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Pengaruh Aplikasi Glifosat terhadap Efikasi dan Komposisi Gulma Pertanaman Kelapa Sawit Tanaman Menghasilkan Muda Oktavia, Kurnia; Pujisiswanto, Hidayat; Evizal, Rusdi; Susanto, Herry
Jurnal Agro Industri Perkebunan Volume 7 No. 1, 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.036 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jaip.v7i1.978


This study aimed to obtain the effective dose of isopropylamine glyphosate herbicide for controlling weeds in oil palm plantation andto study the change of weed composition after glyphosate application in early producing oil palm plantation.The research was conducted in smallholder oil palm plantation located in Srimulyo Kenanga Sari Village, Seputih Surabaya Sub-district, Central Lampung Regency and Weed Science Laboratory of Agriculture Faculty, Lampung University from November 2017 to January 2018. This research used randomized block design (RBD) with 4 replications and 7 treatments of 5  isopropylamine glyphosate herbicide doses (1.080, 1.440, 1.800, 2.160, and 2.520 g.ha-1), mechanical weeding, and control. The data homogeneity tested by Bartlett test, the data additivity tested by Tukey test, and the difference of median value tested by the Least Significant Difference (LSD) at 5% level. The results showed that all of isopropylamine glyphosate herbicide doses were effective in controlling total weeds, grassy weeds (Axonopus compressus, Ottochloa nodosa, Imperata cylindrica) and nutsedges (Cyperus rotundus) for 4—12 weeks after application (WAA) and broadleaf weeds (Praxelis clematidea) for 4 WAA. Glyphosate application changed weed composition at 4, 8, and 12 WAA of observations from grassy weeds to broadleaf weeds.   Keywords: composition, efficacy, herbicide, glyphosate, oil palm, weeds
Uji Efektifitas Herbisida Atrazin, Mesotrion, dan Campuran Atrazin+Mesotrion terhadap Beberapa Jenis Gulma Wati, Nana Ratna; J. Sembodo, Dad Resiworo; Susanto, Herry
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 15, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (284.625 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v15i1.107


The aimed of this research was to know the effectiveness of mixing herbicides with active ingredient atrazin and mesotrion in controlling weeds and know the mixture characteristic. This research conducted in the plastic garden house private in Natar, South Lampung and in the Weeds laboratory of Agriculture faculty, Lampung University from June until July 2013. This Research arranged in a Randomized Completely Design (RCD). Treatment consists of three types of herbicides with six level of dosage active ingredient, namely of single herbicides is atrazin 500 g l-1 (0, 76, 152, 304, 608, and 1.215 ha g-1), mesotrion 50 g l-1 (0, 11, 22, 43, 86, and 172 g ha-1), and mixed herbicides from atrazin 500 g l-1 + mesotrion 50 g l-1 (0, 28, 56, 112, 225, and 450 g ha-1). The target weed were a type of broadleaves (Asystasia gangetica), a type of grasses (Paspalum conjugatum), and a type of sedges (Cyperus kyllingia).Homogenity tested using Bartlet and aditivity tested using Tukey, data analyzed by Analisis of Variance and different median values tested with Least Significant Difference (LSD) level 5%. Results showed that an active ingredient mixture of atrazin 500 g L-1 + mesotrion 50 g L-1 has LD50 expectation value of 51,48 g ha-1 and LD50 treatment of 257,48 g ha-1 with the co-toxicity value was 0.2 (co-toxicity < 1) until mixture was antagonist. Keywords: Atrazin, mesotrion, herbicide mixture, Multiplicative Survival Model ( MSM), LD50
Jurnal Ilmiah Permas: Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Kendal Vol 9 No 4 (2019): Oktober

