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Role of Family Communications in Adolescent Personal and Social Identity Maulana Rezi Ramadhana; Ravik Karsidi; Prahastiwi Utari; Drajat Tri Kartono
Journal of Family Sciences Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019): Journal of Family Sciences
Publisher : Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jfs.4.1.1-11


This study examines the relationship between family communication patterns (involving two dimensions of conversation and conformity) and the personal-social identity of adolescents. This study uses a survey technique involving 214 adolescents from intact families and single-parent families in one school in Bandung, by providing two scales of the Family Communication Pattern Revised (FCPR) from Ritchie and the scale of Social Identity-Personal Identity (SIPI) from Nario-Redmond. Data analysis to test three hypotheses in this study using Pearson product-moment correlation and regression analysis to find moderation of the measured variables. The findings indicate that the dimensions of the conversation are significantly positively related to social identity and personal identity. While the dimensions of conformity are negatively associated with social identity and positively associated with personal identity. After controlling for family status and sibling position in the family, the dimensions of conformity moderate significantly positive relationships between dimensions of conversation and social identity.
Kebermanfaat Adanya Sustainable Development Goals (Sdgs) Sulistyani Prabu Aji; Drajat Tri Kartono
Journal of Social Research Vol. 1 No. 6 (2022): Journal Of Social Research
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (180.343 KB) | DOI: 10.55324/josr.v1i6.110


Latar Belakang : Pembangunan berkelanjutan/ Sustainable development merupakan prinsip pencapaian pembangunan manusia sementara pada fase yang sama mempertahankan sistem alam untuk memberikan masukan bahwa masyarakat bergantung pada alam dan sumber daya didalamanya. Tujuan : Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mencapai keselarasan antara kelestarian lingkungan, keberlanjutan ekonomi, dan keberlanjutan sosial-politik. Metode : Desain penelitian ini menggunakan Systematic Review dengan Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Hasil : SDGs adalah perpanjangan dari delapan Tujuan Pembangunan Milenium (MDGs) yang memandu tindakan global untuk mengurangi kemiskinan ekstrem dari tahun 2000 hingga 2015. Kesimpulan : Tujuan SDGs adalah untuk mencapai keselarasan antara kelestarian lingkungan, keberlanjutan ekonomi, dan keberlanjutan sosial-politik.
Praktik Sosial antara Orang dengan Masalah Kejiwaan dengan Relawan Griya Schizofren di Griya PMI (Palang Merah Indonesia) Peduli Surakarta Triana Rahmawati; Drajat Tri Kartono; Trisni Utami; Yuanita Dwi Hapsari
Society Vol 8 No 2 (2020): Society
Publisher : Laboratorium Rekayasa Sosial FISIP Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (586.84 KB) | DOI: 10.33019/society.v8i2.223


This research discusses the social practices carried out by Griya Schizofren to address individuals with mental illness who are often disadvantaged due to the negative stigma of their illness. This research uses a phenomenological approach. Data were collected from observations, interviews, and documentation. The results show that Griya Schizofren, to reduce the stigma against individuals with mental illness, established social, economic, cultural, and symbolic relations with those who lived in Griya PMI Peduli (Indonesian Red Cross) Surakarta through voluntary activities for individuals with mental illness. Social welfare activities in individuals with mental illness had shifted to business activity that opened a new field. The habitus of individuals with mental illness positively developed. Griya Schizofren restructured individuals with mental illness in a new layer of the community by promoting it as a society that can work within its limitations and produce products demanded by the community in the form of wedding souvenirs. Field of Griya PMI Peduli became a more humane environment as the shelter for abandoned individuals with mental illness. It also proved that total institution is no longer a frightening but collaborative field for capital exchange. Hence, using the theory of Piere Bourdieu, this research can answer how the stigma can be unfolded through works and capital exchange.
Jurnal Analisa Sosiologi Vol 5, No 2 (2016)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (808.413 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/jas.v5i2.18108


