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Study on Potency of Sepat Fish (Trichopus trichopterus) in Lebo Taliwang Swamp of West Sumbawa District as a Poultry Feed Ahmad Furqon Irianto; Taufikkurrahman Taufikkurrahman; Dwi Kusuma Purnamasari; Erwan Erwan; I K.G. Wiryawan; Syamsuhaidi Syamsuhaidi; Pardi Pardi
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Indonesia (JITPI), Indonesian Journal of Animal Science and Technology Vol 5 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Animal Scie
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (426.756 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jitpi.v5i1.48


Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi ikan sepat rawa Lebo Taliwang sebagai pakan unggas, meliputi produksi, ketersediaan, kualitas nutrisi, dan kandungan logam berat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey yakni penggalian informasi tentang karakteristik Lebo Taliwang, prediksi produksi ikan sepat melalui perhitungan frekuensi penjaringan dalam waktu tertentu, dan pengkajian ketersediaannya sepanjang masa, serta analisis kandungan bahan kering, abu, protein kasar, lemak kasar, serat kasar (Ca, P) dan kadar logam (Cu, Pb dan Hg) dari ikan sepat. Data ditabulasi dan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa Lebo Taliwang merupakan danau yang ditumbuhi banyak tumbuhan air dan menjadi habitat berbagai species ikan termasuk ikan sepat. Air Lebo Taliwang tidak pernah mongering sehingga Ikan sepat selalu tersedia sepanjang masa. Ikan sepat aman dikonsumsi oleh unggas karena kandungan nutrisinya tinggi dengan kadar protein (50.69%) dan mineral Ca (2.87%), serta kadar Cu, Pb, dan Hg yang rendah. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah produksi ikan sepat di Lebo Taliwang relatif tinggi dan tersedia sepanjang tahun sehingga potensial dijadikan sebagai pakan unggas.
Moisture Reduction of Honey in Dehumidification and Evaporation Processes Anang Lastriyanto; Sasongko Aji Wibowo; Erwan Erwan; Firman Jaya; Jati Batoro; Dewi Masyithoh; JSA Lamerkabel
Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST) Vol 4, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um016v4i22020p153


The high water content of honey can lead to fermentation and accelerate the deterioration of honey. One way to prevent fermentation in honey is to reduce the water content of honey. There are several ways to reduce the water content of honey, namely through a dehumidifier and evaporation. This study aimed to examine the relationship of reduced water content towards time in between dehumidifier and evaporation processes. The research method uses an exponential equation model to determine the value of the constant (K). The constant value (K) is used to predict the rate of reduction in moisture content between the dehumidifier and evaporation processes. The results showed that the water content value after the dehumidifier and evaporation process had met the International Standard (SI) with a moisture content value of less than 19 %. The initial moisture content of honey before processing was 21.335 %, then after going through the process, the moisture content of honey in the dehumidifier and evaporation processes were 16.397 % and 14.625 %, respectively. The processing time required for decreasing the water content of honey in between dehumidification and evaporation processes also shows a very significantly difference; In the dehumidifier process, the process takes 720 min. While in the evaporation process, it is 50 min. The exponential equation to determine the constant value of K (1/min.) for the dehumidifier is y = 21.262e-0.00037x with the value of regression R2 = 0.9943. While the exponential equation formula to determine the constant value of K (1/min.) in the evaporation process is y = 21.961e-0.007x with the regression value represent R2 = 0.9262
Pembagian Harta Waris (Studi Analisis Marga Mandailing di Kabupaten Pasaman Berdasarkan Konsep Dasar Sosiologi Hukum ) Erwan Erwan
Jurnal Al Himayah Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018): Al Himayah
Publisher : Jurnal Al Himayah