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Menjaga kesehatan gigi dan mulut dapat dilakukan dengan cara menggosok gigi yang baik dan benar. Masalah&nbsp; kesehatan gigi dan mulut paling banyak dialami oleh anak usia 6-12 tahun. Penyebab yang sangat mendasar adalah kurangnya kesadaran diri sendiri dan orang tua dalam membiasakan anak menggosok gigi yang baik dan benar serta tepat waktu. Hal ini dapat mempengaruhi kondisi tubuh ketika kondisi gigi dan mulut tidak bersih. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran kesehatan gigi dan mulut serta perilaku menggosok gigi pada anak usia sekolah. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian deskriptif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan observasi menggunakan SOP gosok gigi. Jumlah responden sebanyak 119 siswa dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data yang diperoleh kemudian diolah secara statistik. Hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa 119 siswa sebagian besar memiliki karakteristik usia 11 tahun dengan tingkat pendidikan sebagian besar kelas 4. Hasil penelitian diperoleh sebanyak 44,5% memiliki pengetahuan tentang kesehatan gigi dan mulut tinggi dan sebanyak 55,5% memiliki pengetahuan tentang kesehatan gigi dan mulut rendah. Selain itu, sebanyak 26,9% siswa kelas 4, 5 dan 6 SDN Gebangsari 02 Semarang memiliki perilaku sesuai SOP dalam gosok gigi. Namun, 73,1% diketahui memiliki perilaku tidak sesuai SOP dalam gosok gigi. Terdapat 37 responden (31,1%) memiliki pengetahuan kesehatan gigi dan mulut tinggi namun perilaku menggosok gigi tidak sesuai SOP. &nbsp; Kata kunci: kesehatan gigi dan mulut, anak usia sekolah, perilaku menggosok gigi &nbsp; THE DESCRIBE DENTAL AND ORAL HEALTH TOWARD BRUSHING TEETH PRACTICE AMONG SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN &nbsp; ABSTRACT Maintaining healthy teeth and mouth, can be done by brushing teeth properly. The majority dental and oral health problems are experienced by child aged 6-12 years. Those disorders are caused by the lack of self-awareness of the children and their parents in getting children to brush their teeth properly. This can affect the condition of the body when the oral condition is not hygiene. The purpose of this study was to determine the describe dental and oral health toward brushing teeth practice among school age children.This research was quantitative research with a descriptive research design. Data were collected by using questionnaires and observation of&nbsp; brushing teeth practice. The number of respondents were 119 students selected by purposive sampling technique. Furthermore, the data were processed statistically. The results of the analysis showed that of 119 students, mostl of them aged 11 year as many as 44.5% with the level of education of most of them 4th grade accaunted for 34.5%. The results showed that 44.5% (n = 53) had high knowledge about dental and oral health and as many as 55.5% (n = 66) had knowledge of low oral and dental health. In addition, as many as 26.9% (n = 32) 4th, 5th and 6th grade students of Gebangsari 02 Elementary School Semarang had behavior in accordance with the standard practice in brushing their teeth. However, 73.1% (n = 87) were known to have inappropriate standard practice behavior in brushing teeth. There were 37 respondents (31.1%) having high dental and oral health knowledge but brushing behavior was not in accordance with the SOP. &nbsp; Keywords: dental and oral health, school-age children, brushing teeth practice
UG Journal Vol 6, No 10 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeualuasi dan memaslikan bahwa penerapanSistem Pengendalian Mutu pada KAP ABC & Rekan dan KAPXYZsesuai denganketentuan Menteri Keuangan R1 dan metnenuhi SPAP yang ditetapkan IAI, sertamembandingkan hasil keduamja. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menyebarkankuesioner kepada staf-stafauditor dengan pertanyaan yang diambil dari StandarProfesional Akuntan Publik (SPAP) yang mecakup seluruh unsur pengendalianmulu yaitu independensi, penugasan personil, konsultasi, supervisi, pemekerjaan(hiring), pengembangan profesional, promosi (advancement), penerimacm dankeberlanjutan klien, serta inspeksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan baliwa keduaKAP telah melaksanakan dan menerapkan kebijakan dan prosedur SistemPengendalian Mutu yang mencakup sembilan unsurpengendalian mutu sepertiditetapkan dalam SPAP. Secara umum, dapat dikatakan tidak ada perbedaanpenerapan di antara keduanya. namun penerapan pada KAPABC& Rekan masihlebih baik dibanding KAP XYZ.
Veritas : Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Vol 19 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36421/veritas.v19i1.356


