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JREC (Journal of Electrical and Electronics) Vol 1 No 3 (2013): JREC (Journal of Electrical and Electronics)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi

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An election is an simple example of a scenario where security and confidentiality of data  between parties is critical. General election system that used in Indonesia as it long still use conventional trick that evokes a lot of problem as elector of double, voice distension and another fault and also long time for vote count. This conventional trick also require big costs and resources. To settle that thing, one of solution which can be done is use electronic voting ( e-voting ) with arrange general election system online  that building to use a safe protocol.System that is made has default pock secure voting reguirements to get settles and secure security each threat which will happen. One of protocol which can accomplish partly criterion default secure voting reguirements  and has security zoom that passably is Two Central Facilities Protocol , where consisting of Central Legitimazation Agency  (CLA) for elector validation and Central Tabulating Facility (CTF) for vote count.
JREC (Journal of Electrical and Electronics) Vol 1 No 3 (2013): JREC (Journal of Electrical and Electronics)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi

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The e-voting system which developed using two central facilities protokol consist of three component that is voting machine as client for interaction with voter, central legitimization agency (CLA)  as server  voter authentication, and central tabulating facility (CTF) as server for result recapitulation voter vote count. Research in this thesis just focused to voter authentication process on voting machine toward database of voter that stored in CLA with using fingerprint biometric technology. Fingerprint biometric technology used for voter registration process, voter verification process, and voter authentication process who will doing election. Registration process for acquire voter fingerprint image database, verification process to be sure voter database can be verificated or not, and authentication process for voter authorization who can be permitted or not by system give of vote in election
JREC (Journal of Electrical and Electronics) Vol 6 No 1 (2018): JREC (Journal of Electrical and Electronics)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi

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Ketersediaan energi listrik merupakan salah satu faktor penting ditengah perkembangan teknologi yang sangat pesat. Contohnya untuk keperluan industri kecil diperlukan energi listrik yang terus menerus atau kontinyu dalam menjalankan fungsi maupun produksinya. Pada kenyataanya suplai energi listrik dari PLN terkadang mengalami gangguan seperti sumber listrik PLN padam sehingga dibutuhkan back-up suplai utama PLN yang lain, seperti genset. Pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat alat Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) dan Automatic Main Failure (AMF)  yang akan menghidupkan genset ketika sumber listrik PLN padam serta mematikan genset ketika sumber listrik PLN kembali menyala. Sistem ini menggunakan fasilitas SMS pada jaringan GSM, untuk memberi informasi perpindahan listrik PLN ke genset dan sebaliknya. Pengiriman SMS dan pengaturan pengsaklaran dilakukan oleh rangkaian mikrokontroler Arduino2560. Pada sistem ini juga terdapat sensor arus dan tegangan untuk memonitoring tegangan dan arus pada blok PLN dan genset, dan dari hasil pengujian sensor tegangan telah diperoleh nilai rata-rata pada blok PLN sebesar 215VAC dan blok genset sebesar 184V sedangkan dari pengujian sensor arus diperoleh nilai rata-rata pada blok PLN sebesar 0,11A dan blok genset sebesar 0,13A. Nilai sensor tegangan dan sensor arus yang diperoleh dari blok PLN dan blok genset masih dalam batas toleransi. Sedangkan pengujian perpindahan listrik dari PLN ke genset dan perpindahan listrik dari genset ke PLN memiliki waktu perpindahan yang sama yaitu 5 ms dan waktu yang diperlukan untuk mengirim SMS dari modul SIM900 ke handphone yaitu 2 detik, catatan waktu  ini bisa berubah-ubah tergantung kondisi jaringan SIM card GSM. Kata kunci: Mikrokontroler, SMS, GSM The availability of electrical energy is an important factor in the midst of rapid technological developments. For example for small industry needs continuous electrical energy in performing its functions and production. In fact, the supply of electrical energy from PLN is sometimes disrupted so another electricity back-up supply is needed, such as genset. The purpose of this research is to make Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) and Automatic Main Failure (AMF) equipment that will turn on the generator when PLN power source goes out and turn off the generator when PLN power source is back on. This system uses SMS facility on GSM network, to give information of PLN electricity transfer to generator and vice versa. SMS delivery and switching settings are performed by the Arduino2560 microcontroller circuit. In this system there is also a current and voltage sensors to monitor the voltage and current on the PLN block and generator, and from the test of the voltage sensor obtained the average value on PLN block is 215VAC and genset block of 184V while from the current sensor testing obtained the average value on PLN block of 0.11A and genset block of 0.13A. The value of the voltage sensor and current sensor obtained from PLN block and genset block are still within tolerable limits. While testing of the electricity transfer from PLN to the generator and the transfer of electricity from the generator to the PLN has the same displacement time of 5 ms and the time required to send SMS from SIM900 module to handphone that is 2 seconds, this time record can change depending on network condition GSM SIM card. Keywords : microcontroller, SMS, GSM
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin Vol 4 No 2 (2016): JURNAL ILMIAH TEKNIK MESIN
Publisher : Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi, Fakultas Teknik, Jurusan Teknik Mesin

