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Counseling Services In Handling Problems Faced By Street Children In Rumah Alif Community Foundation In Jakarta Bustan, Radhiya; Mailani, Liana; Mukti, Yuliana
KONSELING RELIGI Vol 11, No 1 (2020): Juni 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/kr.v11i1.6897


Nowadays the problems faced by street children are quite numerous. It is necessary for cooperation by various parties in helping their problems. One of the communities that embraces street children in Slipi area Jakarta is Alif House Community. Problems they face are due to parents or environmental factors such as economic problems which lead adolescents after returning from school help parents to work, feel ignored by both parents and friends, as often bullied either verbally or physically, that make them difficult to be confident and hard to trust others. Many behavioral or psychological impacts, include: trauma, sad, upset feeling unlucky, lonely, less motivated, being quiet, feeling neglected and being a teenager who tends to be closed with both parents and the environment. Therefore, community service activities are carried out in the form of individual and group counseling to 25 people in the Alif Community to help them solve their problem. Individual counseling uses cognitive behavioral counseling. Group counseling is carried out by interview methods, group discussions, brainstorming, watching the short film "Where is Dad's Promise" participants are invited to discuss any insights that can be obtained from the story. 
KONSELING RELIGI Vol 12, No 1 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/kr.v12i1.9534


The problems faced by street kids are quite numerous and varied. Such as living in inappropriate places, poor family income, unmet living needs, and lack of relationship with parents. Most of their parents do not have a proper educational background, so in educating children they still use patterns of violence without considering the psychological effects on the child. The problems faced by street children cannot be separated from the influence of their parents, so need to involve their parents as the main educators. The purpose of this study is to apply a Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) approach to provide understanding to parents of street children at the Rumah Alif Community Foundation in educating and building good relationships with children. SFBT is carried out with an individual approach and strengthened with group counseling. This approach is appropriate because SFBT only takes less time and resources for treatment. Through a qualitative research approach with an interview and observation methods, results described that SFBT can help parents to understand their child's problems, find various alternative solutions and pay attention to the child's psychological side. The relationship between parents and children becomes better so that children become open to their parents.
Development of a Learning Device Information System for Kindergartens Rohita Rohita; Nila Fitria; Dody Haryadi; Radhiya Bustan
Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 6, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/obsesi.v6i3.1378


This study aimed to develop a learning device information system, abbreviated as SIPP, as a way of compiling multiple learning devices that include weekly learning implementation plans (RPPM), daily learning implementation plans (RPPH), and learning assessments. The system was built using unified modelling language (UML). After the system was tested at 15 kindergarten institutions in South Jakarta and Tangerang City, the data collected showed that out of 15 teachers, 88% stated that SIPP was very helpful in compiling RPPM and RPPH, as well as conducting assessments and filling out report cards. Additionally, of 15 school principals, 80% strongly agreed that SIPP can help conduct classroom management and monitor and evaluate teachers’ teaching preparations. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the learning device information system developed can help teachers prepare lesson plans in kindergarten, as well as help school principals monitor teacher performance related to the preparation of lesson plans.
Teacher's Understanding of the Scientific Approach in the 2013 Curriculum for Early Childhood Education Rohita Rohita; Nila Fitria; Radhiya Bustan; Dody Haryadi
Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/obsesi.v2i2.105


The purpose of this study was to determine the teacher's understanding of the scientific approach in the 2013 PAUD curriculum. The method used is a survey with data collection techniques using a questionnaire. Respondents were 100 teachers from 100 TK in 5 DKI Jakarta regions. The conclusion of this study is that the understanding of the kindergarten teacher about the 2013 curriculum of PAUD is in the category of meaningful interpreting not only the transfer of meaning from one language into another language but also from an abstract conception to become a model, namely a symbolic model to make it easier for people to learn, in terms it is easy to learn concept of the scientific approach which includes 5 scientific steps, namely observing, asking, gsthering information, reasoning, and communocating, so that it will be easy to learn and apply in the learning process which is characterized by 61% of respondents able to explain the scientific approach, and 7.14% of respondents able describe the scientific approach to RPPH correctly
Hubungan Sikap Terhadap Seksual Pranikah dengan Tingkat Penilaian Moral Mahasiswa Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia Eny Suwarni; Radhiya Bustan
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (500.564 KB) | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v4i2.267


Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran hubungan antara sikap terhadap seksual pranikah dengan tingkat penilaian moral mahasiswa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah korelasional, dengan subjek penelitian 50 orang mahasiswa UAI yang diambil secara accidental sampling. Alat ukur penelitian menggunakan model dari Likert, dan data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan Pearson’s correlation. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara sikap terhadap seksual pranikah dengan tingkat penilaian moral pada mahasiswa dengan nilai r  .072. Tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara sikap terhadap seksual pranikah dengan tingkat penilaian moral prakonvensional dengan r .115. Tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara sikap terhadap seksual pranikah dengan tingkat penilaian moral konvensional dengan r .053. Tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara sikap terhadap seksual pranikah dengan tingkat penilaian moral pascakonvensional dengan r -.072. Tetapi hasil perbedaan mean dari variabel sikap terhadap seksual pranikah, pada aspek kognitif sebesar 92.96. aspek afektif 81.32. dan aspek konatif 61.68. Artinya  unsur kognitif atau pemikiran lebih dominan ketika mereka diminta untuk bersikap terhadap seksual pranikah. Tingkat penilaian moral mahasiswa lebih tinggi pada tahap konvensional (35.34) dibandingkan dengan tahap prakonvensional (22.24) dan pasca konvensional (12). Artinya mahasiswa dapat menginternalisasi standar dari figur otoritas, mereka peduli dan dapat mempertahankan aturan sosial jika dihadapkan pada penilaian moral terhadap seksual pranikah. Saran yang dapat diberikan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa perlu lebih banyak diajak diskusi dan menalar untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan bagaimana bersikap terhadap seksual pranikah, agar mereka dapat menegakkan aturan agama, aturan hukum dan aturan sosial disaat mereka menjalin hubungan dengan lawan jenis. Pihak universitas maupun orang tua dapat membuat program bersama yang dapat menstimulasi penilaian moral mahasiswa dengan memberikan perhatian yang lebih tentang bagaimana seharusnya mahasiswa menilai sikap terhadap seksual pranikah. Aturan yang diterapkan dikampus, perlu diterapkan juga di saat mereka berada di rumah agar penilaian moral mereka terhadap sikap pada seksual pranikah menjadi lebih baik dan mengurangi perilaku yang mengarah pada seksual pranikah. Selain itu untuk meningkatkan penilaian moral terhadap seksual pranikah pihak universitas dapat bekerjasama dengan insitusi terkait misalnya BKKBN, dengan membuat program edukasi dikampus tentang bahaya penyimpangan perilaku seksual pranikah Kata Kunci - Sikap terhadap seksual pranikah, Tingkat penilaian moral prakonvensional, Konvensional dan pasca konvensional Abstract - This study aimed to obtain the relationship between attitudes toward premarital sexual with moral assessment level students. This type of research is correlational, with research subjects 50 students of UAI taken by accidental sampling. Measuring instrument studies using models of Likert, and the data were analyzed by Pearson's correlation. The results showed no significant correlation between attitudes toward premarital sexual with the level of moral judgments in students the value of r .072. There is no significant relationship between attitudes toward premarital sexual with the level of pre-conventional moral judgments with r .115. There is no significant relationship between attitudes toward premarital sexual with conventional levels of moral judgment with r .053. There is no significant relationship between attitudes toward premarital sexual level moral judgments post-conventional with r -.072. But the results of the mean difference of the variable attitudes toward premarital sex, on cognitive aspects of 92.96. 81.32 affective aspects. and conative aspects 61.68. That is an element of cognitive or thinking more dominant when they are asked to act against premarital sex. The level of moral judgments of students was higher in conventional stage (35.34) compared with prakonvensional stage (22:24) and conventional post (12). This means that students can internalize the standards of authority figures, they care and can maintain social rules when faced with moral judgments against premarital sex. Advice can be given on the results of this study are students need more invited to discuss and make sense to increase the knowledge of how to behave towards sex before marriage, so that they can enforce the rules of religion, rule of law and social rules when they are in a relationship with the opposite sex. The university and parents can create together a program to stimulate the moral assessment of students by providing more attention on how to assess student attitudes toward premarital sexual. Rules are applied campus, need to apply also when they are at home so that their moral assessment of the attitudes on premarital sexual getting better and reduce behaviors that lead to premarital sex. In addition to increasing premarital sexual moral judgments against the university can collaborate with relevant institutions BKKBN for example, by making the campus educational programs about the dangers of premarital sexual deviant behavior Keywords - Attitudes about premarital sexual, Pre-conventional level of moral judgment, Conventional and post-conventional
Pelatihan Kiat Membangun Karakter Anak Radhiya Bustan; Nila Fitria
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (430.932 KB) | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v4i1.250


