Surya Dharma
Bagian Farmakologi & Farmasi Klinis Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Andalas, Padang

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Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Daun Sirih Merah (Piper crocatum) Terhadap Kadar LDL Darah Mencit Surya Dharma; Fitrini Fitrini; Zulkarni Zulkarni
Majalah Farmasetika Vol. 4, Supl. 1, Tahun 2019
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/mfarmasetika.v4i0.25835


Daun sirih merah (Piper crocatum) mengandung senyawa  yang salah satunya flavonoid, dimana besar peranannya sebagai anti oksidan dalam pembuluh darah di jantung dan otak. Antioksidan diasumsikan dapat menghambat peradangan yang disebabkan oleh tingginya kadar LDL  dalam pembuluh darah. LDL merupakan lemak jenuh yang bersifat radikal bebas yang dapat menimbulkan peradangan pada pembuluh darah. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan agar kandungan senyawa flavonoid ini mampu mengantisipasi pembentukan radang di dalam pembuluh darah, sehingga aterosklerosis dan trombosis dapat dicegah. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan optimalisasi kadar LDL dalam darah dengan cara pemberian kuning telur puyuh. Hewan uji terdiri atas 5 kelompok setiap kelompok terdiri dari 6 ekor mencit. Kelompok 1 merupakan kelompok yang hanya diberikan makanan standar, CMC dan air. Kelompok 2 adalah kelompok yang diberikan kuning telur selama 14 hari. Kelompok 3,4 dan 5 diberikan variasi dosis ekstrak sirih merah secara berurutan (200, 280 dan 400 mg/kg BB). Penelitian dilakukan selama 21 hari, diamati pada hari ke 7, 14 dan 21. Kadar LDL diukur menggunakan alat Lipid Pro. Setelah dihitung diperoleh data bahwa pemberian dosis 400 mg/kg BB pada pengamatan hari ke 14 dan 21, merupakan dosis yang mampu menurunkan kadar LDL darah secara maksimal (p<0,05) baik berdasarkan hasil data yang diperoleh maupun dihitung dalam bentuk persentase. Efek dalam bentuk persentase, dibandingkan dengan kontrol positif disetiap waktu pengamatan yang sama. Pemberian ekstrak daun sirih merah dosis 400 mg/kgBB pada hari ke 14 dan 21, mampu menurunkan kadar LDL dengan maksimal (p<0.05) pada mencit putih sebagai hewan uji.
Uji Efek Ekstrak Etanol Daun Sirsak (Annona muricata L.) terhadap Aterosklerosis Arteri Koroner Burung Puyuh Jantan Zet Rizal; Surya Dharma; Rusmayanti Rusmayanti
Jurnal Farmasi Higea Vol 7, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : STIFARM Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (399.962 KB) | DOI: 10.52689/higea.v7i1.118


Has been research about influence of ethanol extract of leaves of soursop (Annona muricata L.) on the formation of coronary artery atherosclerosis of male quail induced  high fat feeding and propylthiourasil. Male quail were divided into five groups , each group getting treatment. Negative controls given standard diet, a positive control was given high fat feeding and propylthiouracil, doses of 50, 100, 200 mg / kg BW ethanol extract administered orally soursop leaves. The treatment is done for 60 day, then take heart, be making preparations histopathology and staining haematoxyllin-eosin. The results showed that the ethanol extract of leaves of soursop dose  50 mg / kg BW selective in preventing atherosclerosis in male quail, when compared with the positive control ( P < 0.05 ). While the administration at a dose of 100 and 200 mg / kg showed no selective in preventing atherosclerosis in male quail, when compared with the positive control .
Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Kelopak Bunga Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa, L) Terhadap Kadar LDL Pada Mencit Putih Betina Surya Dharma; Erdinal Erdinal; Zet Rizal
Jurnal Farmasi Higea Vol 2, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : STIFARM Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (299.753 KB) | DOI: 10.52689/higea.v2i2.15