Popular music not only being understood as entertainment media. Through audiences, popular music can be used as social movement instrument. This qualitative research using ethnography study as its approach. The subject on this resrach is Navicula band. The result of this stusy show that, the Navicula’s habitus about Tri Hita Karana’s life as a Balinese: the harmony between God, human and nature.Navicula’s cutural capital about knowledge of music as media and strong awareness of environment problems, social capital show their collaboration with several social organization, economic capital comes form album sales, band’s accessories and their concerts. Symbolic capital depicted by the term that Navicula as green grunge gentlemen. Navicula’s New social movement through Navicula’s discography as their messages, Borneo Tour  as new paradigm on collective action, cultural rebellion reflection through Navicula’s merchandise and hearing responses as movement’s impact. The finding on this research is relevant Bourdieu’s theory to depictedabout social praxis systematicly.New media movement theory can be alliance with other theory because its flexible nature to adjust with social dynamic society today.Keywords: New Social Movement, Music, Ethnography. AbstrakMusik popular tidak hanya dipahami sebagai media hiburan semata. Melalui khalayak ramai, music popular bias menjadi alat untuk gerakan sosial. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan menggunakan studi etnografi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah band Navicula. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa habitus Navicula tentang kehidupan Tri Hita Karana sebagai orang Bali; hubungan harmoni antara Tuhan, manusia dan alam semesta. Modal budaya Navicula tentang pengetahuan tentang music sebagai media dan pengetahuan yang kuat tentang masalah lingkungan, modal sosial menunjukkan kerjasama dengan beberapa organisasi sosial, modal ekonomi berasal dari penjualan album, aksesoris band dan konser mereka. Modal simbolik digambarkan dengan istilah Navicula sebagai green grunge gentlemen. Ranah Navicula menjelaskan di ranah jejaring sosial. Gerakan sosial baru Navicula melalui diskografi Navicula sebagai pesan yang disampaikan, Borneo Tour sebagai paradigma baru aksi kolektif, refleksi pemberontakan kultural melalui merchandise Navicula dan responpen dengar sebagai efek gerakan. Temuan penelitian ini menyiratkan teori Bourdieu yang relevan untuk menggambarkan tentang praktik sosial secara sistematis. Teori Gerakan Sosial Baru bisa dielaborasi dengan teori lain karena fleksibel untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan dinamika sosial masyarakat hari ini.Kata Kunci: Gerakan Sosial Baru, Musik, Etnografi.
Krisis Identitas dan Sosial Budaya di Kota Industri: Studi Terhadap Pekerja di Jakarta dan Makassar, Indonesia Drajat Tri Kartono; Ahmad Zuber; Atik Catur Budi; Panggio Restu Wilujeng
Society Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Society
Publisher : Laboratorium Rekayasa Sosial FISIP Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/society.v11i1.440


When it relates to national identity, the issue of identity becomes relevant in the era of globalization. Considering the distance between local, national, and global identities and the variables involved is crucial. This research aims to find the construction of national identity within globalization exposure, socio-cultural changes, and formulation of Excel identity. This research took place in Jakarta and Makasar. This research used grounded theory as its approach. The data are collected using observation, interview, and Focus Group Discussion with snowball sampling. The research results show that the construction of national identity is blended in which national identity is mixed with local and global ones. Also, socio-cultural change influences the construction of identity. Forming a superior identity is equally vital to one’s international, national, and regional identity.
Krisis Keluarga dalam Perkembangan Otonomi Perempuan Drajat Tri Kartono; Argyo Demartoto; Fatwa Nur Hakim; Chesa Amanda Marsela
Sosio Konsepsia: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesejahteraan Sosial Vol. 12 No. 3 (2023): Sosio Konsepsia: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesejahteraan Sosial
Publisher : Pusat Pendidikan, Pelatihan, dan Pengembangan Profesi (Pusdiklat-bangprof), Kementerian Sosial RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33007/ska.v12i3.3349