Abstrak - Dampak negatif dari globalisasi perlu diantisipasi sejak dini. Mulai dari struktur terkecil dalam masyarakat, yaitu keluarga dengan penanaman karakter sejak dini. Perlu kiranya orang tua, guru, maupun anggota masyarakat untuk memahami bagaimana membangun karakter Islami pada anak. Untuk itu, kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini berupa pelatihan dengan tema “Kiat Membangun Karakter Anak” diberikan kepada orangtua dan guru TK Raudhatul Azhar. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada orangtua terkait pendekatan psikologis sesuai masa perkembangan anak, agar orangtua dapat menjalankan perannya dalam menanamkan karakter positif dan Islami pada anak. Karakter dalam Islam disebut juga dengan akhlak. Akhlak termasuk didalamnya adab yang meliputi pembiasaan, keteladanan, dan disiplin. Adapun materi pelatihan yang diberikan untuk orangtua berkaitan dengan “Kiat Membangun Karakter Anak Ditinjau dari Aspek Agama dan Psikologis”, dan materi yang diberikan untuk guru berkaitan dengan “Pembelajaran Moral dan Perilaku Anak Usia Dini”. Hasil pelatihan menggambarkan bahwa pelatihan terkait “Kiat Membangun Karakter Anak” dibutuhkan oleh orangtua, terlihat dari hasil evaluasi bahwa hampir 90% orangtua merasa memperoleh pemahaman terkait membangun karakter anak, walaupun baru sekitar 85% orangtua yang sudah mulai menerapkan materi tersebut. Begitu pula dengan hasil evaluasi yang diperoleh dari guru TK Raudlatul Azhar, bahwa 90% guru TK memperoleh pengetahuan tentang rancangan dan pelaksanaan kurikulum berbasis karakter dari materi pelatihan. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, diperoleh masukan agar pada kegiatan selanjutnya lebih banyak ditambahkan materi praktek dan tugas rumah yang dievaluasi secara berkala. Kata Kunci -  Membangun Karakter Anak, Pendekatan Psikologis, Pembelajaran Moral dan Perilaku Abstract - The negative impact of globalization should be anticipated early. Starting from the smallest structures in society. It would need to parents, teachers, and community members to understand how to build an Islamic character to children. For that, this public service activities such as training on the theme "Ways to Build Character in Early Childhood" are given to the parents and teacher in kindergarten Raudhatul Azhar. Its objective is to provide insight to parents related psychological approaches appropriate future development of the child, so parents can fulfill their role in instilling positive and Islamic character in children. Characters in Islam is also called morals. Morals including adab include habituation, modelling, and discipline. The training materials provided to a parent related to "Ways to Build Character in Early Childhood - Psychological and Religion Aspects". And the material given to the teachers is about "Moral and Behavior Education in Early Childhood". The results illustrate that the training are required by parents, seen from the results of the evaluation that nearly 90% of parents feel gain related knowledge to build the character of children, although only about 85% of parents who have started to apply the material. Similarly, the evaluation results obtained from kindergarten teacher Raudlatul Azhar, that 90% of kindergarten teachers to acquire knowledge about the design and implementation of curriculum-based character of the training materials. Based on these results, obtained input for the next activity focused on material practice and chores are evaluated regularly. Keyword - Building Child Character, Psychological Approach, Moral Learning and Behavior
Pengaruh Ideologi Peran Jender terhadap Pemberian Dukungan kepada Calon Pemimpin Perempuan pada Organisasi Kemahasiswaan Rochimah Imawati; Radhiya Bustan
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (266.279 KB) | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v1i2.41


Jender sering dipahami sebagai karakter yang melekat dalam diri perempuan maupun lak-laki yang dikonstruksi secara sosial maupun kultural. Konstruksi tersebut secara langsung atau tidak menimbulkan harapan yang berbeda terhadap ideal selveslaki-laki dan perempuan. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk melihat bagaimana ideologi peran  jender dalam pemilihan pemimpin perempuan pada organisasi kemahasiswaan (intra kampus) di UAI tahun 2009.AbstractGender was often understood as a character inherent inboth women and men, who socially and culturally constructed. This construction was directly or indirectly leads to different expectations of the ideal selves of male and female. This study  attempted  to discuss how ideology of gender roles in the election of  women leaders  in  student organizations (intra-campus) at UAI, 2009.
Pengaruh Pendidikan Islam terhadap Kecerdasan Spiritual pada Remaja yang Tinggal di Lingkungan Pekerja Seks Komersial (PSK) Tanah Abang Jakarta Pusat Radhiya Bustan; Emmalia Sutiasasmita; Hanifah Arief
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (534.43 KB) | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v2i1.117


