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Improvement of Seed Orchard Management Based on Mating System of Cajuputi Trees Kartikawati, Noor Khomsah; Naiem, Mohammad; Hardiyanto, Eko Bhakti; Rimbawanto, Anto
Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology Vol 18, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (192.121 KB)


Breeding plan of cajuputi in Indonesia is aimed to increase plantation productivity of oil yield and 1.8 cineole content. Seed orchard of cajuputi at Paliyan, Gunungkidul, established using selected and genetically improved materials, has been producing seeds for operational plantation. This seed orchard would perform optimally if the mating systems of all individuals contribute to the inheritance of all genetic potential of the offsprings. Therefore, investigation of the mating systems of cajuputi was indispensible. The study has been carried out on 10 selected mother trees and the 24 offsprings of each mother trees using 8 microsatellite markers of nuclear DNA, namely Hin-2 (100-132 bp), Hin-4 (79-114 bp), Hin-5 (128-148 bp), Hin-7 (136-224 bp), Sal-1 (93-99 bp), Sal-3 (118-219 bp), Xho-1 (96-111 bp) and Xho-4 (150-216 bp), respectively. The result showed relatively high genetic variation of the offspring (HE=0.602, HO=0.594) originated from parent trees in the seed orchard. Parent trees tend to outcross(tm=0.951, ts=0.806), although seeds originated from biparental inbred (tm – ts = 0.145) and correlated paternity(rp=0.098) have also been observed. This genetically viable population could maintain its reproduction fi tness forshort term and adapt to the dynamic environmental changes for long term.Key words: mating system, cajuputi, seed orchard, microsatellite
Allozyme variation of the endemic and vulnerable Dyera lowii Hook.f. in Central Kalimantan: Implications for genetic resources conservation Wahyudiningsih, Tri Suwarni; Naiem, Mohammad; Indrioko, Sapto; Sumardi, Issirep
Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology Vol 19, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Dyera lowii is an endemic and vulnerable tree species of commercial value as chewing gum found inpeat swamp forests, scatteredly distributed in Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Peninsular Malaysia. Their existenceis now under severe threat due to habitat conversion. This study is aimed to assess genetic diversity withinfour natural populations (Hampangen, Parahangan, Sebangau, Selat Nusa ) and one plantation in CentralKalimantan based on allozyme variation. Electrophoresis procedures were conducted with an isoelectricfocusing polyacrylamide slab gel system. The result showed high genetic diversity (HE=0.52) and gene fl ow(3.402) seemed to be effective. A total of 14 alleles were found among all the analysed population. Meannumber of alleles per locus (Aa) was 3.206, and the effective number of alleles per locus (Ae) was 2.21. Geneticdifferentiation between populations (FST) was signifi cant at the moderately level (0.0685). Most allozymevariation was found within population (93.2%). Special attention is essential to conserve a private allele ofGot-1-e (9%) at Selat Nusa population. Sebangau population missed the alleles of Est-2-b and Got-1-a, as foundin other populations. Selat Nusa population is expected to enhance the effective management for geneticresources conservation of this vulnerable species in the future.
Estimasi parameter genetik dan peran gen pada uji keturunan full sib kayu putih di Gunung Kidul Kartikawati, Noor Khomsah; Naiem, Mohammad; Hardiyanto, Eko Bhakti
Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Vol 7, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : BBPPBPTH

