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Supplementation of Rumen By Pass Protein-Fat: Effect on Feed Intake, Nutrient Digestibility and The Profile of Duodenal Digesta Fatty Acids Hartati, Lilis; Sumantri, Ika; Agus, Ali
ANIMAL PRODUCTION Vol 16, No 2 (2014): May
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Faculty of Animal Science, Purwokerto-Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (388.53 KB)


Abstract.  The aim of this research was to study the effects of rumen by pass protein-fat supplementation (RBPF) on feed intake, nutrients digestibility and profile of duodenal digesta of fatty acids. Two rumen fistulated and duodenum canulated dairy cows were fed ration that consisted of king grass and concentrate (60:40). The concentrate was supplemented with 20% RBPF. The feeding trial was conducted for four weeks in which the first week was the control period, the second week was the adaptation period, the third week was the early collection period and finally the fourth week was the late collection period. The samples of duodenal digesta were collected 1 hour before morning feeding and 1, 3 and 5 hours after morning feeding. The cows were fed twice a day and concentrate was offered before forage. The results showed that in comparison to the control, supplementation of RBPF increased nutrients intake of dry matter (DM) (6.95 vs. 6.27%), organic matter (OM) (6.20 vs. 5.70%), crude fat (CF) (0.49 vs. 0.41%), crude fiber (CFb) (1.84 vs. 1.49%) and nitrogen free extract (NFE) (3.23 vs. 3.03%), while the crude protein (CP) intake decreased (0.64 vs. 0.77%). Supplementation of RBPF improved the nutrients digestibility of dry matter (67.24 vs. 62.15%), organic matter (68.71 vs. 65.29%), crude fiber (66.20 vs. 57.46%) and nitrogen free extract (72.37 vs. 66.47%). RBPF supplementation also increased linoleic acid content in duodenal digesta sample at 1and 3 hours after feeding. In conclusion, RBPF supplementation did not negatively affect feed intake and nutrient digestibility. RBPF also increased the proportion of linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexsaenoic acid (DHA) in duodenal digesta until 3 hours after feeding. Key words: RBPF, supplementation, feed intake, nutrient digestibility, fatty acid Abstrak.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh  suplementasi protein-lemak by pass rumen terhadap konsumsi, kecernaan nutrien serta profil asam lemak pada digesta duodenum sapi perah. Dua ekor sapi perah berfistula rumen dan berkanula duodenum diberi pakan hijauan dan konsentrat dengan rasio 60:40, diberi suplemen protein-lemak by pass rumen 20% dari konsentrat.  Percobaan dilakukan selama 4 minggu, minggu pertama adalah periode kontrol, minggu ke-2 periode adaptasi, minggu ke-3 periode koleksi awal dan minggu ke-4 periode koleksi akhir. Sampel digesta duodenum diambil 1 jam sebelum pemberian pakan dan 1; 3 serta 5 jam setelah pemberian pakan. Ransum diberikan dua kali sehari dengan konsentrat lebih dulu sebelum hijauan. Dibanding periode kontrol, suplementasi protein lemak by pass rumen sebanyak 20% menaikkan konsumsi bahan kering (BK) (6,95 vs 6,27%), bahan organik (BO) (6,20 vs 5,70%), lemak kasar (LK) (0,49 vs 0,41%), serat kasar (SK) (1,84 vs 1,49%) dan bahan ekstrak tanpa nitrogen (BETN) (3,23 vs 3,03%) tetapi menurunkan konsumsi protein kasar (PK) (0,64 vs 0,77%). Suplementasi protein lemak by pass rumen juga memberikan kecernaan BK, BO, SK dan BETN ( 67,24 vs 62,15%; 68,71 vs 65,29%; 66,20 vs 57,46%; 72,37 vs 66,47%) yang lebih tinggi dibanding kontrol. Suplementasi lemak  by pass rumen juga menaikkan proporsi asam lemak linolenat pada jam ke-1 dan ke-3 setelah makan. Pemberian protein-lemak by pass rumen dalam ransum tidak berpengaruh negatif terhadap konsumsi dan kecernaan nutrien pakan serta meningkatkan proporsi asam lemak linoleat, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) dan DHA (docosahexsaenoic acid) digesta duodenum. Kata kunci: protein lemak by pass rumen, suplementasi, konsumsi, kecernaan nutrien, asam lemak
Production and Nutrient Quality of Rice Straw of Local Rice Varieties From South Kalimantan Ika Sumantri; Sholih Nugroho Hadi
TROPICAL WETLAND JOURNAL Vol 5 No 2 (2019): Tropical Wetland Journal
Publisher : Postgraduate Program - Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM Press Academic)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/twj.v5i2.74


