Darmono SS
Bagian Gizi Klinik Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Diponegoro

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JNH (Journal of Nutrition and Health) Vol 7, No 3 (2019): JNH (JOURNAL OF NUTRITION AND HEALTH)
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (795.834 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jnh.7.3.2019.29-37


Background: Obesity is a major public health problem today. Chronic imbalances between energy intake and energy expenditure will eventually cause obesity. Central obesity proved to be more at risk for health problems. Some micronutrients are found to be involved in the development of obesity. Magnesium is found to have a role in the development of obesity. Objective: to analyse the association of serum magnesium with various central obesity parameters such as abdominal circumference (WC), waist-hip ratio (WHR) and the amount of visceral fat in woman of reproductuve age with central obesity based on the hypothesis that obese subjects with hypomagnesemia are more prone to fall in complications of metabolic syndrome. Research method: This is a population-based cross-sectional study. A total of 52 apparently healthy adults woman of reproductive age between 18 and 35 years with central obesity (BMI >25 kg/m2,WC >80cm ),were recruited with prior ethical approval and written informed consent. WC and WHR were measurement using midline, visceral fat using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) and serum magnesium levels from venous blood. Hypothesis testing uses simple correlation and simple linear regression analysis for predictive values. Results: There was a significant negative correlation between Waist circumference (r = -0,473; p = 0,000), WHR (r = -0,476; p = 0,000) and visceral fat (r = -0,628; p = 0,000) with serum magnesium levels. Conclusion: there is a significant correlation between the size of the Waist circumference, WHR and visceral fat (central obesity) to decrease serum magnesium levels. Keywords: waist circumference, WHR, visceral fat, central obesity, serum magnesium ABSTRAK Latar belakang : Obesitas adalah masalah kesehatan masyarakat utama saat ini. Ketidakseimbangan kronis antara asupan energi dan pengeluaran energi pada akhirnya akan menyebabkan obesitas. Obesitas sentral terbukti lebih berisiko pada masalah kesehatan. Beberapa mikronutrien ditemukan terlibat dalam perkembangan obesitas. Magnesium ditemukan memiliki peran dalam perkembangan obesitas. Tujuan: menganalisis hubungan serum magnesium dengan berbagai parameter obesitas sentral seperti lingkar perut (LP), rasio pinggang-panggul (RLPP) dan jumlah lemak viseral pada WUS obesitas sentral berdasarkan hipotesis bahwa subjek obesitas dengan hipomagnesemia lebih rentan jatuh dalam komplikasi sindrom metabolik. Metode penelitian : penelitian korelasional dengan desain cross sectional melibatkan subyek WUS obesitas sentral sebanyak 52 subyek di kota Semarang dari bulan April-Mei 2019 yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Dilakukan pengukuran LP, RLPP, dan lemak viseral menggunakan Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) dan kadar serum magnesium dari darah vena. Uji hipotesis menggunakan korelasi sederhana dan analisis regresi linier sederhana untuk nilai prediksi. Hasil: : Terdapat korelasi negatif bermakna antara lingkar perut (r=-0,473; p=0,000), RLPP (r=-0,476; p=0,000) dan lemak viseral (r=-0,628; p=0,000) dengan kadar serum magnesium. Simpulan : terdapat korelasi bermakna antara besarnya lingkar perut, RLPP dan lemak viseral (obesitas sentral) terhadap penurunan kadar serum magnesium. Kata kunci : lingkar perut, RLPP, lemak viseral, obesitas sentral, WUS, serum magnesium
Hubungan status besi dan ioidum ibu hamil trimester III terhadap berat badan dan lingkar kepala bayi lahir didaerah endemik GAKI Novitasari, Sherly; Hadisaputro, Soeharyo; SS, Darmono; Rachmawati, Banundari; Pemayun, Tjokorda Gde Dalem
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 5, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (257.266 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.5.1.1-6


Background: Iodine and iron were micronutrient that highly related with formation of thyroid hormone. Iodine and iron deficiency during pregnancy, will affect fetal development. Weight and born baby’s head circumference were early indicator of infant development, because it describe the result of interaction of several factors for fetus during pregnancy. Objectives: To determine correlation between iodine and iron status of pregnant women in third trimester with born baby’s weight and head circumference. Methods: Cross sectional study with 49 pregnant women on third trimester and their baby born. Measurement of iron status used sTfR level by ELISA and iodine status used EIU. Meanwhile for the born baby, measurement was taken place on the baby’s weight and head circumference. Results: The average of iron status is 22,15 nmol/L, meanwhile average of iodine status is 168,63 μg/L with urine median value 165 μg/L. Statistical analysis with multiple correlation test showed no significant relationship between iron and iodine status of third trimester pregnant women to birth weight (r = 0,286; p = 0,141) as well as the babies head circumference (r = 0,195; p = 0,412).Conclusion: Iron and iodine status of third trimester pregnant women have low correlation to the born babies weight or head circumference in endemic area.
Pengaruh suplementasi spirulina terhadap beberapa parameter sindrom metabolik (studi di puskesmas lebdosari kota semarang) Sakti, Mayta; SS, Darmono; W, Nyoman Suci
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 3, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (447.583 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.3.2.94-100


