriptive case study. The dataof this research were primary and secondary data. The technique of sampling used census technique that was the members of Sekar Arum farmers that contained 35 farmers.The result of this research concludes that theage of respondents are in productive age with loweducation level. Most of the farmers are in low education level and owns narrow rice field that is less than 0,5 ha. The result of descriptive quantitative analysis through Likert scoring showed that the adoption level of pair rowson rice farming that is categoraed in high level is17,l % or 6 farmers, in medium category is 80% or 28 farmers and in low category is 2,9% or a farmer. The result of logistic analysis through SPSS for Windows Realese 22,00 on signifacance level of SYo shows that the level of education variable significantly affectstowards the adoption level of pair rows cultivation system. Yet, the other variebles do not significantly affect as the significance level is bigger than the real significance that is 0,05.
Agritech: Jurnal Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto Vol 19, No 2 (2017): AGRITECH
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/agritech.v19i2.2505


This research aims to find out the characteristics of (Brown Sugar) producers, the processing of water coconut sap until it is certified with Control Union, and the developmental strategies of brown sugar entrepreneurship in Wadaslintang Sub-district of Wonosobo. The data were collected through observation, interview, documentation and were analysed using qualitative descriptive technique. A qualitative approach was used to determine the characteristics of brown sugar producers in Wadaslintang Sub-district and to analyse the entrepreneurial condition of brown sugar farmers/producers. Developmental patterns of brown sugar entrepreneurship was analysed through SWOT technique (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). The research result indicated that: first, the characteristics of brown sugar producers in Wadaslintang Sub-district (including age, education level, and duration of running brown sugar entrepreneurship) belong to adequate category for developing brown sugar entrepreneurship. Second, brown sugar in Wadaslintang Sub-district is still processed traditionally. However, the production can get into the export market. Third, the developmental strategies of brown sugar entrepreneurship include expanding the target, maintaining and improving the quality of gula semut production, improving promotion to people and maintaining the good relation with the customers.
Agritech: Jurnal Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto Vol 18, No 2 (2016): AGRITECH
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/agritech.v18i2.1746


The study aimed to determine the profitability of red chili farming (Capsicum annuum) in Gombong village, Belik District, Pemalang. The study applied purposive sampling method on 60 samples of red chili farmers. The results showed that the cost of farm production of red chili in Gombong village, Belik District, Pemalang regency was divided into two: the fixed costs and variable costs. The average of fixed cost in farming red chili was Rp.2.546.049,325/Ut/Mt, while the average variable cost was Rp.23.916.678/Ut/Mt. Thus, the average total cost of production in the farming red chili was Rp.26.462.727,325/Ut/Mt, then the production costs per kg spent by the farmer in the village of red chili farming Gombong, Belik District, Pemalang regency was Rp.11.132,825/kg. Profitability is the ability of a company to generate (profit) on thelevel of sales, assets, and a specific share capital. In the study, red chili farming in Gombong village, Belik District, Pemalang obtained 14,547 % profits.
Agritech: Jurnal Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto Vol 18, No 1 (2016): AGRITECH
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/agritech.v18i1.1737


Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perkembangan dan teknologi agroindustri gula kelapa, proses pembentukan hubungan kemitraan agroindustri gula kelapa, dan pola kemitraan agroindustri gula kelapa di Desa Bantar, Kecamatan Wanareja, KabupatenCilacap. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Bantar, Kecamatan Wanareja, Kabupaten Cilacap selama lima bulan. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dan diperoleh 25 orangpengrajin gula kelapa. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa terjadi hubungan pola kemitraan antara pengrajin dengan pemilik pohon kelapa yaitu dengan adanya sistem sewa pohon kelapa yang dilakukan antara kedua belah pihak yang dilakukan dengan sistem kepercayaan dankekeluargaan. Pola kemitraan antar sesama pengrajin gula kelapa kaitannya dalam hal penyediaan bahan baku, informasi harga jual dan beli ditingkat pedagang pengepul dan perkembangan teknologi. Pola kemitraan antara pengrajin dengan pedagang pengepulkaitannya dalam hal jual beli hasil produksi dan peminjaman modal. Pola kemitraan yang terjadi antar sesama pedagang pengepul biasanya hanya sebatas tukar informasi harga beli dan jual produk gula kelapa dan informasi pengrajin gula kelapa.
Agritech: Jurnal Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto Vol 20, No 2 (2018): AGRITECH
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (536.332 KB) | DOI: 10.30595/agritech.v20i2.3989


