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The Effectiveness of Using Learning Management System (LMS) in Blended Learning Model in The Learning System of 4.0 Era Hamela Sari Sitompul; Idawati Situmorang; Salim Efendi
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): May: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Technology is one of the suggestions in developing students' potential in finding learning resources outside the classroom. Therefore, Blended Learning combines the two things. In facing the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, a learning system is needed that can form creative, innovative, and competitive students. One of these things can be achieved by optimizing technology as an educational tool.  This study aims to apply technological advances in education through the Blended Learning model using LMS and increase student activity in learning. This research method uses classroom action research (PTK) which consists of two cycles and each cycle includes planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The instrument used is a test of learning outcomes and student activity observation sheets. The results of data analysis from student learning outcomes showed an increase in learning outcomes in each cycle. It is shown by the average value of N-gain in the first cycle of 54.86% while the second cycle is 70.22%. In the assessment of the results of observing student activities during learning in cycle I and cycle II, it showed an increase in an activity wherein cycle I students was very active 8% and in cycle II it became 48%. The results of this study can effectively improve learning outcomes and increase student learning activities.
The Effectiveness of Twitter as a Literacy Medium in Improving College Students' Reading and Writing skills: Idawati Situmorang; Hamela Sari Sitompul; Mery Chris Isabela Saragih
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 6 No. 3 (2022): November: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Mastery of English is a must and the demands of the times because English is an international language. Therefore, college students are expected to be able to use digital media such as social media Twitter as a means of accessing information in increasing motivation and knowledge in English. So far, college students only use the Twitter application as a lifestyle. In fact, Twitter can be used as a learning resource that can increase college students' learning motivation and English skills because Twitter has features that are more relaxed and more interesting. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of Twitter as a literacy medium in improving college students' reading and writing skills. This research is a descriptive analysis research using a quantitative approach. This study uses an experimental method without a comparison class because all college students were taught using the Twitter application. In this study there were 20 college students as the sample. The results showed that the use of Twitter can improve college students' reading and writing skills. In reading skill, the average score of pre-test was 68 and post-test was 85.5. The average score of writing skill in the pre-test was 56.5 and the post-test score was 78. It can be concluded that there was an increase in the college students' reading and writing skill test scores.
The Implementation of the Glasser Learning Model to the Ability to Write the Poetry of Class IX Students of SMP Negeri 1 Raya Kahean in the New Normal Era Mery Chris Isabella Saragih; Jubelando O Tambunan; Idawati Situmorang
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 6 No. 3 (2022): November: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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The aims of this study was to determine whether there were significant differences in learning to write poem of students. This research was conducted in 2022 at SMP Negeri 1 raya Kahean.This is a quantitative research using an experimental approach and using the one group pretest-post test model. Furthermore, this research will be compared with the related-test sample at the significant level or the 0.05 level (95%). The result is pre-test mean value = 55.03 and post-test mean value = 86.83. from the data analysis, the research hypothesis was tested using the “t” test. From thr research results obtained tcount =27.31 with a significant level of 0.05 (95% confidence level) with df 29 obtained t table: 2.074. thus, if tcount > ttable, namely (27,31>2.074) then Ho is rejected, With Ho rejection, Ha is accepted. It can be concluded that the result of the ability to write the poem of students for the class IX grade of SMP Negeri 1 Raya Kahean are better after using the glasser method.
Penerapan Model Example Non Example pada Pembelajaran Menulis Paragraf Deskripsi Siswa Kelas VII SMP Swasta Methodist Pematangsiantar Mery Chris Saragih; Idawati Situmorang
JBSI: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 01 (2022): Artikel Riset Periode Mei 2022
Publisher : Information Technology and Science(ITScience)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (665.983 KB) | DOI: 10.47709/jbsi.v2i01.1497


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada pembelajaran menulis paragraph deskripsi siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tahun 2022 di SMP Swasta Methodist Pematangsiantar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif, menggunakan pendekatan ekperimen, dengan menggunakan model one group pretest-post test. Selanjutnya penelitian ini akan dibandingkan dengan uji-t sampel berhubungan pada taraf signifikan atau tingkat 0,05 (95%). Hasilnya rata-rata pre-tes = 40,48 dan nilai rata-rata pos-tes = 75,66. Dari analisis data dilakukan uji hipotesis penelitian dengan menggunakan uji “t”. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh thitung = 11,75 dengan taraf signifikan 0,05 (tingkat kepercayaan 95%) dengan df 29 diperoleh ttabel : 1,999. Dengan demikian jika thitung > ttabel yaitu (11,75 > 1,99) maka Ho ditolak. Dengan penolakan Ho maka Ha diterima, dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil kemampuan menulis paragraph deskripsi kelas VII SMP Swasta Methodist Pematangsiantar lebih baik setelah menggunakan metode pembelajaran Example Non Example. Kata Kunci: Example non Example, paragraph deskripsi, pre-test, post-test.
Pelatihan Membaca Kritis sebagai Upaya Memerangi Hoaks di Media Sosial kepada Siswa SMP Methodist Pematang Siantar Hamela Sari Sitompul; Idawati Situmorang; Yumitra Falenthine Br Ginting
Pengabdian Pendidikan Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): Artikel Riset Agustus 2023
Publisher : Information Technology and Science (ITScience)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47709/ppi.v1i01.2988


Pelatihan membaca kritis dalam upaya menentukan berita hoaks atau tidak di media sosial bertujuan untuk meningkatkan berpikir kritis siswa SMP Methodist Pematang Siantar dalam membaca suatu berita di media sosial. Siswa diberikan artikel berita dari media sosial yang beragam topiknya, dan diminta untuk menilai apakah artikel tersebut hoaks atau tidak. Dalam pengabdian ini, siswa diberikan sebuah contoh berita hoaks dari sosial media. Setelah membaca teks berita siswa diminta untuk memahami berita hoaks tersebut dan meluangkan pertanyaan 5W + 1H yang ada di pikirannya mengenai berita hoaks itu. Kemudian, siswa diminta untuk mengamati atau mengidentifikasi situs berita tersebut, dengan mencari berita tersebut di situs yang terpercaya contohnya , dan lainnya. Lalu siswa diminta untuk memeriksa foto berita tersebut melalui google image dan waktu tayangnya. Setelah mencari kebenaran dari berita tersebut siswa dapat membuat kesimpulannya dan menceritakan kembali berita hoaks tersebut dengan bahasa mereka sendiri.Pengabdian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan membaca kritis dapat menjadi salah satu upaya yang efektif dalam mengatasi penyebaran berita hoaks di media sosial. Dengan adanya pengabdian ini siswa dapat berpikir secara kritis terhadap suatu informasi yang diperoleh. Pelatihan seperti ini dapat diberikan di sekolah-sekolah sebagai bagian dari kurikulum pendidikan untuk membantu siswa mengembangkan kemampuan kritis dan menilai kebenaran informasi yang mereka temukan di media sosial dan dimanapun.