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Pada dunia industri terutama pada sektor produksi makanan, banyak yang menggunakan alat penukar kalor sebagai salah satu media untuk salah satu cara menghemat pemakaian bahan bakar yang dilakukan. Dengan pemasangan alat penukar kalor yang dipasang pada ekonomiser dengan pemakaian bahan bakar solar (HSD) sebesar 50% sampai dengan 100%. Jenis alat penukar kalor yang pasang adalah jenis shell and tube. Dengan memanfaatkan gas buang untuk pemanasan boiler, akan menakibatkan tingkat efisiensi boiler menjadi lebih tinggi dan juga dapat menghemat kebutuhan bahan bakar. Uap panas yang terbuang dimanfaatkan untuk pemanasan air pada alat penukar kalor sebesar 103 0C sementara uap panas yang terdapat di bolier sebesar 249 0C, dalam hal ini pemanasan boiler dapat terbantu oleh uap panas yang keluar dari alat penukar kalor. Dengan pengaturan beberapa variasi tekanan uap yaitu : 5,7 bar, 5,8 bar, 6 bar, 6,2 bar, 6,4 bar yang diatur pada boiler sehingga kita dapat menentukan atau memprediksi kebutuhan bahan bakar pada burner
JREC (Journal of Electrical and Electronics) Vol 7 No 2 (2019): JREC (Journal of Electrical and Electronics)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi

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Penelitian ini membahas mengenai pengaruh arus, jarak, diameter dan jenis penghantar yang terjadi pada sistemdistribusi jaringan tegangan menengah terhadap tegangan jatuh pada penyulang takar di PT.PLN (Persero) Rayon BantarGebang. Perhitungan tegangan jatuh dilakukan pada tiap-tiap segmen penghantar utama dan dibagi menjadi beberapaskenario berdasarkan jenis dan diameter penghantar. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dengandistribusi frekuensi, dimana dapat dilihat bahwa peningkatan nilai tegangan jatuh yang terjadi pada penyulang takar akansemakin besar akibat perubahan nilai arus, jarak dan diameter penghantar. Dari hasil perhitunganyang dilakukan,diketahui bahwa tegangan jatuh yang terjadi pada skenario 1 kondisi nyata penyulang takar dengan penghantar AllAllumunium Alloy Conductor 150 sebesar 1,3 kV atau 6,7 persen, paling besar terjadi pada skenario 2 sebesar 2.3 kV atau11.5 persen dan yang paling rendah pada skenario 3 sebesar 0.6 kV atau 3 persen, maka dengan menggunakan skenario3 penghantar All Allumunium Alloy-Solation 150 dapat menekan besarnya jatuh tegangan menjadi 0.6 kV meskipun dalamkeadaan beban puncak maksimal.
Kinerja Robot Self Balancing pada Lintasan Bergelombang Menggunakan Pengendali PID Digital Cendana, Bayu; -, Sugeng; Sikki, Muhammad Ilyas
JREC (Journal of Electrical and Electronics) Vol 8 No 1 (2020): JREC (Journal of Electrical and Electronics)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33558/jrec.v8i1.2201


A two-wheeled self-balancing robot is a mobile robot with two wheels on each side. It is equipped with a controller which balances it. A PID controller can be used to control robot’s position so that it can move steadily in bumpy surfaces. Its PID controller moves by calculating suitable proportional constant (Kp), constant integral (Ki) and derivative constant (Kd) using trial and error method. The analysis of controlling system is based on three aspects of analysis; transient response analysis, steady state response analysis, and stability analysis. The results of present research show that the robot maintained its balance when it moved on a bumpy surface with Kp of 50, Ki of 170 and Kd of 2,2. The analysis of PID parameter suggests that the response of self balancing robot is categorized as overdamped with the percentage of error steady state of1,02% while its stability is categorized as marginally stable.
Alat Penyiram dan Monitoring Tanaman Cabai Berbasis Internet of Things Menggunakan Wemos D1 R3 Dan Aplikasi Thingspeak Alfian Barik, Muhammad Zidni; Hidayat, Wahyu; Hasad, Andi; Sikki, Muhammad Ilyas; Sujatmiko, Aeri
JREC (Journal of Electrical and Electronics) Vol 8 No 2 (2020): JREC (Journal of Electrical and Electronics)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33558/jrec.v8i2.2483