Research on the effect of roselle calyx ethanol extract (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn) on  the levels of LDL female white mice have been done. The extract was administered orally with a variety doses 500, 700 and 1000 mg /kg bw once daily for 7, 14 and 21 days.  as a negative control group using white female mice were given standard diet, while the positive control were given  atherogenic cocktail as induction . The results showed that the ethanol extract of roselle calyx apparently have a significant effect on levels of LDL blood cholesterol of female white mice. dose of 28 mg/20 g bw showed reduced blood levels of LDL cholesterol better than a dose of 14 mg/20g bw  and 19.6/20g bw. Based on further test duncan, reduced levels of LDL cholesterol on day 21 showed excellent results compared to most day 7th and 14th.
Pengaruh Pemberian Fraksi Ekstrak Etanol Kelopak Bunga Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) Terhadap Volume Urin Tikus Putih Jantan Surya Dharma; Desis Rena; Zet Rizal
Jurnal Farmasi Higea Vol 5, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : STIFARM Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (452.971 KB) | DOI: 10.52689/higea.v5i1.74


Research on the effect of giving the fraction of ethanolic extracts of roselle calyx  (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) to male white rats urine volume has been done, the  fraction was given orally at a dose of n-hexane fraction of 95 mg/g BW, the fraction of ethyl acetate 145 mg/g BW and the fraction of the remaining 350 mg/g BW once a days for 7, 14 and 21. Result shows that the fraction of n-hexane giving 95 mg/g BW, fraction ethyl acetate of  145 mg/g BW, and the remaining fraction of 3450 mg/kg BW roselle calyx  (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) can effect urine volume increased male white rats. Duration of the three fractions on days 7, 14 and 21 show a not significant increase in urine volume (P<0.05).
Pengaruh Pemberian Jus Wortel (Daucus carota, Linn) Terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah Mencit Putih Betina Surya Dharma; Hendra Saputra; Netty Suharti
Jurnal Farmasi Higea Vol 3, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : STIFARM Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (209.244 KB) | DOI: 10.52689/higea.v3i1.42


Research on the effect of carrot juice (Daucus carota, Linn) on blood glucose levels of female white mice have been  done. These experiments use advantage glucose meter (Roche) to measure the glucose blood level  with the enzymatic method. The treatment carried out for 21 days with observation time at day 7, 14 and 21. carrot juice given Doses is 0.52; 1.04, and 2.08 g/20g bw. The results showed that administration of carrot juice at all dose groups can lower blood glucose levels of mice was significantly (P, 0.05) After giving 3 mg/20 g bw alloxan and glucose 195 mg/20 g bw.
Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Daun Tapak Liman (Elephantopus scaber L.) Terhadap Kadar LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) Darah Mencit Putih Jantan Surya Dharma; Elfia Nasri; Zet Rizal
Jurnal Farmasi Higea Vol 4, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : STIFARM Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.321 KB) | DOI: 10.52689/higea.v4i1.56


It has been done research about effect of Elephantopus scaber L. leaves’s aethanolic extract on the levels of blood LDL in white male mice. The extract was given orally at the dose of 100, 300 and 900 mg/kg BB once a day for 7, 14 and 21 days. The animals were divided into 5 groups, group I  as negative control which was given only the standar food, group II as positive control wich was induced by high fat diet, as for the group III, IV, and V has been given the standar food with fat diet  and the Elephantopus scaber L. leaves’s aethanolic extract in the dose varied as mentioned before. In the day of 7th, 14th and 21st, the level of blood LDL was examined for all of the group. The result shows that Elephantopus scaber L. leaves’s aethanolic extract reduce the LDL blood level significantly compare to the positive control (p<0,05) for 14 and 21 days of administration.
Efek Analgetik Ekstrak Etanol Daun Tapak Liman (Elephantopus scaber L.) Pada Mencit Putih Jantan Surya Dharma; Adirman Adirman; Elisma Elisma
Jurnal Farmasi Higea Vol 5, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : STIFARM Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (764.119 KB) | DOI: 10.52689/higea.v5i1.79


