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Pengembangan Aplikasi Monitoring Jaringan Berbasis Android Studi Kasus Puskom PSDKU Polinema di Kota Kediri Rinanza Zulmy Alhamri; Toga Aldila Cinderatama; Kunti Eliyen; Agustono Heriadi
Jurnal Inovtek Polbeng Seri Informatika Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35314/isi.v6i2.2136


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi monitoring jaringan berbasis Android yang dapat memanfaatkan MikroTik API serta basisdata berbasis cloud Firebase. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan observasi langsung kepada pihak Puskom PSDKU Polinema di Kota Kediri. Analisis dan perancangan menghasilkan satu pengguna aplikasi yaitu administrator dimana dapat melakukan login, melihat log aktivitas router, melihat traffic pada interface router, dan melihat kondisi internet serta notifikasi. Pada tahap implementasi terdapat dua aplikasi yang dikembangkan meliputi aplikasi agen berbasis web dan aplikasi monitoring jaringan berbasis Android. Pada aplikasi agen digunakan library MikroTik API dan Laravel-Firebase dengan memanfaatkan fungsi setInterval agar aplikasi dapat bekerja secara repetitif. Sedangkan pada aplikasi monitoring jaringan digunakan fungsi FirebaseAuth untuk login, library Firebase untuk akses ke Firebase, dan library GraphView untuk menampilkan grafik pada aplikasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah telah dikembangkannya aplikasi monitoring jaringan dimana Administrator dapat mengaktifkan aplikasi agen, melakukan login, melihat log aktivitas router, melihat traffic pada interface router, dan melihat kondisi internet serta notifikasi. Hasil pengujian diperoleh aplikasi berhasil berjalan 100% sesuai dengan kebutuhan fungsional yang telah dirancang dan secara kesesuaian, fungsi aplikasi 100% telah sesuai dengan kebutuhan Administrator.
Web and android-based application for monitoring tuberculosis (TB) patients in Kediri City Toga Aldila Cinderatama; Ashafidz Fauzan Dianta; Fery Sofian Efendi; Kunti Eliyen
Matrix : Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi dan Informatika Vol 11 No 1 (2021): MATRIX - Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi dan Informatika
Publisher : Unit Publikasi Ilmiah, P3M Politeknik Negeri Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31940/matrix.v11i1.2331


Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic disease that is still a public health problem globally, including Indonesia, due to its easy transmission. Treatment for TB sufferers consist of several drug combinations that are intended to eradicate germs. For TB sufferers, the key to successful treatment is the patient's compliance with taking medication every day. The lengthy treatment time is usually at least six months allowing non-adherence to taking the medication by the patient. If not treated properly, there will be a risk of disease complications, such as tuberculosis bacteria resistant to drugs, making TB treatment more difficult. In this study, an Android-based was built to remind TB sufferers to take their medication during the treatment process. In addition to the mobile-based application, there is also a web application used by drug drinking supervisors (PMO; Petugas Minum Obat in Indonesia) in monitoring TB patients, where the application can also view patient compliance statistics in taking medication and historical data on TB patients’ medical treatment. After completion and development, the application will be given to PMO officers and patients to be tested. It is hoped that the application can help the TB treatment process become more effective and prevent treatment failure from the implementation.
Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi untuk Mengembangkan Promosi Wisata Kampung Lele Kediri Rinanza Zulmy Alhamri; Toga Aldila Cinderatama; Fadelis Sukya; Fery Sofian Effendi; Kunti Eliyen
Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Terintegrasi Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021): J-INDEKS
Publisher : P2M Polinema

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (764.911 KB)