A survey and laboratory study was conducted to estimate rice straw production of local rice varieties from South Kalimantan. Two local rice varieties (Siam Adil and Pandak) cultivated in a tidal swamp paddy field in Tanah Laut regency were harvested at the same time to estimate the dry matter production of rice straws and to obtain the rice straws samples. Rice straws samples were analysed to determine the percentage of botanical parts and nutrient contents, including the contents of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, and crude fiber. Results showed Siam Adil rice straw had a lower percentage of leaf but had higher percentage of stem compare to Pandak. The botanical fraction of Pandak was similar to the improved rice variety (Ciherang). Siam Adil produced higher rice straw dry matter (7.95 tonnes/ha) compare to Pandak (5.83 tonnes/ha). There were no significant differences in the contents of dry matter, crude protein, and crude fibre of both local varieties. However, local rice straws had lower crude protein and higher crude fiber contents compared to the improved rice straw. In conclusion, local rice varieties potentially produced higher rice straw biomass but had lower nutrient quality. Thus, pretreatment is necessary to improve the utilization of local rice straw as a ruminant feed.
Buletin Peternakan Vol 36, No 3 (2012): Buletin Peternakan Vol. 36 (3) Oktober 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v36i3.1623


Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk menguji kapasitas dan stabilitas beberapa adsorben alami dalam mengikat aflatoksin B1 (AFB1) dengan metode in vitro yang melibatkan kondisi di dalam rumen. Percobaan in vitro dilakukan dengan menggunakan 3 macam adsorben alam (bentonit, zeolit dan karbon aktif) dan satu adsorben produk komersial (CAA). Pengujian dilakukan pada 3 macam medium in vitro (aquades steril, cairan rumen dan cairan rumen steril) dan 2 rasio AFB1:adsorben (1:1000 dan 1:10.000 yang setara dengan 1000 mg AFB1-contaminated feed:1 mg adsorben dan 100 mg AFB1-contaminated feed:1 mg adsorben). Inkubasi dilakukan selama 2 jam dengan penggojokan 70 rpm pada suhu 38,5oC menggunakan shaking incubator. Medium kemudian disentrifugasi selama 15 menit pada 3500 g. Supernatan diambil untuk dianalisis kadar AFB1 yang tidak terikat oleh adsorben, sehingga persentase AFB1 terikat dapat dihitung sebagai peubah kapasitas pengikatan. Presipitat selanjutnya diresuspensi dan diinkubasi kembali. Supernatan yang diperoleh setelah sentrifugasi 3500 g selama 15 menit dianalisis kandungan AFB1-nya untuk mendapatkan persentase AFB1 yang terlepas dari ikatan dengan adsorben untuk mendapatkan data stabilitas pengikatan. Data dianalisis variansi dengan prosedur general linear model rancangan acak lengkap pola faktorial menggunakan SPSS versi 17.0. Hasil memperlihatkan bahwa bentonit memiliki kapasitas pengikatan AFB1 tertinggi (77,54%) dengan medium aquades. Stabilitas pengikatan tertinggi ditunjukkan oleh CAA (99,78%) yang tidak berbeda dengan stabilitas bentonit (99,38%). Pengikatan AFB1 secara nyata (P<0,05) dipengaruhi oleh pH medium dengan kapasitas tertinggi diperoleh pada pH medium kurang dari 5,0. Berdasarkan peubah kapasitas dan stabilitas pengikatan serta pH optimum pengikatan dapat disimpulkan bahwa bentonit merupakan adsorben alami yang paling potensial untuk dipergunakan pada ternak ruminansia.(Kata kunci: Adsorben aflatoksin, Metode in vitro rumen)
AFLATOXINS CONTAMINATION IN FEED AND PRODUCTS OF ALABIO DUCK (Anas platyrinchos borneo) COLLECTED FROM SOUTH KALIMANTAN, INDONESIA Ika Sumantri; Ali Agus; Bambang Irawan; Habibah Habibah; Nur Faizah; Kharisma Julia Wulandari
Buletin Peternakan Vol 41, No 2 (2017): BULETIN PETERNAKAN VOL. 41 (2) MEI 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v41i2.15514


