Pardoyo Pardoyo
Laboratory Of Chemistry, Faculty Of Mathematical And Natural Science, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang 50275

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PEMBUATAN KOMPOSIT CARBON NANOTUBE-POLYVINYL ALCOHOL (CNT-PVA) SERTA EVALUASI SIFAT MEKANIKNYA Wahyudi, Tatang; Setyaningsih, Metri; Subagio, Agus; Widiyandari, Hendri; Pardoyo, Pardoyo; Ahyani, Musni
Arena Tekstil Vol 27, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Arena Tekstil

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Perkembangan teknologi nanomaterial mendukung teknologi komposit. Komposit yang menggunakannanomaterial menghasilkan sifat mekanik yang lebih baik daripada komposit biasa. Komposit carbon nanotubes(CNT) berpotensi memiliki kekuatan tarik yang tinggi oleh adanya struktur tabung nanonya yang baik sebagaimatrik. Komposit CNT-PVA telah dibuat dengan metode pelarutan. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) dilarutkan dalam airbertemperatur 80°C, selanjutnya material CNT ditambahkan ke dalam larutan tersebut dengan variasi fraksi massaCNT terhadap PVA sebesar 10%, 20% dan 30%. Komposit CNT-PVA terbentuk setelah dikeringkan padatemperatur 80°C. Selanjutnya sifat mekanik komposit dikarakterisasi dengan uji kekuatan tarik. Hasil ujimenunjukkan bahwa komposit CNT-PVA dengan fraksi massa 20% CNT terhadap PVA menghasilkan modulusYoung yang paling besar yaitu 137,71MPa. Ketebalan komposit 0,94 mm yang dibangun oleh tiga lapis tipiskomposit CNT-PVA menghasilkan peningkatan modulus Young hingga 107,30%.
Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Material Nanokomposit CNT/MnO2 Untuk Aplikasi Material Superkapasitor Subagio, A.; -, Priyono; -, Pardoyo; Yudianti, R.
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia Vol 10, No 1 (2014): January 2014
Publisher : Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jpfi.v10i1.3056


Telah dilakukan fabrikasi material nanokomposit CNT/MnO2 sebagai material elektroda superkapasitor dengan reaksi redox antara CNT dan KMnO4. Variasi komposisi dari kedua bahan tersebut dilakukan untuk mengetahui sifat struktur, morfologi dan kelistrikannya dengan perbandingan massa CNT/MnO2 sebesar 0, 25, 50 dan 75%. Pola struktur kristal dan morfologi dari material serbuk nanokomposit CNT/MnO2 dikarakterisasi dengan X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) dan transmission electron microscope (TEM), sedangkan pola ikatannya dikarakterisasi dengan FTIR. Serbuk nanokomposit CNT/MnO2 ini selanjutnya dibuat pellet berbentuk silinder berukuran diameter 1 cm dan ketebalan 2 mm dengan variasi penambahan pengikat polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) sebesar 10, 20 dan 30% dari campuran CNT/MnO2. Pellet dari material CNT/MnO2 ini selanjutnya dipanaskan pada temperatur 70 oC selama 1 jam. Hasil pengukuran resistansinya menunjukkan bahwa material CNT/MnO2 dengan perbandingan massa CNT/MnO2 sebesar 75% dan penambahan pengikat PVDF sebesar 20% menunjukkan nilai resistansi yang paling rendah. Selanjutnya prototip superkapasitor CNT/MnO2 dengan menggunakan PVDF sebesar 20% diukur dengan metode electrochemical impedance spectroscopy menghasilkan nilai kapasitansi spesifik sebesar 7,86 F/gr. Nanocomposite materials CNT/MnO2 have been fabricated as candidate of supercapacitor electrode material with a redox reaction between CNT and KMnO4. Variations in the composition of the two materials were carried out to determine the structure, morphology and electrical properties of CNT/MnO2 with mass ratio of 0, 25, 50 and 75 %. Pattern of the crystal structure and morphology of the CNT/MnO2 nanocomposite powder were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM), while the bond pattern was characterized by FTIR. CNT/MnO2 nanocomposite powder was managed to make cylindrical pellets with diameter of 1 cm and thickness of 2 mm with variations addition of binder polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) of 10, 20 and 30%. Pellets of the material were then heated at a temperature of 70 oC for 1 hour. Resistance measurement results showed that the ratio of the mass of material CNT/MnO2 by 75% and additions by 20% PVDF binder showed the lowest resistance value. Furthermore, CNT/MnO2 supercapacitor prototype using PVDF of 20% measured with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy method showed specific capacitance of 7.86 F/gr.
Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Material Nanokomposit CNT/MnO2 Untuk Aplikasi Material Superkapasitor Subagio, A.; -, Priyono; -, Pardoyo; Yudianti, R.
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia Vol 10, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jpfi.v10i1.3056


