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Global Science Society Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Global Science Society (GSS) Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM dan PM Universitas Samudra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33059/gss.v3i2.4134


The management of village funds still needs to be improved so that the government always tries to encourage the development of village funds in order to achieve good management. The preparation of the RAB is an important thing that must be mastered so that the planned quality, cost, and time targets can be in accordance with the ongoing activities. The Community Service Partner is an apparatus of Alue Beurawe Village and this service aims to optimize the ability of village officials in calculating the RAB for village infrastructure. Village officials who participate in this activity will be trained and assisted to make RAB for village infrastructure. The stages of implementing activities begin with coordination with the Keuchik of Alue Beurawe Village; cooperate; make a guidebook for the preparation of the RAB along with its application; coordination of the implementation of training and mentoring activities with partners and the last stage is the implementation of training activities and assistance to village officials. Implementation of activities by conducting socialization of RAB and its constituent components, explanations of reading and understanding technical drawings, discussion of work unit price analysis ( AHSP), calculation of the volume of each work and calculation of RAB. The service output is a guidebook for preparing RAB that can be used by village officials and an application for preparing RAB with Microsoft Excel. This service can be a reference for the village in improving the capacity of human resources in the village. The benefits of this activity are expected to be able to optimize the knowledge, skills and abilities of village officials in preparing village infrastructure budgets. Keywords: budget plan, village fund,
Pengembangan dan Pemasaran Produk Pada Industri Rumah Tangga (IRT) Rengginang Di Gampong Sukajadi Kebun Ireng, Langsa Lama Siti Komariyah; Haikal Fajri; Fiddini Alham
GERVASI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 7, No 1 (2023): GERVASI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM IKIP PGRI Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31571/gervasi.v7i1.4343


Kendala yang dihadapi oleh industri rumah tangga rengginang di desa Sukajadi Kebun Ireng, Langsa di antaranya adalah belum ada pengembangan produk serta masih dipasarkan secara konvensional. Atas dasar hal tersebut tim pengabdian berupaya memberikan pemahaman tentang pentingnya pengembangan produk dan teknik pemasaran yang tepat agar produk rengginang lebih diminati oleh pembeli dan dapat dipasarkan secara luas. Terdapat tiga tahapan yang dilakukan dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu tahap persiapan (visitasi, perumusan masalah dan penawaran solusi), tahap pelaksanaan (survei pemahaman mitra/pre-test dan sosialisasi), dan tahap evaluasi (pelaksanaan kegiatan dan posttest). Dari hasil pre-test, mitra sudah sedikit paham tentang pengembangan produk, namun mitra belum mengetahui pentingnya atribut dan kemasan produk. Untuk pemasaran sendiri mitra belum mengetahui tentang e-commers, mitra lebih mengenal pemasaran melalui media sosial. Setelah diberikan sosialisasi tentang pengembangan  dan pemasaran produk, berdasarkan hasil posttest, mitra mulai tertarik melakukan pengembangan produk, seperti membuat merk, memperbaiki kemasan serta menjual produk dalam bentuk yang lain (produk siap santap). Untuk pemasaran sendiri mitra lebih tertarik memasarkan produk rengginang melalui WhatApp. Selain itu pengetahuan mitra terkait pengembangan dan pemasaran produk meningkat hingga 83%.
Jurnal ABDI: Media Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL ABDI : Media Pengabdian Kepada masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/abdi.v8i2.19193


One of the household businesses in the field of shrimp paste processing located in Gampong Simpang Lhee, West Langsa District, Langsa City is terasi awaina. From the observations that have been made, the process of printing shrimp paste is still carried out conventionally using hands, so the process of printing shrimp paste takes a long time and produces a paste print that is not uniform in size, therefore the PKM team offers an appropriate technology in the form of a screw press machine as a paste printer. The method of this community service activity is carried out by providingn information and solutions about the products offered, as well asstrengthening the screw press machine design needed by partners, then conducting training on how to operate and maintain the screw press machine , then the latter performs mentoring during and after the program. From the results of the evaluation that has been carried out by the PKM team, it is certain that the business of terasi awaina gampong simpang lhee has been skilled in using screw press machines, it is hoped that with the screw press machine, the production of awaina paste will increase.
3 Floor Luxury House Structure Design Planning Using ETABS Software Fera Aysha; Meilandy Purwandito; Haikal Fajri
Portal: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 15, No 1 (2023): Edisi April
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/portal.v15i1.3049


