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Satwa Liar di Area Reklamasi PT Adaro Indonesia, Kalimantan Selatan yang Direvegetasi Kurang dari Dua Tahun Soendjoto, Mochamad Arief
Prosiding KPSDA Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Prosiding KPSDA 2015
Publisher : Prosiding KPSDA

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There was no monitoring specifically on fauna in the reclamation area of PT Adaro Indonesia. The objective of the research was to record fauna species in this area which had been revegetated less than two years ago. Diurnal birds as a main object were recorded through observation point and survey in four reclamation locations, but mammals, reptiles, and amphibians as supporting objects were recorded merely through survey. Data on birds was analyzed based on a five minute unit to obtain both relative frequency of presence and that of location utilization, but those of others were analyzed merely to list their presence. Thirty bird species, 1 mammal, 3 reptiles, and 4 amphibians were identified in the reclamation area, but each 1 species of mammal, reptile, and amphibian was not identified yet. Five bird species were always present in every location, although their relative frequencies of presence varied. They could be categorized as pioneer birds in the reclamation area. Nine bird species were found only in a certain location
Aktivitas Harian Bekantan (Nasalis larvatus Wurmb) di Hutan Karet Kabupaten Tabalong, Kalimantan Selatan Soendjoto, Mochamad Arief; Alikodra, Hadi Sukadi; Bismark, Muhammad; Setijanto, Heru
Biota : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati Vol 11, No 2 (2006): June 2006
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (339.666 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/biota.v11i2.2627


The daily activities of the proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus Wurmb) living inrubber forests are poorly understood. The objectives of the research were to studyits daily movement pattern and to determine the time proportion of daily behaviors.The movement of the monkeys was followed by researchers on foot. The behaviorswere observed by scan technique in 15 second intervals for 30 minutes. In rubberforests, lowlands (baruh) were places where the monkey began and ended dailymovements and also conducted most activities. Most inter-water movements of themonkey (about 70%) were conducted twice a day. Statistically, movement distanceand rainfall were negatively and significantly correlated (Ò‘s = -0.58; p < 0.05; n = 14).The monkey spent more time for feeding in the morning and afternoon, and restingat midday. Most behaviors of feeding, resting, playing, and grooming (84.01%) wereconducted at a tree height of less than 15 m. The monkeys moved farther during thedry season to get water and did activities in accordance with height strata to getvarious foods, avoided disturbances, and got comfortable and safe places.
Prosiding Seminar Biologi Vol 10, No 3 (2013): Seminar Nasional X Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UNS

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PT Arutmin Indonesia - North Pulau Laut Coal Terminal (PT AI-NPLCT) adalah pelabuhan bongkar muat batubara di bawah manajemen PT Arutmin Indonesia. Fauna lingkungan darat belum pernah dipantau, karena fokus utamanya  biota perairan (laut). Tujuan penelitian adalah mendata spesies  aves, mamalia, dan reptilia (diurnal),  amfibi (nokturnal)  dan statusnya serta menganalisis kehadiran  spesies di tipe habitat dan penggunaan habitat oleh spesies. Dengan metode titik kelimpahan dan penjelajahan, fauna diamati langsung secara visual, diidentifikasi berdasarkan pada suara, atau ditangkap-lepas. Parameternya  adalah tipe habitat, waktu (jam, menit) kehadiran, nama spesies, dan jumlah individu. Foto digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi spesies yang sukar diidentifikasi. Data ditabulasi dan dianalisis, sehingga diperoleh frekuensi relatif kehadiran spesies di satu tipe habitat dan frekuensi relatif penggunaan tipe habitat oleh satu spesies. Status kelindungan, keterancaman, dan keperdaganganannya pun ditentukan. Ditemukan 62 spesies fauna, tetapi  1  di antaranya belum teridentifikasi. Terdapat 2 spesies endemik Kalimantan. Frekuensi relatif kehadiran spesies di satu  tipe habitat dan frekuensi relatif penggunaan habitat oleh satu spesies bervariasi. Lima belas spesies dilindungi menurut PP No. 7/1999. Satu spesies hampir punah, 4 hampir terancam, 48 sedikit diprihatinkan, dan 8 belum dinilai IUCN. Satu spesies masuk dalam Appendix I dan 5 Appendix II CITES. Bekantan adalah prioritas pelestarian.   Kata kunci: fauna, frekuensi, habitat, keragaman, status
Prosiding Seminar Biologi Vol 10, No 2 (2013): Seminar Nasional X Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UNS

