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Galur Day Old Chicken Berpengaruh pada Perbandingan Rasio Heterofil: Limfosit saat Mengalami Transportasi dari Yogyakarta ke Makassar: Day Old Chicken Strain Influence on the Ratio of Heterophil: Lymphocytes when Experiencing Transportation from Yogyakarta to Makassar Rizka Indriani; Pudji Astuti; Amir Husni; Claude Mona Airin
Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis (Journal of Tropical Animal and Veterinary Science) Vol. 11 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis (Journal of Tropical Animal and Ve
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46549/jipvet.v11i2.117


Abstract Day Old Chicken is a living commodity that is widely distributed between islands throughout Indonesia. Transport trip within two to 24 hours, depending on the distance of the enclosure to be addressed. During the Day-Old Chicken journey, a variety of stresses result in stress and also end in death. Strain Day-Old Chicken has different endurance. Physiological stress parameters in poultry by calculating the ratio of Heterophil: Lymphocytes (H: L). This study aims to determine the difference in stress between Day-Old Chicken strain Cobb and Java Super passed through. Research carried out using Day-Old Chicken strain Cobb as many as 100 chicken/box and Java Super 100 chicken /box. The transportation process from Yogyakarta airport (loading) to Makassar airport (landing). Furthermore, Day-Old Chicken was taken four animals randomly before and after it was passed for blood smear preparations. Blood smear preparations with Giemza staining to calculate the H: L ratio. Analysis of H: L ratio data as a comparison of body resistance to stress between Day-Old Chicken strain Cobb and Java Super using Two Way Anova with a 95% confidence level. The results showed that there was no interaction (P> 0.05) between location (loading-landing) and Day-Old Chicken strain different from H: L ratio. The difference in the Day-Old Chicken strain affects the H: L ratio (P <0.05) with the average value of the H: L ratio of Day-Old Chicken strain Java Super higher than the Cobb. The conclusion is that the difference in Day-Old Chicken lines that experience transportation using airplanes affects the body's resistance to stress. Keywords: Day-Old Chicken; Heterophil; Lymphocytes; Stress; Transportation Abstrak Day Old Chicken merupakan komoditas hidup yang banyak dilalulintaskan antar pulau di seluruh Indonesia. Perjalanan pengangkutan dalam waktu dua sampai 24 jam, tergantung jarak kandang yang akan dituju. Rasio Heterofil : Limfosit (H:L) dapat digunakan sebagai parameter awal adanya stress transportasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui rasio H:L serta tingkat kematian Day Old Chicken galur Cobb dan galur Jawa Super yang ditransportasikan dari Yogyakarta ke Makassar. Penelitian menggunakan Day Old Chicken galur Cobb 100 ekor/boks dan galur Jawa Super 100 ekor/boks. Proses transportasi dari bandara Yogyakarta (loading) menuju bandara Makassar (landing). Day Old Chicken diambil empat ekor secara acak sebelum dan sesudah ditransportasikan untuk perhitungan rasio H:L. Analisis data rasio H:L sebagai perbandingan ketahanan tubuh terhadap stres antara Day Old Chicken galur Cobb dan galur Jawa Super menggunakan Two Way Anova. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada interaksi (P > 0,05) antara lokasi (loading-landing) dan galur Day Old Chicken berbeda terhadap rasio H:L. Perbedaan galur Day Old Chicken mempengaruhi rasio H:L (P < 0,05) dengan nilai rata-rata rasio H:L Day Old Chicken galur Super Jawa lebih tinggi dibandingkan galur Cobb. Kesimpulan bahwa perbedaan galur Day Old Chicken yang mengalami transportasi menggunakan pesawat terbang mempengaruhi ketahanan tubuh terhadap stres. Kata Kunci: Day Old Chicken; Heterofil; Limfosit; Stres; Transportasi.
