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Governance of Street Vendors in A Perspective of State-Society Relation in Solo Sudarmo, Sudarmo
JKAP (Jurnal Kebijakan dan Administrasi Publik) 2009: JKAP VOLUME 13 NOMOR 1, TAHUN 2009
Publisher : Magister Administrasi Publik (MAP) FISIPOL Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Kegiatan ekonomi sektor informal yang dijlankan oleh pedagang jalanan (street vendors) di Kota Solo secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan daerah. Namun, keberadaan pedagang jalanan yang sebagian besar berasal dari pendatang luar daerah, ditanggapi secara negatif oleh pemkot Solo. Implikasi dari hal tersebut adalah kegiatan ekonomi yang dijalankan oleh para pedgang jalanan dikontrol oleh pemerintah daerah dan elit berkuasa lainnya. Semenjak adanya pembatasan akses partisipasi pedgang jalanan terhadap proses pengambilan kebijakan maka tata kepemerintahan Kota Solo mulai memberdayakan pedagang jalanana untuk membangun jejaring kerja. Membangun jejaring kerja merupakan hal yang sangat vital bagi kemampuan bertahan pedagang jalanan. Semakin banyak jejaring kerja yang dimiliki maka semakin tinggi pula kemampuan para pedagang jalanan untuk bertahan. Namun, para pedagang jalanan yang tidak memiliki atau sedikit memiliki jejaring kerja merupakan pihak-pihak yang cenderung rapuh dalam menghadapi persaingan dunia usaha.
Persepsi Mahasiswa Akuntansi dan Akuntan Pendidik Binus University Mengenai Aturan Etika dalam Kode Etik Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia 2010 Hermanto, Ficha; Sudarmo, Sudarmo; Ramdan, Zulfitry
Binus Business Review Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Binus Business Review
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/bbr.v3i1.1295


The purpose of this research is to find out the perception difference between Binus University accounting lecturers and students in understanding Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI) code of conduct.The code of conduct consists of five elements, those are independence, integrity and objectivity; common standards and accounting principles; responsibility to clients; responsibility to colleagues; responsibility and other practice. This research gathered the primary data through questionnaires about code of conduct from accounting lecturers and students in Binus University. The hypothesis has been analyzed with Independent t-test. The result shows that there is only one perception difference, which is in responsibility to clients. It is caused by experience difference between lecturers and students.
Komunikasi Organisasi Dinas Kesehatan dalam Program Eliminasi Malaria Sihabuddin, Sihabuddin; Muktiyo, Widodo; Sudarmo, Sudarmo
Sospol : Jurnal Sosial Politik Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Januari-Juni
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (29.096 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/sospol.v4i1.5210