A limited survey was conducted to determine aflatoxins contaminations in feed and products of Alabio duck. A total of 271 feed samples, 48 liver sample, 42 meat samples, and 38 egg samples were analyzed for determination of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) using Enzyme-Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay (ELISA) tests. Results showed high prevalence of AFB1 contamination in feed sample, especially in feed concentrate, dried fish, and rice hulls (100%). AFB1 concentrations were higher than tolerable limit for AFB1 in feed for laying duck according to Indonesia National Standard (SNI), being 20 ppb, except for sago pit. This survey also showed high prevalence and levels of aflatoxin residues in the products of Alabio duck. AFB1 was found in all liver samples, with concentrations ranging from 4 to 12 ppb (average: 7 ppb). AFM1 was found in all of liver, meat, and egg samples. The highest level of AMF1 was found in liver which was ranging from 105 to 1,215 ppt (average: 304 ppt). High level of AFM1 was also found in meat, namely between 71 to 128 ppt (averaged: 91 ppt). Although found at low level, AFM1 was detected in egg, which was ranging from 10 to 36 ppt (average: 19 ppt). This survey showed high contaminations of aflatoxins in the liver, meat and egg of Alabio duck collected from the area of survey and their concentrations of aflatoxins were harmful for the consumer.
Estimation of Aflatoxin M1 Exposure through Consumption of Various Dairy Milk Products in Yogyakarta, Indonesia (ESTIMASI PAPARAN AFLATOKSIN M1 MELALUI KONSUMSI BERBAGAI PRODUK SUSU DI YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA) Ika Sumantri; Fitri Purwanti; Nuryono Nuryono; Ali Agus
Jurnal Veteriner Vol 20 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University and Published in collaboration with the Indonesia Veterinarian Association

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (110.236 KB) | DOI: 10.19087/jveteriner.2019.20.1.58


This study was conducted to investigate the occurrence of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) in various milk products marketed in Yogyakarta Province (Indonesia) and to estimate the exposure of aflatoxin through contaminated milk consumption. Fresh milk (n=20), pasteurized milk (n=16), and recombined milk products (n=6) were sampled for AFM1 concentration testing by a competitive ELISA test using ELISA kit for AFM1 assay. A survey was conducted to interview consumers (n=88) on milk consumption habit (milk type and amount of consumption). ELISA assays showed 92.5% of samples werecontaminated with AFM1 in a range of 24-570 ng/L (average: 216 ng/L). The highest average AFM1 concentration was detected in pasteurized milk sample (244 ng/L), followed by fresh milk (219 ng/L), and the lowest was in recombined milk sample (131 ng/L). However, 100% of recombined milk samples had AFM1 concentration >50-500 ng/L. Thus, recombined milk product was most likely the main source of AFM1 intake due to its high daily consumption in all age groups. Based on AFM1 levels found in milk and consumption of corresponding milk sample, it was estimated that the overall AFM1 exposure ranges from 1.23 ng/kg body weight/day (in 6-15 year-old children) up to 5.26 ng/kg body weight/day (in 3-5 year-old children). In conclusion, this study revealed high occurrences of AFM1 dairy milk marketed in Yogyakarta. Although levels of AFM1 contamination were in Indonesian regulatory limit, high exposure of aflatoxin found in all age groups of consumer. Thus, this preliminary study provides evidence that AFM1 contaminated milk is a serious public health hazard in Indonesia.
Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 4 (2021): Jurnal Panrita Abdi - Oktober 2021
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/pa.v5i4.12185