Structural planning is a mixture of basics with science in structural analysis, statics, mechanics of materials and dynamics to obtain structures that are safe and economical in their service life. The purpose of this study was to plan the dimensions of the building's portal structure that can withstand loads safely. This research was conducted in Karang Asem 1, Kuningan, Setia Budi, South Jakarta. The final result of structural planning can be concluded that there are several beams used including, 450/600 beams, 450/700 beams, 500/700 beams, 550/700 beams, 600/750 beams, 450/650 beams, 400 beams /550, and ring beams. All of the above beams use D16 longitudinal reinforcement with d10 stirrup reinforcement. while the columns used are 400/350 columns, 400/400 columns, 450/450 columns and 450/500 columns using D16 longitudinal reinforcement with d10 stirrup reinforcement. And the 650/650 column uses D22 for longitudinal reinforcement and d10 for stirrup reinforcement.Keywords: Reinforced concrete structure, ETABS software, Planning, design, house, 3rd floor
Evaluation of Fire Protection System on Educational Laboratory Building of Universitas Samudra Haikal Fajri; Wan Alamsyah; Defry Basrin; M. Ridho Pratama; Irda Yunita
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 8, No 3 (2023): Juli 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v8i3.6156


This research aims to evaluate fire protection system of educational laboratory building of Universitas Samudra in Langsa city. The building, containing chemical and biological materials that are susceptible to fire, should be protected carefully against potential fires. In addition, sophisticated and expensive equipment for practicum and research including the physical building material are also an additional factor to be preserved according to large investments budget provided. The building, served as practicum and research center will be reviewed from the aspect of active, passive, and management systems that refer to Indonesian standards and regulations. Field observations, data collection and interview were performed in observing the existing condition of the building using descriptive methods. To support the evaluation process, building model is carried out using Sketchup, AutoCAD and Dialux simulation in order to achieve more in-depth observations. The results of this study show that in general the building has met adequate fire protection system standards. The existing volume of the ground water tank is only sufficient for the daily operational needs of water in the laboratory building. However, this amount is not sufficient in a fire scenario. The addition of a new ground water tank and the addition of a Siamese connection to support the need for water imported from fire trucks is required. In addition, there is a need for a fire hazard management team in the building and the need for technical operational standards for the maintenance of all components.
Analisis Kerentanan Struktur Gedung C Rumah Sakit Rujukan Regional Kota Langsa Menggunakan Metode Pushover Analysis MEILANDY PURWANDITO; HAIKAL FAJRI; IRWANSYAH .; MUHAMMAD AGUSSALIM
TERAS JURNAL : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 13, No 2 (2023): Volume 13 Nomor 2, September 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/tj.v13i2.964


Abstrak Fenomena gempa merupakan gejala alam yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap bangunan, terutama pada bangunan tinggi. Perencanaan struktur bangunan gedung tahan gempa sangat penting di Indonesia, mengingat sebagian besar wilayahnya terletak dalam wilayah gempa dengan intensitas sedang hingga tinggi. Kajian penelitian adalah Rumah sakit rujukan regional kota Langsa dengan struktur bangunan 4 lantai dan tinggi 19,25 meter. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan kriteria level kinerja struktur dan mengetahui pola keruntuhan bangunan sehingga dapat diketahui joint-joint yang mengalami kerusakan dan kehancuran. Metode analisis pushover merupakan salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis beban gempa guna mengetahui perilaku keruntuhan struktur dari hasil nilai performance point menggunakan ATC-40 dan nilai target displacement FEMA-356 dan FEMA 440. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa berdasarkan ATC-40 untuk arah-x diperoleh nilai drift aktual sebesar 0,0082 mm berada di level kinerja Immediate occupancy dan untuk arah-y sebesar 0,0072 berada di level kinerja Imediated Occupancy. Sedangkan menurut FEMA 356 dan FEMA 440 drift aktual untuk arah-x sebesar 0,015 yang berada di level kinerja Damage Control, sementara arah-y sebesar 0,037 berada pada level kinerja Life safety. Kata kunci: kerentanan struktur, rumah sakit, gempa, pushover analysis, level kinerja Abstract Earthquake phenomena are natural phenomena that greatly affect buildings, especially tall buildings. The planning of earthquake-resistant building structures is very important in Indonesia, considering that most of the area is located in an earthquake area with moderate to high intensity. The research study was the Langsa city regional hospital with a 4-storey building structure and a height of 19.25 meters. The purpose of this study was to determine the criteria for the level of structural performance and to determine the pattern of building collapse so that the joints that were damaged and destroyed could be identified. The pushover analysis method is one of the methods used to analyze earthquake loads to determine the collapse behavior of structures from the results of performance point values using ATC-40 and displacement target values of FEMA-356 and FEMA 440. The results show that based on ATC-40 for the x-direction the actual drift value of 0.0082 mm is obtained at the Immediate Occupancy and for the y-direction of 0.0072 at the Immediate Occupancy performance level. Meanwhile, according to FEMA 356 and FEMA 440 the actual drift for the x-direction is 0.015 which is at the Damage Control, while the y-direction is 0.037 at the Life safety performance level. Keywords: structure vulnerability, hospital, earthquake, pushover analysis, performance level
Perbandingan Analisis Struktur Gedung Laboratorium PGSD Universitas Samudra Metode Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus Menggunakan ETABS dan BIM Tekla Struktural Designer Muhammad Azis Syah; Muhammad Zacky Ardhyan; Haikal Fajri; Meilandy Purwandito; Irwansyah Irwansyah
Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Sipil Vol 20 No 2 (2023): Oktober 2023
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Masyarakat (P3M), Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/jirs.v20i2.1048