Mitra merupakan Wisata Kampung Lele yang berlokasi di Ds. Tales, Kec. Ngadiluwih, Kab. Kediri dimana usaha ini murni didirikan oleh masyarakat setempat. Semenjak adanya pandemi COVID19, Mitra mengalami penurunan pendapatan sampai 50% di 10 bulan terakhir. Terdapat dua masalah yang timbul, pertama adalah kurangnya minat pengunjung karena adanya era New Normal dan yang kedua adalah penurunan pendapatan membuat tidak adanya anggaran untuk promosi. Terdapat dua solusi yang ditawarkan yang pertama di bidang manajemen, untuk menambah pendapatan maka dimanfaatkan transaksi online di masa New Normal sehingga diselenggarakan pelatihan pemanfaatan e-commerce dan yang kedua di bidang pemasaran adalah pengembangan media promosi meliputi pembangunan papan baliho, pembuatan website profil, dan perbaikan tampilan media sosial Instagram. Terdapat lima tahapan dalam melaksanakan kegiatan meliputi Koordinasi Internal Tim, Koordinasi Timdengan Mitra, Pengambangan Media Promosi, Pelatihan Pemanfaatan e-Commerce, dan Evaluasi Kegiatan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan ini adalah Mitra telah memanfaatkan aplikasi Android untuk e-commerce GoFood, memiliki website profil, papan baliho, dan diperbaharuinya tampilan media sosial Instagram @kampunglele54. Hasil evaluasi kegiatan menyatakan bahwa berdasarkan kuisioner Skala Likert keterampilan Mitra meningkat. Sedangkan darisegi pemanfaatan tenologi informasi dalam rentang satu bulan, order GoFood mencapai Rp294.500,00, website profil mencapai 306 pengunjung, dan follower instagram meningkat sejumlah 74 follower.
Pengembangan Usaha "Kirana Handmade Soap" Melalui Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Profitabilitas Yohan Bakhtiar; Abidatul Izzah; Kunti Eliyen; Nila Nurlina; Selvia F. Kusuma
Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara Vol 5 No 2 (2021): Volume 5 Nomor 2 Tahun 2021
Publisher : Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29407/ja.v5i2.15045


The product of Handmade Soap (soap that made by home industry using herbal) is a business that requires expertise in chemical compounding. Production of the herbal soap should be handled by qualified chemist, pharmacist, or pharmaceutical technical personnel. A pharmacist from Bhayangkara Hospital Kediri, Qurrota A’yunin, S.Farm, Apt. has ability in manufacturing of the handmade soap. But, the main problem is marketing, because it has not done to public society. Therefore, many people do not recognize about this product eventhough it has quality with good planning. To overcome this problem, we create web-based portal for marketing in and mentoring in marketing using social media through In-house Training, for instance, by posting attractive and persuasive ads. The result of this community service program is web company profile that able to be accessed on, facebook account “Sabun Kirana” and Instagram account “@sabunkirana”. Furthermore, after mentoring activity, in fact there has not been a significant increase in profitability, because the digital marketing activities are still running for 2 months. Although the number of selling is stagnant, the marketing media helped in expanding the information about Kirana Handmade Soap.
Application for data collection and monitoring of COVID-19 patients in Sukorame Community Health Center Toga Aldila Cinderatama; Rinanza Zulmy Alhamri; Fery Sofian Efendi; Kunti Eliyen; Benni Agung Nugroho
Matrix : Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi dan Informatika Vol. 12 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi dan Informatika
Publisher : Unit Publikasi Ilmiah, P3M, Politeknik Negeri Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (649.893 KB) | DOI: 10.31940/matrix.v12i1.19-30


The significant increase in COVID-19 cases in Indonesia in May-July 2021 overwhelmed health workers. One of the efforts to monitor the spread of COViD-19 disease is collecting data on patients and proper monitoring. For example, the Sukorame Community Health Center, Mojoroto Kediri, does not yet have an application to record and monitor COVID-19 patients. Data collection is currently done manually by writing in books and excel. This study designed and built a data collection and monitoring application for COVID-19 patients to help Puskesmas staff obtain more accurate patient data and monitor the related patient data. This study implements the waterfall method, including system requirements, design, implementation, verification, and maintenance. The results of this study are the applications that can help and facilitate Community Health Center in collecting data on COVID-19 as a form of effort in overcoming and preventing the spread of COVID-19 in the work area of Sukorame Community Health Center, Kediri City. Based on the user satisfaction questionnaire results, 75% of users consisting of staff and heads of community health centers were helped by this application.
Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile untuk Penyelesaian Vehicle Routing Problem Benni Agung Nugroho; Abidatul Izzah; Kunti Eliyen
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 7 No 1 (2023): February 2023
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29207/resti.v7i1.4552


The vehicle routing problem (VRP) is a combinatorial optimization problem faced by transportation services related to pick up or delivery, such as industrial raw materials distribution, tour and travel, or travel routing problems in general. VRP is an NP-hard problem where the higher the dimensions of the problem will have a higher computational complexity. Without realizing it, VRP problem are often encountered every day. Therefore, it will be very useful if VRP solver is implemented in mobile application media. So, the aim of this work is developing a mobile application to get the shortest path and minimal cost in VRP problem. It is integrated by both Mapbox API and Google Maps API to get a real distance for modeling problem. The result show that the developed application can run well in all possibility condition.
Optimalisasi Website Lembaga Belajar PIEP Menggunakan Adsense dan Konten untuk Menarik Minat Calon Siswa Abidatul Izzah; Yohan Bakhtiar; Agustono Heriadi; Kunti Eliyen; Ellya Nurfarida
Pelita Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Pelita Masyarakat, Maret
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/pelitamasyarakat.v4i2.8478


