Agustina L.N. Aminin
Department Of Chemistry, Faculty Of Sciences And Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof. Soedarto No.50275, Tembalang, Semarang City, Central Java, 50275

Published : 31 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Found 31 Documents

Purifikasi DNA Kromosom Geobacillus sp. dYTae-14 Menggunakan Kolom Silika dengan Denaturan Urea Ayu, Budi Putri; Sarjono, Purbowatiningrum Ria; Aminin, Agustina L. N.
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 19 Issue 4 Year 2011

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Studi pemurnian DNA kromosom Geobacillus sp. dYTae-14 menggunakan silika gel dengan denaturan urea telah dilakukan. Pemurnian dilakukan dengan metode adsorpsi silika tanpa kolom dan dengan kolom untuk menentukan metode yang lebih efisien dalam pemurnian DNA kromosom. Metode adsorpsi silika dengan kolom dilakukan dengan sentrifugasi dan tanpa sentrifugasi. Variasi konsentrasi 6 - 9 M urea dengan 25 mg silika gel digunakan untuk mempelajari profil kapasitas urea dalam pemurnian DNA kromosom. Pengukuran tingkat kemurnian dan konsentrasi DNA dianalisis dengan metode spektrofotometri. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa metode adsorpsi silika yang efisien dalam pemurnian DNA kromosom Geobacillus sp. dYTae-14 adalah metode kolom silika dengan sentrifugasi. DNA yang diperoleh pada urea konsentrasi 6 – 9 M memiliki nilai kemurnian sekitar 1,2. Namun, urea 8 M merupakan konsentrasi optimum untuk pemurnian DNA kromosom karena diperoleh kadar DNA yang paling tinggi, yaitu sebesar 811 µg/mL   Keywords: pemurnian DNA kromosom, kolom silika, denaturan, urea.
The Bioelectricity of Tofu Whey in Microbial Fuel Cell System with Lactobacillus bulgaricus Inayati, Nor Sri; Aminin, Agustina L. N.; Suyati, Linda
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 23 Issue 1 Year 2015

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Tofu whey is a byproduct of the manufacturing process tofu which containing the remains of protein, fat, carbohydrates and water-soluble substances that do not agglomerate. This study aim was to assess the potential of tofu whey as a substrate in the MFC system and to evaluate the effect of agitation speed to the potential difference generated in the MFC system using Lactobacillus bulgaricus. The potential difference in the variation of the substrate was measured against tofu whey, glucose and lactose. The potential difference with agitation speed variation was carried out at speed of 30, 60, 90, 125 and 250 rpm. The highest potential differences in the substrate variation showed relatively similar results, however they were achieved in different times, which the speed was dependent on the complexity of the substrate molecular structure. While the agitation of 90 rpm gave the highest potential difference. These results indicates that tofu whey potential to be used as a MFC substrate.
Jelly Fermented Soy Whey as Antioxidants Source of Alternative Functional Food Lailiya A, Rizqi Nabilatul; Wahyuningsih, Dita; Hidayah, Wihda Wihdatul; Aminin, Agustina L. N.
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 22 Issue 3 Year 2014

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Soy tofu whey is residual water in the process of tofu manufacturing which is derived from the remaining soy milk clotting. Tofu whey contains bioactive compounds which have been studied previously could be potential as an antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-mutagenic, and antihypertensive. This study aim was to produce pleasant JF-Soywhey and make society healthy. Manufacturing of JF-Soywhey was conducted through a whey tofu fermentation process using Kefir grains at room temperature (± 28°C) for 48 hours and subsequently processed into jelly. The results showed that the products varied with fruit juice got a favoured by the panellists. In addition, the antioxidant content of products was still quite high as the ripening effects lowered the antioxidant capacity of 13.9%. Hence it could be suggested that the kefir grain fermented tofu whey could be used as an antioxidant source alternative functional food such as JF-Soywhey.
Studi Pendahuluan Pemanfaatan Whey Tahu sebagai Substrat dan Efek Luas Permukaan Elektroda dalam Sistem Microbial Fuel Cell Sinaga, David Hamonangan; Suyati, Linda; Aminin, Agustina L. N.
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 22 Issue 2 Year 2014