Indonesia is located on the fault line of the Eurasian and Indo-Australian plates which makes Indonesia prone to earthquakes. The structural design of the Special Moment Resisting Frame System (SRPMK) is required for reinforced concrete buildings in high earthquake-prone areas, it is hoped that using the SRPMK construction method can have a flexible structure. The purpose of this research is to discuss the comparison of test control of the Samudra University PGSD Laboratory Building with the Etabs application and the Tekla Structural Designer Application. The building structure under review is a reinforced concrete structure with 3 floors with a building length of 54 m, width of 18 m, and height of 16.8 m. The type of soil for the construction site is soft soil with earthquake design category D. Construction planning refers to SNI 1726 – 2019. The additional dead loads of floors and roofs are 0.672 and 0.710, the largest live loads are 7.18 kN/m², the earthquake loads with Ss and S1 are 0.68 and 0.34, the priority factor earthquake of 1.5 and a period of 20 seconds, the suction and compressive wind loads are -0.25 kN/m² and -0.41 kN /m². The results of structural analysis using the ETABS application and the Tekla Structural Designer application, the control values of the mass participation test, the fundamental natural vibration time, the base reaction, and the standard deviation between floors have met the requirements for earthquake-resistant building planning. The volume of concrete is 594.9 m³, the bone requirement for D22 is 3432.96 kg, D19 is 3605 4.89 kg, D16 is 26434.5 kg, D13 is 1774.72 kg, Ø12 is 6237.53 kg, Ø10 is 31599, 07 kg, Ø8 is 4589.31 kg
Perencanaan Struktur Jembatan Kecamatan Kampung Durian Aceh Tamiang Menggunakan Metode Perencanaan Berdasarkan Beban dan Kekuatan Terfaktor Haikal Fajri; Defry Basrin; Rajib Muammar; Ari Mulia
JURUTERA - Jurnal Umum Teknik Terapan Vol 6 No 01 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Samudra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55377/jurutera.v6i01.1650


