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EDUKASIA Vol 13, No 2 (2018): EDUKASIA
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/edukasia.v13i2.3580


Ma'had Al-Zaytun Indramayu is one of the pesantren that seeks to integrate modernity and Islamic values. Innovation and modernization in Ma'had Al-Zaytun then manifest in an uninterrupted system of education in the implementation of formal education which became known as the One-Pipe Education System. This study uses a case study method of a pesantren named Ma'had Al-Zaytun to analyze in depth the meeting between modernity and the religious sciences embodied in a pipe education system combined with the theory of social movement to see the leadership, ideology and ways of mobilizing their santri. It is also to see how the Sheikh Ma'had frames Islamic teachings combined with modernity in attracting sympathy and community participation. The results show that one pipe education system in Ma’had Al-Zaytun Indramayu is proved not only to bring santri to be modern and a qualified intelectual but also instilling national values, peace and tolerance. All of that will lead to the realization of santri become a muslim kaffah.
From Tarekat to Arab Community: the Islamization Process in Indramayu Tabroni, Roni; Muhsin Z, Mumuh; Dienaputra, Reiza D; Mulyadi, R M
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 30, No 1 (2020): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v30i1.19947


This research talks about the process of Islamization in Indramayu. The Islamization in Indramayu raises three main questions. The first question is, where was the arrival of Islam in Indramayu. Second, when is the appearance of Islam. Third, who has a role in the Islamization process. This research uses the historical method, which consists of four stages: heuristic, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. This method was then collaborated with Islamic social movement theory to analyze the ideology of leadership and movement mobility of the propagator group of Islam in Indramayu. The results showed that the arrival of Islam in Indramayu came from the port of Cimanuk. Then spread to various areas, including in the countryside. Second, Islam has been dating in Indramayu since the 15th century. Third, some communities play a role in Islamization in Indramayu. The communities were very influential until the 19th century. They consisted of the Arab community and the adherents of the tarekat, especially from Cirebon. The first order to develop was Syattariyah. Meanwhile, the Arabic community leader from Cirebon was Sayyid Abdur Rahman bin Muhammad Basy-Syaiban. He is a figure who originated from the Hadramaut in the early seventeenth century.Penelitian ini berbicara tentang proses islamisasi di Indramayu. Proses islamisasi di Indramayu memunculkan tiga pertanyaan utama. Pertanyan pertama adalah dari mama dan di mana kedatangan islam. Kedua, kapan waktu kedatangan Islam. Ketiga, siapa yang berperan dalam proses islamisasi. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah yang terdiri atas empat tahap: heuristic, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedatangan Islam di Indramayu berasal dari pelabuhan Cimanuk. Kemudian menyebar ke berbagai daerah, termasuk di pedesaan. Kedua, Islam telah dating di Indramayu sejak abad ke 15. Ketiga, terdapat komunitas yang berperan dalam Islamisasi di Indramayu. Komunitas tersebut sangat berpengaruh sampai abad ke 19. Mereka terdiri atas komunitas Arab dan para penganut tarekat, terutama dari Cirebon. Tarekat pertama yang berkembang adalah Syattariyah. Sementara itu, tokoh komunitas arab yang berasal dari Cirebon adalah Sayyid Abdur Rahman bin Muhammad Basy-Syaiban. Ia merupakan tokoh yang berasal dari Hadramaut pada awal abad ketujuh belas.
EDUKASIA Vol 13, No 2 (2018): EDUKASIA
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/edukasia.v13i2.3580


Ma'had Al-Zaytun Indramayu is one of the pesantren that seeks to integrate modernity and Islamic values. Innovation and modernization in Ma'had Al-Zaytun then manifest in an uninterrupted system of education in the implementation of formal education which became known as the One-Pipe Education System. This study uses a case study method of a pesantren named Ma'had Al-Zaytun to analyze in depth the meeting between modernity and the religious sciences embodied in a pipe education system combined with the theory of social movement to see the leadership, ideology and ways of mobilizing their santri. It is also to see how the Sheikh Ma'had frames Islamic teachings combined with modernity in attracting sympathy and community participation. The results show that one pipe education system in Ma’had Al-Zaytun Indramayu is proved not only to bring santri to be modern and a qualified intelectual but also instilling national values, peace and tolerance. All of that will lead to the realization of santri become a muslim kaffah.
Sastra Pesantren dalam Lintasan Sejarah Roni Tabroni
Jurnal Tamaddun : Jurnal Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Islam Vol 7, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (226.107 KB) | DOI: 10.24235/tamaddun.v7i2.5504


