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Analisis Perencanaan Jarak Celah Udara Pada Generator Axial Syafriyudin Syafriyudin; M Suyanto
Journal of Electrical Power Control and Automation (JEPCA) Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jepca.v4i1.48


The generator uses a permanent magnet so it does not require initial excitation to generate a voltage. The generator design is axial flux type, uses ceramic type permanent magnet (NdFeB), uses two flanking stator rotors. For electricity use, the AC voltage is changed to DC voltage using a rectifier for charging the accumulator. The air gap in the axial generator is the distance between the rotor and the stator. The air gap is also a place for the transfer of the magnetic field through the coil on the stator to produce a magnetic flux value that affects the induced voltage in the coil. The faster the rotation, the greater the voltage generated. This axial generator that has been designed can produce a frequency of ± 50 Hz, an effective voltage of ± 22 V when the air gap is 2 mm, the frequency measurement has an error of 10-20 Hz and an error percentage of 5-10%, with the results of measuring the induced current that has a large the same voltage.
Sistem Pengujian Tegangan Boost Converter Pada Pembangkit ListrikTenaga Air (PLTH) Picohydro Kapasitas Rendah M Suyanto; Subandi Subandi; Syafriyudin Syafriyudin; Isa Mubarok
Journal of Electrical Power Control and Automation (JEPCA) Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jepca.v3i1.33


Voltage testing, on hybrid power plants (PLTH), uses two sources that are solar/solar power plants and waterwheel power plants. Supporting components to produce electric energy conversion one of them is boostconverter which is the main subject. Therefore the author is interested in making and testing the voltage, on the boost converter with the aim to maximize the performance of the DC Genertator as a pensupplay Batterai/accu on PLTH Pico Hydro. The DC-voltage source of the DC-DC converter can be obtained from a generator, or an AC voltage source that is air-conditioned to DC. While Dc-DC converter is a power electronic circuit, to convert a DC to DC voltage input into the output voltage with a greater value. The test results of the voltage from the field data can be concluded as follows. The voltage boost converter test results, on the Pico Hydro Hybrid power plant can produce a voltage of 13 volts from the output DC Generator 8.39 Volt. The output voltage generated by the boost converter is 13.4 volts, can be stable although the output voltage of the generator is variable. With the addition of the tool boost converter on PLTH Pico Hydro, can help battery charging/ACCU to charge the required voltage of the battery is 12 volts, from the boos convevter 13.4 volt long time charging ACCU 5.3 hours.
Pengujian Karakteristik Turbin Angin Tipe Horizontal Sudu Flat Multiblade Dengan Pengaturan Sudut Sudu Syafriyudin Syafriyudin; M Suyanto; Subandi Subandi; M Nurkhakim W
Journal of Electrical Power Control and Automation (JEPCA) Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1000.467 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/jepca.v3i1.34


One effort to overcome the energy crisis is to utilize wind energy as a power source. Angina power Plant is a method for generating electrical energy by rotating the angina turbine connected with the generator, the electric energy produced by the generator is stored in an element of electric energy storage (battery). The next one will be channeled to load center like household. The Perarancangan of the horizontal type flat Multiblade Sudu is using a microcontroller that can change the angle of the sudu according to the wind speed so as to maximize the power of wind potential energy. For a sudu angle setting that can adjust the speed of the wind, use two servo motors that have been control by the Arduinouno from the input anemometer so that the angle of the sudu can adjust the wind speed. The results have shown that the turbine-angle arrangement of the turbines can increase the rotation of the wind turbine, thereby increasing the voltage raised in the generator. The optimal angle of the Sudu is at a 15o angle, at a wind speed of 9.5 m/s, resulting in a turbine round of 610 rpm.
PEMANFAATAN DONGENG DI MEDIA YOUTUBE UNTUK MENUMBUHKAN NILAI-NILAI MORAL PADA ANAK Siti Saudah; Syafriyudin Syafriyudin; Suprih Ambawani; Bernadetta Eko Putranti
Jurnal PkM Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Jurnal PkM Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Publisher : LP3K Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56327/jurnalpkm.v3i2.49