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Studi ini bertujuan mengkaji potensi whey tahu sebagai substrat menggunakan Saccharomyces cerevisiae dan mempelajari pengaruh luas permukaan elektroda dalam menghasilkan beda potensial pada sistem MFC. Tahapan penelitian meliputi konstruksi reaktor MFC, pengukuran beda potensial pada variasi substrat yaitu membandingkan beda potensial yang dapat dihasilkan oleh substrat whey tahu dengan substrat glukosa, dan pengukuran beda potensial pada variasi luas permukaan elektroda dengan masing-masing luas permukaan elektroda grafit sebesar 13,29 cm2, 26,58 cm2, 39,87 cm2, dan 53,16 cm2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa whey tahu memiliki potensi dengan dihasilkannya beda potensial maksimum 11,73 mV/100 ml substrat dalam sistem MFC menggunakan S. cerevisiae. Hasil studi juga menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar luas permukaan elektroda, semakin besar pula beda potensial yang dihasilkan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan luas elektroda grafit 53,16 cm2 menghasilkan beda potensial 40,67 mV/100 mL substrat whey tahu dan 300 mV/100 mL substrat glukosa.   Kata kunci: Whey tahu, Microbial fuel cell, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, dual-chamber MFC    The preliminary research about the utilization of soy whey as a substrate and the effect of electrode surface area in microbial fuel cell (MFC) system has been conducted. Laboratory-scale experiment of MFC was carried out in order to determine the ability of soy whey to act as substrate using Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the influence of electrode surface area to generate a potential difference in MFC system. The study includes the MFC reactor design, measuring a potential difference at variation of substrate (soy whey and glucose), and evaluate a potential difference at a variation of graphite electrode surface area. The results show that soy whey has an ability to be applied as a substrate in the MFC system using S. cerevisiae with potential difference 11,73 mV/100 ml. The variation of electrode surface area in the MFC system with four graphite electrodes (53.16 cm2) give the best potential difference with 40,67 mV/100 ml of soy whey and 300 mV/100 ml of glucose substrate.   Keywords: Soy whey, Microbial fuel cell, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, dual-chamber MFC
Biokonversi Jerami Padi Menjadi Gula Fermentasi Menggunakan Konsorsium Termofilik Kompos Wahyuningsih, Melly; Sarjono, Purbowatiningrum Ria; Aminin, Agustina L. N.
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 21 Issue 1 Year 2013

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Penelitian melaporkan degradasi jerami padi dalam memproduksi gula pereduksi menggunakan konsorsium mikroba kompos fase termofilik dan kompleks ekstraseluler lignoselulolitik. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh data sistem fermentasi paling efektif dalam mendegradasi jerami padi untuk menghasilkan gula pereduksi menggunakan kompos fase termofilik pada suhu 50°C selama 48 jam dari sistem fermentasi cair, semipadat, dan padat, memperoleh data kadar gula pereduksi tertinggi hasil degradasi jerami padi menggunakan kompos fase termofilik pada suhu 50°C selama 48 jam, memperoleh data aktivitas dan keragaman kompleks lignoselulolitik hasil fermentasi jerami padi yang diuji terhadap substrat CMC, xilan, dan jerami padi. Metode yang dilakukan adalah penentuan sistem fermentasi jerami padi (sistem cair, semipadat, dan padat), penentuan waktu optimum degradasi jerami padi dilihat dari profil kadar gula pereduksi, isolasi kompleks enzim lignoselulolitik, dan uji aktivitas kompleks enzim lignoselulolitik terhadap CMC, xilan, dan jerami padi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem fermentasi padat lebih baik dibanding sistem fermentasi cair maupun semipadat dalam menghasilkan gula pereduksi. Kadar gula pereduksi tertinggi dihasilkan pada jam ke-32 sebesar 0,624 mg/mL dan kompleks enzim lignoselulolitik mengandung selulase, xilanase, dan enzim-enzim pendegradasi lignin.   Kata kunci: jerami padi, kompos termofilik, kompleks lignoselulolitik
Whey Tahu sebagai Penghasil Biolektrisitas pada Sistem Microbial Fuel Cell dengan Lactobacillus Plantarum Ismawati, Nur; Aminin, Agustina L. N.; Suyati, Linda
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 23 Issue 2 Year 2015

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Bioelectricity of soy whey in Microbial Fuel Cell system with Lactobacillus plantarum has been performed. This study aims to determine the capacity of soy whey as a substrate in the MFC system and determine the influence of the speed of agitation against potential difference generated. The potential difference compared to different substrates, namely soy whey, glucose and lactose. Determination of the potential difference in speed variation agitation performed with variations 30, 60, 90, 125 and 250 rpm. The potential difference at the maximum voltage variation of the substrate obtained by soy whey by 33.3 mV / 100 mL at the 15th hour, whereas glucose and lactose reaches the maximum potential difference at the 12th hour with a relatively similar value. Agitation speed that generates the highest potential difference in soy whey substrate was obtained at 90 rpm with maximum potential difference of 63.1 mV / 100mL at the 14th hour.
Geochemistry of Three Spots on Stream Water around Gedongsongo Hot Springs Aminin, Agustina L. N.; Suhartana, Suhartana; Sriatun, Sriatun; W., Didik S.
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 21 Issue 4 Year 2013