Abstract This article discusses the literature of pesantren and the themes that surround it since the beginning of the emergence of this institution of traditional Islamic education in the 18th century until now. Pesantren literature is defined as a literature that talks about the habits of pesantren. In addition, pesantren literature can be defined as a literary work in which there is a psychological side of pesantren with a strong religious style. This research uses the historical method such as heuristic-archive research, and literature review- critics, interpretation and historiography to traces the beginning of the existence of pesantren literature at the beginning of its founding and the development of its themes up to now. This theory is then combined with the theory of identity to give identity to the works of pesantren literature since its emergence in the early 18th century until which emerged today. In addition, this study uses literature study by selecting several literary works of pesantren to determine the identity and the themes contained in it. The results show that pesantren literature has lived and developed since the emergence of Tegalsari pesantren in Ponorogo in 1742. At the beginning of the emergence of pesantren is often used as the place of the poets to produce works. The theme of the story revolves around the archipelago, Middle East and India in Sufi / Sufism. Sufi values / Sufism will be the hallmark of pesantren literature from the beginning to appear until now. These themes then undergo development and expansion with the emergence of literary pesantren genre pop and subversive these days by still making the pesantren as the center of the story and the values of Sufism as the foundation. Keywords: Literature, Pesantren, Identity, Religious. 
Islam and Local Wisdom: Integration of the Arab Community in Indramayu, Indonesia Roni Tabroni
Cakrawala: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 15 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (297.979 KB) | DOI: 10.31603/cakrawala.4047


This article discusses the Arab community's efforts to integrate with local wisdom in Dermayu Village, Sindang, Indramayu. These values were then turned into principles, which have remained in place to this day. Leadership, ideological cultivation, and mobility are all considered in the research. The theory of Islamic social movements is used in this study to identify patterns of movement actors framing Islamic values and collaborating with local wisdom values. The findings revealed that Arab community actors were successful in fusing Islamic values with local wisdom by instilling the values of tolerance, cooperation, and accommodation. Two of the strategies used are da'wah and education. Assimilation and acculturation can be seen in everyday activities, indicating that people are attempting to fit into society. Furthermore, the community tries to avoid conflicts and disputes by participating actively in community activities such as election days, village meetings, and village management structures. They gain sympathy as a result of this issue, and they are able to live in peace.
Sarekat Islam (1912-1916): Sebuah Gerakan Ekonomi Kerakyatan Roni Tabroni
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars No Seri 1 (2017): AnCoMS 2017: Buku Seri 1
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (243.895 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v0iSeri 1.8


Artikel ini membahas tentang gerakan ekonomi kerakyatan yang dilakukan oleh Sarekat Islam antara tahun 1912 sampai tahun 1916. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara melihat sumber-sumber primer tertulis berupa laporan-laporan residen dan berita-berita di surat kabar dan hasil-hasil penelitian tentang Sarekat Islam. Teori perilaku kolektif Smelser digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk dapat membuat eksplanasi atas gerakan ekonomi kerakyatan yang dilakukan oleh Sarekat Islam. Pendirian unit-unit kegiatan ekonomi dan unit-unit konsultasi ekonomi menjadi salah satu contoh kegiatan awal organisasi ini. Selain itu juga, mereka menjadikan uang-uang keanggotaan, infaq dan sedekah sebagai salah satu sumber pendapatan mereka. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Sarekat Islam pada permulaan kemunculannya bukanlah organisasi sosial politik seperti yang disangkakan beberapa peneliti gerakan ini melainkan sebuah gerakan ekonomi kerakyatan.
AL-IBANAH Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Lembaga P3M

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This paper is intended to explore the conceptual aspects of mass media representation in raising the reality of the poor and the life of the religious community. The mass media, with their enormous influence, especially in changing society, has the opportunity to take sides with a theological teaching that can answer various social problems. This research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. The study conducted is a literature study, by raising ideal concepts from journals and books. This paper reveals an academic finding regarding the position of the mass media in the midst of theological struggle, where poverty and other new problems arise as a result of globalization, so the mass media must position their alignments firmly. A neo Al-Maun theological teaching that tries to be offered to bring religious communities to be more sensitive to social problems and can provide solutions as a reflection of their ritual worship, is reflected by the mass media through its various contents. So here, the mass media is present to be part of the solution to poverty and other new problems. What distinguishes the findings of this study is the impartial aspect of the journalism concept and can be reflected in more concrete journalistic works. Whereas the mass media is not a neutral entity, but has been deliberately designed from the start to be a means of struggle and to emphasize the alignments, especially to the poor and those experiencing other problems.
AL-IBANAH Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Lembaga P3M

