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Business Model Canvas dan Social Media Marketing untuk Meningkatkan Kapasitas Pengusaha Mikro di Kabupaten Pangkep Anugrayani Bustamin
JURNAL TEPAT : Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Penguatan Masyarakat melalui Pemanfaatan Teknologi
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v3i1.72


Community service has been done to improve the performance and capacity of the Pelita Desa Farmers Group in Pangkep Regency. Pelita Desa Farmers Group is a group of "Pamelo" orange entrepreneurs in Attangsalo Village, Ma’rang District, Pangkep Regency. The socialization activity was attended by 15 participants who were members of the Pelita Desa Farmer Group and several community leaders also participated. The results of the analysis of the situation and conditions found several problems that are being faced by Pelita Desa Farmers Group, namely the ongoing business has not gone through the process of business analysis, social media marketing and branding are still not used. So that in this service activity the introduction of Business Model Canvas (BMC) was carried out by conducting business translation in a simple but effective way to look holistically at a startup or business. Furthermore, the introduction of social media marketing is also carried out to support business groups, improve performance to be sustainable and develop better. This is considered necessary to be a turning point for business groups in increasing efforts to progress and face the era of globalization.
Sosialisasi Penggunaan Game Matematika Bagi Siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al Hidayah Makassar Indrabayu -; Ingrid Nurtanio; Christoforus Yohannes; Zulkifli Tahir; Ais Prayogi; Anugrayani Bustamin; Riny Yustica Dewi; Rizka Irianty
JURNAL TEPAT : Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Penguatan Aplikasi Teknologi untuk Masyarakat pada Masa Pandemi
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v3i2.127


Mathematics is an important subject taught in schools. Learning mathematics gives students' the ability to reason and develop their mindset. However, many students feel less interested in mathematics. This results in students’ poor learning achievesment. One solution to increase student interest in learning is to use tools that utilize technology. The community service carried out at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al Hidayah Makassar aims to provide new insights for students regarding digital learning methods and materials at school. It also aims to foster motivation to learn mathematics, which is often seen as a fearful subject by students. The implementation of this community service is divided into 2 stages, which are the stage of socializing the technology-based learning methods, in this case using android smartphones, and the training stage on how to use the Mathology educational applications. This community service is also a venue for disseminating the research regarding the application ofinteractive learning media from Department of Informatics Engineering, Engineering Faculty, UNHAS.
Pelatihan Mengenal Karakter Dasar Siswa untuk Coaching di SMK Telkom Makassar Indrabayu Indrabayu; Ingrid Nurtanio; Ady Wahyudi; Christoforus Yohannes; Ais Prayogi; Elly Warni; Anugrayani Bustamin; Astri Oktianawaty; A. Marimar Muchtamar; Intan Sari Areni
JURNAL TEPAT : Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Community Empowerment through Health Awareness in the New Normal
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v4i2.183


This rapid technological development needs to be addressed wisely regarding the millennial generation. One of them is knowing the character and mindset of the millennial generation. This community service aims to provide new insights and knowledge for teachers and specifically for students to recognize basic characters. Character education is one of the main discourses in national policies in the field of character education. The entire teaching and learning process must refer to character development and this is something that partners will implement, in this case, SMK Telkom Makassar. The implementation of community service is carried out by two methods, namely the socialization of basic character recognition and Brain Color tests. This socialization consists of introducing basic characters which is also one of the sub-topics in the Technopreneurship Course taught at the Department of Informatics Engineering, Hasanuddin University. And as a solution in solving partner problems, a brain color test is carried out to identify the personality color of each student. The results of each student's Brain Color model can be used as a reference in developing teaching and learning process strategies. This community service was attended by 63 teachers of SMK Telkom through a zoom meeting. The participants were very enthusiastic in participating in this activity, as seen from the questionnaire results, which showed 96% agreed with the implementation of the method introduced. In addition, the participants also hoped that there would be further training related to the introduction of student characters which are important in the learning process at school.
Strategi Pembelajaran Menggunakan Metaverse Bagi Guru Di Madrasah Aliyah Al Hidayah Indrabayu Indrabayu; Zahir Zainuddin; Ingrid Nurtanio; Amil Ahmad Ilham; Muhammad Niswar; Adnan Adnan; Elly Warni; Zulkifli Tahir; Ady Wahyudi Paundu; Christoforus Yohanes; Mukarramah Yusuf; A.Ais Prayogi; Anugrayani Bustamin; Iqra Aswad; Muhammad Alief Fadhal Imran Oemar; Intan Sari Areni; Zaenab Muslimin; Rieka Zalzabillah Putri; Aulia Darnilasari
JURNAL TEPAT : Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 5 No 2 (2022): Mengembangkan Kehiodupan Masyarakat melalui Kesatuan dan Kekuatan
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v5i2.287


The rapid development of digital technology makes the world of education must continue to be dynamic and develop in order to produce adaptive and competent generations. Previously in conventional teaching methods, the material was taught by the teacher to students in the classroom orally or by telling students to read books to watch videos. However, with the online school method in Metaverse, it is hoped that it can provide clear explanations regarding material that is difficult to explain through books or videos. Metaverse is a future technology in the form of a virtual space where people from all over the world can gather and communicate using virtual technology. With the presence of a virtual world like this Metaverse, the world of education will be greatly helped. For example, when learning takes place, students can see firsthand how the machine works without having to cut it, the anatomy of the body without having to cut live animals or visiting a historical place without having to flock to ride buses all the way to the place they want to go, see phenomena and direct natural disasters, or even school buildings can also be built majestically in the Metaverse world. There are so many conveniences that we find when we use the Metaverse as a learning innovation in the future. Community service carried out at Madrasah Aliyah Al Hidayah, aims to provide insight into educational applications that will be used in the Metaverse so as to facilitate interaction between teachers at MA Al Hidayah and students, as well as provide enormous opportunities, especially for matters related to the world of education. , internet design and gaming. This community service is also a place to socialize research results at the Department of Informatics Engineering, namely Metaverse in the field of education. The results of the service showed that the level of understanding of the training participants increased significantly on the importance of Metaverse education.