Suhartana Suhartana
Department Of Chemistry, Faculty Of Sciences And Mathematics, Diponegoro University

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Jurnal Psikologi Terapan dan Pendidikan Vol 1 No 1 Agustus 2013
Publisher : Jurnal Psikologi Terapan dan Pendidikan

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ABSTRACT This research is intended to examine the relationship of teacher’s competence, achievement motivation and self-regulation as the mediator to the students of SMA 1 Pengasih Kulon Progo Yogyakarta. This research is as the survey research using correlational quantitative approach. The Population of this research is students of class XI SMA 1 Pengasih Kulon Progo Yogyakarta, amount to 152 students. Research analyze used structural equation modelling (SEM), and it is found that self-regulation significantly mediate teacher’s competence perception showed by β = 0,297, p˂0,1, and achievement motivation showed by β = 2,532 toward the history learning achievement to the student of class XI SMA 1 Pengasih Kulon Progo. The significant relation indicates that the strength of the teacher’s competence perception and achievement motivation with self-regulation as the mediator. Key word: Teacher’s competence perception, achievement motivation, self- regulation, history learning achievement
Jurnal Psikologi Terapan dan Pendidikan Vol 1 No 1 Agustus 2013
Publisher : Jurnal Psikologi Terapan dan Pendidikan

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ABSTRACT This research is intended to examine the relationship of teacher’s competence, achievement motivation and self-regulation as the mediator to the students of SMA 1 Pengasih Kulon Progo Yogyakarta. This research is as the survey research using correlational quantitative approach. The Population of this research is students of class XI SMA 1 Pengasih Kulon Progo Yogyakarta, amount to 152 students. Research analyze used structural equation modelling (SEM), and it is found that self-regulation significantly mediate teacher’s competence perception showed by β = 0,297, p˂0,1, and achievement motivation showed by β = 2,532 toward the history learning achievement to the student of class XI SMA 1 Pengasih Kulon Progo. The significant relation indicates that the strength of the teacher’s competence perception and achievement motivation with self-regulation as the mediator. Key word: Teacher’s competence perception, achievement motivation, self- regulation, history learning achievement
Evaluation on the Application of Stratified Double Net Cages for Freshwater Fish Aquaculture: Macrobenthic Assemblages as Bioindicator P. Putro, Sapto; Sudaryono, Agung; Widowati, Widowati; Suhartana, Suhartana
Aquacultura Indonesiana Vol 15, No 1 (2014): Volume 15 Issue 1 Year 2014
Publisher : Indonesian Aquaculture Society (MAI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (199.472 KB) | DOI: 10.21534/ai.v15i1.31


Various designs of floating fish cages have been developed by the fishermen, both for applications on the rivers, reservoirs, coastal areas, offshore and lakes. In order to optimise the ecological use of Lake Rawapening as fish farming area, it is necessary to change the design of cages as well as farming practice. The development of design of floating net cage has been done using Stratified Double Net Cages (SDNC), and it is considered to be one of the best alternatives to solve the problem.  The aims of this study were to evaluate the application of Stratified Double Net Cages (SDNC) based on macrobenthic assemblages to assess the potential environmental impact caused by farming activities using SDNC. The results were compared to the reference areas, which were 1 (one) km away from the farming zones.This study was carried out at the ficinity areas of two SDNC. The cages were operated by fisherman groups of  Ngudi Makmur and Rukun Santosa, located on the water column of Lake Rawapening, close to Asinan District, Central Java. The results showed that the composition of species macrobenthic assemblages between farming sites and control sites were different both in number and compotition, indicating the initial stage of disturbance caused by organic enrichment due to farming actitivites. The study provides important implications for the arrangement of Stratified Double Net Cage (SDNC)  activities at Lake Rawapening, both in density and ordinate position in order to maintain the ecological function of this lake.
BERKALA FISIKA Vol 10, No 2 (2007): Berkala Fisika

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Ferralsol is tropical type land, which exploited as rice field farm and plantation. Other benefit which can be taken away from  this ferrasol  if burned hence will be able to make liquid cleaner material. Composition of ferralsol is ferralsol orthic and ferralsol plinthic. If burned is good for purification liquid material, inorganic and also organic material. In this research result of combustion from ferralsol, used to make clear ex- cooking oil. Result of which scored a number of peroxide go down 12,75 %, number of acid also go down 8,33 %,   by ferralsol, and a number of peroxide go down 19,45 %, number of acid also go down 10,42 % by burning ferralsol   but with both ex- cooking  oil color become clear progressively.   Keyword: ferralsol, liquid cleaner material
Pemanfaatan Tempurung Kelapa Sebagai Bahan Baku Arang Aktif dan Aplikasinya Untuk Penjernihan Air Sumur di Desa Belor Kecamatan Ngaringan Kabupaten Grobogan Suhartana, Suhartana
BERKALA FISIKA Vol 9, No 3 (2006): Berkala Fisika

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Waste Piece of Coconut shell used in society often only used upon which burn or firewood. Some furniture industries minimize there, exploited as a tool of physic educative and souvenir. In other hand, can be taken away from piece of coconut shell could to raw material of active charcoal. Chemical content of active charcoals is carbon compound, is very good for process of liquid material purification, inorganic and also organic material goodness. In this research is existing active charcoal, used to make clear ground water at Belor Ngaringan Grobogan District. Result after treatment by active charcoal pH, hardness, salinity, biologycal oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand were decrease.   Keyword: piece of coconut shell, active charcoal, liquid material purification.
Kemampuan Ligan Hipoxantin dan Quanin untuk Ekstraksi Kation Perak pada Fasa Air- Kloroform Suhartana, Suhartana
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 15 Issue 1 Year 2007

