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Journal : INAJEEE (Indonesian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering)

Optimasi Linieritas Rangkaian R-2R Ladder DAC Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika Arif . Widodo
INAJEEE (Indonesian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/inajeee.v1n1.p7-11


Abstrak - rangkaian R-2R ladder digital-to-analog converter (DAC) adalah rangkaian elektronika sederhanayang dapat dibuat dengan dua nilai resistor serta banyak digunakan untuk proses konversi nilai digital keanalog secara langsung. Pemilihan nilai serta penempatan resistor pada rangkaian ini sangat berpengaruhpada linieritas sinyal hasil konversi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan solusi dalam merancangrangkaian R-2R ladder DAC dengan linieritas yang medekati optimal menggunakan komponen resistor yangada di pasaran. Dengan bantuan algoritma genetika, komponen resistor yang ada dapat dirangkai sedemikianrupa sehingga menghasilkan rangkaian DAC dengan nilai integral non-linearity (INL) yang mendekatioptimal. Hasil yang didapatkan dari simulasi rangkaian DAC dengan jumlah bit 6 sampai 12 menunjukkanbahwa algoritma genetika dapat digunakan untuk mengoptimalkan linieritas rangkaian R-2R ladder DACdengan INL hingga di bawah 0.5 LSB dalam waktu kurang dari 1.5 menit.Kata Kunci: algoritma genetika, R-2R ladder, digital-to-analog converter, integral non-linearityAbstract - R-2R ladder digital-to-analog converter (DAC) is a simple electronic circuit that can beimplemented with only two resistor values. It is used for converting digital values to analog voltagedirectly. The resistor selection and placement in this circuit have a significant effect on the DAClinearity. This research aims to provide solution in designing R-2R ladder DAC circuit with close-tooptimumlinearity using only resistors available on the market. With the help of genetic algorithm, theexisting resistors can be sequenced in such a way to produce a DAC circuit with close-to-optimumintegral non-linearity (INL). The results obtained from the simulation using 6 to 12 bits DAC circuitsshow that the genetic algorithm can be used to optimize the linearity of R-2R ladder DAC with INLless than 0.5 LSB in less than 1.5 minutes.Keywords: genetic algorithm, R-2R ladder, digital-to-analog converter, integral non-linearity
Wireless Body Area Networks dan Pengaruhnya dalam Perkembangan Teknologi m-Health Pradini . Puspitaningayu; Arif . Widodo; Eppy . Yundra
INAJEEE (Indonesian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/inajeee.v1n1.p24-30


Abstrak Dunia digital kini telah sampai pada era di mana begitu banyak unsur fisik dapat terhubung dandimonitor secara jarak jauh dengan penggunaan sensor yang terhubung dalam suatu jaringan komunikasinirkabel yang berbasis internet (internet of things). Pelayanan kesehatan juga tak luput dari sorotanpenggunaan IoT terutama dengan meningkatnya berbagai isu penyakit kronis yang dapat menurunkanharapan hidup manusia. Jaringan yang secara khusus menggunakan berbagai sensor yang ditempatkan padatubuh manusia ini disebut wireless body area network (WBAN). Artikel ini mengulas tentang bagaimanaperkembangan WBAN dalam menjawab berbagai kebutuhan peningkatan layanan kesehatan secarakomprehensif dan kontinyu tanpa terhalang keterbatasan jarak dan waktu antara pasien dengan paramedis.Teknologi pemantauan kesehatan yang bersifat mobile (m-Health) terus dikembangkan demi meningkatkanefektivitas dan efisiensi layanan kesehatan. Berbagai isu dan tantangan juga dikemukakan sehingga dapatmenjadi telaah referensi untuk berbagai penelitian lanjutan.Kata Kunci: WBAN, IoT, WSN, pelayanan kesehatan, jaringan sensor  Abstract The digital world has now arrived in an era where every physical thing can be remotelymonitored by using sensors connected to an internet-based wireless communication network (internetof things). Health care services is also become a concern for the development of this service especiallybecause the increasing chronic health problem which can decrease the life expectancy. The networkwhich specifically worked by a set of sensors which attached around humans body is called wirelessbody area network (WBAN). This article is meant to discuss about the development of WBAN insolving various health care services comprehensively and continuously without any restrictions relatedto distance and time between the patient and the paramedics. Mobile health monitoring (m-Health)continues to be developed to improve the effectivity and efficiency of health care services. Issues andopen challenges are also discussed in the article as a reference for the further researches.Keywords: WBAN, IoT, WSN, health care service, sensor networks
Prototype Smarthome dengan Catatan Waktu saat Membuka Pintu dan Kontrol Nyala Lampu Berbasis Internet Of Things Farid Baskoro; Arif Widodo; Rifqi Firmansyah; Aristyawan Putra Nurdiansyah
INAJEEE (Indonesian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/inajeee.v2n1.p29-34