Study about the analgesic effect of aethanolic extract of tapak liman leaf (Elephantopus scaber L) of white mice mice induced acetat acid 1% has been done. Extract was administered orally of variation dose 100, 300 and 900 mg/bw once daily until 7, 14 and 21 day. Results showed that giving of aethanolic extract of tapak liman leaf could decreased amount of stretching significantly.
Pengaruh Pemberian Campuran Jahe Merah, Bawang Putih, Cuka Anggur Dan Madu Terhadap Kadar Kolesterol Total Dan Histopatologis Pembuluh Darah Aorta Jantung Tikus Putih Jantan Rahimatul Uthia; Surya Dharma; Friska Mulya Dewita
Jurnal Farmasi Higea Vol 8, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : STIFARM Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (679.911 KB) | DOI: 10.52689/higea.v8i2.147


Study of the effect of red ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe), garlic (Allium sativum L.), wine vinegar, and honey have been carried out on total cholesterol levels by using the tool Easy Touch GCHb and histopathological tests on male rats. The assortment of were given orally for 28 days with a dose of red ginger 0.162 g/kg BB, garlic 0,09 g/kg BB, wine vinegar 0.27 g/kg BB, and the honey of 1.8 g/kg BB. The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by Duncan test. The results showed a decrease in total cholesterol levels and may improve lumen area and lower scores damage to the blood vessels were significant (P <0.05), which means the provision of a assortment of red ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe), garlic (Allium sativum L.), wine vinegar and honey can lower total cholesterol and improve lumen area and lower scores damage to the blood vessels.
Pengaruh Pemberian Kombinasi Jahe Merah, Bawang Putih, Apel, Lemon Dan Madu Terhadap Kadar Kolesterol Total Dan Histopatologis Pembuluh Darah Aorta Jantung Tikus Putih Jantan Ifora Ifora; Surya Dharma; Diken Maywidia Darma
Jurnal Farmasi Higea Vol 8, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : STIFARM Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (675.743 KB) | DOI: 10.52689/higea.v8i2.148


Study of the effect of red ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe), garlic (Allium sativum L.), apple (Malus domestica Borkh.), Lemon (Citrus limon (L.) Osbeck and honey have been carried out on total cholesterol levels by using the tool Easy Touch GCHb and histopathologic examination aorta in male rats.The combination dosage were given orally for 28 days with a dose of red ginger 0.162 g / 200 g, garlic 0.09 g / 200 g, apples 1.8 g / 200 g, lemon 50 mL / 200 g, and the honey of 1.8 g/ 200 g. The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by Duncan test.The results showed a decrease in total cholesterol levels may affect  histopathologic aorta is extensive aortic lumen of blood vessels and blood vessel damage scores were significant (P <0.05), which means the provision of a combination of red ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe), garlic (Allium sativum L.), apple (Malus domestica Borkh.), lemon (Citrus limon (L.) Osbeck and honey can lower total cholesterol and improve lumen area and lower scores damage to the blood vessels.
Uji Efek Antiinflamasi Ekstrak Etanol Rimpang Jahe (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) pada Tikus Putih Jantan Surya Dharma; Eka Santi Adelinda; Netty Suharti
Jurnal Farmasi Higea Vol 1, No 2 (2009)
Publisher : STIFARM Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (116.277 KB) | DOI: 10.52689/higea.v1i2.22


Effect of antiinflamantory extract ginger rhizome ethanol has been observed on white male mice. Extract is given buccally with dose 30, 100, 300 mg/kg BB, while preparation is becoming with dose 360 mg/kg BB. Parameter antiinflamantory observed with calculating ability of extract and preparation thus ginger lessens or depress degree of oedema during certain. Level of oedema volume happened is measured by means of pletisnometer. The result of research indicates that ginger ethanol extract at dose 30, 100, 300 mg/kg BB and preparation thus ginger with dose 360 mg/kg BB gives effect antiinflamantory. Highest effect given by ginger extract with dose 300 mg/kg BB with inhibition percentage happened at to 6 at day ke-10 that is 84%. And result of statistician examination in analysis variansi ( ANOVA) to oedema volume after giving of ethanol extract and preparation became ginger to give effect antiinflamantory which real is different if it is compared to control.