Pendidikan tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai lembaga yang memberdayakan anak dalam pengertian kecerdasan dan keterampilan melainkan program pendidikan juga menyadarkan tentang pentingnya menjaga moralitas dan peningkatan kemampuan pertimbangan rasional dalam pengambilan keputusan. Apabila segala fenomena tentang pentingnya pendidikan tidak terealisasi dengan baik, maka keberhasilan pemperhati pendidikan karakter akan mengalami kegagalan. Dampak yang dinilai sangat mempengaruhi pendidikan anak adalah Lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah maupun masyarakat. Anak dapat dikatakan sebagai investasi masa depan yang perlu dipersiapkan perkembangannya sejak dini. Sel-sel otak anak akan berkembang dengan baik dan optimal jika ada rangsangan yang tepat dan mendukung perkembangannya, Penanaman nilai-nilai moral perlu adanya stimulan yang harus diberikan oleh orang tua kepada anak sejak dini. Hal ini merupakan hal yang harus dilakukan oleh orang tua. Penanaman nilai moral ini dapat dilakukan melalui pendidikan formal non formal dana tau informal dan dapat ditumbuhkan melalui berbagai kegiatan dan pembiasaan. Salah satu kegiatan adalah melalui dongeng di media youtube. yang mempunyai syarat nilai-nilai moral. Adapun alasan penggunaan dongeng di media youtube untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai moral pada anak adalah: (1) cerita atau dongeng yang akan disampaikan dengan menggunakan media youtube dapat dikembangkan dengan mandiri oleh orang tua lebih-lebih di era digital seperti sekarang ini. (2) Youtube merupakan media yang mudah dan menarik (3) dapat dilakukan oleh semua orang tua sesuai dengan cerita dan tokoh yang diinginkan. (4) meningkatkan ketertarikan anak untuk belajar sesuai dengan zamannya terutama belajar nilai-nilai moral. Kegiatan pendampingan ini telah dilaksanakan di Rumah Mengaji Teras Al- Muyamman Malangan UH 7/476, Giwangan Yogyakarta pada tanggal 27 Juli 2018 pukul 09.00-12.00 WIB. Rangkaian kegiatannya yaitu peserta mengikuti materi dengan menyimak dongeng di youtube dengan tema tentang moral dan dilanjutkan asesmen.
Perancangan Generator Satu Fasa Magnet Permanen Fluks Radial Kecepatan Rendah Fredson Bully Manggala; Syafriyudin Syafriyudin; Muhammad Suyanto
PoliGrid Vol 3, No 1 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46964/poligrid.v3i1.1507


Energi listrik merupakan bagian penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Pada daerah terpencil dibutuhkan pembangkit listrik yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan energi listrik. Generator dengan magnet permanen kecepatan rendah dapat menjadi alternatif karena tidak menimbulkan polusi. Penelitian ini membahas generator dengan magnet permanen kecepatan rendah dengan memanfaatkan mesin listrik tipe JY2B – 2. Perancangan rotor dilakukan dengan meletakkan magnet permanen neodymium N52 dengan dimensi 6 cm x 1 cm x 0,5 cm. Stator diperoleh dari mesin tipe JY2B – 2. Pengujian tanpa beban dilakukan pada rpm 375 menghasilkan tegangan sebesar 58,1 Volt dan frekuensi 50,13. Pengujian pada rpm 375 dengan menggunakan kapasitor 5 μF menghasilkan tegangan 62,6 Volt, kapasitor 7 μF menghasilkan tegangan 63,4 Volt, dan kapasitor 10 μF menghasilkan tegangan 64,4 Volt. Pengujian dengan penambahan kapasitor menyebabkan kenaikan tegangan. Pada pembebanan resistif 10 sampai 45 Watt, generator mengalami penurunan tegangan dari 58,1 Volt sampai 41,7 Volt dan kenaikan arus 0,14 Ampere sampai 0,52 Ampere. Pembebanan resistif dengan penambahan kapasitor 10 μF terjadi penurunan tegangan generator dari 64,4 Volt sampai 44,8 Volt dan kenaikan arus dari 0,15 Ampere sampai 0,53 Ampere. Semakin meningkat nilai daya beban menyebabkan penurunan nilai tegangan terminal sedangkan nilai arus berbanding lurus dengan daya beban
Pelatihan Penyambungan Kabel Tegangan Menengah 20 KV Syafriyudin Abubakar
Journal of Appropriate Technology for Community Services Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jattec.vol2.iss1.art2


A reliable electric power system is needed in distributing electrical energy to customers, in the process of distributing electrical energy, interference in its distribution cannot be avoided, in general, electrical disturbances occur in underground channels, disturbance areas that are prone to and often occur usually at cable connections (Jointing). On cables that are insulated, the emergence of heat is something that must be considered. The current capacity of a cable is influenced by the characteristics of the cable components. Overheating will damage the insulation material and reduce the service life of the cable. The connection process must use the right and correct equipment and materials, to avoid insulation failure in the connection due to excessive heating on the connection which will result in a short circuit which will result in a shutdown of the electrical system. Increasing the skills of workers in the electricity sector is needed to reduce the risk of failure in the electrical system.Key words: cable jointing, insulation failure, skills
Dharma: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2, No 1 (2021): Mei
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (700.26 KB) | DOI: 10.31315/dlppm.v2i1.4767


The problem faced by parents in society today is the moral degradation of the younger generation. To create a generation that is intelligent, skilled, intellectual, wise, virtuous and pious, proper parenting is needed. Language is a cultural or personality trait that exists within a person, so that with proper parenting, a person will become a civilized person and society and support the process of creating quality human resources. The problem in this paper is How to raise children using "positive language"? This PKM aims to provide counseling related to parenting problems using "Positive Language". This PKM is carried out in PKK RT. 39 RW 12 Pilahan hamlet, Rejowinangun village, Kotagede Yogyakarta district with a total of 30 participants. Extension is delivered by lecture method with the help of audio-visual media. This counseling went smoothly and participants were able to receive the material given actively and enthusiastically while attending the counseling.
Pelatihan Pemasangan Panel Surya Sebagai Sumber Listrik Di Objek Wisata Alam Punthuk Ngepoh Brajan Suyanto Muhammad; Prastyono Eko Pambudi; Syafriyudin
DHARMA BAKTI Dharma Bakti-Vol 5 No 2-Oktober 2022
Publisher : LPPM IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34151/dharma.v5i2.4024