Alabio duck is a superior laying duck breed from Alabio, South Kalimantan. The government program of crossing Alabio duck with other duck breeds to produce commercial hybrid ducks was followed by local breeders, where the crossbreed was carried out without direction and occurred in the genetic source area of Alabio ducks. This has resulted in a decrease in the performance of Alabio duck, a fewer number of duck breeders, and reduce the quality of processed products,  especially salted eggs. To conserve and maintain the purity of Alabio ducks in their genetic source area, it is necessary to educate local breeders about the potential of Alabio ducks as a source of germplasm with high selling value. The objective of this activity was to educate the breeders to avoid uncontrolled crossbreeding of Alabio duck. This community service was carried out through observations, interviews, and Focus Group Discussion in Harapan Bahagia Farmer Group in Murung Asam Village, Alabio, HSU Regency. Issues identification showed that the decline in Alabio ducks population was caused by the unavailability of good Alabio ducklings, the higher price of Alabio duck compared to other duck breeds and the smaller egg size of Alabio duck. However, it was agreed on the superiority of Alabio duck, namely resistance to avian influenza disease, longer egg shelf life, longer egg production period, and a more savory taste of meat. It was concluded that conserving Alabio duck breed was necessary because Alabio ducks were always used as parents in crossing with other duck breeds. Many ways could be carried out to conserve Alabio duck, among others were by well-planned and under control crossbreeding, eliminating subsidies of hybrid ducklings produced by BPTU, utilizing local feed ingredients, and technology adoption to increase the quality of Alabio duck products. --- Itik Alabio merupakan itik petelur unggul yang berasal dari Alabio, Kalimantan Selatan. Program pemerintah menyilangkan itik Alabio dengan rumpun itik lain untuk menghasilkan itik hibrida komersial ternyata diikuti oleh  peternak, di mana peternak melakukan persilangan secara tidak terarah, tidak terencana dan   dilakukan di  daerah sumber bibit itik Alabio.  Hal ini berakibat menurunnya mutu bibit itik, semakin sedikitnya jumlah peternak itik Alabio, serta menurunnya kualitas produk itik Alabio, terutama telur asin.  Untuk menjaga kelestarian dan tetap terpeliharanya kemurnian itik Alabio di daerah sumber bibit, maka perlu dilakukan edukasi kepada peternak  mengenai potensi itik Alabio sebagai sumber plasma nutfah lokal yang bernilai jual tinggi. Tujuan kegiatan  iniadalah melakukan edukasi peternak agar tidak melakukan persilangan itik Alabio secara tidak terkontrol dan tidak terencana sehingga kemurnian genetik itik alabio dapat dipertahankan. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan Focus Group Discussion dengan Kelompok Peternak Itik Harapan Bahagia di Desa Murung Asam, Alabio, Kabupaten HSU. Identifikasi isu memperlihatkan bahwa berkurangnya populasi itik Alabio disebabkan tidak tersedianya bibit yang baik, harga bibit itik Alabio lebih mahal dibanding rumpun itik lain, serta ukuran telur yang lebih kecil. Meskipun demikian diketahui juga keunggulan itik Alabio, yaitu tahan terhadap penyakit flu burung, daya simpan telur lebih lama, masa produksi telur lebih panjang dan rasa daging yang lebih gurih. Disimpulkan bahwa menjaga kemurnian itik Alabio murni sangatlah penting karena itik Alabio selalu dipergunakan sebagai tetua dalam persilangan dengan rumpun itik lain. Upaya pelestarian itik Alabio dapat dilakukan antara lain dengan penghapusan subsidi harga bibit itik hibrida yang dihasilkan BPTU, penggunaan bahan pakan lokal dalam ransum, serta adopsi teknologi untuk peningkatan kualitas produk itik Alabio.
The Occurrences of Heavy Metals in Water, Sediment and Wild Shrimps Caught from Barito Estuary, South Kalimantan, Indonesia Herliwati Herliwati; Mijani Rahman; Achmad Syamsu Hidayat; Ulil Amri; Ika Sumantri
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 29 No. 5 (2022): September 2022
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.29.5.643-647