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (911.247 KB)


This paper is intended to explore the conceptual aspects of mass media representation in raising the reality of the poor and the life of the religious community. The mass media, with their enormous influence, especially in changing society, has the opportunity to take sides with a theological teaching that can answer various social problems. This research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. The study conducted is a literature study, by raising ideal concepts from journals and books. This paper reveals an academic finding regarding the position of the mass media in the midst of theological struggle, where poverty and other new problems arise as a result of globalization, so the mass media must position their alignments firmly. A neo Al-Maun theological teaching that tries to be offered to bring religious communities to be more sensitive to social problems and can provide solutions as a reflection of their ritual worship, is reflected by the mass media through its various contents. So here, the mass media is present to be part of the solution to poverty and other new problems. What distinguishes the findings of this study is the impartial aspect of the journalism concept and can be reflected in more concrete journalistic works. Whereas the mass media is not a neutral entity, but has been deliberately designed from the start to be a means of struggle and to emphasize the alignments, especially to the poor and those experiencing other problems.
AKAR KONFLIK SURIAH (Tinjauan Deskriptif Historis) Roni Tabroni
Sinau : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 01 (2015): Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Humaniora
Publisher : LPPM STKIP Pangeran Dharma Kusuma Segeran Juntinyuat Indramayu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37842/sinau.v1i01.10


Konflik di Suriah adalah sebuah konflik yang kompleks dan merupakan sebuah konflik yang panjang. Konflik ini begitu memberi dampak yang besar bukan hanya di kawasan Timur Tengah tapi juga pada cakupan yang lebih luas. Benih-benih konflik ini sebenarnya sudah ada jauh sebelum pemberontakan pertama di bulan Maret 2011. Dalam tataran konflik, sebelum kita menemukan akar dari konflik tersebut maka kita akan susah untuk menemukan cara mengatasinya. Dalam artikel ini ada dua hal yang menjadi akar dari semua konflik di Suriah. Konflik Sunni-Syiah dan intervensi asing. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan deskriptif historis, di mana pembahasannya dibatasi pada tinjauan terhadap semua hal yang menjadi akar konflik Suriah khususnya sejak Suriah merdeka sampai sekarang. Kemudian dibantu teori legitimasi politik yang berpadu dengan teori pembangunan politik (statebuilding) sebagai alat utama untuk memberikan alternatif solusi mengatasi semua akar konflik tersebut.
"Gawe kuta baluwarti bata kalawan kawis"; Contribution of local knowledge to the expansion of the Banten Sultanate on the Nusantara spice route Rismawidiawati, Rismawidiawati; Handoko, Wuri; Tabroni, Roni; Hamid, Abd. Rahman; Subair, Muh.
Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia Vol. 24, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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So far, the trade and spice route historiography has focused on social, political, and economic aspects. This discussion is also fragmentarily or is part of another focus. No studies have discussed the relationship between local knowledge practices, spice routes, power networks, and Islamization. However, the spice trade and Islamization are two intersecting events important for their connection with the local culture. This article assumes that there was a local knowledge used as a strategy by the Banten rulers as a response to trade, Islamization, and power networks in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It finds that Sultan Maulana Yusuf’s policy, known as “gawe kuta baluwarti bata kalawan kawis”, was a local knowledge that continued to be used by Banten rulers throughout the sixteenth-seventeenth centuries. This local knowledge was transformed from its literal meaning of “building cities and fortresses from bricks and corals” into a metaphor representing development that considered the duality of Banten’s potential. This local knowledge became the foundation stone for the strategies of Banten’s rulers until Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa to respond the challenges posed by the trade, power network, and Islamization. This application of the local knowledge carried the Banten Sultanate to its peak of advancement during the reign of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (1651-1682). In his sponsorship of this local knowledge, the ruler of the Banten appears as a technocrat, trader, scholar, leader, and ruler who paved the way for the expansion of the Banten Sultanate. This local knowledge was passed down from generation to generation and remains the local knowledge of the Banten people today. This study reconstructs the historiography of the existing spice route by according local knowledge (gawe kuta baluwarti bata kalawan kawis), the leading role in shaping the expansion of the Banten Sultanate in the century of the spice trade and the extension of the spice route.