Abstak - Internet of things (IOT) merupakan hal yang sudah tidak bisa dihindari. Semakin bertambahnya tahun, kebutuhan menggunakan IOT semakin meningkat. IOT mampu diaplikasikan dalam banyak hal termasuk dalam pelayanan rumah atau biasa disebut dengan smarthome. Oleh karena itu, penelitian kali ini akan memanfaatkan IOT sebagai pelayanan keamanan rumah. Tidak hanya diterapkan sebagai pelayanan keamanan rumah, tetapi penelitian kali ini juga menerapkan IOT kedalam sistem penerangan rumah. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa sistem keamanan rumah berfungsi dengan baik dengan pengiriman data waktu serta identitas diri saat memasuki rumah, dan nyala atau mati lampu rumah mampu dikontrol menggunakan internet.
Klasifikasi Osteoarthritis Berbasis Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform dan Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) Menggunakan Active Shape Models Mohammad Meizaki Fatihin; Farid Baskoro; Arif Widodo
INAJEEE (Indonesian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/inajeee.v3n1.p15-24


Citra adalah representasi dari informasi yang terkandung di dalamnya sehingga mata manusia dapat menganalisis dan menafsirkan informasi sesuai dengan tujuan yang diharapkan. Salah satu bentuk citra medis adalah citra x-ray. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi gambar x-ray Osteoarthritis Lutut yang diambil pada berbagai tingkat keparahan, mulai dari KL-Grade 0 hingga KL-Grade 4. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode CLAHE dan DTCWT untuk proses preprosessing dan menggunakan metode Active Shape Model (ASM) untuk proses segmentasi, menggunakan 35 data pelatihan dan 200 data uji dari Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI). Pengujian citra uji dalam penelitian ini dengan mengekstraksi tekstur citra menggunakan metode GLCM dan segmentasi citra menggunakan ASM, sehingga proses scanning untuk penentuan titik-titik yang berfungsi untuk mengukur ketebalan cartilage. Hasil Ekstraksi tekstur memiliki tingkat akurasi klasifikasi KL-Grade 0 57,5%, KL-Grade 1 memiliki akurasi 33.3%, KL-Grade 2 37,5%, KL-Grade 3 37,5% dan KL-Grade 4 34,3 %. Sedangkan untuk pengukuran ketebalan tulang rawan memiliki akurasi klasifikasi untuk KL-Grade 0 sebesar 62.5%, kemudian KL-Grade 1 sebesar 44.4 %, sedangkan untuk KL-Grade 2 memiliki keberhasilan klasifikasi 60%, kemudian KL-Grade 3 memiliki klasifikasi berhasil dengan benar 70%, dan untuk KL-Grade 4 51.4%.
Prototype of Early Warning System for Home Door Security Based on IoT Using Piezoelectric Sensor Abdul Hafizh; Nur Kholis; M Syariffuddien Zuhrie; Arif Widodo
INAJEEE (Indonesian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/inajeee.v3n2.p56-62


