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Pelatihan Inovasi Produk Pangan Berbahan Baku Singkong di Kecamatan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat Cahyanto, Tri; Supriyatna, Ateng; Julita, Ucu; Kusumorini, Astuti; Hafsari, Anggita Rahmi; Suryani, Yani; Widiana, Ana; Kinasih, Ida; Salim, Mohamad Agus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7.6 KB) | DOI: 10.26638/jbn.615.8651


Cassava is one of the main local agricultural produced in Lembang sub district, West Java. However, this big potential is still not used optimally because of lack of skill and knowledge of local resident to produce higher economic product made from cassava. Most of resident only use it as raw material to produce traditional foods with relatively low economic value. One of alternative processing of cassava that can enhance higher profit is producing modified cassava flour, best known as mocaf. This training aims to give resident information and skill about mocaf and its process, also offer alternative use of cassava to get higher profit. The target of this training was several housewives joined in Syariah Micro Finance group living in Lembang sub district. This training was held by two sections, the first section was giving general information about mocaf and the second section was demonstrating and practicing how to make mocaf from fresh cassava and some foods made from mocaf. The result shows that audiences gave very good responses to the training. Making mocaf from cassava was new information for them. All audiences were able to practice how to make mocaf successfully. In conclusion,  the processing cassava to mocaf could be an alternative and potential business for local resident in Lembang sub district. Keywords:  cassava, food, mocaf, product, 
Effect of Chlorella vulgaris extract on high sucrose diet-induced diabetes in Drosophila melanogaster Mohamad Agus Salim; Muhammad Subandi; Yeni Yuniarti
Biogenesis: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Vol 9 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Sci and Tech, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/bio.v9i1.18108


Microalgae Chlorella vulgaris is a microscopic green alga known to have potential as a source of food and medicine (functional food). However, the pharmacological capacity of these microalgae species against disease due to metabolic disorders is not understood. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the effect of C. vulgaris extract on animal models of Drosophila melanogaster, which are fed with a high-sucrose diet (HSD). In this study, the wild-type Drosophila used for seven days of observation was divided into four groups. The first group was used as a control without treatment, the second was treated with HSD (30%), the third was treated with C. vulgaris extract (120 g/L), and the fourth group had double treatment (HSD and C. vulgaris extract). Meanwhile, the parameters observed included fecundity, hatchability, hemolymph glucose, and triglyceride levels. The results showed that the C. vulgaris extract was able to reduce the negative effects of administering HSD. In addition, the single and double treatment of C. vulgaris extract and HSD significantly decreased the levels of hemolymph glucose as well as triglycerides of Drosophila. At the same time, the fecundity parameters and hatchability significantly increased compared to Drosophila that received only HSD treatment. Based on these results, C. vulgaris extract the has potential to be used as an antihyperglycemic agent. However, further study is recommended to prove it.
Penggunaan Limbah Cair Tahu untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Biodisel dari Mikroalga Scenedesmus sp Mohamad Agus Salim
JURNAL ISTEK Vol 7, No 1 (2013): ISTEK
Publisher : JURNAL ISTEK

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Penelitian yang dilaksanakan bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian limbah cair tahu terhadap kerapatan sel dan produksi biodisel dari mikroalga Scenedesmus sp. Percobaan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan sepuluh ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari enam konsentrasi limbah cair tahu yaitu 0% (kontrol), 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% dan 50%. Pada puncak populasi, kerapatan sel tertinggi pada perlakuan limbah cair tahu 20% sebanyak 8.996.125 pada hari ketujuh dan kerapatan sel terendah terjadi pada pemberian limbah cair tahu 50% sebanyak 225.367 pada hari ke tigabelas. Berat basah, berat kering dan hasil minyak tertinggi terjadi pada pemberian limbah cair tahu 20% dan terendah pada pemberian limbah cair tahu 50%. Produksi biodisel tertinggi terjadi pada pemberian limbah cair tahu 20% sebanyak 32.33%-berat.
JURNAL ISTEK Vol 6, No 1-2 (2012): ISTEK
Publisher : JURNAL ISTEK