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Taman Wisata Alam (TWA) Pulau Bakut  adalah  kawasan lahan basah. Fauna prioritas  pelestarian di kawasan ini adalah bekantan,  sedangkan  fauna lainnya (burung)  kurang diperhatikan. Tujuan  penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi spesies dan mendata status burung diurnal. Data dikumpulkan  antara Januari hingga Maret 2013 dengan  survei atau  pengamatan langsung melalui darat dan air. Dari 31 spesies burung, 8 di antaranya dilindungi berdasarkan pada PP No. 7/1999. Menurut IUCN, dua spesies terancam punah, 22 spesies sedikit diprihatinkan, 2 spesies berisiko rendah, dan 5 spesies belum dinilai. Menurut CITES, dua spesies masuk dalam Appendix II.  Kata kunci: bakut, burung, keragaman, status, taman
Sains & Matematika Vol 3, No 1 (2014): Oktober, Sains & Matematika
Publisher : Sains & Matematika

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Pengelolaan dan pemantauan lingkungan PT Arutmin Indonesia-NPLCT yang mengoperasikan pelabuhan batu bara di Kabupaten Kotabaru, Kalimantan Selatan difokuskan pada fauna laut. Avifauna diurnal di lingkungan PT Arutmin Indonesia-NPLCT belum dieksplorasi dan didokumentasikan. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis penggunaan tipe habitat oleh avifauna dalam tiga periode pengamatan. Spesies avifauna diidentifi kasi pada titik/lingkar kelimpahan dan penjelajahan di hutan mangrove, hutan sekunder, permukiman/perkantoran, lahan terbuka/padang rumput/semak belukar, dan perairan. Frekuensi jumpaan setiap spesies avifauna dan frekuensi relatif penggunaan tipe habitat oleh spesies dihitung berdasarkan pada unit waktu berdurasi 5 menit per unit. Selama penelitian ditemukan 57 spesies avifauna di seluruh lingkungan tersebut. Jumlah atau keragaman spesies burung cenderung turun di perairan dan naik di empat tipe habitat lainnya mulai dari periode pengamatan pertama hingga ketiga. Hampir semua spesies ditemukan di lebih dari satu tipe habitat. Frekuensi relatif penggunaan tipe habitat oleh spesies-spesies itu bervariasi. Hanya dua spesies saja yang ditemukan 100% menggunakan satu tipe habitat untuk aktivitasnya. Environment management and monitoring of PT Arutmin Indonesia-NPLCT operating a coal port in Kotabaru Regency, Kalimantan Selatan was used to be focused on marine biota. Diurnal avifauna in the area of PT Arutmin Indonesia-NPLCT was not explored and documented. The objective of the research was to analyze the habitat type utilization by avifauna in three observation periods. Avifauna species was identifi ed in abundance points and survey in mangrove forest, secondary forest, resettlement/offi ce, open area/grassland/ shrub, and water. Scan frequency of every avifauna species and relative frequency of habitat type utilization by species were counted based on a fi ve-minute unit. Fifty seven avifauna species were found in the area. The number and the diversity of species tended to decrease on the water and increase in the other habitat types from the fi rst period to the third one. Almost all species were found in more than a single habitat type. Relative frequency of habitat type utilization by species varied. There were two species utilizing a single habitat type for their activity.
Penggunaan Tipe Habitat oleh Avifauna di Lingkungan PT Arutmin Indonesia – NPLCT, Kabupaten Kotabaru, Kalimantan Selatan Soendjoto, Mochamad Arief; Riefani, Maulana Khalid; Zen, Muhammad
Sains & Matematika Vol 3, No 1 (2014): Oktober, Sains & Matematika
Publisher : Sains & Matematika

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Pengelolaan dan pemantauan lingkungan PT Arutmin Indonesia-NPLCT yang mengoperasikan pelabuhan batu bara di Kabupaten Kotabaru, Kalimantan Selatan difokuskan pada fauna laut. Avifauna diurnal di lingkungan PT Arutmin Indonesia-NPLCT belum dieksplorasi dan didokumentasikan. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis penggunaan tipe habitat oleh avifauna dalam tiga periode pengamatan. Spesies avifauna diidentifi kasi pada titik/lingkar kelimpahan dan penjelajahan di hutan mangrove, hutan sekunder, permukiman/perkantoran, lahan terbuka/padang rumput/semak belukar, dan perairan. Frekuensi jumpaan setiap spesies avifauna dan frekuensi relatif penggunaan tipe habitat oleh spesies dihitung berdasarkan pada unit waktu berdurasi 5 menit per unit. Selama penelitian ditemukan 57 spesies avifauna di seluruh lingkungan tersebut. Jumlah atau keragaman spesies burung cenderung turun di perairan dan naik di empat tipe habitat lainnya mulai dari periode pengamatan pertama hingga ketiga. Hampir semua spesies ditemukan di lebih dari satu tipe habitat. Frekuensi relatif penggunaan tipe habitat oleh spesies-spesies itu bervariasi. Hanya dua spesies saja yang ditemukan 100% menggunakan satu tipe habitat untuk aktivitasnya. Environment management and monitoring of PT Arutmin Indonesia-NPLCT operating a coal port in Kotabaru Regency, Kalimantan Selatan was used to be focused on marine biota. Diurnal avifauna in the area of PT Arutmin Indonesia-NPLCT was not explored and documented. The objective of the research was to analyze the habitat type utilization by avifauna in three observation periods. Avifauna species was identifi ed in abundance points and survey in mangrove forest, secondary forest, resettlement/offi ce, open area/grassland/ shrub, and water. Scan frequency of every avifauna species and relative frequency of habitat type utilization by species were counted based on a fi ve-minute unit. Fifty seven avifauna species were found in the area. The number and the diversity of species tended to decrease on the water and increase in the other habitat types from the fi rst period to the third one. Almost all species were found in more than a single habitat type. Relative frequency of habitat type utilization by species varied. There were two species utilizing a single habitat type for their activity.
SEBARAN DAN STATUS BEKANTAN (Nasalis larvatus) DI KABUPATEN TANAH BUMBU, KALIMANTAN SELATAN Soendjoto, Mochamad Arief; Sundari, Titik; Budiarto, Cecep; Muhardiansyah, Hafizh
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning Vol 11, No 1 (2014): Prosiding Seminar Nasional XI Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

