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Islamika : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol 15 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pegabdian pada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kerinci, Jambi

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The economic crisis is often the case that have an impact on the global financial crisis and resulting financial conditions of individuals and families experiencing instability. Many have suddenly become poor or otherwise many who suddenly become rich. The next result is empirically many people who sell loans or receivables to others with cash because of being pressured by the needs that must be met. Buying and selling in this form in terms fiqhiyyah is called Baiuddain; for example, person A owes the B. Agreement is corroborated by accounts payable certificate. Due to the urgent need, certificate of accounts payable were sold B to person C, and based on the certificate, the C collect the debt on the A. Or the A book or asked for an item (say furnishings) on the B and has been partially paid the price (perskot), then after that if A is in need of money and need cash, so he sold the debt on the C with a slight advantage. So, how is the law of sale and purchase of loans or receivables (Bai al-dain) is in the perspective of Islamic perspective? seems the scholars have different opinions about this. More can be read in the following text. Krisis perekonomian yang sering terjadi kadang-kadang membawa dampak pada krisis keuangan global dan mengakibatkan kondisi keuangan perorangan dan keluarga mengalami ketidak-stabilan. Banyak yang mendadak menjadi miskin atau sebaliknya banyak yang mendadak menjadi kaya. Akibat selanjutnya secara empirik banyak, orang yang menjual hutang atau piutangnya kepada orang lain dengan uang cash karena terdesak oleh kebutuhan yang harus segera dipenuhi. Jual beli dalam bentuk ini dalam istilah fiqhiyyah disebut Bai’uddain; misalnya si A berutang pada si B. Perjanjian hutang piutang dikuatkan dalam akte perjanjian hutang piutang. Karena kebutuhan yang mendesak, akte perjanjian hutang piutang tersebut dijual B kepada si C, dan berdasarkan akte tersebut, si C menagih hutang pada si A.Atau si Amemesan atau minta dibuatkan suatu barang (katakanlah perabot) pada si B dan telah dibayar sebagian harga (perskot), lalu setelah itu si A mengalami kesulitan ekonomi dan butuh uang cash, maka ia menjual utangnya itu pada si C dengan sedikit keuntungan. Lantas, bagaimanakah hukum jual beli hutang atau piutang (Bai’ al-dain) ini dalam perspektif Fiqh Islam? nampaknya para ulama berbeda pendapat tentang hal ini. Selengkapnya dapat dibaca dalam tulisan berikut.
ADHKI: Journal of Islamic Family Law Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Vol. 2, No. 2, Desember 2020
Publisher : ADHKI Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37876/adhki.v2i2.33


Marriage creates a balance of one's life biologically, psychologically and socially. Biologically, sexual needs are met. Psychologically, mental maturity and emotional stability, determine the diversity of married life. Marriages that are too young will result in a rise in divorce cases due to a lack of awareness to be responsible in married life. Sociologically, marriage makes a man and a woman legally considered legal. A lasting marriage is characterized by the husband and wife's readiness to assume responsibilities. According to the Marriage Law No. 16 of 2019 paragraph (7) states that marriage is performed if the male party has reached the age of 19 years and the woman is 19 years old provided that there must be permission from the parents. However, if there is something that deviates from the Law for example because of the free association of a pregnant woman outside of marriage and the woman has not reached the age of 19 years and the man has not reached the age of 19 years then Law No. 16 of 2019 can still provide the possibility of the age limit that has been set by the dispensation of marriage to the Court or other officials appointed by both parents of the women and the male side , this is based on article 7 paragraph 1 of the Marriage Law No. 16 of 2019.
Ibn Al-Muqaffa’s Proposal for Taqnīn and its Synchronization with Islamic Law Codification in Indonesia Sonafist, H.Y.; Efyanti, Yasni; Ramlah, Ramlah; Hamzah, Ali; Faizin, Faizin
Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam Vol 4, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Islamic Family Law Department, Sharia and Law Faculty, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/sjhk.v4i2.7864


The research problems addressed in the article are the background story behind Ibn al-Muqaffa’s proposal for taqnīn, the historical background of the creation of the Islamic law codification in Indonesia, and the synchronization of ibn al-Muqaffa’s idea for taqnīn with the codification of Islamic law in Indonesia. The current study aims to unravel the view of Ibn Al-Muqaffa, an Islamic figure, about taqnīn. A biographical study was conducted by doing library research, especially on Ibn Al-Muqaffa’s proposal for taqnīn. The data collection procedure was divided into three parts i.e., orientation, exploration, focus-oriented research. Biographical research is part of a qualitative study that uses data analysis techniques and literature study as the qualitative data analysis as well as content analysis through the historical and textual approach. The results of the study reveal the method of law implementation before and during the lifetime of Ibn Al-Muqaffa which could be described as chaotic, with one of the reasons was because, at the time, the court had not possessed the statute that governed the legal activities other than the Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) which was used by the judges in accepting, examining, and deciding on cases addressed to them. Therefore, every judge took a decision based on their own ijtihad (an Islamic legal term referring to independent reasoning or the thorough exertion of a jurist's mental faculty in finding a solution to a legal question). Ibn Al-Muqaffa advised the Khalifa Abu Jakfar Al-Manshur to compile the correlated legal reasonings in Islamic jurisprudence in which to be implemented and to be applied as the binding legal force in the form of statutory law which was regulated nationally and to be used as guidance by all the judges without no exception. The codification of Islamic law in Indonesia has received a constitutional status based on philosophical, sociological, and juridical reasons. The researchers closely examine three types of Islamic legal laws i.e., Act number 7 of 1989, Act number 3 of 2006, and Act number 50 of 2009 concerning Religious Courts, Act number 41 of 2004 concerning Waqf (Endowment), and Act number 21 of 2008 concerning Sharia (Islamic) Banking. Taqnīn (the codification of Islamic law) must be adjusted to demands of the present time in which it is implemented and in accordance with the specific fields of law, for example, taqnīn for Civil Law, Criminal Law, Family Law, Judicial Law, State Administrative Procedure Law, State Administrative Law, And State Finances.
Islamika : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 15 No. 1 (2015): Islamika : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kerinci, Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32939/islamika.v15i1.42