Salah satu unsur penting dalam pelayanan gereja yang terabaikan adalah peran sosial gereja untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan. Padahal warga jemaat berhadapan dengan berbagai isu sosial. Salah satu yang cukup krusial adalah kemiskinan. Dalam upaya merevitalisasi pelayanan gereja, salah satu yang perlu diwujudkan adalah integrasi antara kepedulian sosial dan pelayanan gereja. Artikel ini akan menjelaskan bahwa gereja memiliki panggilan dan tanggung jawab sosial. Fondasi bagi gagasan ini adalah karakteristik pelayanan Yesus yang termuat dalam Lukas 4:18-19, yang merupakan kutipan dari Yesaya 61:1-2; 58:6. Berdasarkan penggunaan Yesaya 61:1-2 yang dikombinasikan dengan Yesaya 58:6, artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa penulis Injil Ketiga memodifikasi kutipan tersebut untuk memperkuat karakteristik sosial dalam pelayanan Yesus. Dimensi sosial pelayanan Yesus merupakan landasan penting untuk membangun pelayanan gerejawi yang memiliki kesadaran sosial untuk membentuk kehidupan umat secara menyeluruh. Dalam menguraikan gagasannya, artikel ini akan menerapkan metode kualitatif yang berorientasi pada studi literatur dan analisis hermeneutika. Adapun pendekatan hermeneutika yang akan diterapkan berfokus pada pembacaan Injil sebagai biografi Yunani-Romawi. Prinsip-prinsip yang umum digunakan dalam metode kritik naratif juga akan diterapkan. Karena adanya kutipan dari Kitab Yesaya, pendekatan hermenutika yang digunakan juga akan menganalisis cara penulis Injil Ketiga menggunakan teks Yesaya tersebut. Artikel ini akan berfokus pada tiga aspek, yaitu karakteristik sosial Injil Ketiga, karakteristik sosial pelayanan Yesus berdasarkan Lukas 4:18-19, dan implikasi dimensi sosial pelayanan Yesus bagi upaya revitalisasi pelayanan gereja. One important element that neglected in church ministry is the social responsibility of the church in realizing the well-being of the community. Whereas the congregation is dealing with various social issues. One that is quite crucial is poverty. In an effort to revitalize church ministry, one that needs to be realized is the integration of social care and church ministry. This article will explain that the church has social calling and responsibility. The foundation for this idea is the characteristics of Jesus' ministry conveyed by Luke 4:18-19, which is a quotation from Isaiah 61:1-2; 58:6. Based on the use of Isaiah 61:1-2 combined with Isaiah 58:6, this article shows that the writer of the Third Gospel modified the quotation to strengthen social characteristics in Jesus' ministry. The social dimension of Jesus' ministry is an important foundation for building church ministries that have social awareness to shape the lives of believers holistically. This article will apply qualitative methods that focus on literary study and hermeneutical analysis. The hermeneutical approach applied here focuses on reading the Gospels as Greco-Roman biography. The principles commonly used in narrative criticism will also be applied. Because of the quotation from the Book of Isaiah, this article will also analyze the way the writer of the Third Gospel used the text of Isaiah. This article will focus on three aspects, namely the social characteristics of the Third Gospel, the social characteristics of Jesus' ministry based on Luke 4: 18-19, and the implications of the social dimension of Jesus' ministry for revitalizing church ministry.
Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Immanuel Vol 14, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Immanuel
Publisher : STIK Immanuel Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36051/jiki.v14i1.96


Background: Teens of online game users from year to year have increased. The impact of online games on children are depression, anxiety, and social phobia will get worse and academic achievement will decrease. In addition, the addiction to online games can lead to the emergence of aggressive behavior in adolescents. Researcher is interested to examine the correlation between online game addiction with aggressiveness behavior in adolescents in Semarang game center.Methode: The design of this study is quantitative and type of  the research used Cross sectional study. The data were collected by using questionnaires. The number of respondents is 40 people used total sampling technique. The data obtained is processed statistically by using somers'd test.Result: Based on the results obtained from 40 respondents, with the characteristics of respondents 30% aged 18 years. The results showed that 52.5% showed addiction to heavy online games, 32.5% showed a moderate online game addiction and 15% showed an addiction to light online games. A total of 17.5% showed severe aggressiveness, 77.5% showed moderate aggressiveness and 5% showed mild aggressiveness.Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between online game addiction and aggressive behavior in adolescents in Semarang game center (p = 0.042), with weak correlation (r = 0.290)
PENGARUH PUPUK KANDANG KAMBING DAN SAPI TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN Azolla microphylla Arif, Faiz Al; Susanto, Herry; Pujisiswanto, Hidayat
JURNAL AGROTROPIKA Vol 20, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Agrotropika Vol 20 No 1, Mei 2021
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/ja.v20i1.4740


