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RESPON TANAMAN JAGUNG MANIS (Zea mays saccharata L.) TERHADAP PEMBERIAN PUPUK HAYATI MAJEMUK CAIR DAN PUPUK BUATAN N, P DAN K Rahayu, Arifah; Rochman, Nur; Lestari, Nurfitri Dwi; Agustina, Karlin
JURNAL AGRONIDA Vol 4, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (19.733 KB) | DOI: 10.30997/jag.v4i1.1557


This study was aimed at assessing the response of sweetcorn plant on various dosages ofbiofertilizer and synthetic (N, P and K) fertilizer. The study was done in May to September 2014 atthe Agrotechnology Trial Farm of Djuanda University. A factorial completely randomized designwas used. The first and second factor were biofertilizer and synthetic fertilizer dosage (0%, 50 %,100% and 150% R/Recommendation). Results showed that adding biofertilizer and syntheticfertilizer until 100% R increased leaf area, length and weight of ear, root and biomass weight andTSS (total soluble solids) content. At various level of biofertilizer, increasing synthetic fertilizerdosages until 100% R could improve plant height, leaves and root number, stem girth, ear lengthand accelerate growing of staminate and pistillate. Meanwhile at various degree of syntheticfertilizer dosage, raising bofertilizer dosage until 150% R tend to higher plant height, and until100% R caused stem girth and root length greater, but delayed staminate and pistillate growth.Application of biofertlizer and synthetic fertilizer tend to increasing pH and cation exchangecapacity of growth medium.Keywords: weight of ear, pH, cation enxchange capacity
Response of Sweet Corn Plants (Zea mays saccharata L.) Affected the Aplication of Biological Liquid Compound Fertilizer and Synthetic Fertilizer N, P and K Arifah Rahayu; Nur Rochman; Nurfitri Dwi Lestari; Karlin Agustina
JURNAL AGRONIDA Vol. 4 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (463.723 KB) | DOI: 10.30997/jag.v4i1.1526


This study was aimed at assessing the response of sweetcorn plant on various dosages ofbiofertilizer and synthetic (N, P and K) fertilizer. The study was done in May to September 2014 atthe Agrotechnology Trial Farm of Djuanda University. A factorial completely randomized designwas used. The first and second factor were biofertilizer and synthetic fertilizer dosage (0%, 50 %,100% and 150% R/Recommendation). Results showed that adding biofertilizer and syntheticfertilizer until 100% R increased leaf area, length and weight of ear, root and biomass weight andTSS (total soluble solids) content. At various level of biofertilizer, increasing synthetic fertilizerdosages until 100% R could improve plant height, leaves and root number, stem girth, ear lengthand accelerate growing of staminate and pistillate. Meanwhile at various degree of syntheticfertilizer dosage, raising bofertilizer dosage until 150% R tend to higher plant height, and until100% R caused stem girth and root length greater, but delayed staminate and pistillate growth.Application of biofertlizer and synthetic fertilizer tend to increasing pH and cation exchangecapacity of growth medium.Keywords: weight of ear, pH, cation enxchange capacity
IDENTIFIKASI KARAKTER KUALITATIF BEBERAPA GALUR UJI CABAI RAWIT (Capsicum frutescens L.) IPB DI KOTA PALEMBANG Karlin Agustina; Yursida Yursida; Evriani Mareza; Elvira Belinda Adisma; Muhamad Syukur
JURNAL AGRONIDA Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30997/jag.v7i1.4112


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakter kualitatif galur-galur uji cabai rawit IPB di Kota Palembang. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada September 2018-April 2019 di Kecamatan Sematang Borang, Kota Palembang. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) satu faktor, yaitu  11 galur uji cabai rawit (F5285290-237-6-1, F6285290-6-10-1-1, F5285290-290-2-1, F5285290-290-9-1, F5285290-290-9-3, F5321290-40-2-1, F5285290-123-6-15, F6321290-252-10-8-4, F5285290-38-6-3, F6321290-252-10-8-23, F6321290-252-10-8-7) dan 5 galur pembanding (Bonita IPB, C290, C285, C295, C321) digunakan sebagai perlakuan. Satu satuan percobaan berupa plot dengan ukuran 5 m x 1 m yang terdiri atas 10 tanaman contoh.  Identifikasi karakter kualitatif dicocokkan dengan kriteria deskripsi cabai menurut IPGRI (1995) dan Direktorat Perbenihan Hortikultura (2017). Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan 100% galur uji dan galur pembanding cabai rawit memiliki kesamaan dalam bentuk batang bersudut, warna batang hijau muda, bentuk daun oval, warna bunga putih kehijauan,  kelopak dan mahkota bunga berwarna hijau dan putih kehijauan.  Warna daun galur cabai rawit hijau dan hijau muda.  Kepala putik berwarna hijau muda, hijau, kuning kehijauan dan  kuning.  Benang sari berwarna ungu dan putih bergaris ungu.  Buah cabai muda memiliki warna kulit yang berbeda dengan buah tua. Warna kulit buah muda bervariasi antara putih, hijau kekuningan dan hijau muda,  sedangkan warna kulit buah tua bervariasi antara merah, merah terang dan merah tua.  Bentuk potongan melintang buah segitiga-segitiga sempit. Bentuk biji ginjal atau bulat pipih, dengan warna biji kekuningan dan putih kekuningan.