Permasalahan krisis keluarga menyebabkan adanya perubahan relasi kuasa dalam keluarga yang berpengaruh pada hilangnya kepercayaan perempuan otonom terhadap instansi keluarga yang kemudian akan menimbulkan proses-proses disosiatif dalam instansi keluarga yang dapat memicu terjadinya krisis keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemahaman tentang krisis keluarga dan relasi kuasa dalam keluarga yang berdampak terhadap permasalahan kepercayaan atas institusi keluarga. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah strategi deskriptif kuantitatif dengan analisis korelasi product moment. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam kurun waktu 1 tahun di Kota Surakarta. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa prosentase hasil penelitian menghasilkan 28% tidak krisis, 52% moderate dan 19% krisis. Hal tersebut memiliki arti bahwa kecenderungan orientasi perempuan menjadi perempuan otonom ke arah moderat dan otonom. Ini akan berakibat pada kecenderungan perempuan untuk tidak menikah atau lebih menikmati kehidupan sendiri. Hasilnya akan berakibat pada terjadinya krisis keluarga di masa depan karena lembaga perkawinan tidak lagi sangat diharapkan oleh perempuan. Perempuan telah memiliki kekuatan keluar dari tekanan sosial untuk mewajibkan menikah dan berkeluarga.
Investigating freedom to learn program as a form of education decentralization in Indonesia Gandung Senatama; Drajat Tri Kartono
Ittishal Educational Research Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Ittishal Educational Research Journal
Publisher : International Islamic Schools Alliance

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51425/ierj.v4i2.44


Education is one of Indonesia's goals as stated in the fourth paragraph of the 1945 Constitution. However, the decentralization problem of education through transformational schools found various obstacles. This study aims to explore the problems of decentralization of education of the Freedom to Learn program through transformational schools spread throughout Indonesia. This study used the literature study method obtained from literature and books and with VOSViewer software which analysed 2.339 social articles discussing decentralization. The results of the research showed that decentralization implementation of education through transformational schools met obstacles such as inadequate facilities and many teachers are struggling to use technology, so the decentralization process is not maximal. The researchers suggest that the government should provide space for policy targets from lower levels spread throughout Indonesia so that the education decentralization process can run.
Development of Rumah Inklusi support group for children with special needs Drajat Tri Kartono; Theofilus Apolinaris Suryadinata; Ahmad Zuber; Aris Arif Mundayat; Rezza Dian Akbar; Lutfi Andriani; Bachtiar Suryo Bawono; Ummul Hidayah
Ittishal Educational Research Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Ittishal Educational Research Journal
Publisher : International Islamic Schools Alliance

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51425/ierj.v4i2.45


Handling Children with Special Needs (CSN) requires special knowledge and expertise, so parents and schools with children/students with special needs sometimes experience difficulties in nurturing and implementing inclusive education. The Community Service Team from Universitas Sebelas Maret and the Yayasan Lembaga Pendidikan Al Firdaus developed the Rumah Inklusi and ARCHANA to provide CSNs and their families. This study examines the development of support groups for inclusive homes and the implementation of assisting parents with special needs through support groups. The approach used is Participatory Action Research (PAR), which assists parents with special needs at the Al Firdaus Inclusion School with psychologists, pedagogues, and sociologists. Data collection techniques were done through literature studies, Focus Group Discussions, observations, and documentation. The results of the research show that the PAR approach in this service is carried out in four stages: (1) Reflection to determine the problem; (2) Problem-solving design by designing activities for forming support groups and assisting parents with CSN; (3) Implementation through Focus Group Discussion presenting parents and experts in the field of inclusive education; and (4) Evaluation of the implementation of community service activities. Developing inclusion houses is still needed to reach families with special needs, and the benefits can be felt more broadly. This community service activity found the construction gap for children with special needs between schools and families with special needs, which impacts self-acceptance of children's conditions.