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The proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) is the fauna mascot of Kalimantan Selatan Province. Distribution and its status inTanah BumbuRegency had not been reported yet. The objectives of the research were to document locationswhere the proboscis monkey lives in, estimate their population, and identifythe factorsinfluencingthe population. Methodsapplied were interview the people and directly survey to the field. The monkeys were found in 15 of 19 locations surveyed andthe population was more than 245 individuals, but they were not in 4 others. In addition to galam forest, mangrove forest, swamp forest, riverine forest, rubber forest, and forest growing on the limestone hill, the proboscis monkeys were found living in lands of ex-cultivation (ex-ladang), ex-fishpond, andex-sawmill industry. The factorsinfluencing or being likely to decrease the population were the broadening of oil-palm plantationand the development ofcoal mining, coal harbors, illegal logging, land/forest fire, and ressettlements. Key Words: location, Nasalis larvatus, population, status, Tanah Bumbu
Jenis Burung di Area Reklamasi PT Adaro Indonesia yang Direvegetasi Tahun 1996/1997 Soendjoto, Mochamad Arief; Riefani, Maulana Khalid; Triwibowo, Didik; Wahyudi, Fazlul
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning Vol 13, No 1 (2016): Prosiding Seminar Nasional XII Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

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The species richness of birds had been documented in an observation period, but this preliminary data was inadequate.Additional data were needed so the result could be utilized as a standard to measure the success of reclamation and revegetation. The aim of the research was to update the species richness of birds inthe ex-coal-mining area reclaimed and revegetatedin 1996/1997 andto compare bird species among observation periods (PP).The birds were observed in 3 PPsthrough observation plot andwalking survey in the habitat type of acasia forest (HA), sengon forest (HS), trembesi forest (HT), mixed forest (HC), shrub - bush (SB), open land – grasses (LTPR), andwaters (PA). Bird status was categorized in accordance with valid regulations. Overall 76 bird species were found, but the number fluctuated in every PP. There were47 species in PP-1,62 in PP-2, and61 in PP-3. Of 76 species, 16 speciesare protected by PP 7/1999; 2 speciesare vulnerable, 3 are near threatened, andothers are least-concern species according to IUCN; 5 speciesare in Appendice II andothers are non-appendiceaccording to CITES; and36speciesare likely to be residents.Species andthe number of birds in the revegetated area of 1996/1997 were not as much as those of the primary (undisturbed) forest, but could be used as a minimumstandard for the other reclamation and revegetationareasin the concession of PT Adaro Indonesia 
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning Vol 10, No 2 (2013): Seminar Nasional X Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

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Taman Wisata Alam (TWA) Pulau Bakut  adalah  kawasan lahan basah. Fauna prioritas  pelestarian di kawasan ini adalah bekantan,  sedangkan  fauna lainnya (burung)  kurang diperhatikan. Tujuan  penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi spesies dan mendata status burung diurnal. Data dikumpulkan  antara Januari hingga Maret 2013 dengan  survei atau  pengamatan langsung melalui darat dan air. Dari 31 spesies burung, 8 di antaranya dilindungi berdasarkan pada PP No. 7/1999. Menurut IUCN, dua spesies terancam punah, 22 spesies sedikit diprihatinkan, 2 spesies berisiko rendah, dan 5 spesies belum dinilai. Menurut CITES, dua spesies masuk dalam Appendix II.  Kata kunci: bakut, burung, keragaman, status, taman