For lovers of the outdoors and looking for tranquility, the Puthuk Ngepoh tourist attraction is located in Brajan Hamlet, Banjararum, Kalibawang Kulon Progo, which is in the Menoreh Hills. The location is 45 km from downtown Jogjakarta. Managed by a tourism awareness group (POKDARWIS), it can be a choice of destination to fill the weekend. One of the existing problems, is the constraint on electricity which is more economical. Therefore, the authors seek to Install Solar Panels (PLTS), as an alternative source of electricity by utilizing sunlight as a producer of electrical energy, which is environmentally friendly. This is expected to be a solution for the burden of lighting at tourist sites. Batteries are one option to store electrical energy, from solar panels. In observations, the battery is charged by solar panels that generate voltage by converting solar energy into electrical energy. The voltage generated from the solar panels ranges from 14.8 to 17.5 volts DC. The solar panels used are of the type Polycrystalline (Poly-crystalline) with a power of 100wp. The measurement results show that the solar panel current and voltage are ± 17V, the distribution to the battery is regulated by the solar charger controller (SCC), an average of 13.5V. Change the DC to AC voltage using an inverter. This shows that after the battery is charged for 2-3 hours, it can operate for 3 hours with an inverter output voltage of 220-176volt AC. Voltage and current will start to increase at 07.00 WIB, maximum at 10.00-13.00 WIB, starting to decrease until the afternoon.
Pengenalan Pembangkit Listrik Skala Pikohidro Model Kanal ditempatkan pada Saluran Irigasi Kapasitas 300 Watt Muhammad Suyanto; Syafriyudin Syafriyudin; Subandi Subandi
Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): September
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/yumary.v3i1.1385


Purpose: The potential of alternative energy that is quite realistic can be used as one of the studies in new and renewable energy. such as the flow of irrigation water and solar energy that is always there, in the territory of Indonesia. The purpose of community service, namely the introduction of hybrid pico-hydro, is used for street lights, around the neighborhood. Method: This community service, utilizing irrigation flows to create a small-scale power generation system is named (pico-hydro). To increase the output power capacity, a hybrid system is made, namely picohydro (Ph) and solar panels so that charging the battery is faster so that the power is greater. Limitation: The picohydro generator, equipped with a water canals, aims to raise the water level and focus the flow into the mill. Result: The test results on pico-hydro generate a voltage on a DC generator of 13.2V and a current of 2.3A. While the solar panel generates an output voltage of 13.43V and a current of 2.23A. Contribution: The conclusion is that the higher the rotation of the waterwheel, the voltage and current of the generator will follow up. As well as solar panels the getting hotter, the sun's light increases, the voltage and current increase.
Jurnal Teknologi Vol 2 No 1 (2009): Jurnal Teknologi
Publisher : Jurnal Teknologi, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Universitas AKPRIND Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Kerupuk merupakan salah satu makanan ringan yang sangat digemari oleh masyarakat Indonesia dan sering dijadikan sebagai pelengkap berbagai sajian makanan atau sebagai lauk pauk. Sehingga dapat dikatakan kerupuk merupakan makanan yang tidak bisa lepas dari kehidupan masyarakat untuk dikonsumsi, maka produksi kerupuk harus tetap berjalan agar kebutuhan konsumen tetap terpenuhi. Salah satu proses dalam produksi krupuk adalah proses pengeringan, Proses pengeringan yang dilakukan kebanyakan oleh masyarakat masih secara konvensional, yaitu pengeringan dilakukan di tempat terbuka yang bergantung dari sinar matahari. Dalam pengeringan konvensional terdapat beberapa permasalahan yaitu panas yang fluktuatif, kebersihan yang tidak terjaga dan memerlukan tempat yang cukup luas.Mengingat di Indonesia terdapat dua musim yaitu musim kemarau dan penghujan, maka salah satu hal yang menjadi kendala dalam produksi kerupuk adalah proses pengeringan disaat musim penghujan. Dimana panas yang dibutuhkan dalam proses pengeringan tidak bisa terus menerus ada karena adanya hujan. Dengan perkembangan teknologi, menuntut adanya inovasi untuk menciptakan alat pengering kerupuk sebagai pengganti pengeringan secara konvensional. Single chip ATmega 8535 ini digunakan sebagai pengontrol dalam proses pengeringan, yaitu mengontrol suhu dan lama waktu proses pengeringan secara elektronik dan otomatis. Hal ini akan lebih mudah untuk mengeringkan kerupuk tanpa harus menunggu cuaca cerah.