Mudji Susanto
Balai Besar Penelitian Bioteknologi dan Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan

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WOOD GENETIC VARIATION OF Acacia auriculiformis AT WONOGIRI TRIAL IN INDONESIA Susanto, Mudji; Prayitno, Tibertius Agus; Fujisawa, Yoshitake
Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research Vol 5, No 2 (2008): Journal of Forestry Research
Publisher : Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency

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VARIATION OF SEED PRODUCTION AND VIABILITY IN A FULL-SIB TRIAL OF Melaleuca cajuputi sub sp. cajuputi IN GUNUNGKIDUL YOGYAKARTA Baskorowati, Liliana; Susanto, Mudji; Prasetyono, Prasetyono; Kartikawati, Noor; Rimbawanto, Anto
Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research Vol 9, No 2 (2012): Journal of Forestry Research
Publisher : Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency

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Family variation of capsule production and the seed viability in the Paliyan full-sib trial of Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. cajuputi, at Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, were observed. The full-sib trial was designed as Incomplete Block Design, consisting of 39 families; six individual as tree plot and replicated in eight blocks. Height and diameter at breast height were assessed to identify the correlation between capsule category and growth performance. The capsule production was assessed visually to one of the capsule categories: “0” for none; “1” for light; “2” for medium and “3” for heavy. Results showed that each family of M. cajuputi sub sp. cajuputi equally contributed  to the seed production.   Progeny analysis showed that the seed productions were not strongly under genetic control (h2i) = 0.12. This study also found positive correlation between the flowering strength (the flower production levels) and the number of capsule (R2=0.279). However, there were no significant differences between the flowering levels and the viability of M. cajuputi sub sp. cajuputi. Mean seed viability was 31%,  there were no significantly differences of capsules production between trees having high flowering intensity and low flowering intensity. Low seed viability was assumed due to the unsynchronicity of flowering, leading to the low levels of outcrossing rate. Therefore, selection of families with synchronicity of flowering was recommended to establish a seed orchard.
Variation in Growth Traits of Ironwood (Eusideroxylon zwageri T. ET B.) Progeny Trial in Bondowoso (Variasi Sifat Pertumbuhan Ulin (Eusideroxylon Zwageri T. Et B.) Pada Uji Keturunan di Bondowoso) Prastyono, Prastyono; Susanto, Mudji
Jurnal Wasian Vol 2, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Wasian
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Kehutanan Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jwas.v2i2.878


The estimation of genetic parameters for stem diameter and plant height of ironwood (Eusideroxylon zwageri T. et B.) was conducted in a progeny trial in Bondowoso, East Java at the age of 5,5 years. The trial was arranged in an incomplete block design, which comprised of 49 families from three provenances (Batanghari, Berau and Kutai Kertanegara) with 4 replications and single tree plot. Families of Batanghari provenance showed the best growth of stem diameter and plant height compared with another provenance. There was significant difference in plant height between families within provenance, whereas stem diameter was not significantly different both of between provenance as well as between families within one provenance. Non-genetic or environmental factors provide considerable influence on plant growth in the progeny test of ironwood until the age of 5.5 years; it was indicated by the residual variance component. Individual heritability for plant height was considered as high (0.37) and stem diameter was considered as moderate (0.26). There was a strong genetic correlation between the stem diameter and plant height (0.95). This information is very important for future genetic improvement of ironwood.
Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Vol 8, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : BBPPBPTH

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As a part of tree improvement project of sengon (Falcataria moluccana L. Nielsen) several progeny test  were established in December 2011. One of those progeny test  was established in Bondowoso, East Java.  Row Column Desgin (Incomplete Block Design) was used as experimental design involving 70 families (9 Papua provenance and 1 provenance Solomon), 4 replications (blocks), 4 trees per plot and a spacing of 3 x 2 m. Observations were made at the age of 6 and 12 months, including recorded the percent of survival plants, height, diameter and the gall rust incidence. Results showed that in general, the early growth of individual plant in this plot demonstrated a fairly good performance with the survival rate of 98.5% (6 months old), and 96.9% (1 year old). The early growth of sengon varied significantly between provenances. The best growth demonstrated by provenances from Meagama, Holima and Hobikosi. Early estimation of individual heritability of plant height categorised in low (h2i= 0.07 to 0.11, h2f= 0.16 to 0.21), whereas individual heritability of diameter were catagorised in medium (h2i= 0, 08 to 0.27, h2f= 0.15 to 0.43). Moreover, the positive value of the genetic correlation revealed between height and diameter (0.88 and 0.85). Several individual trees originated from Holima, Meagama and Elagaima exhibited 0% of gall rust disease incidence.
VARIATION OF SEED PRODUCTION AND VIABILITY IN A FULL-SIB TRIAL OF Melaleuca cajuputi sub sp. cajuputi IN GUNUNGKIDUL YOGYAKARTA Baskorowati, Liliana; Susanto, Mudji; Prasetyono, Prasetyono; Kartikawati, Noor; Rimbawanto, Anto
Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research Vol 9, No 2 (2012): Journal of Forestry Research
Publisher : Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/ijfr.2012.9.2.73-80