Abstrak - Pembentukan kepribadian anak-anak usia muda atau remaja sangat dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan tempat tinggal dimana mereka berada, seperti halnya terjadi pada remaja yang berada/tinggal di lingkungan Pekerja Seks Komersial (PSK), yang telah mempengaruhi pada identitas dirinya, dan kebanyakan telah menjadi pekerjaan turun – temurun dalam keluarga mereka. Terdapat satu kelompok Pengajian Hurin’in dalam lingkungan tersebut, yang berupaya memberikan pencerahan kepada para remaja dengan kegiatan pendidikan Islam, berupa: shalat, puasa, membaca al-Qur’an dan fiqih. Dan untuk mengetahui pendidikan Islam tersebut berpengaruh terhadap kecerdasan spiritual peserta didiknya, yang mencakup: makna, nilai, transenden, hubungan dan menjadi, maka dilakukan penelitian dari kegiatan pendidikan Islam, yang difokuskan pada tiga unsur: akidah (iman), ibadah (Islam), dan akhlak (ihsan), dengan menggunakan metode penelitian terhadap remaja santrinya dengan instrumen skala likert dari hasil angket sebagai tehnik pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa pendidikan Islam yang dilakukan selama ini di Pengajian Hurin’in berpengaruh terhadap kecerdasan spiritual pada remaja santri yang tinggal di lingkungan PSK, dengan hasil 45,3% merupakan variabel kecerdasan spiritual. Dan kesimpulan berdasarkan seluruh analisis data yang dilakukan, menunjukkan bahwa seluruh aspek kecerdasan spiritual telah dapat dipahami oleh remaja peserta didik dan selanjutnya disarankan untuk dapat mempertimbangkan variabel lainnya, seperti pengaruh kepedulian sosial dan pola asuh orang tua. Abstract - Formation of personality of young children or adolescents is influenced by the neighborhood where they are lived, as well as in adolescents who are / living in the Commercial Sex Workers (CSW), which has affected their identity, and most have been doing the job for generations in their family. There is one group called Pengajian Hurin'in in that neighborhood, which seeks to enlighten the youth with Islamic educational activities, such as: prayer, fasting, reading the Qur'an and fiqh. And to foud out if the Islamic education affects the spiritual intelligence of the students, which include: meaning, value, transcendence, and the becoming, a research of Islamic educational activities, which focused on three elements: Aqeedah (faith), prayer (Islam), and morals (ihsan), was conducted on the adolescent students using the method of research Likert scale instrument from the questionnaires as data collection techniques. The results showed that Islamic education is done so far in Pengajian Hurin'in affect spiritual intelligence in young students living in the neighborhood, with the result of 45.3% variable of spiritual intelligence. The conclusions based on all the data analysis indicates that all aspects of spiritual intelligence has been able to be understood by the young learners and are further advised to consider other variables, such as the influence of social and parental upbringing.
Persepsi Dewasa Awal Mengenai Kursus Pranikah Radhiya Bustan
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (589.034 KB) | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v3i1.199