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Anthracnose is a major disease that causes low productivity of red pepper plant in Indonesia. Anthracnose from Colletotrichum genus as the main cause of damage to the red pepper. This study to determine the response of red pepper to the infection of Colletotrichum capsici and C. acutatum. The experiments are conducted using a randomized block design with two factors and two replications. The first factor is the two species of fungi that cause anthracnose disease of C. capsici and C. acutatum whereas the second factor is 18 of genotype number of red pepper. The results showed that the development of C. capsici on red pepper are seen from the average of diameter growth of lesions more rapidly than C acutatum. The red pepper with genotype number 10 is the most resistant and genotype number 12 is the most susceptible to C. capsici infection.. The red pepper with genotype number 16 is the most resistant and genotype number 7 is the most susceptible to C acutatum infection.
PENGARUH CO2 TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN STAURASTRUM sp Mohamad Agus Salim; Yeni Yuniarti; Rizal Maulana Hasby
JURNAL ISTEK Vol 5, No 1-2 (2011): ISTEK
Publisher : JURNAL ISTEK

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh induksi CO2 terhadap pertumbuhan sel mikroalga air tawar Staurastrum sp. Kultur dilakukan dalam skala laboratorium pada tabung Erlenmeyer yang telah berisi Medium Basal Bold (MBB). Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) faktor tunggal yang terdiri dari 3 taraf : induksi karbondioksida (CO2), induksi udara, dan kontrol (tanpa perlakuan). Pertumbuhan sel Staurastrum sp pada perlakuan induksi udara mencapai puncak yang sama dengan kontrol pada hari ke-11, dengan kepadatan selnya 1.063.166 dan pada kontrol 385.833 Pada perlakuan induksi CO2 puncak pertumbuhan ada dua yaitu hari ke-9 dengan kepadatan sel 772.793 dan pada hari ke-13 sebesar 436.888 Laju pertumbuhan kultur sel Staurastrum sp maksimal pada perlakuan induksi CO2 yaitu 1,59 pembelahan sel.hari-1 pada hari ke-6,87, pada perlakuan induksi udara yaitu 1,49 pembelahan sel.hari-1 pada hari ke-7,69, dan pada kontrol yaitu 1,05 pembelahan sel.hari-1 pada hari ke-3,96. Pada akhir pengamatan, pH medium kultur dengan perlakuan induksi CO2 mencapai angka 9,1 pada perlakuan induksi udara 8,3 dan pada kontrol 7,6. Biomassa tertinggi sel Staurastrum sp pada perlakuan induksi CO2 2,4 g.l-1 diikuti perlakuan induksi udara 2,1 g.l-1 dan kontrol 1,6 g.l-1. Kadar klorofil tertinggi dari sel Staurastrum sp pada perlakuan induksi CO2 10,70 mg.l-1 diikuti pada perlakuan induksi udara 10,57 mg.l-1 dan kontrol 7,84 mg.l-1 .
JURNAL ISTEK Vol 9, No 2 (2015): ISTEK
Publisher : JURNAL ISTEK

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Currently microalgae received great attention since it can be used as a source of raw material for biofuel production that promises to be able to replace fossil fuels. Microalgae contain lipids that can be converted into biodiesel as a biofuel. The low content of lipids in microalgae cells is a barrier for producing biodiesel from microalgae cells on a large scale or commercial. Culture techniques microalgae Scenedesmus sp under mixotrophic conditions by providing a source of organic carbon in the form of cassava starch hydrolyzate ( CSH ) is expected to increase biomass and high lipid content. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of CSH that can promote the growth and lipid content of microalgae Scenedesmus sp in culture with mixotrophic conditions. Experiment using a completely randomized design (CRD) with ten replications. Treatment consisted of four concentrations of CSH : 0 ( control ), 5, 10, and 15 gL-1. The results showed cell density and cell growth rate of Scenedesmus sp highest concentration achieved in the treatment of CSH 5 g.L-1, at 1.93 X 106 which occurred on day 9 and 0.43 sel.hari-1 respectively. While the highest biomass concentration achieved in CSH 5 gL-1 at 1.32 gL-1 and the highest lipid content achieved by treatment of CSH concentration of 10 gL-1 of 19.5 %. Sources of organic carbon in the form of CSH is able to increase the biomass and lipid content of cells cultured Scenedesmus sp under mixotrophic conditions.
Pemanfaatan Hidrolisat Talas (Colocasia esculenta L.) pada Kultur Miksotrofik Mikroalga Tetraselmis chui: Pengamatan Pertumbuhan dan Kadar Lipida Mohamad Agus Salim
BIOEDUSAINS:Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi dan Sains Vol 4 No 1 (2021): BIOEDUSAINS:Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi dan Sains
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (589.672 KB) | DOI: 10.31539/bioedusains.v4i1.2117