Telah dilakukan fabrikasi material nanokomposit CNT/MnO2 sebagai material elektroda superkapasitor dengan reaksi redox antara CNT dan KMnO4. Variasi komposisi dari kedua bahan tersebut dilakukan untuk mengetahui sifat struktur, morfologi dan kelistrikannya dengan perbandingan massa CNT/MnO2 sebesar 0, 25, 50 dan 75%. Pola struktur kristal dan morfologi dari material serbuk nanokomposit CNT/MnO2 dikarakterisasi dengan X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) dan transmission electron microscope (TEM), sedangkan pola ikatannya dikarakterisasi dengan FTIR. Serbuk nanokomposit CNT/MnO2 ini selanjutnya dibuat pellet berbentuk silinder berukuran diameter 1 cm dan ketebalan 2 mm dengan variasi penambahan pengikat polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) sebesar 10, 20 dan 30% dari campuran CNT/MnO2. Pellet dari material CNT/MnO2 ini selanjutnya dipanaskan pada temperatur 70 oC selama 1 jam. Hasil pengukuran resistansinya menunjukkan bahwa material CNT/MnO2 dengan perbandingan massa CNT/MnO2 sebesar 75% dan penambahan pengikat PVDF sebesar 20% menunjukkan nilai resistansi yang paling rendah. Selanjutnya prototip superkapasitor CNT/MnO2 dengan menggunakan PVDF sebesar 20% diukur dengan metode electrochemical impedance spectroscopy menghasilkan nilai kapasitansi spesifik sebesar 7,86 F/gr. Nanocomposite materials CNT/MnO2 have been fabricated as candidate of supercapacitor electrode material with a redox reaction between CNT and KMnO4. Variations in the composition of the two materials were carried out to determine the structure, morphology and electrical properties of CNT/MnO2 with mass ratio of 0, 25, 50 and 75 %. Pattern of the crystal structure and morphology of the CNT/MnO2 nanocomposite powder were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM), while the bond pattern was characterized by FTIR. CNT/MnO2 nanocomposite powder was managed to make cylindrical pellets with diameter of 1 cm and thickness of 2 mm with variations addition of binder polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) of 10, 20 and 30%. Pellets of the material were then heated at a temperature of 70 oC for 1 hour. Resistance measurement results showed that the ratio of the mass of material CNT/MnO2 by 75% and additions by 20% PVDF binder showed the lowest resistance value. Furthermore, CNT/MnO2 supercapacitor prototype using PVDF of 20% measured with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy method showed specific capacitance of 7.86 F/gr.
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 18 Issue 4 Year 2010