Tujuan penelitian adalah (1) Menganalisis faktor - faktor internal dan eksternal bagi kelembagaan Koperasi Nira Satria di Kecamatan Cilongok Kabupaten Banyumas, (2) Merumuskan model strategi Koperasi Nira Satria dalam mendukung agroindustri  gula kristal skala rumah tangga di Kecamatan Cilongok Kabupaten Banyumas. Penelitian berupa penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang dilakukan melalui kegiatan observasi dan wawancara secara mendalam dengan informan kunci yang dianggap mengetahui secara detail tentang faktor internal dan eksternal bagi kelembagaan Koperasi Nira Satria, selain itu guna mendapatkan informasi yang akurat dilakukan FGD (Focus Discusion Group). Lokasi penelitian ditetapkan secara sengaja (Purposive Sampling) di Kecamatan Cilongok. Sampel penelitian  mencakup responden pengrajin gula kristal sekaligus anggota koperasi sejumlah 20 pengrajin dan informan kunci meliputi Manager, Ketua dan Pengurus Koperasi Nira Satria ditambah PPL. Jenis data berupa data primer dan sekunder.  Selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif sederhana.     Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil evaluasi faktor – faktor  internal menunjukkan nilai skor untuk kekuatan (Strengths) sebesar 1,925 dan skor kelemahan (Weaknesses) sebesar 0,805.  Dengan demikian  nilai skor pada sumbu horisontal (sumbu X) adalah : 1,925 – 0,805 = 1,120.  Sementara faktor eksternal skor untuk peluang (Opportunities) sebesar 1,620 dan jumlah skor untuk ancaman (Threaths) sebesar 0,533. Nilai skor  sumbu vertikal (sumbu Y) adalah sebesar 1,620 – 0,533 = 1,087. Dengan demikian strategi kelembagaan Koperasi Nira Satria pengajin gula kristal di Kecamatan Cilongok berada pada posisi kuadran I, sebagai Strategi Agresif yaitu strategi pengembangan kelembagaan Koperasi Nira Satria pengrajin gula kristal dilakukan dengan cara memaksimalkan potensi atau kekuatan yang dimiliki guna meraih peluang secara optimal yang dilakukan  dengan menciptakan hubungan yang kondusif, demokratis dan kekeluargaan antara pengrajin, manager beserta  pengurus koperasi guna mendukung  peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas produk gula kristal sehingga dapat memenuhi permintaan  pasar nasional dan internasional secara kontinue (S3,4 ; O1,2,3). Memaksimalkan semua unit usaha yang dikelola Koperasi Nira Satria supaya dapat berkembang pesat  dengan memanfaatkan teknologi SIM (S5 ; O6)
RANTAI NILAI BERAS IR64 DI KECAMATAN WANAREJA KABUPATEN CILACAP Mahfud Hidayat; Pujiharto Pujiharto; Sulistyani Budiningsih
Agritech: Jurnal Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto Vol 19, No 2 (2017): AGRITECH
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/agritech.v19i2.2518


This research aimed to describe the supply chain of IR64 Rice Variety, to analyze the supply chain management of IR64 Rice Variety, and to analyze the value chain of the rice variety in Wanareja Sub-District of Cilacap Regency. The research method used was survey with non-random Purposive Sampling technique. The number of respondents were 15 farmers, 5 retailers, 5 merchant collectors and 5 wholesalers of IR64 rice variety. The research was conducted for six months, starting from July 2017 until January 2018.The results showed that the commerce agents of IR64 rice variety trading in Wanareja sub-district were farmers, merchant collectors, wholesalers and retailers. The chamber of commerce is divided into three types: the first channels, the second channels and the third channels. The function of supply chain of IR64 rice variety included role of the trading agents like IR64 rice variety farmers who run a role as merchantmen in the process of producing and selling IR64 rice variety. Meanwhile merchant collectors, wholesalers and retailers run their roles in storaging, purchasing and selling the rice variety. The farmer's marketing efficiency was 18% and the added value was IDR 10.486.100, for one harvest season. While the merchant collector's marketing efficiency was 95.56%, marketing margin was IDR 24 per kg of rice and distribution of marketing margin was 97.42%. The wholesalers' marketing efficiency was 94.54%, marketing margin was IDR 120, - per kg of rice and distribution of marketing margin is 98.70%. The retailer's marketing efficiency is 94.92%, marketing margin IDR 420, - per kg of rice and 95.78% marketing margin distribution. The value added of merchant collectors, wholesalers and retailers were IDR 1.402.000, -; IDR 4.840.400, - and IDR 938.000, -. The analysis of value chain of IR64 rice variety in Wanareja Sub-district of Cilacap Regency showed that value of marketing efficiency, marketing margin, marketing distribution and value added obtained by farmers, merchant collectors, wholesalers and retailers were efficient and profitable.