This study aims to observe the potential use of taro hydrolysate (Colocasia esculenta L.) as a source of complex organic carbon to produce optimum cell density, biomass, lipid and chlorophyll content from T. chui microalgae under myxotrophic conditions. The culture was carried out in a vial containing 400 mL of bold basal medium. Taro hydrolysate is given in five concentrations, namely: 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 g/L. The results showed that T. chui microalgae could grow in myxotrophic conditions with the addition of taro hydrolysate in the concentration range of 5 to 20 g/L. The maximum cell density and dry weight in the addition of 10 g/L taro hydrolysate were 4.23 x 105 cells/ml and 0.57 g/L, respectively. Meanwhile, the maximum fresh weight and lipid content were achieved at the addition of 15 g/L taro hydrolysate, namely 4.85 g/L and 67.4%. Chlorophyll content decreased with increasing concentration of taro hydrolysate. In conclusion, the use of taro hydrolysate can increase cell density, fresh weight and dry weight, lipid content and decrease the chlorophyll content of T.chui microalgae in myxotrophic culture. Keywords: Taro Hydrolysate, Lipid, Mixotrophic, Growth, Tetraselmis chui
Pengaruh Anti-Stres Jus Microgreens Ketumbar (Coriandrum sativum L.) Terhadap Lalat Buah (Drosophila melanogaster) yang Diinduksi Methotrexate Mohamad Agus Salim; Muhammad Subandi
Al-Kauniyah: Jurnal Biologi Vol 15, No 2 (2022): AL-KAUNIYAH JURNAL BIOLOGI
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islami

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/kauniyah.v15i2.18959


AbstrakSaat ini, masyarakat dihadapkan pada kondisi kehidupan yang selalu mengganggu metabolisme normalnya dan mengurangi kebugaran tubuh yang dikenal dengan stres. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan jus microgreens ketumbar (Coriandrum sativum L.) (JMK) sebagai agen anti-stres pada Drosophila melanogaster (selanjutnya disebut Drosophila) jantan tipe liar yang diinduksi methotrexate (MTX). Disiapkan empat kelompok perlakuan, yaitu kelompok pertama Drosophila yang tidak diberi perlakuan sebagai kontrol. Kelompok kedua, Drosophila yang mendapatkan perlakuan 10 ppm MTX, kelompok ketiga Drosophila yang mendapat perlakuan 10% JMK, dan kelompok keempat Drosophila yang mendapat perlakuan ganda 10 ppm MTX + 10% JMK. Setiap kelompok perlakuan diulang 4 botol kultur dan setiap botol kultur berisi 30 ekor Drosophila jantan tipe liar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 7 hari pengamatan. Beberapa parameter pengamatan diukur seperti kelulusan hidup dan kemampuan lokomotor (geotaksis negatif). Sedangkan parameter fisiologi yang diamati, yaitu kandungan catalase (CAT) dan superoxide dismutase (SOD). Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa JMK dapat memperbaiki kelulusan hidup dan geotaksis negatif Drosophila yang menurun bila mendapat perlakuan MTX saja. Begitupun kandungan CAT, dan SOD yang meningkat pada kelompok Drosophila yang mendapat perlakuan MTX, akan menurun pada kelompok Drosophila yang mendapat perlakuan JMK sebagai indikator berkurangnya kondisi stres. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini, JMK memiliki potensi sebagai agen anti-stress pada Drosophila yang diinduksi MTX.AbstractCurrently, people are dealing with situations that always interfere with their normal metabolism and decline their physical fitness, known as stress. This study attempted to evaluate the potential of cilantro (Coriandrum sativum L) microgreens juice as an anti-stress agent in wild-type male methotrexate-induced Drosophila melanogaster (Drosophila). Four treatment groups were prepared, namely the first group of non-treated Drosophila, as a control, the second group of Drosophila treated with methotrexate (10 ppm), the third group of Drosophila treated with cilantro microgreens juice (10%) and the fourth group of Drosophila treated with methotrexate (10 ppm) and cilantro microgreens juice (10%) as dual treatment. Each treatment group consisted of 4 bottles of culture as replication, and each culture bottle contained 30 wild-type male Drosophila. This research was conducted for 7 days of observation. Several parameters were observed and measured, such as survival rate and locomotor ability (negative geotaxis). Meanwhile, the physiological parameters observed were catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) content. The results showed that cilantro microgreens juice could improve survival rate and negative geotaxis of Drosophila which were observed to decrease when treated with methotrexate alone. Similarly, increased levels of CAT and SOD were found in Drosophila group that received methotrexate treatment, but both parameters decreased in Drosophila group treated cilantro microgreens juice as an indicator of stress reduction. To conclude, cilantro microgreens juice has the potential as an anti-stress agent in methotrexate-induced Drosophila.