The economic crisis is often the case that have an impact on the global financial crisis and resulting financial conditions of individuals and families experiencing instability. Many have suddenly become poor or otherwise many who suddenly become rich. The next result is empirically many people who sell loans or receivables to others with cash because of being pressured by the needs that must be met. Buying and selling in this form in terms fiqhiyyah is called Bai'uddain; for example, person A owes the B. Agreement is corroborated by accounts payable certificate. Due to the urgent need, certificate of accounts payable were sold B to person C, and based on the certificate, the C collect the debt on the A. Or the A book or asked for an item (say furnishings) on the B and has been partially paid the price (perskot), then after that if A is in need of money and need cash, so he sold the debt on the C with a slight advantage. So, how is the law of sale and purchase of loans or receivables (Bai 'al-dain) is in the perspective of Islamic perspective? seems the scholars have different opinions about this. More can be read in the following text. Krisis perekonomian yang sering terjadi kadang-kadang membawa dampak pada krisis keuangan global dan mengakibatkan kondisi keuangan perorangan dan keluarga mengalami ketidak-stabilan. Banyak yang mendadak menjadi miskin atau sebaliknya banyak yang mendadak menjadi kaya. Akibat selanjutnya secara empirik banyak, orang yang menjual hutang atau piutangnya kepada orang lain dengan uang cash karena terdesak oleh kebutuhan yang harus segera dipenuhi. Jual beli dalam bentuk ini dalam istilah fiqhiyyah disebut Bai’uddain; misalnya si A berutang pada si B. Perjanjian hutang piutang dikuatkan dalam akte perjanjian hutang piutang. Karena kebutuhan yang mendesak, akte perjanjian hutang piutang tersebut dijual B kepada si C, dan berdasarkan akte tersebut, si C menagih hutang pada si A.Atau si Amemesan atau minta dibuatkan suatu barang (katakanlah perabot) pada si B dan telah dibayar sebagian harga (perskot), lalu setelah itu si A mengalami kesulitan ekonomi dan butuh uang cash, maka ia menjual utangnya itu pada si C dengan sedikit keuntungan. Lantas, bagaimanakah hukum jual beli hutang atau piutang (Bai’ al-dain) ini dalam perspektif Fiqh Islam? nampaknya para ulama berbeda pendapat tentang hal ini. Selengkapnya dapat dibaca dalam tulisan berikut.
Grammatical Errors Made by Students in Writing English Descriptive Paragraph: A Study at English Department at Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kerinci Y. Sonafist; Aridem Vintoni
ELITE JOURNAL Vol 1 No 1 (2019): English Linguistics, Literature, and Education
Publisher : ELITE Association Indonesia

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This study aimed at describing the types of grammatical errors made by the in writing English descriptive text. The participants of the study consisted of 47 students of English department at Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kerinci. The data were collected from the students’ compositions. The data were analyzed by using Error Analysis (EA). The grammatical errors in the students’ compositions were identified and classified. Each grammatical error was counted and calculated into percentage for frequency. The results revealed that the grammatical errors made by the students fell into seven categories: errors in using verb tense, singular and plural form, articles, prepositions, pronouns, word order (disordering/inversion of subject and verb) and word choice. The number of the errors in each type was apparently different. The most dominant errors were the errors in the use of preposition. There were 23 errors related to the use of preposition (33.3 % of the total errors). Compared to the total errors made by the students, there was only 1 error (1.4 %) in the use of pronouns
Al-Qisthu: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu-Ilmu Hukum Vol. 9 (2013): Al-Qisthu: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu-Ilmu Hukum
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kerinci

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (588.792 KB) | DOI: 10.32694/qst.v9i.1180