Cabai merupakan salah satu komoditas sayuran dan banyak dibudidayakan oleh para petani di Indonesia, karena memiliki nilai jual yang cukup tinggi, serta memiliki beberapa manfaat bagi kesehatan manusia. Selain itu, cabai merupakan tumbuhan yang mudah ditanam pada daerah dataran rendah dan juga pada daerah dataran tinggi. Agar tanaman cabai tumbuh dan menghasilkan cabai yang baik, maka perlu menjaga kelembaban tanah. Kelembaban tanah yang dibutuhkan cabai yaitu 60%-80%. Selain itu, untuk mengetahui kelembaban tanah tanpa bantuan alat akan sulit untuk diketahui. Maka dari itu dibutuhkan alat yang dapat melakukan penyiraman secara otomatis dan dapat mengetahui kelembaban tanah. Konsep alat ini menggunakan teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) yang kontrol penyiramannya dilakukan secara otomatis dan monitoring kelembaban tanah menggunakan aplikasi yang diakses melalui komputer dan handphone. Alat ini menggunakan perangkat keras berupa mikrokontroller Wemos D1 R3 sebagai pusat kontrol, Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor v1.2 untuk mengukur kelembaban tanah, sensor DHT22 untuk mengukur suhu udara dan kelembaban udara, relay sebagai saklar untuk menghidupkan dan mematikan pompa air, LCD 20x4 untuk menampilkan hasil pengukuran sensor kelembaban tanah dan sensor DHT22, dan status pompa air. Untuk monitoring kelembaban tanah, suhu udara, dan kelembaban udara yang diakses menggunakan internet melalui komputer menggunakan aplikasi Thingspeak dan monitoring pada handphone menggunakan aplikasi ThingView. Penyiraman dilakukan secara otomatis jika kelembaban tanah dibawah 60% dan penyiraman akan berhenti jika kelembaban tanah diatas 60%.
PARADIGMA : JURNAL ILMU PENGETAHUAN AGAMA, DAN BUDAYA Vol 11 No 1 (2010): PARADIGMA : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Agama dan Budaya
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Islam 45

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Knowledge is a commodity or intellectual assets. Knowledge have characteristics such as, use of knowledge will not spend, transfer of knowledge will not eliminate, the amount of knowledge is abundant but has limited in use and a lot of knowledge just disappear. Two important categories of knowledge that is tacit knowledge andexplicit knowledge. Knowledge management is the process of capturing (capturing knowledge), find or create (discovery knowledge), sharing and transfer, and apply knowledge to encourage the innovation process. Knowledge management is a multidisciplinary field that covers a lot of things. While the knowledge management system is a virtual storage of relevant information critical to daily tasks in a company or organization. Knowledge management take a systematic approach in the use of information to supply flow of knowledge for decision making efficient and effective. Knowledge Management in charge of ensuring that both categories of knowledge (explicit and tacit) can be maintained, developed and applied to the progress of an organization or company. Therefore, knowledge management has become crucialfor the development offood security in Indonesia for the community active and healthy individuals
PARADIGMA : JURNAL ILMU PENGETAHUAN AGAMA, DAN BUDAYA Vol 10 No 2 (2009): PARADIGMA : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Agama dan Budaya
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Islam 45

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Biometrics is the study of automated method to recognize or identify people based on one or more parts of the human body or the behavior of man himself Facial image recognition is the process ofmatching between the characteristics of the image query image with the characteristics of the training image stored in a database (image library) that implement it through a mathematical transformation that is by using wavelet transform. The image is a spatial dimension that contains the color information and does not depend on the time consisted of a set of image dots, called pixels (picture element). K-NearestNeighbour(kNN) is a method that uses a supervised algorithm where the result of new instancequery classified based on kNN majority of categories that works based on the shortest distance from the query instance to the training sample to determine its kNN. The wavelet transform is used as a method of feature extraction as well as reduce the dimension of the input image with 3 levels of wavelet transform to generate multi-resolution representation. Decomposition of facial images using wavelet transform produces a number of subimage wich consists of image and detail images approach. The result of wavelet transform is used as input for classification. Classification system with a simple method ofk-nearest neighbor (k-nn) to determine the identity of a face image with the threshold value of accuracy used in this study is 95%.
PARADIGMA : JURNAL ILMU PENGETAHUAN AGAMA, DAN BUDAYA Vol 11 No 1 (2010): PARADIGMA : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Agama dan Budaya
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Islam 45

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Knowledge is a commodity or intellectual assets. Knowledge have characteristics such as, use of knowledge will not spend, transfer of knowledge will not eliminate, the amount of knowledge is abundant but has limited in use and a lot of knowledge just disappear. Two important categories of knowledge that is tacit knowledge andexplicit knowledge. Knowledge management is the process of capturing (capturing knowledge), find or create (discovery knowledge), sharing and transfer, and apply knowledge to encourage the innovation process. Knowledge management is a multidisciplinary field that covers a lot of things. While the knowledge management system is a virtual storage of relevant information critical to daily tasks in a company or organization. Knowledge management take a systematic approach in the use of information to supply flow of knowledge for decision making efficient and effective. Knowledge Management in charge of ensuring that both categories of knowledge (explicit and tacit) can be maintained, developed and applied to the progress of an organization or company. Therefore, knowledge management has become crucialfor the development offood security in Indonesia for the community active and healthy individuals