Early warning system of door security based on IoT with piezoelectric sensor, this was an early warning system wich could detect a threat on the door and send a notification to the owner smart phone to do preverentive action. This system was made with affordable cost, wich anyone can own this not only the rich one. This system will classified wich a safe knkck and a threat. This system used piezoelectric sensor to monitor a threat and buzzer to make some noise around. This system was equiped a relay to control the solenoid lock as your primary lock. This system used blynk cloud as the based wich could be operated on smart phone. The test used one room and one door. Take a survey to decide wich a normal knock and a stroke. And as got the result, then set the set point based on the output voltage of the sensor, as a threat to the door. Wich that the microcontroller could send a notification to the blynk apps on smart phone. After tahat we did some test to the respond time of, notification, buzzer, and the relay. Wich the respond time of notification was 2,15 second, the buzzer was 1,1 second, and the relay was 1,15 second. This system has 80% accuracy. This system might be well monitored the door with blynk apps.
Detection System of Drowsiness for Car Driver Using Image Processing Completed with Multi Level Safety Merlyn Royeni Waty; Nur Kholis; Farid Baskoro; Arif Widodo
INAJEEE (Indonesian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/inajeee.v4n2.p29-37


The rate of road traffic accidents in the 38th and 39th week of 2020 has increased. Many factors influence the occurrence of accidents, one of the reasons is that the driver is sleepy. The parameters used to determine the condition of drowsiness are identifying the condition of the eyelids. With this identification, an image processing system can be utilized by applying the Haar Casecade Classifier and Circular Hough Transform methods with Find Countur using HSV parameters. The detection uses a camera with the driver's eye input, if the image detected is a drowsy eye, the system will wake up the driver by turning on a sound alarm, besides this system is equipped with an SMS gateway feature that will be sent to the driver's relatives, that the driver is sleepy. Message notification sent contains the condition and location of the rider. Based on system-wide testing, this system has a success rate of 100% against HSV1, 96% against HSV2 and HSV3, 89% against HSV4, and 88% against HSV5 on eye detection results and response time. The resulting error is because the lighting at a certain distance is not match with HSV set, the system experiences a freeze due to the buzzer sound delay that is too long and the performance of the PC is also less than optimal. 
Analysis of IEEE 802.15.4-Based Delay and Slot Duration Adjustment Combination Methods on Wireless Sensor Networks Fitria Nisa Andari; Eppy Yundra; Nur Kholis; Arif Widodo; Farid Baskoro
INAJEEE (Indonesian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/inajeee.v4n2.p51-58


IEEE 802.15.4 is one of the standards of the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) which is at the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer. IEEE 802.15.4 is also technology and protocol within a computer network that can connect all device quickly, has a large capacity and low power consumption. The challenge of Wireless Sensor Network is how to improve the Wireless Sensor Network network performance matrix (goodput, bandwidth utilization, and energy consumption) both in the Contention Access Period (CAP) and in the Contention Free Period (CFP) based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. This research is an analysis combination of adjustment delay and slot duration methods to increase goodput, bandwidth utilization and reduce energy consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks in the allocation guaranteed  time slots on fixed data simulated using Castalia Simulator software. The problem of this research is whether the combination method can improve the performance matrix of Wireless Sensor Networks on fixed data compared to other methods (SUDAS, ADES, IEEE 802.15.4 Standard). This reserch it aims to determine the performance matrix of combination methods is when compared to other methods (Superframe Duration Adjustment Scheme (SUDAS), Adjustment Delay Scheme (ADES), IEEE 802.15.4 standard) using quantitative approach research methods. Based on the data obtained, the goodput of the combined method increased by 10%, 416%, and 513% respectively compared to the SUDAS method, ADES method, and IEEE 802.15.4 standards. Bandwidth utilization of the combination methods increased by 0.025, 0.223 and 0.232, respectively compared to the SUDAS method, the ADES method, and the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. And the consumption of the combination methods are respectively reduced by 1.02%, 8.72% and 9.08% compared to the SUDAS, ADES and IEEE 802.15.4 standards. With the combination method of delay adjustment and slot duration it is able to optimize the performance of the Wireless Sensor Network compared to other methods.