Azolla microphyllais a type of small fern that lives in the waters. One of the benefits of this plant is as an organic fertilizer in lowland rice cultivation. Considering its population in nature is decreasing while the use is increasing, it is necessary to conduct a research how to increase the growth and population of A. microphylla. The research was conducted at the Greenhouse and Weed Science Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung from March to April 2020. The study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with four replications and six treatments so that there were 24 experimental units. As growing media, soil and 10.5 liters of water are filled in a tray measuring 30 cm x 35 cm. The treatments were KO = without manure, K1 = goat manure 42 g, K2 = goat manure 31,5 g plus cattle manure 10,5 g, K3 = goat manure 21 g plus cattle manure 21 g, K4 = goat manure 10,5 g plus cattle manure 31,5 g, and K5 cattle manure 42 g that added in 10,5 liters of water. Homogeneity of data was tested using the Bartlett test, the additivity was tested with the Tukey test. The mean was tested with the least significant difference (LSD) at 5% level. The results showed that the use of goat and cattle manures and the its mixture increased the growth and development of Azolla microphylla. The mixture of goat manure 21 g and cattle manure 21 g / 10.5 liters water is the best treatment for population growth of Azolla microphylla.  Keywords: Azolla microphylla, growth, manure, mixture, population
Desain Assembly Lash Adjuster Cylinder Head Sebagai Alat Bantu Dalam Menghemat Waktu Proses Produksi Sugiyanto, Didik; Susanto, Herry; Djabumir, Sendi Setiawan
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Undiksha Vol 9, No 2 (2021)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jptm.v9i2.31580


Perkembangan teknologi di dunia Industri saat ini sangat cepat dan semakin tajamnya persaingan di dunia industri otomotif mengharuskan suatu perusahaan untuk lebih meningkatkan efisiensi kegiatan operasinya. Mempunyai macam-macam jenis hasil produksi mesin, sehingga waktu produksi dan tenaga harus dimanfaatkan dengan baik agar bisa mencapai target yang sudah ditentukan, salah satunya adalah dengan meciptakan alat bantu produksi yang dapat menghemat waktu produksi sekaligus tenaga. Dalam pemasangan kepala silinder secara manual ada beberapa kendala yang sering dihadapi adalah proses yang sering dilakukan secara berulang-ulang dikarenakan satu orang operator harus melakukan sebanyak enam belas kali prosesd untuk satu assembly cylinder head dan butuh waktu banyak. Fokus dari penelitian ini bagaimana membuat sebuah alat bantu assembly last adjuster untuk memasang cylinder head. Hasil dari penelitian adalah sebelum menggunakan alat bantu assembly lash adjuster, waktu yang dibutuhkan lumayan banyak karena sering melakukan proses yang berulang secara terus menerus, waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan pemasangan lash adjuster ke cylinder head ± 1 – 1.15 menit untuk melakukan penyelesain proses assembly. Sesudah menggunakan alat bantu assembly lash adjuster, proses yang berulang sudah tidak dilalui oleh operator saat melakukan assembly sehingga waktu yang dibutuhkan lebih sedikit sehingga waktu produksi lebih efisien. waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan pemasangan lash adjuster ke cylinder head adalah ± 24 – 34 detik untuk melakukan penyelesain proses perakitan.Kata kunci: lash adjuster; kepala silinder; alat bantuThe development of technology in the industrial world today is very fast and the increasingly sharp competition in the automotive industry requires a company to further improve the efficiency of its operations. Having various types of machine production, so that production time and energy must be utilized properly in order to achieve predetermined targets, one of which is by creating production aids that can save both production time and energy. In manually installing the cylinder head, there are several problems that are often faced, which is a process that is often done repeatedly because one operator has to do sixteen processes for one cylinder head assembly and it takes a lot of time. The focus of this research is how to make a last adjuster assembly tool to install the cylinder head. The result of the research is that before using the lash adjuster assembly tool, the time required is quite a lot because of frequent repetitive processes, the time required to install the lash adjuster to the cylinder head is ± 1 - 1.15 minutes to complete the assembly process. After using the lash adjuster assembly tool, the operator does not go through the repetitive process during assembly so that it takes less time so that production time is more efficient. The time required to install the lash adjuster to the cylinder head is ± 24 - 34 seconds to complete the assembly process.Keywords : lash adjuster; cylinder head; toolsDAFTAR RUJUKANAnwar, M. S., Setiawan, H., & Ummi, N. (2015). Perancangan Sistem Informasi Jadwal Perawatan Mesin Untuk Meminimasi Troubleshooting Mesin Produksi PT.XYZ. Jurnal Teknik Industri, Vol. 3 No. 2 Juli 2015, ISSN: 2302-495XAnonim. (1995). New Step 1 Training Manual. Jakarta: PT. Toyota Astra MotorChoi, M., & K. Min, K. (2011). Influential Factors for HLA Pump Up in A Roller Finger Follower Engine. International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 469−474.Ferreira, D., Howell,T., & Peter, J. (2016). Hydraulic Lash Adjuster Compatible Engine Brake. SAE International doi:10.4271/2016-01-8063, pp. 2287.Maeno, E., Bunko, H., & Katsuhisa Yamaguchi, K. (2007). Development of an End-Pivot Type Mechanical Lash Adjuster. NTN Technical Review No.75. pp.78.Parr A. (2003). Hidrolika dan Pneumatika. Alih Bahasa Gunawan Prasetyo, Jakarta. PenerbitSularso., & Kiyokatsu, S. (2004). Dasar Perencanaan dan Pemilihan Elemen Mesin. Jakarta: PT Pradnya Paramita
Supply and Demand Characteristics of Palm Kernel Shell as a Renewable Energy Source for Industries Handaya, Handaya; Susanto, Herry; Indrawan, Dikky; Marimin, Marimin
International Journal of Renewable Energy Development Vol 11, No 2 (2022): May 2022
Publisher : Center of Biomass & Renewable Energy, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ijred.2022.41971