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Controlled pollination technique could be applied to generate gene recombinant from families in progeny test and to estimate genetic parameters. The early step in evaluation of controlled pollination is to estimate general combining ability and specific combining ability. the objectives of this research were to estimate generic parameters on full sib progeny test of melaleuca cajuputi subsp cajuputi cajuput and to identify gene action controlling growth and oil traits. The research was conducted on full sib progeny test at Gunungkidul established in an incomplete block Design with six treeplots and eight replications. Tree height and diameter stem growth were observed at seven years old. Oil yield and cineol content were examined using gas chromatography. Analysis of variance and genetic parameter were calculated for all measured variables. The result showed that individual heretabilities on growth traits (hi2 of stem diameter = 0,34 and tree height = 0,01, respectively) were lower than on oil traiths (hi2 of oil yield =0,6 and cineole = 0,4 respectively). This indicated that oil traits tend to genetically controlled. Analysis of variances on general combining ability (GCA) and Specific Combining Ability (SCA) effects from a serries of 15 sets of 5x5 half-diallel mating experiments showed that all traits (height, diameter, oil and 1,8 cineole yields) were controlled by non-aditive genes. Consequently, controlled pollination of selected plus trees should be carried out until heterosis of improved progenies could be found.
Genetic Variability of Five Provenances of Eboni Restu, Muhammad; Naiem, Mohammad
Jurnal Natur Indonesia Vol 10, No 1 (2007)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/jnat.10.1.1-5


A research was conducted to determine genetic variability and structure of ebony either within provenances or within trees in the same provenance using isozyme analyses. Results of this study are expected to show genetic variability of ebony with different provenances. For the purpose of the study, five provenances of ebony (Maros,Barru, Sidrap, Malili, and Mamuju) were prepared. The isozyme analysis using electrophoresis was applied to determine the genetic variability. The obtained data were statistically analyzed using multivariate and dendrogram analyses with Numerical Taxonomy System (NTSYS) Program applying unwighted pairgroup method and arrithmetic average (UPGMA) approach. Results showed that the variability of genetic provenances of ebony were less than any other tree species. Among the existing provenances, Barru dan Mamuju showed higher genetic variability compared to other provenances. Ebony provenance was generally found to homozygously increase or to performinbreeding. The genetic variability of ebony was mostly derived from the variability in population (95.4%). Grouping individual trees based on their provenances indicated that Malili provenance showed closed relationship to Maros provenance, whilst Mamuju provenance showed closed relationship to Barru and Sidrap provenances.
Estimasi parameter genetik dan peran gen pada uji keturunan full sib kayu putih di Gunung Kidul Noor Khomsah Kartikawati; Mohammad Naiem; Eko Bhakti Hardiyanto
Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Vol 7, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement (CFBTI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jpth.2013.7.1.1-13


Controlled pollination technique could be applied to generate gene recombinant from families in progeny test and to estimate genetic parameters. The early step in evaluation of controlled pollination is to estimate general combining ability and specific combining ability. the objectives of this research were to estimate generic parameters on full sib progeny test of melaleuca cajuputi subsp cajuputi cajuput and to identify gene action controlling growth and oil traits. The research was conducted on full sib progeny test at Gunungkidul established in an incomplete block Design with six treeplots and eight replications. Tree height and diameter stem growth were observed at seven years old. Oil yield and cineol content were examined using gas chromatography. Analysis of variance and genetic parameter were calculated for all measured variables. The result showed that individual heretabilities on growth traits (hi2 of stem diameter = 0,34 and tree height = 0,01, respectively) were lower than on oil traiths (hi2 of oil yield =0,6 and cineole = 0,4 respectively). This indicated that oil traits tend to genetically controlled. Analysis of variances on general combining ability (GCA) and Specific Combining Ability (SCA) effects from a serries of 15 sets of 5x5 half-diallel mating experiments showed that all traits (height, diameter, oil and 1,8 cineole yields) were controlled by non-aditive genes. Consequently, controlled pollination of selected plus trees should be carried out until heterosis of improved progenies could be found.
Improvement of Seed Orchard Management Based on Mating System of Cajuputi Trees Noor Khomsah Kartikawati; Mohammad Naiem; Eko Bhakti Hardiyanto; Anto Rimbawanto
Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology Vol 18, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (192.121 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ijbiotech.7865