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ABSTRAK---Perak adalah merupakan jenis logam mulia, dapat dipakai untuk pelapis logam. Salah satu cara untuk dekonsentrasi kation cadmium dengan membuat senyawa kompleksnya, lalu diekstrak dalam pelarut organik. Dengan ligan Hipoksanthin perak dapat mengalami penurunan kadar sekitar 69,63 %, sementara dengan ligan quanin perak dapat mengalami penurunan kadar sekitar 69,92 %. Kata kunci: Perak, dekonsentrasi dan senyawa kompleks.
Geochemistry of Three Spots on Stream Water around Gedongsongo Hot Springs Aminin, Agustina L. N.; Suhartana, Suhartana; Sriatun, Sriatun; W., Didik S.
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 21 Issue 4 Year 2013

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Study on the physical characteristics, chemical content of water as well as microbiological composition in the area of ​​geothermal hot springs in Gedongsongo have been done. Water samples were collected on the area within streaming water with moderate temperature. The selection was done on the basis of water that will enter into agricultural and residential areas. Water analysis includes physical analysis, such as temperature, water clarity and odor. While the chemical analysis comprised the oxide content of Mg and Ca. Anion analysis was also performed as sulfate, phosphate, bicarbonate and chloride. The microbiological composition performed using SSCP method for community analysis. The results showed a correlation between the temperature and the content of the anions. The higher temperature of water showed the higher level of anions. The existence of the metal oxide is directly proportional to the levels of the anions. The lower acidity of water showed the higher the levels of hydrogen sulfide. Bacterial composition based on SSCP profile showed a slight different of diversity.
PENGARUH PH TERHADAP PEMBENTUKAN SENYAWA KOMPLEKS KOBAL(II)HIPOKSANTIN Anggraini, Devina Ingrid; suhartana, Suhartana; pardoyo, pardoyo
Media Farmasi Indonesia Vol 6 No 2 (2011): Media Farmasi Indonesia

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Cobalt ion has electron configuration that enable as a center ion of complex compound such as cobalt(II)hypoxanthine. Complexation of cobalt(II)hypoxanthine is necessary to learnad due to its biological system involvement in purine catabolism. Complex formation is affected by pH on cobalt(II)hypoxanthine complex formation. This effect was studied by varying solution pH From 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and complex formed was extracted using chloroform.qualitative characterization of the complex was performed by analysing its infrared and ultraviolet spectra, and quantitative test using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Result show that optimum process was reached at pH of 9. Cobalt bonds with hypoxanthine via N9, as supported by its ultraviolet and infrared spectra as well.
Reduksi Senyawa 6-Amino-5-Nitroso Urasil Menjadi 5,6-Diaminourasil (Studi Pendahuluan) Suhartana, Suhartana; Rusdiarso, Bambang; Narsito, Narsito
Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi Vol 3, No 1 (2000): Volume 3 Issue 1 Year 2000
Publisher : Chemistry Department, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Diponegoro University

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Telah dilakukan sintesis dan reduksi senyawa 6-amino-5-nitroso urasil (6-A-5-NU) menjadi 5,6 diaminourasil (DAU). Analisis kualitatif dilakukan dengan penentuan titik leleh dan spektra IR. Senyawa 5,6- Diaminourasil (DAU) disintesis dari urea dan etilsianoasetat dalam suasana enolat. Reaksi diawali dengan melalui pembentukan senyawa hasil antara senyawa 6-aminourasil, dan 6-Amino-5-Nitroso Urasil (keduanya madya yang stabil), sebelum diperoleh senyawa hasil akhir DAU. Hasil DAU yang diperoleh mempunyai titik leleh 249-254°C (literatur 257-258°C) dan rendemen yang diperoleh adalah 80,86%, kondisi optimum diperoleh dengan memakai reduktor amonium sulfida, dan suhu 40°C.
Koagulasi Pewarna Indigo Karmina (Disodium-3,3’-dioxo-2,2’-bi-indolylidene-5,5’-disulfonat) dengan Metode Elektrolisis Menggunakan Anoda Seng Darmawan, Adi; Suhartana, Suhartana; Kristinawati, Leny
Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi Vol 9, No 1 (2006): Volume 9 Issue 1 Year 2006
Publisher : Chemistry Department, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (371.524 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jksa.9.1.22-28


Zat warna indigo karmina merupakan salah satu senyawa organik yang digunakan dalam proses pewarnaan tekstil. Zat warna ini menghasilkan limbah cair yang mengakibatkan pencemaran dan kerusakan lingkungan. Sementara seng sisa juga mudah ditemukan. Elektrolisis merupakan suatu metode yang digunakan untuk memanfaatkan kembali kedua limbah tersebut. Logam seng dimanfaatkan sebagai elektroda untuk mendekolorisasi pewarna indigo karmina. Elektrolisis dilakukan selama 7 menit dan tegangan eksternal 6 Volt dengan variasi pH dan temperatur. Hasil elektrolisis dianalisis dengan Spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa elektrodekolorisasi dipengaruhi oleh pH dan temperatur. Elektrodekolorisasi pewarna indigo karmina efektif dilakukan pada pH asam yaitu 4 dengan persen dekolorisasi 94,52% dan pada temperatur 70oC dengan persen dekolorisasi 98,09 %.