Depleting stockpile of fossil fuels and rising global temperature due to the greenhouse effect are probably the two most threatening factors to civilization sustainability. Converting biomass into a readily available energy source will help reduce dependency on fossil fuels, whilst at the same time moderating greenhouse gas emmissions due to its carbon neutrality. Palm oil industry is the largest source of biomass in Indonesia and the available quantity to be utilized is growing inline with the steady growth of the generating industry. Among various wastes from palm oil processing, palm kernel shell is an oil palm biomass with high potential to be applied as a source of energy, given its high caloric value and distinctive physical properties. This source of renewable energy can be utilized by industries with thermal conversion processes. As a prerequisite, a feasibility study on technical, environmental, and economic aspects needs to be carried out. From long term perspective, supply, demand, and regulatory situational analysis will also be required. Lastly, a review on the existing palm kernel shell supply chain will help to understand its current situation. Based on literature studies and field observations, we have identified supply and demand characteristics that will be valuable in constructing an effective, efficient, and sustainable supply chain model of palm kernel shell. Understanding these characteristics is a precursor in realizing this massive potential of renewable energy source in the industrial context.
Kecemasan Anak Usia Sekolah Sebelum dan Sesudah Mendapatkan Informasi Saat Pemberian Obat Injeksi Sutrisno, S; Widodo, Gipta Galih; Susanto, Herry
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 2, No 2 (2017): December
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (237.027 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v2i2.42


Abstrak: Anak yang sedang menjalani perawatan di rumah sakit seringkali mengalami masalah dalam berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitarnya. Kondisi bagi seorang anak menjadi suatu keadaan krisis yang terjadi karena anak berusaha untuk beradaptasi dengan lingkungan dirumah sakit, sehingga kondisi tersebut menimbulkan perasaan cemas bagi anak baik terhadap anak sendiri maupun keluarga. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat kecemasan anak usia sekolah sebelum dan sesudah mendapatkan informasi tentang pemberian injeksi pada kelompok kontrol dan kelompok intervensi. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasi experiment dengan sampel 17 responden kelompok kontrol dan 17 responden kelompok intervensi. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan tehnik purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi tentang kecemasan anak. Analisis data menggunakan uji beda 2 mean. Hasil penelitian didapatkan Terdapat perbedaan kecemasan sesudah diberikan intervensi pada kedua kelompok di RSUD Ambarawa dengan nilai p sebesar 0,010. Saran kepada petugas kesehatan setempat agar terus menerus memberikan penyuluhan dan informasi yang benar tentang pemberian obat. Sehingga dapat menurunkan kecemasan anak usia sekolah pada saat menerima tindakan pemberian injeksi.Abstract: Children who are undergoing hospital treatment often have problems interacting with the surrounding environment. This condition for a child becomes a state of crisis that occurs because the child is trying to adapt to the environment in the hospital, so that the condition raises anxiety for the child both against their own children and family. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in the anxiety level of school-aged children before and after obtaining information about injection administration in the control group and intervention group. This research method used quasi experiment design with sample of 17 respondent of control group and 17 respondent of intervention group. Sampling using purposive sampling technique. Data collection uses an observation sheet on child anxiety. Data analysis using difference test 2 mean. The results obtained There are differences in anxiety after being given intervention in both groups in hospitals Ambarawa with p value of 0.010. Suggestions to local health officials to continuously provide counseling and correct information about drug delivery. So as to reduce the anxiety of school-age children when receiving an injection treatment.