Hormon Progesteron Feses Pada Kambing Peranakan Ettawah Bunting: Progesterone Hormon of Feces on the Pregnant Ettawah Goat Claude Mona Airin; Amelia Hana; Sarmin; Pudji Astuti
Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis (Journal of Tropical Animal and Veterinary Science) Vol. 12 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis (Journal of Tropical Animal and Ve
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46549/jipvet.v12i1.224


Abstract  The main obstacle of invasive hormone research of Etawah crossbreed goats (PE) were the sample collection due to the aggressiveness of PE goats. Improper ways of handling the goats would result in stress which leads to bias on the data. This research aims to determine the level of fecal progesterone of PE goats during pregnancy. This research use 5 pregnant and 5 non-pregnant PE goats. Diagnosis of pregnancy was conducted by observing the absence of estrus after breeding. Fecal collection was conducted in week 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 2 weeks after parturition but sample collection of non-pregnant goats conducted once. The sample of fecal which has been collected then frozen and extracted using methanol 80% as much as 3 ml. The fecal extract was analyzed using EIA KIT progesterone. The results of measurement of fecal progesterone level were 6,282 ± 950.96 ng/gr of feces (week 4 of pregnancy); 18,391.8 ± 2,584 ng/gr (week 8 of pregnancy); 25,958.4 ± 3,447.1 ng/gr of feces (week 12 of pregnancy); 25,233.4 is ± 3,306 ng/gr of feces (week 16 of pregnancy); 18,238.2 ± 3,069.5 ng/gr of feces (week 20 of pregnancy). The level of fecal progesterone in 2 weeks after giving birth was 516 ± 228.16 ng/gr of feces. Meanwhile, the level of fecal progesterone of non-pregnant PE goats is 254.2± 214.5 ng/gr of feces. The conclusion of the progesterone level of PE goats during pregnancy can be detected using the sample of feces with the highest level in week 12 of pregnancy.  Keywords: Feces; Non-invasive; PE Goats; Progesterone   Abstrak  Kendala utama penelitian hormonal secara invasive pada kambing Peranakan Ettawah (PE) pengambilan sampel pada hewan tersebut karena karakteristik kambing PE yang sangat agresif. Handling yang tidak tepat dapat menjadi stresor yang akan menghasilkan data yang bias. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kadar hormon progesteron feses pada kambing PE selama kebuntingan. Penelitian ini menggunakan 5 ekor kambing PE bunting dan 5 kambing PE tidak bunting. Diagnosa kebuntingan dilakukan dengan pengamatan tidak munculnya estrus setelah pengawinan. Pengambilan feses dilakukan pada minggu ke 4, 8, 12, 16 dan ke 20 dan 2 minggu setelah partus. Pada kambing tidak bunting, pengambilan sampel dilakukan 1 kali. Sampel feses yang telah terkumpul, dikeringbeku dan kemudian diekstraksi menggunakan methanol 80% sebanyak 3 ml untuk selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan KIT Progesteron (Calbiotech R - USA). Hasil uji pararelism menunjukkan adanya penurunan OD secara paralel seiring dengan besarnya pengenceran sampel. Kadar progesteron feses didapatkan, 6.282  ± 950.96 ng/gr feses (minggu ke 4 kebuntingan); 18.391,8 ± 2584 ng/gr fese (minggu ke 8 kebuntingan); 25.958, 4 ± 3.447,1 ng/gr feses (minggu ke 12 kebuntingan); 25.233,4 ± 3.306 ng/gr feses (minggu ke 16 kebuntingan); 18.238,2 ± 3.069,5 ng/gr feses (minggu ke 20 kebuntingan). Kadar progesteron feses 2 minggu setelah melahirkan adalah 516 ± 228,16 ng/gr feses sedangkan progesteron kambing PE tidak bunting adalah 254,2 ± 214,5 ng/gr feses. Kesimpulan kadar progesteron kambing PE selama kebuntingan dapat dideteksi menggunakan sampel feses dengan kadar tertinggi pada minggu ke 12 kebuntingan. Kata Kunci: Feses; Kambing PE, Non-invasif, Progesteron