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Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil Vol 17, No 3 (2007): SEPTEMBER 2007
Publisher : Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil

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One advantage of saline water intrusion phenomena is that saline water may be obtained from shallow well close to coastline. The method is friendly to the environment. Shallow well of depth less than 40 times of ground water height measured from seawater level produce a small amount of saline water. Additional saline intrusion discharge may be obtained by installing seaward horizontal perforated pipe at the bottom of well. Research of seepage discharge trough perforated pipe has been done using physical model with tree variation of pipe diameter. Each pipe was varied in length, perforation diameter, and gap of perforation. They were placed at three various depths under sand surface. To simulate the tidal fluctuation there was four variation of water level. Discharge was obtained from all model combination. The result of the research is a formula that was derived from Darcy formula. The formula could be useful to design. It indicates that there are correlation between depth of pipe burial, pipe length, pipe diameter, head, porosity of pipe and discharge
Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil Vol 18, No 3 (2008): SEPTEMBER 2008
Publisher : Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil

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A tectonic earthquake in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta occurred at the magnitude of 5.9 Richter Scale just before 05.54 p.m. The earthquake duartion was only about one minute but killed thousands of inhabitants, destroyed uncountable number of settlement buildings and damaged other buildings of about billions rupiahs. This fact showed that disaster mitigation system has nott been effective to minimize disaster impact. To absolutely prevent the earthquake disaster to happen is indeed very impossible to do. But humans can seek efforts to take preventive measures to reduce the adverse impact of the earthquake before it occurs again. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the system of disaster mitigation so that victims and material losses resulted from the earthquake disaster can be minimized. The research objective is to obtain the physical conditions and problems faced by Bantul Regency after the earthquake disaster, to evaluate the exercise of earthquake management, and finally to search solutions in anticipating the occurrence of the earthquake disaster. It is expected that in the future, the response and the willingness of dealing similar disaster can be prepared. A field research is conducted by using three techniques including observation, interview, and questionnaire given to village apparatuses and local society. A bottomup approach is used to ensure that the system to be developed can actually reflect the emergent needs of the community. The result of the research indicates that it is necessary to carry out several alternatives for immediate prevention and comprehensive handling of earthquake disaster by meeting objectives in appropriate strategy of mitigating measure priorities. The first priorities are given to constructing measures or structuring enduring-to-earthquake houses with priorities rank given to forming elements of enduring-to-earthquake building. The first is the frame structures (sloof, column, and block), the roof elements, and the foundation elements, the second is the measures of social aids giving, and the third is the measures of community development with education and training. The fourth is measures of economic development, and, finally, the fifth is the measures of instance and managerial development (early warning system). It is expected that the objectives of the priority strategy can help society to take any appropriate measures in anticipating the risks of earthquake disaster.
Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil Vol 18, No 2 (2008): MEI 2008
Publisher : Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil

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Disaster mitigation require to be supported by information and data regarding the condition of local society characteristic and area. The available of correct information and data, expected can maximize usage of local resource, including labour, organization and material. One of the partisipative data collecting method able to be used to dig catastrophic society perception and understanding of tsunami is Focus Group Discussion ( FGD). Participant one of the important element in FGD, so that participant composition can influence attainment result of FGD. This research aim to know society characteristic and condition to formulate FGD participant criterion and composition in tsunami disaster mitigation. This Research type is descriptive research with approach qualitative, while primary data collecting use partisipative observation technique where researcher follow to involve and at the same time perceive FGD simulation execution. Discussant which uppermost enough is them owning catastrophic understanding and knowledge of tsunami nature, where this matter is influenced life experience or relate to its work responsibility. Several things which need to be paid attention in chosening and determining discussant: 1) education and age vary to start from student age until the old man with mean 35 year, 2) do not predominate by age, certain work or education, 3) if education of [him/ it] lower to be expected to have experience which enough or which is its old age, 4) entangling woman participant owning catastrophic understanding and knowledge of tsunami, 5) having work or got mixed up with interconnected activity or relate to natural disaster handling.
Catatan tentang Perencanaan Tembok Laut untuk Mitigasi Bencana Tsunami Triatmadja, Radianta; Warniyati, Warniyati
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2677.384 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v27i1.33861


