Ineke Nursih Widyantari
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Analisis Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Komoditi Kemiri Lokal Arnita Damayanthi Anwar; Ineke Nursih Widyantari; David Oscar Simatupang Simatupang
Musamus Journal of Agribusiness Vol 2 No 01 (2019): Musamus Journal of Agribusiness
Publisher : Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mujagri.v2i01.2305


Merauke Regency is a candlenut production center in Papua Province with an area of ​​land and an ever-increasing amount of production. Candlenut area in 2009 was 114.50 Ha and in 2012 it increased to 207.00 Ha, which was followed by an increase in production by 50% between 2010 and 2012. This study aimed to identify the factors be strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and formulate development strategies. Purposive research area determination in Yanggandur Village, Sota District, Merauke Regency. The population consisted of 12 people consisting of candlenut farmers, traders, and the government where all populations were sampled. Sampling was done by Purposive Sampling. The data used are sourced from primary data and secondary data. Data analysis using the SWOT method. strengths: availability of land and hazelnut plants in large numbers, the involvement of families and local communities in the business, business activities can help the family economy of farmers, the activity of processing candlenut in the village, how to market the results have reached the traditional markets, the large number of candlenut which falls out every season, the quality of hazelnut produced is quite good. Weaknesses are: lack of adequate equipment in processing activities, lack of business capital, long distance to the location of plants (from community houses to gardens and hamlets) for candlenut harvest, low knowledge, and farmers' desire in cultivation activities, low application of the system management in business, lack of farmers 'skills in processing the candlenut, lack of farmers' ability to do marketing outside the village, transportation facilities that support marketing activities are not yet smooth, the durability (quality) of hazelnut produced is still low. Keywords: development strateg; candlenut commodity; SWOT analysis
Analisis Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Beras Berlabel Erwan Erwan; Untari Untari; Ineke Nursih Widyantari
Musamus Journal of Agribusiness Vol 3 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This research aims to : 1) know the influence of simultaneous (shared) between the variable of customer satisfaction toward the purchasing decisions, 2) know whether the customer satisfaction are the variables that influence the purchase decision of partially, 3) know the variable of customer satisfaction dominated of the rice purchases labeled. This research was conducted in Toko Dua departement store for five months, from May to September 2013. Analysis used are Linear Regression Multiple, accidental sampling method based on the total sample are 66 respondents. The results showed that the results of the test simultaneous (F) indicating that Fcount (2,824) > Ftable (2,37); so it is concluded the variable of costumer satisfaction simultaneously and significant to affect of the decision to buy. Partial assay results test (t) indicating that variable, among five namely the quality of the product the prices of emotional factors and charges; that significantly affect customers in a decision to buy rice labeled is variable fee; it showed that t count (2,698) > t table (1,669). The results of the test determinan (R) indicating that variable of customer satisfaction having value domination 19,1 % of the decision of the purchase, the remaining 80,9 % influenced by other factors outside of a operation variable.
Hubungan Penyuluhan Pertanian Terhadap Peningkatan Produksi Petani Padi (Kampung Marga Mulya, Distrik Semangga) Kabupaten Merauke Naning Dwi Anggraheni; Ineke Nursih Widyantari; Untari Untari
Musamus Journal of Agribusiness Vol 4 No 01 (2021): Musamus Journal of Agribusiness
Publisher : Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mujagri.v4i01.4181