AbstrakLatar belakang penelitian ini adalah kesuksesan Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur dalam program eliminasi malaria sehingga pada tahun 2015 Provinsi Jawa Timur mendapatkan sertifikasi eliminasi malaria (kecuali tiga Kabupaten namun sudah diusulkan). Program eliminasi malaria adalah program untuk menghentikan penularan penyakit malaria setempat agar tidak menimbulkan semakin banyak korban, program ini dicanangkan oleh Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dan menganalisa kewenangan, spesialisasi/pengkhususan dan peraturan komunikasi organisasi antara Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Timur, juga untuk menggambarkan dan menganalisa pembuatan, pemilihan, dan penyimpanan informasi dalam komunikasi organisasi pada program eliminasi malaria antara Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Timur. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kualitatif dengan format studi kasus dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara mendalam dan metode dokumenter. Hasil penelitian bahwasanya kesuksesan program eliminasi malaria di Provinsi Jawa Timur tidak lepas dari pengorganisasian yang dilakukan dengan tiga komponen yaitu kewenangan, spesialisasi/pengkhususan, dan peraturan yang berjalan sebagai mana mestinya. Hal ini dikarenakan kepatuhan dan pemahaman semua komponen pelaku organisasi program eliminasi malaria di Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur terhadap komponen tersebut. Selain itu, dalam mengolah, memilih atau menyaring, dan menyimpan informasi dari Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten/Kota dilakukan dengan hati-hati oleh Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi sebagai induk dari Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Timur.Kata Kunci: Kesehatan, Komunikasi, Malaria, Organisasi, Program  AbstractThe background of this reasearch is the succeses of Provincial Health Office of East Java ini malaria elemination program that brings all districts/ cities at East Java obtain certification of malaria elemination in 2015 (except the tree districts but it has been proposed). Malaria elimination program is a national program launched by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia to stop the transmission of local malaria so that there is no more casualities. The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the autority, specialization and regulation of organizayional communication between the Provincial Health Office and District/ City at East Java, as well as to describe and analyze the manufacture, selection, and retention of information in organizational communication between the Provincial Health Office and District/ City at East Java in the malaria elimination program. This is a descriptive and qualitative research that using interviews and documentary methods. The results of the reserch was the succes of malaria elimination program at East Java province cound not be separated from the organizing that carried out with three components which are authority, specialization, and regulations that runs as it should be. This is because of the compliance and understanding of all components of malaria elimination program organization at East Java Provincial Health Office of those components. Moreover, in manufacturing, selecting, and storing information from the District / City Health Office was done with great caution by thr Provincial Health Office as the centre of the District Health Office at East Java.Keywords: Communication, Health, Malaria, Organization, Program
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi Vol 6, No 2 (2009): Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Lembaga Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31113/jia.v6i2.353


The implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) in attempting to meet quality service in public sector in Indonesia is still problematical, mainly due to family-oriented bureaucracy behavior, incompatibility between praxis of TQM and that of public sector and practices of patrimonial management. These impedimentscan be reduced by keeping various kinds of commitments in terms of cultural changes, top management involvement totality, total quality-behavior oriented, time, and financial sources. In addition, commitment to reform the moral and ideology of the ruler and decision makers as well as their political will to materialize it is obviously required. Despite difficulties in changing organization culture, some ways offer a solution. Organization culture toward quality service can be changed by restructuring the organization, improving property rights, deploying new managers, and tightly scheduling the period of time in implementing TQM.
Digital queer: identitas komunikasi genderqueer selebgram Mimi Peri Pradhuka, Briant Nor; Utari, Prahastiwi; Sudarmo, Sudarmo
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi Vol 4, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Communications Science, Dr. Soetomo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jsk.v4i1.1582


Ahmad Jaelani, an Instagram influencer who adopted Mimi Peri as their new identity, plays a significant role in the emergence of digital queer phenomena in Indonesian cyber society. Ahmad Jaelani triggered the digital queer phenomena when he came out as gender queer. Jaelani’s brave act to adopt Mimi Peri identity resulted from various identity struggle. Before conforming to his new identity, he went through several stages, such as identity confusion, identity comparison, identity tolerance, identity acceptance, identity pride, and finally identity synthesis. He conveys his new identity through innovation and creativity, which are presented in several layers, such as personal layers, enactment layers, relational layers, and communal layers.
Digital queer: identitas komunikasi genderqueer selebgram Mimi Peri Pradhuka, Briant Nor; Utari, Prahastiwi; Sudarmo, Sudarmo
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Communications Science, Dr. Soetomo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jsk.v4i1.1582