The research investigated the occurrences of heavy metal (Pb, Cu, and Cd) in waters, sediments, and wild shrimps collected from the Barito River estuary. Water and sediment samples were collected from 11 study sites by purposive sampling. At the same time, shrimps samples were captured around the sites. The study showed low levels of heavy metals in water samples; those were: Cd<0.0019 mg/L, Cu<0.001 mg/L, and Pb<0.0019 mg/L. Low levels of heavy metals were also detected in sediment samples, those were Cd <0.24 mg/kg, Cu <0.013-0.69 mg/kg, and Pb<0.024 mg/kg. Heavy metals contaminations were detected in Parapenaeopsis sculptilis, those were Cd = 2.802 mg/kg; Cu = 3.399 mg/kg, and Pb = 1.294 mg/kg. In Acetes japonicus, the heavy metals concentration were Cd = 2.127 mg./kg, Cu = 5.518 mg/ kg, and Pb = 2.723 mg/kg. In Penaeus merguiensi, the heavy metals concentrations were Cd = 8.598 mg/kg, Cu = 6.403 mg/kg, and Pb = 5.433 mg/kg. This study indicated the increases of heavy metals concentrations from water to sediment and finally into the shrimps. The presence of heavy metals in shrimps indicated the bioaccumulation of toxic metals, especially for Pb and Cd concentrations which exceeded the tolerable limit according to JECFA.
Effect of Phyllosilicates As Toxin Binder On Productivity, Intestinal Morphology, and Liver Toxicity in Broiler Fed Afb1 Contaminated Feed Gardika Windar Prahara; Adhe Humaera; Lies Mira Yusiati; Chusnul Hanim; Asih Kurniawati; Ika Sumantri; Ali Agus; Erika Kusumawardani; Muhsin Al Anas
Buletin Peternakan Vol 47, No 2 (2023): BULETIN PETERNAKAN VOL. 47 (2) MAY 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v47i2.81410


Aflatoxin B1 is a toxin produced by the fungus Aspergillus flavus which reduces the development and function of organs in broilers. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of adding binder toxin from different bentonite to feed contaminated with AFB1 on productivity, intestinal morphology, and liver toxicity in broilers. A total of 60-day old chick male broilers were placed in 12 pens. Each treatment consisted of three replicates, each replicate containing five broilers. Treatment in the study consisted of P0 (control, basal diet, without the addition of AFB1), P1 (P0 + 100 µg/kg AFB1 + 4 g/kg calcium bentonite Type A), P2 (P0 + 100 µg/kg AFB1 + 4 g/kg calcium bentonite Type B), and P3 (P0 + 100 µg/kg AFB1 + 4 g/kg calcium bentonite Type B + kerolite + saponite). Treatment diets were given to broilers from day 22 to 35 (finisher phase). The results showed that the toxin binder on AFB1 contaminated feed had no effect on feed consumption, body weight gain and feed conversion (p>0.05). Addition of toxin binder on AFB1 contaminated feed increased the relative weight of the duodenum (p=0.024), although P3 was not significantly different. Treatments had no effect on villus length, crypt depth, and ratio of villus length to crypt depth (p>0.05), but decreased villus width (p=0.013). The addition of toxin binder tended to decrease the villus area (p=0.055). SGOT and SGPT did not show differences between treatments. AFB1 contamination with the addition of toxin binder showed signs of toxicity on liver histopathological observations. Based on the research, it can be concluded that the addition of binder toxin in feed contaminated with AFB1 can reduce the negative effect on the development of intestinal villus and chemical effect to the liver. Toxin binder Type B has the best efficacy for reduce the negative effect
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jpplb.v3i2.2071