Latar belakang : Sindrom metabolik adalah kumpulan kelainan metabolik lipid maupun non-lipid yang merupakan faktor risiko penyakit kardiovaskuler, meliputi obesitas sentral, dislipidemia, hipertensi, dan hiperglikemia kronis. Spirulina mengandung beberapa bahan aktif terutama phycocyanin dan β karoten yang memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dan antiinflamasi. Suplementasi spirulina mempunyai aktivitas biologis seperti mencegah penyakit akibat perlemakan hati, menurunkan kadar glukosa darah, profil lipid, serta menurunkan tekanan darah.Tujuan : Menganalisis pengaruh suplementasi spirulina terhadap beberapa parameter sindrom metabolik meliputi tekanan darah (TD), kadar glukosa darah puasa (GDP), kadar trigliserida (TG), dan kadar kolesterol HDL.Metode : Desain penelitian ini adalah quasi experimental dengan control group design. Subjek sejumlah 39 pasien dibagi menjadi kelompok kontrol (n=19) dan kelompok perlakuan (n=20) secara acak. Intervensi berupa suplementasi spirulina sebanyak 3 gram selama 4 minggu. Kadar GDP, kadar TG, kadar kolesterol HDL, dan TD diukur sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Hasil : Kadar GDP pada kelompok kontrol menurun secara signifikan (p=0.000), tetapi tidak ada perubahan pada TD, kadar TG, dan kadar kolesterol HDL. Kadar GDP (p=0,005), TG (p=0.040), dan TD sistolik (p=0.010) menurun secara signifikan tetapi perubahan kadar kolesterol HDL (p=0,970) dan TD diastolik (p=0,655) tidak signifikan pada kelompok perlakuan.Simpulan : Suplementasi spirulina selama 4 minggu menurunkan kadar glukosa darah, kadar TG, serta TD sistolik. Namun, tidak berpengaruh pada kadar kolesterol HDL dan TD diastolik.
Perbedaan Profil Lipid Pada Peserta Senam Jantung Sehat Murbawani, Etisa Adi; SS, Darmono; Subagyo, Hertanto Wahyu
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Volume 1. Nomor 2. Juni 2006
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (187.551 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.1.2.


ABSTRACT Background: Sports or regular physical activities have roles in preventing coronary cardiac disease. Healthy cardiac exercise is one of an aerobic exercises which has complete composition, which are warming up, main exercise , and cooling down. Sports can give best result if it is done at least three times a week. Objective of this study was to determine blood lipid profile differences in healthy cardiac exercise which had been done three times a week and once a week. Covariate factors are sex, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, and fiber intake, other physical activities, BMI, life style, and sport obedience. Methods: This study was observational design. Samples in this study are members of healthy cardiac club in Mugas, Paraga Wonodri, and Kini Jaya, Semarang. Samples were selected with Consecutive Sampling technique and data was analyzed by t test. GLM (General Linear Multivariate ) was used to find out lipid profile difference between two groups with covariate factors. Data were Analyzed by data procesing software. Result: There is no significant difference between two groups in mean energy intake (ρ=0,74), protein (ρ=0,06), fat (ρ=0,43), calcium (ρ=0,39), fiber (ρ=0,09) and cholesterol (ρ=0,24). And there is no significant difference in total cholesterol level (ρ=0,54), HDL (ρ=0,05), LDL (ρ=0,32) and triglyceride (ρ=0,77) either after including covariate factors. Conclusion: There is no difference of blood lipid level between three times a week exercise group and once a week exercise group with considering some influenced factors. Keyword: Total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglyceride, Healthy cardiac exercise.   ABSTRAK Latar Belakang. Olahraga atau aktifitas fisik yang teratur mempunyai peran dalam mencegah terjadinya penyakit jantung koroner. Senam jantung sehat merupakan salah satu senam aerobik yang mempunyai susunan lengkap, dalam artian format pemanasan, latihan, dan pendinginan dalam satu paket. Olahraga yang memberikan hasil terbaik adalah olahraga yang dilakukan paling sedikit 3 kali perminggu. Tujuan penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan profil lipid darah pada latihan fisik terprogram yang dilakukan tiga kali seminggu dan satu kali seminggu pada peserta Klub Jantung Sehat dengan memperhitungkan beberapa faktor kovariat, yaitu jenis kelamin, asupan lemak dan energi, aktifitas fisik lain, BMI, gaya hidup, asupan kalsium, asupan serat, kepatuhan olahraga. Metode. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional. Populasi terjangkau dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh anggota Klub Jantung Sehat yang berumur >40 tahun di Semarang. Sedangkan populasi targetnya adalah anggota Klub Jantung Sehat Mugas, Paraga Wonodri dan Perumahan Kini Jaya Semarang. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik Consecutive Sampling dan analisa data dilakukan dengan Uji beda t. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan profil lipid pada kedua kelompok dengan memasukkan berbagai variabel kovariat, digunakan analisis GLM (General Linear Multivariat) dengan program pengolah data. Hasil : Rerata asupan energi (ρ=0,74), protein (ρ=0,06), lemak (ρ=0,43), kalsium (ρ=0,39), serat (ρ=0,09) dan kolesterol (ρ=024) pada kedua kelompok tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna. Selain itu, tidak didapatkan pula perbedaan yang bermakna terhadap kadar kolesterol total (ρ=0,54), HDL (ρ=0,05), LDL (ρ=0,32) dan trigliserida (ρ=0,77) pada kedua kelompok peserta senam jantung sehat. Simpulan : Kadar profil lipid pada kelompok yang melakukan latihan senam jantung sehat 3x seminggu tidak berbeda jika dibandingkan dengan kelompok yang melakukan latihan senam jantung sehat Ix seminggu dengan memperhatikan beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi. Kata kunci : Kolesterol total, HDL, LDL, trigliserida, senam jantung sehat.Permalink: http://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/jgi/article/view/3242
Hubungan status iodium ibu hamil trimester III dengan status iodium dan nilai antropometri bayi baru lahir di daerah GAKI Pibriyanti, Kartika; SS, Darmono; Pemayun, Tjokorda Gde Dalem
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 5, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (357.208 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.5.2.75-81


