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Jurnal Analisa Sosiologi Vol 10, No 2 (2021)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jas.v10i2.52534


The role of ideology in political contestation reflects political spectrum hand-in-hand. In order to achieve the highest position of the power, there are many ways to impress individuals to preferably elect candidates which then leads to political orientation. This study attempts to explore the meaning of ideology and power which is constructed inward the people of Surakarta’s perspective in the 2020 Mayoral Election. The nature of research is interpretive qualitative through descriptive approach. Authors elaborate structuration theory proposed by Anthony Giddens in investigating power within the political orientation. This study likewise uses critical study technique to reveal the in-fact phenomenon beyond the interpretive does. In collecting the data, this study uses interviews, observations, and documentation studies of supporting literature. The selected informants are divided into two groups; political elite of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) as well as the individuals. Surakarta city is the location of this study with all sub-districts are taken by each one person as an informant of the whole population. The results of this study are divided into two major parts; 1) the meaning of ideology remains infiltrated in the people of Surakarta City which is represented by the Pancasilaist group, Gibran Rakabuming Raka is manifested as Joko Widodo, and the political orientation of the community is formed due to the strong social capital of the party thus further reconstruct the preferences of voters, 2) critical studies conceives party has been only sheltering in false consciousness of ideology and society interprets ideology in partial way. To conclude, authors define that circumstance as an ideological manipulation through political interests and pseudo-use of Javanese power as it describes symbolic glorification of individuals Keywords: Political Ideology, Javanese Power, Pseudo Reality, Political Orientation, Surakarta Mayoral Election 2020 AbstrakPeranan ideologi dalam kehidupan berpolitik merupakan pergelaran wajib bagi setiap spektrum politik. Demi mencapai pucuk kekuasaan tertinggi, berbagai cara untuk menarik minat masyarakat untuk memilih calon sangat gentar dilancarkan yang kemudian mengarahkan kepada orientasi politik. Studi ini mencoba menggali makna ideologi dan kekuasaan yang terkonstruksi di masyarakat Kota Surakarta selama Pemilihan Wali Kota 2020. Dengan desain penelitian berupa kualitatif interpretif melalui pendekatan deskriptif, penulis mengelaborasi teori strukturasi yang digagas oleh Anthony Giddens. Studi ini juga menggunakan studi kritis untuk menggali fenomena di balik data interpretif. Dalam mengambil data, penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi berupa literatur pendukung. Informan yang dipilih dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu elit politik dari Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDI-P) dan Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) dan juga masyarakat umum. Kota Surakarta merupakan tempat pengambilan lokasi penelitian ini dengan seluruh kecamatan peneliti ambil masing-masing satu orang sebagai informan masyarakat umum. Selain itu, studi ini juga menggunakan telaah kritis dari pemaknaan ideologi dan kekuasaan yang dibayangkan oleh masyarakat. Hasil penelitian ini terbagi menjadi dua bagian besar; 1) pemaknaan ideologi masih sangat mengakar di masyarakat Kota Surakarta yang dalam ini diwakilkan oleh kelompok Pancasilais, Gibran Rakabuming Raka dimanifestasikan sebagai Joko Widodo, dan orientasi politik masyarakat terbentuk akibat kuatnya modal sosial partai sehingga merekonstruksi preferensi pilihan konstituen, 2) studi kritis melihatnya bahwa partai selama ini hanya berlindung dalam selimut ideologi dan masyarakat memaknai ideologi secara parsial. Sebagai kesimpulan, penulis mendefinisikan keadaan itu sebagai manipulasi ideologis melalui kepentingan politik dan penggunaan kekuasaan Jawa secara semu karena menggambarkan pengagungan simbolis terhadap individu.Kata Kunci: Ideologi Politik, Kuasa Jawa, Kesadaran Semu, Orientasi Politik, Pemilihan Wali Kota Surakarta 2020
Development of Rumah Inklusi support group for children with special needs Drajat Tri Kartono; Theofilus Apolinaris Suryadinata; Ahmad Zuber; Aris Arif Mundayat; Rezza Dian Akbar; Lutfi Andriani; Bachtiar Suryo Bawono; Ummul Hidayah
Ittishal Educational Research Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Ittishal Educational Research Journal
Publisher : International Islamic Schools Alliance

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51425/ierj.v4i2.45


Handling Children with Special Needs (CSN) requires special knowledge and expertise, so parents and schools with children/students with special needs sometimes experience difficulties in nurturing and implementing inclusive education. The Community Service Team from Universitas Sebelas Maret and the Yayasan Lembaga Pendidikan Al Firdaus developed the Rumah Inklusi and ARCHANA to provide CSNs and their families. This study examines the development of support groups for inclusive homes and the implementation of assisting parents with special needs through support groups. The approach used is Participatory Action Research (PAR), which assists parents with special needs at the Al Firdaus Inclusion School with psychologists, pedagogues, and sociologists. Data collection techniques were done through literature studies, Focus Group Discussions, observations, and documentation. The results of the research show that the PAR approach in this service is carried out in four stages: (1) Reflection to determine the problem; (2) Problem-solving design by designing activities for forming support groups and assisting parents with CSN; (3) Implementation through Focus Group Discussion presenting parents and experts in the field of inclusive education; and (4) Evaluation of the implementation of community service activities. Developing inclusion houses is still needed to reach families with special needs, and the benefits can be felt more broadly. This community service activity found the construction gap for children with special needs between schools and families with special needs, which impacts self-acceptance of children's conditions.