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan penyuluh pertanian terhadappeningkatan produksi padi petani di Desa Marga Mulya Kecamatan SemanggaKabupaten Merauke. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif survei denganmenggunakan analisis skala Likert. selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan analisis PearsonProduct Moment (PPM) dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 83 responden dari totalpopulasi sebanyak 493 orang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penyuluhanpertanian memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan/terlihat terhadap peningkatan produksipadi, hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil perhitungan analisis menunjukkan bahwa nilai t =8,949 lebih besar dari nilai t tabel = 1,989, sedangkan kontribusi hubungan penyuluhpertanian terhadap peningkatan produksi padi sebesar 49,7% yang ditentukan oleh SDMdan sisanya 50,3% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak termasuk dalam modelanalisis korelasi Pearson Product Moment seperti seperti kondisi iklim, modalmanajemen pertanian
Analisis Kelayakan Usahatani Ikan Asin Gabus ( Ophiocephalus Striatus ) Di Distrik Sota Kampung Sota Hilarius R.M. Ena; Untari Untari; Ineke Nursih Widyantari
Musamus Journal of Agribusiness Vol 4 No 01 (2021): Musamus Journal of Agribusiness
Publisher : Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mujagri.v4i01.4182


Usaha budidaya ikan asin Gabus merupakan salah satu komoditi unggulan yang adadi Kampung Sota. Pengembangan usaha ini masih bersifat tradisional dan skalarumah tangga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kelayakan usaha budidayaikan asin Gabus menggunakan Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C ratio) di KecamatanKampung Sota, penelitian dilakukan selama satu bulan, dimulai dari bulan April 2015sampai dengan Mei 2015. Penarikan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan TotalSampling yang ditentukan secara sengaja, dan analisis data dilakukan dengan metodekualitatif dan kuantitatif, teknik ini digunakan untuk besar biaya, tingkat pendapatan,dan analisis kelayakan usaha seperti R/C ratio.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan rata-rata budidaya ikan asin gabusper musim adalah sebesar 13.259.187,00. Budidaya ikan asin gabus layak tandingKecamatan Kampung Sota, hasil analisis kelayakan budidaya ikan asin gabusmemperoleh nilai R/C ratio sebesar 1,23
Analisis Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Beras Berlabel Erwan Erwan; Untari Untari; Ineke Nursih Widyantari
Jurnal Agribisnis Musamus Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Musamus Journal of Agribusiness
Publisher : Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mujagri.v3i2.3766


This research aims to : 1) know the influence of simultaneous (shared) between the variable of customer satisfaction toward the purchasing decisions, 2) know whether the customer satisfaction are the variables that influence the purchase decision of partially, 3) know the variable of customer satisfaction dominated of the rice purchases labeled. This research was conducted in Toko Dua departement store for five months, from May to September 2013. Analysis used are Linear Regression Multiple, accidental sampling method based on the total sample are 66 respondents.The results showed that the results of the test simultaneous (F) indicating that Fcount (2,824) > Ftable (2,37); so it is concluded the variable of costumer satisfaction simultaneously and significant to affect of the decision to buy. Partial assay results test (t) indicating that variable, among five namely the quality of the product the prices of emotional factors and charges; that significantly affect customers in a decision to buy rice labeled is variable fee; it showed that t count (2,698) > t table (1,669). The results of the test determinan (R) indicating that variable of customer satisfaction having value domination 19,1 % of the decision of the purchase, the remaining 80,9 % influenced by other factors outside of a operation variable. Keywords: customer satisfaction, purchasing decisions, labeled
Hubungan Penyuluhan Pertanian Terhadap Peningkatan Produksi Petani Padi (Kampung Marga Mulya, Distrik Semangga) Kabupaten Merauke Naning Dwi Anggraheni; Ineke Nursih Widyantari; Untari Untari
Jurnal Agribisnis Musamus Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Musamus Journal of Agribusiness
Publisher : Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mujagri.v4i01.4181


This study aims to determine the relationship between agricultural extension workers and farmers' rice production in Marga Mulya Village, Semangga District, Merauke Regency. This research is a descriptive survey research using Likert scale analysis. then analyzed using Pearson Product Moment (PPM) analysis with a total sample of 83 respondents from a total population of 493 people. The results of this study indicate that agricultural extension provides a significant /noticeable to increased the farmers rice production in Marga Mulya Village, it can be seen from the calculation results analysis shows that the value of t = 8.949 is greater than the value of t table = 1.989, while the contribution of the agriculture instructor relationship to increase rice production by 49.7% as determined by HR and the remaining 50.3% is influenced by other variables not included in the model of Pearson Product Moment correlation analysis such as climatic conditions, capital farm management.
Analisis Kelayakan Usahatani Ikan Asin Gabus ( Ophiocephalus Striatus ) Di Distrik Sota Kampung Sota Hilarius R.M. Ena; Untari Untari; Ineke Nursih Widyantari
Jurnal Agribisnis Musamus Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Musamus Journal of Agribusiness
Publisher : Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mujagri.v4i01.4182


