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The Effect of Gym Ball on Reducing Low Back Pain, Labor Pain, and Progress in Primigravida Labor Rosidah Solihah; Metty Nurherliyany; Sandriani Sandriani; Nayundha Indicasari Putri
Nurul Ilmi : Journal of Health Sciences and Midwifery Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Nurul Ilmi: Journal of Health Sciences and Midwifery (March 2023)
Publisher : LPPM STIKes Muhammadiyah Ciamis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52221/nuri.v1i1.206


Introduction: The average third-trimester pregnant woman often experiences lower back pain and it is caused by a shift in the woman's center of gravity and her posture becoming increasingly lordotic due to the growing weight of the uterus, excessive bending, walking without rest, and lifting weights. Pregnancy exercise with a ball or gym ball is an effective way to reduce back pain during the third trimester of pregnancy. In addition to reducing pain during pregnancy and childbirth, the gym ball can also accelerate labor in primigravida and increase the effectiveness of sleep in third-trimester pregnant women. Objective: This literature review was conducted to find references related to the Gym Ball in reducing low back pain, labor pain, and labor progress. Method: This literature review was conducted using the PRISMA method (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic and Meta-Analyses). Result: Based on the articles that have been analyzed, it can be determined that using the gym ball can reduce lower back pain in the third trimester, ease labor pain, and accelerate the progress of labor in primigravida mothers. Conclusion: The gym ball can provide relaxation to the muscles so that it can reduce pain in the back, reduce labor pain, accelerate labor, and improve the mother's sleep quality. Referring to that, it is suggested that all health facilities be able to provide gym ball services, which are given to pregnant women since the third trimester as one of the preparatory activities for childbirth.
The Influence of Education About Cervical Cancer Through Online Meeting on The Knowledge of Adolescent Women Sandriani Sandriani; Yanti Srinayanti; Rosidah Solihah; Iin Marlina
Nurul Ilmi : Journal of Health Sciences and Midwifery Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Nurul Ilmi: Journal of Health Sciences and Midwifery (March 2023)
Publisher : LPPM STIKes Muhammadiyah Ciamis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52221/nuri.v1i1.213


Introduction: Cervical cancer ranks first after breast cancer in developing countries, the only one being Indonesia. Cervical cancer is a sexually transmitted disease that originates from an infectious virus, namely the human papilloma virus, which triggers changes in the behaviour of cervical epithelial cells. Reproductive health problems faced by women today are increasing infections in the reproductive organs, eventually causing cancer. The prevalence of women with cervical cancer is high due to their tendency to marry at a young age and their limited economic capacity, which limits their access to information. Provision of health education through Zoom meetings, considering the limitations due to the pandemic, really needs to be done for adolescents as a preventive effort considering that teenagers are very vulnerable to having free sex. Objective: The effect of education through a zoom meeting on cervical cancer on the knowledge of young women in SMA Negeri 1 Lumbung in March 2022. The research used is a quantitative study. Method: The research used is a quantitative study. A tool for data collection using a questionnaire while the total sampling technique with a sample of 40 students. Result: The results of data analysis using a t-test on the effect of education through zoom meetings on cervical cancer obtained a significant value because the value of t count > t table = 15,627 > 2,023 and the value of > p value = 0.05 > 0.000. Conclusion: From the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of health education between before being given health education and after being given health education.
Penyuluhan Kesehatan Gigi Dengan Metode Permainan Ular Tangga Pada Anak Sandriani Sandriani; Hiban Hilmansyah; Dede Sanusi
Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3 No 5 (2023): Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v3i5.286


Introduction: A susceptible population for dental and oral health is schoolchildren. Children's oral hygiene habits can be altered via the promotion of dental health. because kids at this age are still growing and developing, and they require their parents' care and support. Objective: The goal of this volunteer work is to promote students' knowledge of dental and oral health using the Snakes and Ladders Game Method and Caries Prevention by Smearing Flour to Students. Method: Children are also practised brushing their teeth correctly and properly while being watched. The capacity of the kid to independently brush their teeth in the proper manner and greater understanding of the need of maintaining healthy teeth and mouth from an early age in order to avoid tooth decay are signs that this activity was carried out successfully. Next, sprinkle flour on children's primary school teeth to prevent dental cavities, especially on permanent teeth. Result: Snakes and ladders games and direct demonstrations using dental models were used in dentistry and oral health education to educate pupils how to wash their teeth properly. This demonstrates the significance of teaching elementary school students about dental health so that they may comprehend the method and how to appropriately wash their teeth. The child's permanent teeth are then treated with topical fluoride after the teeth and mouth are examined. Conclusion: Activities that extend outside the classroom can help youngsters learn more about the value of maintaining healthy teeth, as well as how to prevent dental and oral diseases.”
Peningkatan Motorik Kasar Pada Anak Usia Dini Berbasis Belajar Sambil Bermaian Melalui Permainan Tradisional Engklek di PAUD Kober Al-Maarif Sinta Nurul Paujiah; Nur Safariani; Aqvina Indriani; Nila Nurmala; Aisah Prihatini; Sandriani Sandriani; Sri Utami Asmarani
Daarul Ilmi: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Daarul Ilmi: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Januari-Juni 2023)
Publisher : LPPM STIKes Muhammadiyah Ciamis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52221/daipkm.v1i1.231


Introduction: Early age is a golden opportunity for children to learn, so it is called the golden age. Early childhood education is a form of education that focuses on laying the foundation for physical growth and development (fine and gross motor coordination). the learning techniques used must make children happy, so the method used is learning-based education while playing and the Engklek game is one of the traditional games that can be used. Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to implement play-based learning through the medium of traditional crank games to improve gross motor development in early childhood at PAUD Kober Al-Maarif. Method: The method used in health promotion is education based on learning while playing. This health promotion was carried out at PAUD Kober Al-Maarif Lakbok with a total of 35 participants with a series of activities through 4 stages, namely 1) selection of targets and places, 2) preparation of facilities and infrastructure, 3) implementation of activities, 4) evaluation. Results: based on the results of the evaluation carried out by the learning while playing method, it gave a positive response to the participants. the participants enjoyed the series of events from start to finish with joy. Through this activity, children are more able to explore their imagination and bring out their creativity and talents. Conclusion: This activity can be carried out as a game to train gross motor skills in early childhood by using the traditional crank game as media. In addition, not only gross motor skills but also exploring other learning that can be included in playing activities by recognizing numbers and letters and counting.