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Journal : Zona Manajerial: Program Studi Manajemen (S1) Universitas Batam

Pengaruh Digital Perbankan, Motivasi, Pelatihan dan Kepemimpinan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT Bank Central Asia Cabang Batam Astarizal Astarizal; Ngaliman Ngaliman; Diana Titik Windayati
Zona Manajerial: Program Studi Manajemen (S1) Vol 11 No 1 (2021): Volume 11, Nomor 1, April 2021
Publisher : Universitas Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (222.863 KB)


This study aims to determine the factors that affect the dependent variable Y (employee performance). While the independent variables are X1 (digital banking), X2 (motivation), X3 (training) and X4 (leadership) at PT. Bank Central Asia Batam Branch. The population is all employees of PT Bank Central Asia Batam Branch as many as 135 employees. The sample was taken using the slovin formula with an e value of 5% so that the sample processed in the study was 100 employees. The data analysis technique is processed using the Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) version 25 program application. The results of data analysis resulted in a multiple linear regression equation Y=11.529+0.247X1+0.464X2 - 0.010X3+0.147X4+e. Partial to each independent variable is digital banking of 0.168 > 0.05, motivation of 0.000 < 0.05, training of 0.933 > 0.05 and leadership of 0.181 > 0.05. The results of the partial regression analysis show that the digital variables of banking, training and leadership have a positive and insignificant influence on employee performance while motivation has a positive and significant influence on employee performance. The variables X1(digital banking), X2(motivation), X3(training) and X4(leadership) together contribute to a positive and significant influence on Y (employee performance) by a degree of signification (Sig F) 0.000 on employee performance < 0.05.
Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Budaya Organisasi dan Disiplin terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Badan Pengelolaan Pajak dan Retribusi Daerah Kota Batam Diana Titik Windayati; Dwi Sinta
Zona Manajerial: Program Studi Manajemen (S1) Vol 11 No 1 (2021): Volume 11, Nomor 1, April 2021
Publisher : Universitas Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (519.866 KB)


Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh bukti empiris tentang Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Budaya Organisasi dan Disiplin terhadap Kinerja Pegawai. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Badan Pengelolaan Pajak dan Retribusi Daerah Kota Batam. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pegawai yang berada di Badan Pengelolaan Pajak dan Retribusi Daerah Kota Batam. Kemudian diambil sampel sebanyak 143 responden dengan menggunakan metode slovin. Metode uji yang digunaka adalah regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Budaya Organisasi dan Disiplin secara simultan menggunakan uji F, diperoleh nilai F hitung 60.540 dengan tingkat signifikasi (sig) = 0.000. karena nilai 0.000 < 0,05, dengan demikian Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, maka model regresi adalah signifikan atau dapat dikatakan Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Budaya Organisasi dan Disiplin terhadap Kinerja Pegawai secara bersama-sama berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai.
The Effect Of Service Quality, Customer Values, And Customer Relationship Management (Crm) On Customer Loyalty At Jne Express Plamo Garden Defi Ananda; Bambang Satriawan; Diana Titik Windayati
Zona Manajerial: Program Studi Manajemen (S1) Vol 11 No 2 (2021): Volume 11, Nomor 2, Agustus 2021
Publisher : Universitas Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (724.572 KB)


This study aims to determine the effect of service quality, customer value, and Customer Relationship Management on customer loyalty at JNE Express Plamo Garden. The method used in this study is a quantitative method. The population in this study was JNE Express Plamo Garden customers in January and February 2022 with a total of 49,620 people. The sample in this study was 100 respondents. The data collection technique used in this study was a questionnaire / questionnaire that was tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis techniques use Multiple Linear Regression, Classical Assumption Test, Hypothesis Test (t Test and F Test) and Coefficient of Determination. Data processing in this study used the SPSS Software version 25 program. The results of this study show that Service Quality has a positive and significant effect on Customer Loyalty at JNE Express Plamo Garden with a probability value of 0.000 < 0.05. Customer Value has a positive and significant effect on Customer Loyalty at JNE Express Plamo Garden with a probability value of 0.002<0.05. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has a positive and significant effect on Customer Loyalty at JNE Express Plamo Garden with a probability value of 0.033<0.05. The coefficient of determination of 49.9% shows the contribution of Service Quality, Customer Value, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to Customer Loyalty at JNE Express Plamo Garden and the remaining 50.1% is explained by various other variables.