Many coastal structures or structures in coastal areas were destroyed by a tsunami attack. Such destructions were due primarily to the fact that such structures were not designed to withstand a tsunami. Those which were designed to withstand tsunami force may also have been destroyed due to some damaging factors which were not included in the design. The damage of the coastal structures is one of the important factors that have caused casualties. Especially, when the destroyed structures were originally aimed to mitigate the area against tsunami, they may cause higher fatalities. Examples of such structures are sea walls in many parts of Japan which were destroyed by the 2011 tsunami. This paper discusses the important factors relevant to the damage of seawall as tsunami mitigation structure such as impact force due to tsunami front, hydrostatic force, and hydrodynamic force, debris force and scour due tsunami. The study was carried out based on literature about the damages of seawall as tsunami protection structures and laboratory experiment reports. The destructions to the structures were divided into three classifications namely instantaneous direct destruction due to impact and drag forces, slowly direct destruction due to drag force, and slowly indirect destruction due to scour. Finally, important aspects to be considered in the design of seawall as tsunamis protection were proposed.
Tsunami Force on a Building With Sea Wall Protection Any Nurhasanah; . Nizam; Radianta Triatmadja
International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD) 2014: 3rd ICETD 2014
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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The frequency of tsunami in Indonesia is increasing since the past few decades. The increasing of both the frequency of tsunami and the population in coastal area intensify the vulnerability of such area to tsunami disasters. Tsunamis do not only cause a large number of casualties but also damages to infrastructures along the shore. Wall protection is one possible solution to reduce tsunami force. The effectiveness however depends on the ratio between the tsunami height to the wall height and the distance between the wall and the buildings.A 24m long flume of 1.45m width and 1.5m height was utilized for the experiment. Various tsunami wave fronts were generated using a dam break mechanism. The model of buildings was tested both with and without wall protection installed at various distances in front of the buildings.The results indicated that the force reduction of building depends on the ratio between sea wall height and building high. A simplified formula for the calculation of tsunami force on protected building is proposed
Reduksi Angkutan Sedimen Menyusur Pantai Studi Kasus Pantai Glagah, Kulon Progo, Jawa Tengah Hasdinar Umar; Nur Yuwono; Radianta Triatmadja; Nizam Nizam
Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring Vol 20 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin

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Angkutan sedimen menyusur pantai (longshore sediment transport) merupakan sedimen yang bergerak sepanjang pantai akibat arus yang terjadi sepanjang pantai (longshore current). Perhitungan angkutan sedimen menyusur pantai sangat penting karena angkutan sedimen menyusur pantai dapat menimbulkan permasalahan seperti pendangkalan di pelabuhan, erosi dan sedimentasi pantai. Untuk mengendalikan permasalahan yang timbul akibat angkutan sedimen menyusur pantai salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan membangun pelindung pantai berupa struktur groin permeable. Struktur groin permeable dapat digunakan untuk mereduksi besarnya laju angkutan sedimen menyusur pantai, sehingga permasalahan erosi dan sedimentasi yang terjadi dapat diatasi. Reduksi angkutan sedimen menyusur pantai dihitung dengan menggunakan parameter koefisien reduksi yang merupakan perbandingan antara kecepatan arus menyusur pantai sebelum adanya struktur groin permeable dan setelah adanya struktur groin permeable. Perhitungan angkutan sedimen menyusur pantai pada Pantai Glagah jika tanpa struktur groin permeable diperoleh sebesar 343,32.103 m3/tahun, jika pada Pantai Glagah dipasang struktur groin permeable (kerapatan groin 40%) maka diperoleh angkutan sedimen menyusur pantai sebesar 166,36.103 m3/tahun dengan koefisien reduksi sebesar 0,48.
Domestic Water Distribution Planning from Springs in Jatimulyo Village, Girimulyo District, Kulon Progo Adam Pamudji Rahardjo; Budi Kamulyan; Radianta Triatmaja; Sunjoto Sunjoto; Dyah Dhani M.; Anzhari Syahmi; Raelly Harza W.; Nurul Purnama Sari
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement) Vol 8, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Direktorat Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (931.725 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpkm.61885