Cork salted fish farming is one of the leading commodities in Sota Village. The development of this business is still traditional and on a household scale. This study aims to analyze the feasibility of salted cork fish farming using Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C ratio) in Kampung Sota District, the study was conducted for one month, starting from April 2015 intil May 2015. Withdrawal of samples is made using total sampling defined deliberately and qualitative and quantitative methods do data analysis, this technique is used to high cost income levels and analyze business feasibility, such as the R/C ratio. The results showed that the average income of salted snakehead fish cultivation per season was 13,259,187.00. Cultivation of salted snakehead fish is worthy of a match in Kampung Sota District, the results from analysis of the feasibility analysis of salted snakehead fish cultivation obtain an R/C ratio value of 1.23.
Analisis Pendapatan Nelayan Tradisional Lokal dan Non Lokal Terhadap UMR pada Wilayah Pesisir Hefri Heni Sinaga; Ineke Nursih Widyantari; Ferdinand C Situmorang
AGRICOLA Vol 12 No 1 (2022): AGRICOLA
Publisher : Universitas Musamus, Merauke, Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/ag.v12i1.4434


The purpose of this research is to find out the large catch of local and non-local fishermen fish and to analyze the amount of local and non-local fishermen’s income against UMR. The research method used is by survey method, interview, questionnaires. Sample selection is done with simple random sampling and census. Data were analyzed using the formula of cost analysis, acceptance, income and percentage analysis formulas. The results showed that Average revenue for traditional local fishermen in low season was 4,498,125 / month while in high season was 16,275,625 /month and for traditional non local fishermen in low season was 2,760,000 / month while in high season was 13,759,310. /month. The average income of traditional local fishermen in low season was Rp. 3,340,334/month while in high season was Rp. 15,062,155/month and for traditional non local fishermen in low season was Rp. 1,396,563/month while in high season was Rp. 12,306,571. /month, but for the monthly income of traditional local fishermen was Rp. 6,412,528/month and for traditional non local fishermen was Rp. 4,684,092/month in the percentage of the minimum UMR Merauke Regency by traditional local fishermen is 55% and by traditional non-local fishermen 75%.
Kontribusi Wanita Papua Pedagang Ubi Jalar Terhadap Pendapatan Keluarga Pada Distrik Merauke Kabupaten Merauke Provinsi Papua Selatan Emilia Tinci Neto; Ineke Nursih Widyantari; Nurliah Nurliah
AGRICOLA Vol 13 No 1 (2023): AGRICOLA
Publisher : Universitas Musamus, Merauke, Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/ag.v13i1.5240


Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is a creeper that people in Merauke Regency generally call 'petatas'. Sweet potato is a food crop commodity that has long existed and is cultivated and utilized by local communities in Merauke Regency. Therefore, many Papuan women grow and sell sweet potatoes to help improve the economy of their families. Papuan women widely practice the business of trading tubers in Merauke Regency. This research was conducted in Wamanggu Market and Mopah Baru Market, Merauke District, Merauke Regency. The researcher purposively selected the research locations, namely two large markets in Merauke Regency. The sample of this study was 33 sweet potato traders. Data analysis used in this study uses income analysis techniques and contributions made by Papuan women sweet potato traders. The results showed that most Papuan women sweet potato traders have contributed to the family income by selling sweet potatoes in the market. The income earned from selling sweet potatoes is mainly used to fulfill family needs.