Jembatan Kampung Durian Kecamatan Rantau Kabupaten Aceh Taming merupakan jalur utama perjalanan masyarakat dan pengiriman minyak bumi dari PT Pertamina EP Asset 1 Rantau Field. Jembatan ini bertipe bangunan atas gelagar baja. Hasil pengamatan dilapangan menunjukkan jembatan tersebut membutuhkan penanganan yang serius disebabkan kerusakan pada slab lantai jembatan, girder dan difragma yang sudah mengalami korosi. Jembatan tersebut diprediksi sudah mencapai masa layan sehingga perlu direncanakan jembatan yang baru menggunakan bahan beton bertulang yang memiliki kuat tekan tinggi, biaya pemeliharaan rendah dan relatif murah dengan tersedianya bahan lokal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan perencanaan struktur utama jembatan yang terdiri dari slab lantai jembatan, gelagar, dan diafragma menggunakan bahan beton bertulang. Metode yang digunakan adalah perencanaan berdasarkan beban dan kekuatan terfaktor dimana kriteria keamanan harus terpenuhi untuk semua gaya dalam komponen penyusun struktur jembatan. Metode ini merujuk pada RSNI T-12-2004 tentang perencanaan struktur beton untuk jembatan dan standar pembebanan untuk jembatan menggunakan RSNI T-02-2005. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa momen dan gaya geser maksimum akibat beban pada gelagar sebesar 2036,62 kNm dan 587,33 kN. Tulangan lentur dan geser yang dibutuhkan untuk mampu menahan momen dan gaya geser maksimum adalah 20D25 dan 2D13-140. Pada perencanaan diafragma, momen dan gaya geser maksimum akibat beban eksternal sebesar 57,32 kNm dan 158,41 kN. Penulangan yang dibutuhkan untuk memikul besarnya beban tersebut adalah 4D16 untuk tulangan lentur dan 2Ø10-150 untuk penulangan geser. Pada perencanaan slab lantai jembatan diperoleh momen tumpuan dan lapangan maksimum sebesar 64,4 kNm dan 57,063 kNm sehingga digunakan tulangan lentur negatif dan positif D16-140 serta tulangan bagi arah memanjang D13-150. Dengan digunakannya material lokal serta metode yang andal pada perencanaan struktur jembatan ini, diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan bagi stakeholder pengambil kebijakan di kabupaten Aceh Tamiang dalam rencana pembangunan transportasi daerah.
Pengembangan dan Pemasaran Produk Pada Industri Rumah Tangga (IRT) Rengginang Di Gampong Sukajadi Kebun Ireng, Langsa Lama Siti Komariyah; Haikal Fajri; Fiddini Alham
GERVASI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): GERVASI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM IKIP PGRI Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31571/gervasi.v7i1.4343


Kendala yang dihadapi oleh industri rumah tangga rengginang di desa Sukajadi Kebun Ireng, Langsa di antaranya adalah belum ada pengembangan produk serta masih dipasarkan secara konvensional. Atas dasar hal tersebut tim pengabdian berupaya memberikan pemahaman tentang pentingnya pengembangan produk dan teknik pemasaran yang tepat agar produk rengginang lebih diminati oleh pembeli dan dapat dipasarkan secara luas. Terdapat tiga tahapan yang dilakukan dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu tahap persiapan (visitasi, perumusan masalah dan penawaran solusi), tahap pelaksanaan (survei pemahaman mitra/pre-test dan sosialisasi), dan tahap evaluasi (pelaksanaan kegiatan dan posttest). Dari hasil pre-test, mitra sudah sedikit paham tentang pengembangan produk, namun mitra belum mengetahui pentingnya atribut dan kemasan produk. Untuk pemasaran sendiri mitra belum mengetahui tentang e-commers, mitra lebih mengenal pemasaran melalui media sosial. Setelah diberikan sosialisasi tentang pengembangan  dan pemasaran produk, berdasarkan hasil posttest, mitra mulai tertarik melakukan pengembangan produk, seperti membuat merk, memperbaiki kemasan serta menjual produk dalam bentuk yang lain (produk siap santap). Untuk pemasaran sendiri mitra lebih tertarik memasarkan produk rengginang melalui WhatApp. Selain itu pengetahuan mitra terkait pengembangan dan pemasaran produk meningkat hingga 83%.
IDENTIFIKASI KERENTANAN BANGUNAN DI KOTA LANGSA AKIBAT BAHAYA GEMPA DAN KELAS SITUS Haikal Fajri; Irwansyah Irwansyah; Nina Fahriana; Defry Basrin; Zaenal Abidin Al Atas
JURNAL TEKNIK SIPIL Vol 12, No 1 (2023): Volume 12 Nomor 1 Mei 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jts.v12i1.31884


Globally, Aceh Province is an earthquake-prone area, especially earthquakes with an epicenter on land, such as the 2013 in Central Aceh with a magnitude of 6,1; the 2016in Pidie Jaya with a magnitude of 6,5 which damaged more than 10.000 buildings, and killed 85.000 people, according to a report from the Aceh disaster management agency (BPBA).The BMKG recorded an earthquake measuring M 5,3 on 27 September 2018 with the epicenter location on land with a depth of 10 km. Recently on 3 December 2020, an earthquake measuring M 4,9 occurred at a location very close to the previous earthquake. Having this phenomenon, as well as the close distance between the epicenter and the city center, this study aims to identify the risk of vulnerability of residential buildings in the city center to potential earthquakes and class of soil sites (Vs30). The ground motion equation was carried out with scenario of SA to SF soil site class with the epicenter point 22,48 km from the city center at a depth of 10 km. The type of building that has the greatest probability of failure is the C3L, while the sturdiest building is the RM2M type. Therefore, preliminary results indicate that the HAZUS tool has an advantage in estimating the risks and losses that will in the future provide protection to buildings.