Ahmad Jaelani, an Instagram influencer who adopted Mimi Peri as their new identity, plays a significant role in the emergence of digital queer phenomena in Indonesian cyber society. Ahmad Jaelani triggered the digital queer phenomena when he came out as gender queer. Jaelani’s brave act to adopt Mimi Peri identity resulted from various identity struggle. Before conforming to his new identity, he went through several stages, such as identity confusion, identity comparison, identity tolerance, identity acceptance, identity pride, and finally identity synthesis. He conveys his new identity through innovation and creativity, which are presented in several layers, such as personal layers, enactment layers, relational layers, and communal layers.
Peran Penyuluh Pertanian Terhadap Peningkatan Wawasan/ Pengetahuan Dalam Meningkatkan Produksi Padi di Desa Tellulimpo Kec. Marioriawa Kab. Soppeng Sudarmo, Sudarmo; Irmayani, Irmayani; Yusriadi, Yusriadi
Jurnal Ilmiah Ecosystem Vol. 21 No. 3 (2021): ECOSYSTEM Vol. 21 No 3, September - Desember Tahun 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Universitas Bosowa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35965/eco.v21i3.1142


Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji peran penyuluh pertanian terhadap produksi petani padi di Desa Tellu Limpoe Kecamatan Marioriawa Kabupaten Soppeng. Penelitian ini berlokasi di Desa Tellu Limpoe Kecamatan Marioriawa Kabupaten Soppeng. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu observasi dan wawancara sedangkan jenis dan sumber data yang digunakan yaitu data primer dan sekunder. Analisa data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini statistik deskriptif dan Skala linker. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Persepsi masyarakat terhadap peran penyuluh pertanian terhadap peningkatan wawasan/pengetahuan dalam meningkatkan produksi petani padi adalah indikator 1) Peran penyuluh sebagai pembimbing petani, 2) Peran penyuluh sebagai teknisi lapangan, 3) Peran penyuluh sebagai penghubung antara lembaga dengan petani, dan 4) Peran penyuluh pertanian dalam meningkatkan hasil petani padi, semuanya sangat berperan dalam meningkatkan wawasan/pengetahuan dalam meningkatkan produsi petani padi dan juga peran penyuluh sangat penting bagi petani di Desa Tellulimpoe untuk dapat meningkatka produksi padi. The research aims to examine the role of agricultural extension workers in the production of rice farmers in Tellu Limpoe Village, Marioriawa District, Soppeng Regency. This research is located in Tellu Limpoe Village, Marioriawa District, Soppeng Regency. Data collection techniques in this study are observation and interviews while the types and sources of data used are primary and secondary data. Analysis of the data used in this study is descriptive statistics and linker scale. The results showed that the public perception of the role of agricultural extension workers to increase insight / knowledge in increasing the production of rice farmers is an indicator 1) The role of extension workers as farmers’ supervisors, 2) The role of extension workers as field technicians, 3) The role of extension workers as a liaison between institutions and farmers, and 4) The role of agricultural instructors in increasing the yield of rice farmers, all of which play an important role in increasing insight / knowledge in increasing the production of rice farmers and also the role of extension workers is very important for farmers in the village of Tellulimpoe to be able to increase rice production.
Pesilat Conflict Analysis in Madiun: Conflict Resolution Study Ximenes, Manuel; Sudarmo, Sudarmo; Setyowati, Kristina
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 11, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jish.v11i1.37078


Conflict between members of the pencak silat organization is a conflict phenomenon caused by various sources of conflict involving members of the pencak silat organization so that it creates public security disturbances in the Madiun Regency area. The conflict made the government handle it through various efforts to resolve the conflict. The purpose of this study is to find out how conflict and conflict resolution can be created and run in the Madiun area. The research method is this research using qualitative research methods, which is a type of research that emphasizes drawing conclusions based on the interpretation of a phenomenon or fact. The results showed that the silat conflict that occurred in the Madiun area was more of a horizontal conflict, namely the conflict that occurred only among the fighters in the Madiun area and the cause was due to trivial problems that occurred between the silat fighter and his silat association. Next, to deal with this problem, the local government tries to carry out conflict resolution based on a community governance approach, namely as an integrative and participatory community or community empowerment in the decision-making process. The approach taken by the local apparatus succeeded in reducing the conflict and creating peace, although the resolution of the conflict was not able to eliminate the feelings or desires of the fighters to stop the conflict between them.