Background: Iodine essential for thyroid hormone synthesis. Women in their pregnancy are susceptible of Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD) since they are facing metabolism and hormonal alteration. IDD in pregnant women gave bad impact to the growth and development of the fetus. Determinant of the life continuity of the newborn babies and their life qualities could be seen through the newborn baby condition based on their body size proportions right after the birth. Objective : Explaining the impact of the iodine status of the pregnant women in their third trimester to the iodine status and anthropometric values of the newborn babies.Method : This research used non experimental study design cross sectional to 52 pregnant women in their third trimester with the babies. The Urinary Excretion of Iodine (UEI) for the examination of iodine status. To the newborn babies, UEI examination and anthropometric measurement, consists of weight birth (WB), length birth (LB), head circumference (HC) were done. Result : There is a significant correlation between the mothers’ UEI and the LB of the newborn babies (p=0,018). There is no significant correlation between mothers’ UEI and the babies’ UEI (p=1,000), mothers’ UEI and the WB of the newborn babies (p=0,548), mothers’ UEI and the newborn babies’ HC (p=0,885).Conclusion : There is a significant correlation iodine status of the pregnant women in their third trimester <150 µg/L with the LB of the newborn babies <48 cm, but there is no significant correlation with the UEI of the newborn babies <100 µg/L, WB <2500 gram, HC<34 cm.
Pengaruh pemberian probiotik Lactobacillus helveticus Rosell-52 dan Lactobacillus rhamnosus Rosell-11 terhadap kadar limfosit lanjut usia Wahyuningsih, Retno; SS, Darmono; Margawati, Ani
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (489.903 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.3.1.102-108


Background: Infectious disease remains a health problem for the elderly. The elderly are susceptible to infection,because the body's ability to fight infection decreases immunity. The immune status can be improved through the effortsof immunization, and nutrition. However the elderly are not sufficient to meet the nutritional needs of food, so probioticcould support nutritional adequacy.Objective: Analyze the effect of probiotic Lactobacillus helveticus Rosell-52 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus Rosell-11 onlevels of lymphocytes in the elderly in Tresna Elderly Social Institution Puspakarma Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara.Methods: This was quasi-experimental study, randomized pre-post control group design. The population is elderly aged60-75 years, involving 45 subjects were divided randomly into two groups, namely the treatment groups givenprobiotics and the control group was given a placebo. Probiotics were given for 4 weeks, with the provision of onecapsule a day. Immunity status in this study was lymphocytes. Data examined included the intake of nutrients (protein,vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, Fe, Zn), health status, quality of sleep, and levels of lymphocytes in the elderly. Datawere analyzed using bivariate with different test Independent sample t-test, Mann-Whitney U test, Spearman, Pearson,and Paired t-test.Results: Increasing number of lymphocytes were significantly in the treatment group (χ ± SD: 1.84 ± 1.85) and in thecontrol group (0.95 ± 5.0). There is no relationship between intake (protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, Fe, Zink),physical health status, and quality of sleep with levels of lymphocytes.Conclusion: Probiotics in 4 weeks is proven to increase the number of lymphocytes in the elderly.