The Permana International English Program (PIEP) is one of the learning institutions in the city of Pare, Kediri which was just established in 2021. The pandemic condition due to the Covid19 virus has hampered the institution's promotional activities. The existence of a website  and social media can be used as a means of marketing. Managing the content of a website  can give customers trust, make the agency look more professional, and can attract new customers. This community service activity aims to provide website  management training and help produce more interesting website  content. The stages carried out in this community service activity are conducting discussions with partners, helping to prepare interesting website  content, and conducting content management training for PIEP as partners. The results of service activities are in the form of developing a website  for PIEP that can be accessed from anywhere and has interesting content. The website  that has been developed has been tested and can run well. It also been advertised using the Google Ads service. Website  Traffic  visitor shows an increase in visits during one month of installation on Google Ads.
Development of Virtual Reality Applications - Digital Display for MSME “Tenun Ikat Bandar” Products Fery Sofian Efendi; Toga Aldila Cinderatama; Kunti Eliyen
Journal of Applied Business and Technology Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Applied Business and Technology
Publisher : Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Pelita Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35145/jabt.v4i3.134


Covid-19 has dramatically impacted the SME sector since April 2020. The government has taken steps to support SMEs as part of the national economic recovery efforts during the pandemic. However, surveys conducted by institutions like BPS, Bappenas, and the World Bank have shown that SMEs need help with loan repayment and meeting expenses for electricity, gas, and employee salaries. SMEs face the challenges of layoffs, limited access to raw materials and capital, declining customers, and production and distribution constraints. Furthermore, changing consumer behavior, business competition, and activity restrictions require proactive measures from SMEs. To address these challenges, a team has proposed a sustainable solution - virtual outlets. Based on virtual reality technology, these outlets allow SMEs to display and sell their products in a digital environment. Visitors can explore every aspect of the virtual outlets, simulating the experience of visiting physical stores without needing in-person visits. This aligns with the new standard of physical/social distancing. Visitors can conveniently support SMEs through online transactions by leveraging virtual outlets, eliminating the need to visit physical stores.
Jurnal Mnemonic Vol 6 No 2 (2023): Mnemonic Vol. 6 No. 2
Publisher : Teknik Informatika, Institut Teknologi Nasional malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36040/mnemonic.v6i2.6727


Router MikroTik mampu untuk dikonfigurasi sebagai Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) sehingga dapat menolak paket data yang memiliki perilaku sebagai serangan Port Scanning, Brute Force, dan Denial of Service. Dikembangkan aplikasi Android yang dapat melakukan kendali jarak jauh pada router MikroTik secara fleksibel dan efisien dengan bantuan aplikasi Agent berbasis web memanfaatkan library MikroTik API dan media penyimpanan cloud Firebase sehingga aplikasi bisa dijalankan secara Internet of Things (IoT). Terdapat enam tahapan meliputi pengumpulan data, analisis sistem, perancangan sistem, implementasi, pengujian dan pembuatan laporan. Analisis sistem menghasilkan fungsi meliputi admin dapat mengaktifkan aplikasi Agent, mengelola konfigurasi IPS Port Scanning, Brute Force, serta Denial of Service, melihat daftar IP penyerang dan memperoleh notifikasi serangan baru. Aplikasi Agent dikembangkan dengan Laravel memanfaatkan library RouterOSAPI untuk komunikasi API, vendor kreait untuk koneksi ke Firebase baik Firestore maupun Real-time Database, dan Javascript fungsi setInterval() agar aplikasi web berjalan otomatis. Sedangkan aplikasi remote Android dikembangkan dengan bahasa Kotlin menggunakan Android Studio. Berhasil dikembangkannya aplikasi remote berbasis Android untuk konfigurasi IPS dalam mencegah serangan Port Scanning, Brute Force, dan Denial of Service melalui Internet of Things. Hasil pengujian fungsional dilakukan dengan menguji aplikasi Android untuk dapat mengendalikan konfigurasi IPS secara remote oleh responden sebagai pengguna aplikasi dimana keberhasilan mencapai 91,67%. Sedangkan hasil pengujian kinerja konfigurasi IPS dilakukan dengan memberikan skenario serangan Port Scanning, Brute Force, serta Denial of Service pada router MikroTik dimana keberhasilan dalam bertahan mencapai 72.5%.