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Journal : Manajemen Bisnis Kompetensi

Rasionalitas Agen Ekonomi: Eksperimen Ekonomi Menggunakan Beauty Contest Games Siswanto, Bambang
Manajemen Bisnis Kompetensi VOL. 13 NO. 02 JULI-DESEMBER 2018
Publisher : Manajemen Bisnis Kompetensi

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Microeconomic theory assumes economic agents are rational when making decisions. In many ways numerical capabilities indicate a measure of the rationality of economic agents. Beauty contest games are one of the games commonly used in an experiment to show the failure of economic agents to make decisions based on numerical rationality. This article is written based on the results of economic experiments in the learning class (classroom experiments) using the BCG model with the aim of knowing the rationality of economic agents in making decisions. The results of the study show that economic agents do not fully act on numerical rationality so they cannot succeed in maximizing utility or achieving Nash equilibrium. Keywords : beauty contest game, guessing game, rationality, economic experiment, nash equilibrium
Ultimatum Game: Sebuah Eksperimen Ekonomi Dalam Kelas Siswanto, Bambang
Manajemen Bisnis Kompetensi VOL. 14 NO. 01 JANUARI - JUNI 2019
Publisher : Manajemen Bisnis Kompetensi

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Ultimatum game is one of the game theory models used in an experiment to show the behavior of economic agent decision making that deviates from the basic principles of microeconomic theory. An experimental unit with a game consists of two participants, each called the first player (proposer) and the second player (responder). This study discusses the use of ultimatum games in economic experiments in the classroom. The purpose of this study is to determine the average proposal offered by the first player (proposer) and the average proposal that is not rejected by the second player (responder). The experiment participants were 15 people and each of them participated in the same experiment three times. In each experiment each played the role of first player and second player. Placement of participants in the experimental unit is done randomly. The experimental results show that for the whole experiment the average offer value is 66.16 for the proposer and 33.84 for the responder; while the average value of offers that were not rejected by respondents was 64.50 for proposers and 35.50 for respondents. Most of the behaviors of respondents who refuse offers are consistent with the distributional preferences theory.Keywords: ultimatum game, classroom experiment, fairness, distributional preferences
Stag Hunt Game: Sebuah Permainan tentang Koordinasi Diantara Agen Ekonomi Siswanto, Bambang
Manajemen Bisnis Kompetensi VOL. 14 NO. 02 JULI - DESEMBER 2019
Publisher : Manajemen Bisnis Kompetensi

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Dari sudut pandang ilmu ekonomi stag hunt game adalah permainan tentang koordinasi diantara agen ekonomi pada sebuah kontrak sosial. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam bentuk eksperimen ekonomi. Subjek ekperimen adalah mahasiswa pada kelas pembelajaran. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat koordinasi agen ekonomi, dan perubahannya jika permainan diulang beberapa kali dengan pasangan bermain yang sama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat koordinasi subjek eksperimen 76% dan pada α = 10% perbedaan preferensi pada tiga sesi eksperimen signifikan, Perubahan preferensi menunjukkan kecenderungan meningkatnya koordinasi. Eksperimen ini menunjukkan tingkat koordinasi diantara agen ekonomi relatif tinggi dan menunjukkan perubahan koordinasi yang semakin meningkat. Kata kunci: eksperimen ekonomi, stag hunt game, koordinasi, agen ekonomi, uji Cochran Q
Manajemen Bisnis Kompetensi VOL. 12 NO. 01 JANUARI-JUNI 2017
Publisher : Manajemen Bisnis Kompetensi

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ABSTRACTMost of the research is done to get interaction solutions that are social dilemma. At first the social dilemma was a study of the field of psychology, but now has been growing in other fields such as economics, management, business, accounting, social, computer and decision-making techniques, even ecological and evolutionary biology. The focus of the study on economics, management, and business is how to increase the desire of economic agents, management decision makers, and business people to choose cooperative strategies. The results of the literature review show openness and communication is a solution that empirically managed to improve cooperation. Keywords: social dilemma, cooperation, communication
Tingkat Kerjasama Pada N-Persons Prisoner’s Dilemma Game: Sebuah Eksperimen Ekonomi Siswanto, Bambang
Manajemen Bisnis Kompetensi VOL. 12 NO. 02 JULI-DESEMBER 2017
Publisher : Manajemen Bisnis Kompetensi

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N-Persons Prisoner’s Dilemma Games (NPDG) is a form of Prisoner’s Dilemma Games (PDG) involving more than 2 players. Economic classroom experiments using NPDG relatively have not been done, especially in Indonesia. This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of changes in payoff structure on the cooperation rates in NPDG. ANOVA shows insufficient evidence to state that the changes in payoff affect the rates of cooperation payoff. Non-monetary rewards on experimental execution and the unexpected reasons of participants to make choices allegedly explain why the results of hypothesis testing are not significant.Keywords: experimental economics, n-person prisoner’s dilemma, changes in payoff structure, rate of cooperation