Krisis perekonomian yang sering terjadi kadang-kadang membawa dampak pada krisis keuangan global dan mengakibatkan kondisi keuangan perorangan dan keluarga mengalami ketidak-stabilan. Banyak yang mendadak menjadi miskin atau sebaliknya banyak yang mendadak menjadi kaya. Akibat selanjutnya secara empirik banyak orang yang menjual hutang atau piutangnya kepada orang lain dengan uang cash karena terdesak oleh kebutuhan yang harus segera dipenuhi. Jual beli dalam bentuk ini dalam istilah fiqhiyyah disebut Bai’uddain; misalnya si A berutang pada si B. Perjanjian hutang piutang dikuatkan dalam akte perjanjian hutang piutang. Karena kebutuhan yang mendesak, akte perjanjian hutang piutang tersebut dijual B kepada si C, dan berdasarkan akte tersebut, si C menagih hutang pada si A. Atau si A memesan atau minta dibuatkan suatu barang (katakanlah perabot) pada si B dan telah dibayar sebagian harga (perskot), lalu setelah itu si A mengalami kesulitan ekonomi dan butuh uang cash, maka ia menjual utangnya itu pada si C dengan sedikit keuntungan. Lantas, bagaimanakah hukum jual beli hutang atau piutang (Bai’ al-dain) ini dalam perspektif Fiqh Islam ? nampaknya para ulama berbeda pendapat tentang hal ini. Selengkapnya dapat dibaca dalam tulisan berikut.
Jurnal Integrasi Ilmu Syariah (Jisrah) Vol 2, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (747.569 KB) | DOI: 10.31958/jisrah.v2i3.5043


When the discussion about the prohibition of bank interest law was crowded, Abdullah Saeed came up with an alternative thought. For Saeed, bank interest does not fall into the category of riba as many voices say today. Therefore, this study aims to answer several questions: how is the concept of riba in Saeed's thinking; how is that thought correlated with the law of bank interest; and what is the legal methodology that Saeed used to produce his opinion. To answer this question, this study uses a literature source in the form of Abdullah Saeed's writings and is supported by other relevant sources. Analysis and presentation of data is a descriptive-analytic. This study finds that according to Saeed, the interest system applied by modern banking is completely different from the riba system at the time of the Prophet Muhammad that actually has its roots in pre-Islamic times. In expressing this opinion, Saeed uses a historical approach to the texts that talk about riba, then uses the theory of wisdom which in some respects is similar to the theory of qiyas in the terminology of conventional Islamic law.

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The concept of legal change brought about by Islamic law is a reflection of the purpose and nature of Islamic law which aims to create a stable life in the world that is in accordance with God's intention as the maker of shari'ah. The purpose and essence of Islamic law consists of four aspects, namely; realizing the benefit of humans in this world and the hereafter, the realization of the benefit of Islamic law must be understood so that it is in accordance with human nature, after obtaining a correct understanding, Islamic law must be implemented by Muslims, so that it can provide legal protection and tranquility for Muslims even against non-Muslims though. Islamic law is not just a static norm that prioritizes certainty and order, but also norms that must be able to dynamically think and manipulate people's behavior in realizing their goals. In order to develop the thoughts and studies of Islamic law in the life of society in the future, it is time for Islamic law experts to consider the studies and thoughts of Islamic law within the framework of sociology and social history approaches.
QAWAID FIQHIYYAH: (Korelasi, Urgensi Dalam Istinbath Hukum) Y. Sonafist

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Al-qawaid al-fiqhiyyah is a general rule covering a number of fiqh issues and through it can be known the law of fiqh issues that are within its scope. Al-qawaid al-fiqhiyyah which was formulated by the scholars which was not directly adopted and based on texts cannot be used as an argument in establishing Islamic law. Because, it is illogical to make something which is a collection of a number of furû' (fiqh) issues as the proposition of the syara' proposition. However, if the fiqh rules are directly based on and based on the arguments from the Qur'an and Sunnah (nash), they can be used as evidence in establishing law.
ETIKA PROFESI HUKUM (Dalam kajian Filsafat Hukum Islam) Y. Sonafist
Cross-border Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): Januari-Juni
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas Kalimantan Barat

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The purpose of this research is to find out more about the ethics of the legal profession in terms of the study of Islamic philosophy and law. The research method used is qualitative with the literature method. The research results show that; 1) The ethics of the legal profession is a person's attitude in carrying out his profession as a law enforcer. 2) The code of ethics is a rule in the form of legal norms for someone to behave in accordance with their respective professions. As explained above, those included in the legal profession are the police, prosecutors, judges and lawyers. Each profession has its own code of ethics regulated by the professional organization. The Police Code of Ethics is regulated in the Regulation of the Head of the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2011 concerning the Professional Code of Ethics for the Indonesian National Police. The Prosecutor's Code of Ethics is regulated in the Attorney General's Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number Per–014/A/Ja/11/2012 concerning the Prosecutor's Code of Conduct. Then the Code of Ethics for Judges is regulated in the Joint Decree of the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia and the Chairperson of the Judicial Commission of the Republic of Indonesia No. Concerning the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct for Judges. Finally, the Code of Ethics for Lawyers/Advocates Regulated by the Indonesian Advocates Working Committee on the Code of Ethics for Indonesian Advocates Was Ratified on May 23, 2002. 3) The problems faced by the legal profession are as follows: Quality of professional knowledge, Profession abuse, Legal profession becomes an activity business and Lack of social awareness and concern.