Breeding plan of cajuputi in Indonesia is aimed to increase plantation productivity of oil yield and 1.8 cineole content. Seed orchard of cajuputi at Paliyan, Gunungkidul, established using selected and genetically improved materials, has been producing seeds for operational plantation. This seed orchard would perform optimally if the mating systems of all individuals contribute to the inheritance of all genetic potential of the offsprings. Therefore, investigation of the mating systems of cajuputi was indispensible. The study has been carried out on 10 selected mother trees and the 24 offsprings of each mother trees using 8 microsatellite markers of nuclear DNA, namely Hin-2 (100-132 bp), Hin-4 (79-114 bp), Hin-5 (128-148 bp), Hin-7 (136-224 bp), Sal-1 (93-99 bp), Sal-3 (118-219 bp), Xho-1 (96-111 bp) and Xho-4 (150-216 bp), respectively. The result showed relatively high genetic variation of the offspring (HE=0.602, HO=0.594) originated from parent trees in the seed orchard. Parent trees tend to outcross(tm=0.951, ts=0.806), although seeds originated from biparental inbred (tm – ts = 0.145) and correlated paternity(rp=0.098) have also been observed. This genetically viable population could maintain its reproduction fi tness forshort term and adapt to the dynamic environmental changes for long term. Key words: mating system, cajuputi, seed orchard, microsatellite
VARIASI GENETIK SIFAT-SIFAT KAYU UJI KETURUNAN ACACIA MANGIUM UMUR 5 TAHUN DI WONOGIRI, JAWA TENGAH (Genetic variation of wood properties in progeny trial of Acacia mangium on 5 years old in Wonogiri, Central Java) Mudji Susanto; Mohammad Naiem; Eko Bhakti Hardiyanto; T.A. Prayitno
Jurnal Manusia dan Lingkungan Vol 20, No 3 (2013): November
Publisher : Pusat Studi Lingkungan Hidup Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jml.18499


ABSTRAKUji keturunan A. mangium generasi pertama dari Papua New Guinea and Queensland-Australia telah dibangun di Wonogiri - Jawa Tengah pada Desember 1993. Seleksi pohon di dalam famili telah dilakukan menggunakan variabel pertumbuhan, namun belum menggunakan variabel sifat-sifat kayu.  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh provenans maupun famili terhadap keragaman diameter dan sifat-sifat kayu A. mangium tersebut pada umur 5 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berat jenis kayu tergolong sedang yaitu rata-rata sebesar 0,44 dan panjang serat tergolong serat pendek yaitu rata-rata sebesar 1,04 mm. Di uji keturunan A. mangium tersebut terdapat keragaman antar famili di dalam provenans dan keragaman antar provenans pada sifat prsentase kayu teras, berat jenis kayu, dan kadar air.  Heritabilitas individu untuk diameter batang dan persentase kayu teras sangat rendah (h2i=0,03 untuk diameter dan h2i=0,05 untuk persentase kayu teras), sementara sifat-sifat kayu mempunyai heritabilitas individu yang tergolong rendah  sampai tinggi yaitu h2i=0,10-0,56. Hasil dari penelitian tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa seleksi pohon menggunakan sifat-sifat kayu seharusnya dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas kayu.  ABSTRACTFirst generation (F-1) of progeny trial of Acacia mangium originated from Papua New Guinea and Queensland-Australia was established in Wonogiri, Central Java on December 1993. The tree selection within family  were carried out base on growth characteristic, whereas the wood property traits were not included. The objective of this research is  to find the effect of provenance or family in variation of diameter and  wood properties  of`A. mangium in the trial in 5 years old. The results showed that mean of wood specific gravity was 0.44 (it was medium catagory)  and mean of fiber length was 1.04 mm (it is short fiber category).  Variation of heartwood area, wood specific gravity, and moisture content showed significantly differences among provenance or between family within provenance.  Individual heritability of diameter and heartwood area were low (h2i=0.03 for diameter and  h2i=0.05 for heartwood area), however individual heritability of wood properties were low to high (hi2=0.10-0.56). The result of investigation indicated that trees selection using wood properties  should be conducted to improve wood quality in the progeny trial.