During the dry season, most of the springs in Jatimulyo Village deliver less water. This condition causes difficulties for people in the area. Only two springs supply sufficient water for distribution. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the water distribution from the two springs, Mudal and Sumitro. This study aims to provide an alternative technical plan for the distribution of domestic water and to provide recommendations in the distribution and regulation of the use of water from the Mudal and Sumitro springs to the local authority and community in Jatimulyo Village. The distribution system relies on gravity so that it does not require any pump. This study has conducted using the hydraulic equation for water flow through a pipe to analyze the design water discharge required for each reservoir. For water distribution planning, counting the number of houses that will be served was conducted using Google Earth imagery. The results of this study indicate that from the Mudal spring, water distribution pipelines can cover 282 houses, with a total required water discharge of 1,632 liters/second. For the Sumitro spring, the first alternative scheme can serve 161 houses and requires 0.932 liters/second water discharge. As for the second alternative, it is estimated to be able to serve 138 houses with a total required water discharge of 0.799 liters/second. It is necessary to measure all spring discharge every month. It will help determining the fluctuation of the discharge of each spring. 
Pengaruh Gelombang pada Profil Kemiringan Pantai Pasir Buatan (Uji Model Fisik dan Studi Kasus Penanggulangan Erosi serta Pendukung Konservasi Lingkungan Daerah Pantai) Oki Setyandito; Nizam Nizam; Nur Yuwono; Radianta Triatmadja
Jurnal Sains & Teknologi Lingkungan Vol. 4 No. 1 (2012): SAINS & TEKNOLOGI LINGKUNGAN
Publisher : Teknik Lingkungan Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jstl.vol4.iss1.art4


Masalah utama di daerah pantai adalah erosi pantai yang terjadi akibat gempuran gelombang serta pembangunan konstruksi yang tidak akrab lingkungan. Salah satu usaha pengembangan daerah pantai yang sedang dan telah dilaksanakan adalah pembangunan pantai buatan (artificial beach nourishment). Pada tulisan ini disajikan hasil penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh karakteristik gelombang (tinggi gelombang H, periode gelombang T dan panjang gelombang L) terhadap Equilibrium Beach Profile (EBP) atau final slope (nf) (profil) yang terbentuk terutama pada area swash zones.Uji model fisik 3-D dilakukan terhadap material penyusun pantai berupa pasir (d50 = 0,467 - 1,2 mm), dengan bangunan pelindung berupa gabungan groin I dan L. Model pantai pasir di tempatkan pada kolam gelombang, dengan initial slope (n = 6) dan dikenai gelombang reguler konstan hingga kondisi EBP tercapai. Untuk setiap model uji dilakukan variasi tinggi gelombang (H) dan periode gelombang (T).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan EBP atau profil kemiringan stabil yang terbentuk dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik gelombang. Pada area terbuka, semakin besar H0/L0, profil yang terbentuk akan bergeser dari swell profile menjadi storm profile, yang ditunjukkan oleh terjadinya bar. Jika H0/L0 semakin besar, pantai akan semakin tegak (nilai nf semakin kecil), hal ini identik dengan hasil penelitian 2 D dan studi kasus di pantai Sanur, Bali yang dilakukan Setyandito dkk. (2010) serta kajian teoritis dari penelitian sebelumnya. Landai akhir, nf yang terbentuk pada area terbuka pada hasil penelitian ini memiliki nilai 3 hingga 12.
Sebuah Review: Evaluasi dan Optimasi Jaringan Perpipaan Air Bersih Dwi Cahya Rada; Radianta Triatmadja; Johan Syafri Mahathir A
Jurnal Teknologi Berkelanjutan Vol 10 No 01 (2021): Vol 10 No 01
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (505.551 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jtb.v10i01.189


This paper aims to provide a review of the evaluation and optimization of the water pipeline system for the community. This paper consists of two parts, namely the evaluation of the design of the installed transmission pipeline and the optimization of the distribution pipeline design to the public. The method that has been used in previous research is the basis for discussion. Evaluation and optimization methods are discussed using software to get the most suitable method.
The Implementation of Combined Roughness and Reflected Model (CRRM) in Tsunami Run-up Simulation through Coastal Vegetation Benazir Benazir; Radianta Triatmadja; Adam Pamudji Rahardjo; Nur Yuwono
Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum Vol. 4 No. 3 (September 2018)
Publisher : Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (963.746 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jcef.36857


Hydraulics resistance is commonly used to simulate or replace drag and inertia forces due to vegetation when modeling tsunami run-up. A new numerical method was proposed which was named Combined Roughness and Reflected Model (CRRM). This method accommodates the reflection process of tsunami flow by tree surfaces. A series of experimental work was performed in laboratory to verify the numerical results. The physical process of laboratory work was discussed to explain the interaction between tsunami and vegetation models. The relation of some notable parameters was reviewed for both models. The physical model verified that the deviations between the physical and the numerical model were below 20%. With such numerical method, more challenging forest layout such as zigzag arrangement can be studied more accurately. It is concluded that the zigzag arrangement of trees layout and higher density of trees were capable of reducing tsunami run-up on land significantly.