Adimawati Helingo
IAIN SUltan Sultan Amai Gorontalo

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YouTube as Learning Medium for Promoting EFL Students’ Reading Habit and Motivation Adimawati Helingo
Journal of English Language and Education Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jele.v7i1.184


The massive English YouTube videos uploaded on YouTube provide potential for anyone to be able to study independently, including students. This study intends to investigate the use of YouTube media among EFL students in maintaining their motivation reading English text and their interest in learning English inside and outside classroom. This qualitative study used the interview to collect research data from 7 students as respondents. The selection of 7 students was based on the habit of these students accessing YouTube videos more often than most other students. The results showed that 5 students felt that watching YouTube with a certain intensity in a day could encourage the desire to study harder and be interested in learning English. Some who use YouTube as a learning tool can improve reading habits or interests and also improve other skills such as listening, speaking and other things. With many features, so that everyone can access anything they want to access in YouTube with their purposes, including improving reading habits and motivation
Transcription of Pegon Gorontalo Arabic Orthography, Malay and Arabic Standard: A Contraceptive Linguistic Analysis Ibnu Rawandhy N. Hula; Adimawati Helingo; Sitti Nur Adawiyah Jassin; Suharia Sarif
‘A Jamiy : Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Vol 11, No 2: SEPTEMBER 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31314/ajamiy.11.2.322-341.2022


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mentranskripsi tuturan yang berbentuk bunyi ke dalam bentuk tulisan Ortografi Arab Pegon Gorontalo (OAPG) dan membandingkannya dengan Ortografi Arab Pegon Melayu (OAPM) dan Ortografi Arab standar (OAS). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan linguistic kontrastif. Data dikumpulkan berbentuk dokumen manuskrip dari kitab dikili yang berasal dari empat kabupaten di Provinsi Gorontalo. Data OAPG dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik rekam catat, kemudian membandingkannya dengan OAPM dan OAS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan beberapa persamaan sekaligus perbedaan antara   Ortografi Arab Pegon Gorontalo (OAPG) dengan OAPM dan OAS. Persamaan antara OAPG dengan OAPM yakni; (1) Kedua bahasa ini  menggunakan ortografi pegon ch [څ], ny [ڽ], ng [ڠ] dan g [ڬ] (2) Memiliki fonem, aksara bunyi vokal O dan E, serta menggunakan dua belas ortografi Arab standar urutan hija’i. Persamaan antara OAPG dengan OAS, yakni; 1) OAPG menggunaan enam belas ortografi OAS (ا-ب-ت-ج-د-ر-س-غ-ف-ك-ل-م-ن-و-ء-ي) berdasarkan urutan hija’i, namun tidak  memiliki dua belas konsonan OAS.  2) OAPG dan OAS sama-sama memiliki aksara yang disambung dan dipisah, serta menggunakan semua tanda diakritik Arab standar. Adapun perbedaan transkripsinya adalah: 1) OAPG tidak membedakan penggunaan tanda diakritik [E] menjadi [é] pepet dan [e] taling. 2) Memiliki suku kata yang dimulai dengan [nt-نْت] dan [ng-ڠْڬ], 3)  OAPG menggunakan fonem Arabic standar [f-ف]  dan bukan fonem pegon [p-ڤ]. 4)  OAPG tidak menggunakan ortografi [ڎ/ڊ] dan [ڟ] untuk fonem [dh] [th], 5)  OAPG memiliki tujuh fonem pembeda yang tidak dimiliki oleh Ortografi Arab Standar.
An analysis on students’ difficulties in Intermediate English Grammar course Fina Milenda Paputungan; Adimawati Helingo; Illma Yulinda Rahmah
Journal of English Teaching and Linguistic Issues (JETLI) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): JETLI: Journal of English Teaching and Linguistic Issues
Publisher : English Education Department

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (271.48 KB)


The objective of this research is to analyze the students’ difficulties in learning intermediate grammar courses, especially in modal auxiliaries and reported speech materials as well as the factors of students’ difficulties in learning grammar in English Education Department at IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo. This research study used the qualitative method. The population was 10 students of third semester in English Education Department at IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo. Next, techniques of data collection were observation sheet and interview. The result showed that most students have not understood and confused to use all the modal auxiliaries, the use of “to” and without “to”, and they did not memorize the formulas pattern of positive, negative and interrogative sentence. Also, students were confused in displacement of tenses because they did not know the formula, and were confused how to use pronoun and time pronoun because they did not memorize. Furthermore, factors that affect the students’ difficulties in learning grammar start from a lack motivation, learning strategies, teaching methods, educational background and family environment.
Content Analysis of Gorontalo Dikili Manuscript and the Relevance to Message and Values of Kindness: Analisis isi Naskah Dikili Gorontalo dan Relevansinya terhadap Pesan dan Nilai-nilai Kebaikan Ibnu Rawandhy N. Hula; Adimawati Helingo
Jurnal Riset Rumpun Ilmu Bahasa (JURRIBAH) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Oktober: Jurnal Riset Rumpun Ilmu Bahasa
Publisher : Pusat riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1468.142 KB) | DOI: 10.55606/jurribah.v1i2.374