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Pembagian warisan di daerah perbatasan berawal dari setelah seseorang lahir dan hidup dengan keluarga, ayah ibu dan saudaranya atau dengan orang lain yang mengasuhnya. Kemudian mengenal anggota kerabat dan ia tahu siapa yang berhak dan berkewajiban mengatur dirinya dan memelihara seseorang tersebut Dalam penulisan jurnal ini, penulis merumuskan 3 (tiga ) permasalahan yakni bagaimana proses perkawinan antar suku di daerah perbatasan Kabupaten Pasaman dengan Kabupaten Mandahiling Natal, bagaimana kedudukan harta dalam perkawinan antar suku yang terjadi di daerah perbatasan Kabupaten Pasaman dan Kabupaten Mandahiling Natal dan Bagaimanakah proses pembagian harta warisan dalam perkawinan antar suku di daerah perbatasan Nagari Batas , Sumatera Barat dengan Desa Muaro Sipongi Kab. Mandahiling Natal, Sumatera Utara. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah metode yuridis sosiologis. Teknik pengumpulan data yang penulis gunakan dengan cara wawancara dan studi pustaka. Dari penelitian yang penulis teliti, diketahui bahwa Proses perkawinan antar suku di daerah perbatasan Nagari Batas dan Desa Muaro Sipongi dilakukan secara adat masing - masing, yaitu campuran adat antara suku Minang kabau dan suku batak mandailing. Kedudukan harta dari perkawinan antar suku di daerah perbatasan Nagari Batas , Kabupaten Pasaman dan Desa uaro Sipongi , Kabupaten Mandahiling Natal ini adalah menganut sistem kekerabatan patrilineal yaitu sistem kekerabatan menurut garis keturunan laki-laki (Bapak) yang beragama islam (muslim)dan mengelompokkan hartanya menjadi 3 bagian sebgaimana halnya aturan Undang - undang mengaturnya .Akan tetapi dalam pembagian harta warisan pada suatu ke luarga tersebut hanya membagi harta bersama yang diperoleh selama masa perkawinan saja. Cara pembagian harta Wari san di daerah perbatasan ini adalah dengan cara mengikuti aturan dari Hukum Islam. Dalam prakteknya yang mendapat harta warisan dari seorang pewaris hanyalah keluarga intinya saja. Dengan kata lain pembagian harta yang dilakukan keluarga yang melakukan perkawinan campuran antar suku di daerah perbatasan tidak utuh secara hukum adat maupun Islam.
Analisis Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Beras Berlabel Erwan Erwan; Untari Untari; Ineke Nursih Widyantari
Musamus Journal of Agribusiness Vol 3 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Musamus University

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This research aims to : 1) know the influence of simultaneous (shared) between the variable of customer satisfaction toward the purchasing decisions, 2) know whether the customer satisfaction are the variables that influence the purchase decision of partially, 3) know the variable of customer satisfaction dominated of the rice purchases labeled. This research was conducted in Toko Dua departement store for five months, from May to September 2013. Analysis used are Linear Regression Multiple, accidental sampling method based on the total sample are 66 respondents. The results showed that the results of the test simultaneous (F) indicating that Fcount (2,824) > Ftable (2,37); so it is concluded the variable of costumer satisfaction simultaneously and significant to affect of the decision to buy. Partial assay results test (t) indicating that variable, among five namely the quality of the product the prices of emotional factors and charges; that significantly affect customers in a decision to buy rice labeled is variable fee; it showed that t count (2,698) > t table (1,669). The results of the test determinan (R) indicating that variable of customer satisfaction having value domination 19,1 % of the decision of the purchase, the remaining 80,9 % influenced by other factors outside of a operation variable.
Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activity of Honey Trigona Sp in North Lombok District Erwan Erwan; ‪I Komang Gede Wiryawan; Syamsuhaidi Syamsuhaidi; ‪Dwi Kusuma Purnamasari; Sumiati Sumiati; ‪Muhammad Muhsinin
TERNAK TROPIKA Journal of Tropical Animal Production Vol 23, No 1 (2022): TERNAK TROPIKA Journal of Tropical Animal Production
Publisher : Jurusan Produksi Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jtapro.2022.023.01.3