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ABSTRAK---Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengaktivasi zeolit alam menggunakan H2SO4, KMnO4 dan K2S2O8 untuk mengadsorpsi ion Na+ dan Mg2+ dalam air tanah Karimunjawa Blok I. Perlakuan meliputi proses refluks dalam campuran H2SO4-KMnO4 atau H2SO4-K2S2O8 pada suhu 80 ºC selama 5 jam, dilanjutkan pencucian sampai pH mendekati netral dan pengeringan pada suhu 80 ºC selama 12 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktivasi dengan H2SO4-KMnO4 meningkatkan rasio Si/Al dari 5,46 menjadi 7,84, luas permukaan, volume dan ukuran pori. Sedangkan dengan H2SO4-K2S2O8 meningkatkan rasio Si/Al menjadi 6,38, luas permukaan dan volume pori sebaliknya ukuran pori mengalami penurunan. Zeolit aktivasi dengan H2SO4-KMnO4 mempunyai daya adsorpsi terhadap ion Na+ dan Mg2+ paling besar dibanding dengan zeolit aktivasi dengan H2SO4-K2S2O8 dan zeolit alam. Persentase penurunan ion Na+ berturut-turut 80,38%, 54,24% dan 31,28% dari kadar Na+ mula-mula 784,74 ppm sedangkan ion Mg2+ berturut turut 22,47%, 17,05% dan 15,93% dari kadar Mg2+ mula-mula 477,19 ppm.Kata kunci: aktivasi zeolit, ion Na+ dan Mg+, karimunjawa SUMMARY---It has been done a research to activate natural zeolite with H2SO4, KMnO4 and K2S2O8 to adsorp Na+ and Mg2+ ions in groundwater of Karimunjawa Block I. The treatments of natural zeolite included refluk process in mixture of H2SO4-KMnO4 or H2SO4-K2S2O8 at 80 ºC for 5 hours, and then continued cleaning until neutral pH and dried at 80 ºC for 12 hours. The result showed that activation using H2SO4-KMnO4 increased Si/Al ratio from 5.46 to 7.84, surface area, total pore volume, and average of pore radius. While using H2SO4-K2S2O8 increased Si/Al ratio to 6.38, surface area, and total pore volume otherwise the average of poreradius decreased. Adsorption Na+ and Mg2+ ions of activated zeolite by H2SO4-KMnO4 was highest compared tothe activated zeolite by H2SO4-K2S2O8 and natural zeolite. The decreasing of precentage of Na+ ions were 80.38%, 54.24% and 31.28% from the first concentration 784.74 ppm since Mg2+ ions were 22.47%, 17.05% and 15.93% from the first concentration 477.19 ppm.Keywords: zeolite activation, Na+ and Mg2+ ions, karimunjawa
Pembuatan Zeolit Nanopartikel dengan Metode High Energy Milling (Zeolite Nanoparticle Fabrication using High Energy Milling Method) Muhriz, Mohammad; Subagio, Agus; Pardoyo, Pardoyo
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 19 Issue 1 Year 2011

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Pembuatan nanopartikel menggunakan metode high energy milling belum banyak dilakukan di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat zeolit nanopartikel dari zeolit alam dengan metode high energy milling. Zeolit alam Wonosari digerus dan diayak menggunakan ayakan 250 mesh dan kemudian digiling dengan High Energy Milling-Ellipse 3D Motion (HEM-E3D) selama 0, 2, 4, dan 6 jam dengan kecepatan 1000 rpm dan ball to powder ratio (BPR) sebesar 8:1. Bentuk fisis dari zeolit sebelum dan sesudah milling terlihat sama dan sulit dibedakan. Hasil karakterisasi SEM menunjukkan adanya penurunan ukuran partikel dari Z-0 menjadi Z-6. Zeolit dengan waktu milling Z-6 mempunyai ukuran partikel terkecil yaitu sebesar 70-280 nm Karakterisasi dengan metode BET menunjukkan zeolit beraglomerasi yang ditandai dengan tidak adanya perubahan berarti pada luas permukaan spesifik, volume pori total, dan ukuran pori rata-rata semua sampel.   Keywords: high energy milling, zeolit alam, ukuran partikel
Synthesis of Carboxyl (CNT-COOH) and Ammine Carbon Nanotubes (CNT-NH2) Pardoyo, Pardoyo; Suharini, Sri Eny; Nandiyah, Siti; Subagio, Agus
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 23 Issue 2 Year 2015

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A research synthesizing CNT-COOH to increase the compatibility character of carbon nanotubes and CNT-NH2 to increase the hydrophilic character has been done. The CNT-COOH was synthesized using ultrasonic bath method for 6 hours with the volume ratio of concentrated H2SO4 : HNO3 were 2:1, 3:1 and 4:1. Whereas CNT-NH2 was produced by refluxing CNT and ethylene diamine at temperature of 40°C, 60°C and 80°C. Both products were analyzed with Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS). The C=O bond on CNT-COOH was showed by wavenumber of 1635.64 cm-1 and the OH bond at 3448.72 cm-1 whilst the N-H bond emerged at 152762 cm-1. SEM and EDS indicated both products had surface morphology of tubes and reducing of Fe content which was the one of impurities of CNT.
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 17 Issue 2 Year 2009