The study aims to analyze the content of the Gorontalo Dikili manuscript and its relevance to messages and values ​​of kindness. This research is library research with a descriptive qualitative approach. Primary data were collected and identified through documents in the form of manuscripts and written with APG script, totalling 10 main themes and containing 297 couplets. Secondary data in the form of video recordings The data is processed following the stages of philological analysis by reading the manuscript, identification, editing, and interpretation. The interpretation technique is done by directed content analysis. The results of this study indicate that the manuscript in Gorontalo contains messages and values of kindness that can be used as lessons and examples in following the sunnah of the Prophet. The values ​​of goodness include: The value of spiritual education is related to patience and independence as an orphan. Moral values, in the form of fair behaviour in acting and behaving. Cultural values ​​are related to the recommendation of circumcision which is useful for maintaining genital hygiene for men, maintaining the respectfulness of women to avoid disgraceful attitudes and traits, and tolerant behaviour toward adherents of other religions. Social value is found in the sincere attitude of giving and willing to share, and always giving benefits to others. This research has implications for information about the contents of the dikili manuscript which has not been revealed, so the celebration of the prophet's birthday by re-reading the prophet's life history text needs to be preserved.
Assessment Strategy to Rectify EFL Students’ Performance: A Need Analysis Nirwanto Maruf; Adimawati Helingo
JET ADI BUANA Vol 7 No 02 (2022): Volume 7 Number 02 October 2022
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36456/jet.v7.n02.2022.6191


The objective of this research is to investigates the assessment strategies that required to be implemented, and are favorable for the learners in order to rectify EFL students’ performance regards to their language performance. This study conducted based on the presumption that teachers merely consider students’ preference on how they want to be assessed. A need analysis is administered to meet the objective of the research. The result indicates that learners mostly prefer to have corrective feedback from the teacher during the teaching and learning activities, meanwhile performance task and quiz assessment are preferred by learners as their assessment strategies instead of summative assessment. Nevertheless in spite of that, KWL assessment strategy is also recommended for the teaching and learning of English.
Probing of Hardships and Their Factors of EFL Students in Constructing Text Jhems Richard Hasan; Alvons Habibie; Adimawati Helingo
Jurnal Ilmiah AL-Jauhari: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Interdisipliner Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah AL-jauhari
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30603/jiaj.v8i1.3357


The objective of this study was to investigate students' hardships and their factors in creating descriptive texts. The subject of this study was the fourth semester of IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo's English Education Program. 39 students were involved in this study. Three types of instruments were employed to gather the data: documentation, questionnaires, and interviews. The document was used to evaluate students' proficiency in five writing-related areas. The questionnaire was designed to identify specific challenges with descriptive text composition. The purpose of the interview was to identify factors contributing to students' difficulty in writing descriptive texts. This study employed mix method. This study revealed that students had difficulty with content, organization, and mechanics. In terms of content, students struggled with constructing subject sentences (30.76%), supporting sentences (59.97%), and closing sentences (38.46%). Students had trouble repeating essential terms (28.20%), utilizing linking words (28.20%), and explaining the topic (43.58%). In technical, students experienced difficulty with punctuation (12.82%) and capitalization (20.51%). The factors of hardship were self-motivation, self-confidence, lack of reading, and lack of practice were internal issues. External influences included the chance to write, learning materials and media, and the absence of feedback in the teaching and learning process.
English Review: Journal of English Education Vol 11, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/erjee.v11i2.6760


This article is the research result of teaching-learning Academic Writing to English Students Department, UNG in the fourth semester of 2020. This research objective is to enrich applying theories accessed from online books and international Journals by avoiding plagiarism in students’ writing essay as theoretical bases of their research. Besides, they would be able to communicate in the target language of writing skill as a maximum standard. There are three categories of the rubric to analyze essay in this qualitative method; a) choosing ideas in introductory sentences before taking quotations, b) accuracy diction selection, and c) linkage ideas in well sentences formulation after choosing the quotation/paraphrase. The result, from 25 students’ writing, there are 15 students who got value of A category (60%), 5 students with A- category (20%), 3 students got B+ category (12%), and 2 students got C (8%).