Honey is known to contain several chemical compounds that have functions as an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, anticancer, and antioxidant. Honey has antibacterial effectiveness against S. aureus, S. typhi, and E. coli bacteria and has high antioxidant levels. This study focused on exploring the antibacterial and antioxidant activity of Trigona sp honey cultivated in North Lombok Regency, NTB, and Apis cerana and Apis dorsata honey as comparisons. The results showed that the three types of honey had antibacterial activity by forming various inhibition zones. These results also show that Trigona, A. cerana and A. dorsata honey are very potential to be consumed for various purposes, especially to improve health and immunity during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Persepsi Perawat Tentang Spiritual Care di Ruang Intensive Care Unit maryana maryana; Erwan Erwan
Citra Delima : Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Citra Delima Bangka Belitung Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Citra Delima : Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Citra Delima Bangka Belitung
Publisher : STIKES Citra Delima Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (792.264 KB) | DOI: 10.33862/citradelima.v3i2.83


Spiritual care is important for patients. The only healing source for terminal patients is their spirituality. But in nursing service is still focused on the physical aspect. The purpose of this study was to explore the nurse's perception of spiritual care in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Hospital of Medika Stannia Sungailiat. Type of qualitative research with phenomonology approach. Informant 10 people with non purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques, interviews and observation. 5 theme of nurse perception about spiritual care, that is understanding of nurse about spiritual care, nurse way of identifying patient's spiritual needs, spiritual care implementation, various obstacles in the implementation of spiritual care, and hope toward spiritual care. advocate in making policy in the hospital about the obligation of nurses to carry out spiritual care, counseling efforts in improving knowledge, and continuous evaluation in carrying out spiritual care in the room.
Analisis Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Beras Berlabel Erwan Erwan; Untari Untari; Ineke Nursih Widyantari
Jurnal Agribisnis Musamus Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Musamus Journal of Agribusiness
Publisher : Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mujagri.v3i2.3766


This research aims to : 1) know the influence of simultaneous (shared) between the variable of customer satisfaction toward the purchasing decisions, 2) know whether the customer satisfaction are the variables that influence the purchase decision of partially, 3) know the variable of customer satisfaction dominated of the rice purchases labeled. This research was conducted in Toko Dua departement store for five months, from May to September 2013. Analysis used are Linear Regression Multiple, accidental sampling method based on the total sample are 66 respondents.The results showed that the results of the test simultaneous (F) indicating that Fcount (2,824) > Ftable (2,37); so it is concluded the variable of costumer satisfaction simultaneously and significant to affect of the decision to buy. Partial assay results test (t) indicating that variable, among five namely the quality of the product the prices of emotional factors and charges; that significantly affect customers in a decision to buy rice labeled is variable fee; it showed that t count (2,698) > t table (1,669). The results of the test determinan (R) indicating that variable of customer satisfaction having value domination 19,1 % of the decision of the purchase, the remaining 80,9 % influenced by other factors outside of a operation variable. Keywords: customer satisfaction, purchasing decisions, labeled
Persepsi Perawat Tentang Spiritual Care di Ruang Intensive Care Unit maryana maryana; Erwan Erwan
Citra Delima Scientific journal of Citra Internasional Institute Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Citra Delima : Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Citra Delima Bangka Belitung
Publisher : Ilmiah Institut Citra Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (792.264 KB) | DOI: 10.33862/citradelima.v3i2.83


Spiritual care is important for patients. The only healing source for terminal patients is their spirituality. But in nursing service is still focused on the physical aspect. The purpose of this study was to explore the nurse's perception of spiritual care in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Hospital of Medika Stannia Sungailiat. Type of qualitative research with phenomonology approach. Informant 10 people with non purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques, interviews and observation. 5 theme of nurse perception about spiritual care, that is understanding of nurse about spiritual care, nurse way of identifying patient's spiritual needs, spiritual care implementation, various obstacles in the implementation of spiritual care, and hope toward spiritual care. advocate in making policy in the hospital about the obligation of nurses to carry out spiritual care, counseling efforts in improving knowledge, and continuous evaluation in carrying out spiritual care in the room.