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ABSTRACT--It has been done a research to determine  the  influence of hydrochloric acid treatnent to the crystalinity and adsorption capability of natural zeolite to Ca2+ ion.  Activation  process was conducted by refluxing  of  zeolite  with  KMnOa  0.5 M  and HCI  (1:1)  for  4  hours with  temperature of  80"C.  The  various concentration  of HCI  soltrtions  used were 4 M  (AZl),  6 M  (AZZ),8  M  (AZ3)  and l0  M  (AZA). Crstalinity of zeolite  was  identified  by  X-Ray  Diftaction  CXRD) while  the amount of  adsorbed Ca2*  ion was measured  by Atomic  Absorption  Spectroscopy  (AAS).  The activated zeolite was applied  to  adsorb calcium metal  ion  using shaker for  5, 15, 60, 90 dan 120 minutes. The results showed  that the increasing of HCI  concentration for  zeoliteactivation  caused  the  decreasing of  crystallinity  of  NZ,  AZl,  AZ2,  AZ3  wrd AZ1  nunely  100%;  101.10%; 9l.9lo/o;  84.93o/o  and 77  .45o/o  respectively. The adsorption percentage.  of Ca2*  ion  from  conc,entration  originally698 ppm (within  60 minutes)  for NZ,  AZl,  AZ2,  AZ3  and AZ,4 was successively  10.75 Vo;  20.91o/o;  l:4.610/o;19.63% and 24.07o/o.  The results indicated that the decreasing  of  crystallinity  of  zeolite caused  the  increasing of zeolite adsorption ability  to Ca2*  ion.Keywords : zeolite, crystallinity,  adsorption,  ,  Ca2*  ion
Adsorption of Indigo Carmine Dye using Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide (CTAB) Surfactant Modified Zeolite Fauziyah, Nurul; Sriatun, Sriatun; Pardoyo, Pardoyo
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 23 Issue 4 Year 2015

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Research of indigo carmine dye adsorption using natural zeolite modified by cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) surfactant has been done. The purpose of this study was to modify the natural zeolite using CTAB surfactant and to determine its ability on the adsorption of indigo carmine dye. The stages of the study included the activation of zeolites, modifying zeolites using CTAB surfactant and adsorption test of indigo carmine dye. The results showed that the zeolites could be modified by CTAB. They were then characterized by the existence of FTIR absorption band at wavelengths of 1404.18 cm-1 and 2800-3000 cm-1. The various concentration of indigo carmine (5, 10, 15, 20 ppm); contact time (15, 30, 45 minutes) and pH (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) were studied and the highest condition was reached at the 45 minutes, pH= 3 and indigo carmine concentration of 20 ppm for 0.5 and 1 mM CTAB (15.35% and 23%) and indigo carmine concentration of 5 ppm for 10 mM CTAB (96.18%). The adsorption of indigo carmine tended to increase with increasing the concentration and contact time and decreased with increasing the pH.
Modification Effect of Carbon Nanotubes by LiCl (CNTs/LiCl) on the Electrical Conductivity Character Yuliastuti, Indri; Pardoyo, Pardoyo; Subagio, Agus
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 23 Issue 1 Year 2015

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Carbon nanotubes have been modified by mass percentage variation of LiCl using reflux method. Mass percentage variation used in this study was 0, 1, 5, and 15%. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of LiCl dope on the electrical conductivity of carbon nanotubes. This research was used reflux method by heating at 80°C for 24 h. The products produced were in the form of CNTs / LiCl dry powders. The characterization results of FT-IR spectroscopy showed that there was a Li-O bond group in the addition of 1, 5, and 15% LiCl while XRD characterization results did not show any diffraction of lithium chloride. The results of this study showed an increase in electrical conductivity at 15% addition of LiCl which was of 2.69 x 10-3 S/m. Electrical conductivity in the addition of 1% and 5% LiCl decreased (1.17 x 10-6 S/m and 2.64 x 10-6 S/m) from CNTs/LiCl 0% (3.68 x 10-6 S/m) due to the influence of the PVA high resistivity used as an adhesive in the pellets fabrication.
PENGARUH PH TERHADAP PEMBENTUKAN SENYAWA KOMPLEKS KOBAL(II)HIPOKSANTIN Anggraini, Devina Ingrid; suhartana, Suhartana; pardoyo, pardoyo
Media Farmasi Indonesia Vol 6 No 2 (2011): Media Farmasi Indonesia

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Cobalt ion has electron configuration that enable as a center ion of complex compound such as cobalt(II)hypoxanthine. Complexation of cobalt(II)hypoxanthine is necessary to learnad due to its biological system involvement in purine catabolism. Complex formation is affected by pH on cobalt(II)hypoxanthine complex formation. This effect was studied by varying solution pH From 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and complex formed was extracted using chloroform.qualitative characterization of the complex was performed by analysing its infrared and ultraviolet spectra, and quantitative test using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Result show that optimum process was reached at pH of 9. Cobalt bonds with hypoxanthine via N9, as supported by its ultraviolet and infrared spectra as well.