Family variation of capsule production and the seed viability in the Paliyan full-sib trial of Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. cajuputi, at Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, were observed. The full-sib trial was designed as Incomplete Block Design, consisting of 39 families; six individual as tree plot and replicated in eight blocks. Height and diameter at breast height were assessed to identify the correlation between capsule category and growth performance. The capsule production was assessed visually to one of the capsule categories: “0” for none; “1” for light; “2” for medium and “3” for heavy. Results showed that each family of M. cajuputi sub sp. cajuputi equally contributed  to the seed production.   Progeny analysis showed that the seed productions were not strongly under genetic control (h2i) = 0.12. This study also found positive correlation between the flowering strength (the flower production levels) and the number of capsule (R2=0.279). However, there were no significant differences between the flowering levels and the viability of M. cajuputi sub sp. cajuputi. Mean seed viability was 31%,  there were no significantly differences of capsules production between trees having high flowering intensity and low flowering intensity. Low seed viability was assumed due to the unsynchronicity of flowering, leading to the low levels of outcrossing rate. Therefore, selection of families with synchronicity of flowering was recommended to establish a seed orchard.
WOOD GENETIC VARIATION OF Acacia auriculiformis AT WONOGIRI TRIAL IN INDONESIA Susanto, Mudji; Prayitno, Tibertius Agus; Fujisawa, Yoshitake
Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research Vol 5, No 2 (2008): Journal of Forestry Research
Publisher : Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/ijfr.2008.5.2.135-146


TREN GENETIK PERTUMBUHAN ANTAR POPULASI Hibiscus macrophyllus Roxb.Ex Hornem DI JAWA Susanto, Mudji; Mashudi, Mashudi
Bioeksperimen: Jurnal Penelitian Biologi Vol 4, No 1: Maret 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/bioeksperimen.v4i1.5926


Penelitian ditujukan untuk memperoleh tren genetik pertumbuhan Hibiscus macrophyllus dari beberapa populasi pada tingkat semai. Penelitian menggunakan materia genetik dari 7 populasi atau provenans di Pulau Jawa. Rancanganpenelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Komplet Blok dengan menguji 112 famili perkawinan terbuka dari 7 provenans dari Pulau Jawa (Cipatujah, Tasikmalaya; Ciguha-Pagerageng, Tasikmalaya; and Pamarican, Banjar Patroman, Ciamis; Samigaluh, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta; Banyuasin, Purworejo, Jawa Tengah; Sumberwrigin, Bondowoso, Jawa Timur; and Senduro, Lumajang, Jawa Timur). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua populasi yang diteliti memperlihatkan tren pertumbuhan yang hampir sama. Hertabilitas individu pertumbuhan sangat berfltuasi mulai umur 0,5 bulan sampai dengan umur 2,5 bulan. Estimasi heritabilitas indvidu untuk tinggi semai tergolong tinggi (h2i=0.53) pada umur 2,5 bulan di persemaian. Keragaman genetik pertumbuhan antar populasi maupun antar famili di dalam populasi sangat signifian.
Pengaruh Genetik dan Lingkungan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Sengon (Falcataria molucanna) Ras Lahan Jawa Susanto, Mudji; Baskorowati, Liliana
Bioeksperimen: Jurnal Penelitian Biologi Vol 4, No 2: September 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/bioeksperimen.v4i2.6883


Tegakan sengon (Falcataria molucanna) ras lahan Jawa dibangun di  Bali dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman pertumbuhan yang disebabkan oleh faktor lingkungan dan genetik pada umur 1-3 tahun. Tegakan sengon tersebut dibangunsebagai uji keturunan dengan rancangan Baris Kolom Incomplete Block Design (IBD). Tegakan sengon tersebut menguji 25 famili half-sib dengan single plot. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keragaman pertumbuhan yang disebabkanoleh faktor genetik (aditif ) maupun faktor lingkungan berubah-ubah setiap tahun. Pada tahun pertama ragam aditif mempunyai peranan 3,38% untuk tinggi pohon dan 0,67% untuk diameter batang; pada tahun kedua ragam aditif sebesar3,40% untuk tinggi pohon dan 3,05% untuk diameter batang; dan pada tahun ketiga ragam aditif sebesar 3,90% untuk tinggi pohon dan 7,00% untuk diameter batang. Sedangkan sisanya mulai tahun pertama sampai ketiga pertumbuhandipengaruhi oleh ragam lingkungan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa pertumbuhan tanaman sengon ras lahan Jawa mayoritas dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan, sehingga disarankan tanaman sengon ras lahan Jawa harusmenggunakan sitim silvikultur yang tepat yang dapat mempercepat pertumbuhan tanaman sengon.