Abstrak - Pernikahan merupakan salah satu tugas perkembangan dewasa awal. Persiapan pernikahan yang dilakukan oleh pasangan dapat dilakukan melalui kursus pranikah. Kursus pranikah adalah pemberian bekal pemahaman dan pengetahuan tentang kehidupan rumah tangga/keluarga dalam mewujudkan keluarga sakinah, mawaddah warahmah serta mengurangi angka perselisihan, perceraian, dan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat gambaran persepsi dewasa awal tentang kursus pranikah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian survei menggunakan. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif yang melibatkan 30 responden. Penelitian menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan kriteria dewasa awal usia 18 sampai 40 tahun, masa pernikahan kurang dari 10 tahun dan sudah pernah mengikuti kursus pranikah di Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA) sebelum melangsungkan pernikahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dewasa awal memiliki persepsi yang baik terhadap kursus pranikah yang ditunjukkan dengan hasil persepsi terhadap hukum pernikahan memperoleh nilai rata-rata 3,50, dimensi mengenai mekanisme dan prosedur pencatatan perkawinan serta dimensi merawat cinta kasih memperoleh nilai rata-rata 3,37. Berikutnya dimensi penanaman nilai keimanan, ketaqwaan serta akhlaqul karimah dalam keluarga memperoleh rata-rata 3,32. Dimensi terkait fikih munakahat memperoleh nilai rata-rata 3,27. Serta dimensi pengetahuan umum mengenai kursus pranikah memperoleh rata-rata 3,17. Rata-rata kedua terendah adalah terkait kesehatan reproduksi yang hanya 3,04. Dan hanya satu dimensi yang memperoleh nilai rata-rata dibawah 3 yaitu materi mengenai manajemen konflik, dengan rata-rata 2,97. Saran dari penelitian ini agar kursus pranikah dapat diikuti oleh dewasa awal dalam mempersiapkan pernikahan. Diharapkan Direktur Jenderal Bimbingan Masyarakat Islam dapat terus berkomitmen dalam menetapkan peraturan mengenai kursus pranikah dan menjadikannya sebagai persyaratan untuk melangsungkan pernikahan. Demikian juga bagi Organisasi keagamaan Islam yang telah memiliki akreditasi dari Kementerian Agama, agar terus melaksanakan pelatihan untuk penyelenggara kursus pranikah agar menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang kompeten dalam pelaksanaan kursus tersebut. Bagi peneliti selanjutnya diharapkan untuk memaparkan keefektifan kursus pranikah guna mempersiapkan pernikahan dan mencegah terjadinya perceraian.  Kata Kunci: Persepsi, Kursus Pranikah, Awal Kedewasaan Abstract - Marriage is one of the developmental tasks of early adulthood. Wedding preparations can be done by the pair through a premarital course. Premarital course is giving a better understanding and knowledge of the life of the household / family in realizing harmonious family, mawaddah warahmah as well as reduce the number of disputes, divorce and domestic violence. This study aims to look at the picture of early adult perceptions about premarital course. This research was conducted by a quantitative method with the type of survey research use. Methods of data analysis using descriptive analysis involving 30 respondents. Research using purposive sampling with criteria early adulthood ages 18 to 40 years, a period of less than 10 years of marriage and have completed a course of premarital at the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) before a wedding. The results showed that mature early have a good perception of premarital courses as indicated by the results of the perception of the marriage law to obtain an average value of 3.50, the dimension of the mechanisms and procedures for registration of marriages as well as the dimensions of caring loving obtain an average value of 3.37 , Next dimensions planting values of faith, devotion and akhlaqul karimah in the family receives an average of 3.32. Jurisprudence related dimensions munakahat obtain an average value of 3.27. As well as the dimensions of a general knowledge of the course of premarital gained an average of 3.17. Average of the two lowest-related reproductive health is only 3.04. And only one dimension to obtain an average value below 3 that material on conflict management, with an average of 2.97. Suggestions from this study that the premarital courses can be followed by early adulthood in preparing for the wedding. Expected Director General of Islamic Community Guidance can continue to be committed in setting the rules regarding pre-marital courses and make it a requirement for a wedding. Likewise for the Islamic religious organization that has had accreditation from the Ministry of Religion, in order to continue to carry out training courses for organizers of premarital order to produce competent human resources in the implementation of the course. For further research is expected to explain the effectiveness of premarital courses to prepare for marriage and prevent divorce. Keywords – perception, premarital courses, early adulthood
Motivasi Berjilbab Mahasiswi Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia (UAI) Radhiya Bustan; Abdullah Hakam Shah
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (302.445 KB) | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v2i3.143


Abstrak – Titik tolak penelitian ini adalah untuk menelusuri secara ilmiah motivasi berjilbab mahasiswi UAI –khususnya mereka yang berjilbab setelah masuk UAI, pengetahuan mereka tentang syariat jilbab, dan manfaat yang mereka peroleh. Diharapkan, hasilnya dapat membantu pimpinan dan segenap civitas akademika UAI, serta orang tua mahasiswi dalam membangun pendidikan karakter dan lingkungan keagamaan yang kondusif. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan sejumlah temuan penting, di antaranya: (1) Para mahasiswi UAI yang berjilbab secara garis besar bisa dikategorikan ke dalam dua kelompok: konsisten dan inkonsisten. (2) Konsistensi mereka dalam berjilbab sangat dipengaruhi motivasi intrinsik yang kuat. (3) Mahasiswi UAI yng berjilbab mendapat dukungan dari keluarga, teman-teman kuliah, dan orang terdekatnya. Dan motivasi ekstrinsik ini sangat membantu dalam kasus di mana motivasi intrinsiknya tidak begitu kuat. Abstarct – The main purpose of this research is to explore scientifically the motivation behind wearing hijab among UAI students –particulary those who decide to wear hijab after entering the UAI, their syariah knowledge about the obligation of wearing hijab, and what the benefit is. The result is expected to help the leaders and academic community in the UAI, as well as parents in building character and strengthening religious environment. The study summarizes a number of important findings: (1) Basically, the UAI students can be categorized into two groups; consistent and inconsistent in wearing hijab. (2) Their consistency in wearing hijab briefly influenced by its strong intrinsic motivation. (3) Students who wear hijab get strong support from the family, friends, and people who close to them.  This extrinsic motivation can be very helpful where intrinsic motivation is not strong enough.