This research aims to determine the physiological responses of FH crossbred dairy cows kept in acontrolled microclimate barn in a tropical lowland area. Eight (8) FH crossbred cows were subjectedto two (2) treatments with 42 repetitions each, which were housed in a controlled microclimate barn.The FH crossbred cows were housed without any cooling equipment, such as sprinklers and fans (a),and then with cooling equipment, including sprinklers and fans (b), each for one (1) week. Theobserved parameters were barn temperature, body temperature, and respiratory rate in the morning(06.00), afternoon (13.00), and evening (17.00). The data were analyzed using a statistical sample Ttest with the help of SPSS. The results of the data analysis showed that the barn temperature intreatments (a) and (b) in the morning was 26±0.81 and 25.25±0.95oC, respectively, and there was nosignificant difference statistically (P>0.05). However, the barn temperature in the afternoon fortreatments (a) and (b) was (33.5±0.57 and 30.25±1.70oC), respectively, and there was a significantdifference statistically (P<0.05). Similarly, the barn temperature in the evening for treatments (a) and(b) was (32±0.81 and 29.25±1.5 oC), respectively, and there was a significant difference statistically(P<0.05). Regarding the physiological responses of FH crossbred cows, the body temperature in themorning for treatments (a) and (b) was (37.66±0.45 and 37.21±0.47oC), respectively. The bodytemperature in the afternoon was (38.15±0.50 and 37.39±0.73oC), respectively, and in the eveningwas (38.07±0.48 and 37.43±0.45oC), respectively. There was a significant difference statistically (P<0.05) in all three time periods. As for the respiratory rate, in the morning, there was no significantdifference statistically (P>0.05) between treatments (a) and (b), with rates of (33.71±5.82 and33.28±7.78 breaths/minute), respectively. However, in the afternoon, the respiratory rate fortreatments (a) and (b) was (57.96±13.31 and 43.75±14.07 breaths/minute), respectively, and in theevening, it was (50.89±9.30 and 42.82±8.39), respectively. There was a significant differencestatistically (P<0.05) for both afternoon and evening periods. Based on the research results, it can beconcluded that the controlled microclimate barn conditions have an impact on the physiologicalresponses of FH crossbred cows in the tropical lowland area.
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jpplb.v4i2.2803


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan BIS terhidrolisisterhadap kualitas eksterior dan interior telur ayam ras petelur dan untuk mengetahuitingkat penggunaan BIS terhidrolisis optimum dalam ransum untuk memperoleh kualitaseksterior dan interior telur ayam petelur yang terbaik. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, BIS yangtelah terhidrolisis dapat ditingkatkan penggunaanya dalam ransum unggas. Meskipundemikian masih belum diketahui apakah penggunaan BIS terhidrolisis berpengaruhterhadap kualitas telur. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahuipengaruh tingkat penggunaan BIS yang terhidrolisis secara enzimatis terhadap kualitaseksterior dan interior telur ayam ras petelur. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakanRancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), dengan empat perlakuan dan lima ulangan dengansetiap ulangan terdiri atas empat ekor ayam petelur betina sehingga jumlah ayam yangdigunakan 80 ekor. Perlakuan penelitian adalah dengan tingkat penggunakan bungkil intisawit terhidrolisis dalam ransum. Ayam yang digunakan berumur 50 minggu. Ayampetelur dipelihara dalam kandang sistem baterai. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka dapatdisimpulkan bahwa penggunaan BIS terhidrolisis hingga 30% untuk menggantikanjagung, tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap berat telur, tebal kerabang, nilai HU, dan warnakuning telur. Peningkatan penggunaan BIS terhidrolisis secara sangat nyatameningkatkan nilai indeks putih telur. Penggunaan 30% BIS terhidrolisis tidakmempengaruhi kualitas eksterior dan interior telur, maka disarankan BIS terhidrolisisdapat digunakan hingga 30% sebagai sumber energi dan protein pada ransum ayampetelur.