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Study on the physical characteristics, chemical content of water as well as microbiological composition in the area of ​​geothermal hot springs in Gedongsongo have been done. Water samples were collected on the area within streaming water with moderate temperature. The selection was done on the basis of water that will enter into agricultural and residential areas. Water analysis includes physical analysis, such as temperature, water clarity and odor. While the chemical analysis comprised the oxide content of Mg and Ca. Anion analysis was also performed as sulfate, phosphate, bicarbonate and chloride. The microbiological composition performed using SSCP method for community analysis. The results showed a correlation between the temperature and the content of the anions. The higher temperature of water showed the higher level of anions. The existence of the metal oxide is directly proportional to the levels of the anions. The lower acidity of water showed the higher the levels of hydrogen sulfide. Bacterial composition based on SSCP profile showed a slight different of diversity.
Biodegradasi Jerami Padi Menggunakan Kompos Termofilik dan Profil SSCP Konsorsium Mikroba Niron, Christina Elsa; Mulyani, Nies Suci; Aminin, Agustina L. N.
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 20 Issue 2 Year 2012

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Jerami merupakan bahan lignoselulosa, terdiri atas lignin yang terikat pada hemiselulosa dan selulosa. Sebagian besar penelitian biodegradasi biomassa secara mikrobiologis, memanfaatkan kerja mikroba tunggal yang umumnya bekerja kurang optimal. Dalam penelitian ini jerami didegradasi menjadi gula pereduksi menggunakan konsorsium mikroba dari kompos termofilik. Fermentasi jerami padi dilakukan pada media semisolid menggunakan starter kompos termofilik, dan proses degradasi dipantau berdasarkan kadar gula pereduksi yang dihasilkan setiap 24 jam. Kelimpahan mikroba diamati melalui fragmen gen 16S dan 18S rRNA dengan teknik SSCP (Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism). Degradasi optimum jerami padi didapatkan pada jam ke-72 dengan kadar gula sebesar 0,474 mg/L. Profil pita-pita SSCP ditunjukkan dengan perbedaan jumlah dan intensitas pita-pita dari kelompok jamur maupun bakteri. Perbedaan pita-pita tersebut menunjukkan adanya perbedaan kelimpahan komunitas mikroba baik pada konsorsium kompos maupu mikroba pendegradasi jerami padi.   Keywords: biodegradasi, kompos termofilik, komunitas mikroba, SSCP
Isolasi Komunitas Bakteri Termofilik Selulolitik dari Kompos Serta Identifikasi Fenotipik dan Genotipik dengan Metode Sscp Al Bashori, Khamdan Ali; Mulyani, Nies S.; Aminin, Agustina L. N.
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 20 Issue 2 Year 2012

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Bioetanol sebagai sumber energi alternatif baru dapat dihasilkan dari degradasi selulosa secara enzimatis. Proses enzimatis degradasi selulosa menggunakan enzim termostabil yang dihasilkan oleh bakteri termofilik selulolitik. Kompos diketahui merupakan habitat alami bakteri termofilik selulolitik. Eksplorasi sumber bakteri baru penghasil enzim selulase termostabil untuk mengoptimalkan potensi kompos. Isolasi bakteri termofilik selulolitik dari kompos dan identifikasi fenotipik dan genotipik untuk mengetahui profil dan perkiraan jumlah bakteri dari komunitas bakteri telah dilakukan. Hasil penelitian diperoleh isolat komunitas bakteri termofilik selulolitik kompos yang mampu tumbuh pada media CMC. Identifikasi fenotipik menghasilkan lima kenampakan koloni bakteri serta tiga bentuk morfologi bakteri. Data SSCP menunjukkan tiga profil komunitas bakteri dan ada sekitar sembilan spesies yang tumbuh baik pada media CMC. Korelasi kedua identifikasi membuktikan bahwa adanya komunitas bakteri termofilik penghasil enzim selulase pada kompos termofilik.   Kata kunci: bakteri selulolitik, kompos termofilik, SSCP
16S rRNA Gene Analysis of Chlorate Reducing Thermophilic Bacteria from Local Hot Spring Aminin, Agustina L. N.; Katulistiwasari, Puri; Mulyani, Nies Suci
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 19 Issue 4 Year 2011

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Chlorates waste remediation by biological processes has been the object of current research. Strain CR, the chlorate reducing bacteria was isolated from Gedongsongo hot spring using minimal medium broth containing chlorates and acetate at 55oC. The determination of chlorate reduction from medium was carried out using turbidimetric method. CR isolate showed reducing ability 18% after four days of incubation. The phenotypic character of CR isolate including rod-shaped cells, gram-positive bacteria and facultative anaerobes. On the basis of 16S rRNA analysis, CR isolate was closely related to Bacillus pallidus, Aeribacillus E3, Geobacillus pallidus and Geobacillus sp.D64. The similarity of nucleotide sequences of 16S rRNA gene was 97%, suggested as a novel species.   Keyword: thermophilic bacteria, chlorate reducing, 16S rRNA gene