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Publisher : Ikatan Sarjana Teknik Perkapalan UNHAS

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Salah satu proses yang terjadi di pantai dan sangat perlu diperhatikan adalah transpor sedimenmenyusur pantai (longshore sediment transport). Proses transpor sedimen menyusur pantai(longshore sediment transport) dapat mengakibatkan erosi, yang berdampak pada mundurnyagaris pantai (abrasi pantai), atau menyebabkan pendangkalan yang berakibat pada majunya garispantai (akresi pantai), yang akhirnya mengurangi fungsi pantai atau bangunan pantai. Salah satustruktur pelindung pantai yang dapat mengendalikan besarnya angkutan sedimen menyusur pantaiadalah groin permeable. Groin permeable dapat mengendalikan angkutan sedimen menyusurpantai tanpa mengakibatkan erosi pada bagian downdrift groin, sehingga perubahan garis pantaiantara updrift groin dan downdrift groin tidak terlalu ekstrim. Kajian ini dilakukan untukmengetahui secara teoritis tentang pengendalian angkutan sedimen menyusur pantai oleh strukturgroin permeabel dan untuk memahami karakteristik angkutan sedimen menyusur pantai sertaparameter yang berpengaruh pada efektivitas penggunaan groin permeabel. Menurut penelititerdahulu kecepatan arus menyusur pantai pada kondisi adanya groin permeabel tereduksi hampir½ dibandingkan kecepatan arus pada kondisi tanpa groin. Tulisan ini mengkaji beberapapersamaan empiris tentang angkutan sedimen menyusur pantai dan teori yang mendukung tentangstruktur groin permeable, berupa persamaan-persamaan yang telah dirumuskan dan penelitianpenelitianyang telah dilakukan. Dari hasil kajian ini diperoleh kesimpulan tentang parameterparameteryang berpengaruh dalam pengendalian angkutan sedimen menyusur pantaimenggunakan groin permeabel, diantaranya adalah permeabilitas atau jarak antar tiang groin,lebar atau diameter tiang groin dan tinggi gelombang.
Publisher : Ikatan Sarjana Teknik Perkapalan UNHAS

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Pengukuran arus menyusur pantai tidak mudah, khususnya pada skala laboratorium. Kendala kedalaman air yang kecil untuk skala laboratorium dan variasi arus menyusur pantai yang cukup signifikan dari posisi awal gelombang pecah hingga ke posisi run up maksimum membuat pengukuran arus menyusur pantai menjadi sulit. Alat ukur yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur arus menyusur pantai pada skala laboratorium sangat terbatas. Pengukuran arus menggunakan bola-bola pelampung adalah metode untuk mengatasi keterbatasan alat ukur arus menyusur pantai. Bola-bola pelampung disusun selebar daerah surfzone kemudian dijatuhkan dengan memperhatikan posisi gelombang. Kemudian pergerakan bola-bola pelampung direkam dengan menggunakan kamera video. Besarnya kecepatan arus menyusur pantai diperoleh dari hasil pengamatan jarak pergerakan bola-bola pelampung persatuan waktu. Hasil pengukuran arus menyusur pantai dengan metode bola-bola pelampung kemudian diverifikasi dengan hasil perhitungan menggunakan persamaan arus menyusur pantai yaitu persamaan Longuet-Higgins, 1970. Verifikasi antara hasil pengukuran dengan hasil perhitungan menunjukkan hasil yang relatif sama, sehingga metode bola-bola pelampung dapat direkomendasikan untuk pengukuran arus menyusur pantai
Jurnal Riset Teknologi Kelautan Vol 14, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Riset Teknologi Kelautan (JRTK)
Publisher : Jurnal Riset Teknologi Kelautan

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Research of uniform flow velocity through groin piles was developed on hydraulic laboratory, which differs from previous research because model of structure is groin piles. Uniform flow is influenced by two shear stress namely bottom shear stress and shear stress due to the piles of groin. Theory of uniform flow velocity is obtained by equating the shear stress due to waves and shear stress due to permeable groins. Theoretical approach verified by research in the laboratory using eight models of piles with density ranging between 18.4% - 31.4%. The verification results show that the measurement data of uniform flow velocity in the laboratory close to the results of calculations using the theory.
Jurnal Riset Teknologi Kelautan Vol. 14 No. 1 (2016): Jurnal Riset Teknologi Kelautan (JRTK)
Publisher : Jurnal Riset Teknologi Kelautan

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Research of uniform flow velocity through groin piles was developed on hydraulic laboratory, which differs from previous research because model of structure is groin piles. Uniform flow is influenced by two shear stress namely bottom shear stress and shear stress due to the piles of groin. Theory of uniform flow velocity is obtained by equating the shear stress due to waves and shear stress due to permeable groins. Theoretical approach verified by research in the laboratory using eight models of piles with density ranging between 18.4% - 31.4%. The verification results show that the measurement data of uniform flow velocity in the laboratory close to the results of calculations using the theory.
In Use of Permeable Groin for Reducing Longshore Sediment Transport at Tanjung Bayang Beach of South Sulawesi Hasdinar Umar; Sabaruddin Rahman; Chairul Paotonan; Ahmad Yasir Baeda
EPI International Journal of Engineering Vol 1 No 2 (2018): Volume 1 Number 2, August 2018 with Special Issue on Railway Engineering
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Engineering Faculty, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/epi-ije.082018.11


Breaking wave near beaches is the main force to generate longshore currents, which moved the sediment at surrounding area. Due to its negative outcome, which are erosion and sedimentation, the need of longshore sediment transport analysis become very important. One of the tools for solving that problem is by using coastal protection structure such as permeable groin. Permeable groin may reduce the rate of longshore sediment transport respectively by changing the level of permeability of the groin itself. The objective of this research was to obtain analytical results of the longshore sediment transport reduction analysis by using permeable groins at Tanjung Bayang Beach of South Sulawesi. Reduction of sediment transport along the beach was analyzed by calculating reduction coefficient, which is the ratio between the longshore current before and after hitting the permeable groins. The result showed that with 40% of permeability, the groin can reduced longshore sediment transport at Tanjung Bayang Beach for almost 50%; from 341.37x103 m3/year to 170.68x103 m3/year.
Beach Sand Filtrate as an Alternative Gas Fuel Hasdinar Umar
EPI International Journal of Engineering Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Volume 3 Number 2, August 2020
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Engineering Faculty, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/epi-ije.082020.10


The golden age of the oil business in Indonesia is over and now petroleum is even a burden. As oil producing countries prepare themselves to start the second phase of the golden era of oil, Indonesia is heading towards an era of energy crisis (Indirasardjana, 2014). Renewable energy is needed as an alternative to meet the community's fuel needs. Beach sand is one material that can be used to help the biomass gasification process. Small particles of sand are filled into a container and gas is flowed from below and suppresses the flow of each particle which is useful for the biomass decomposition process. When using beach sand, we can also utilize heat energy optimally in coastal areas to make gasification reactions easier. This study aims to examine the groups contained in the TMS (Tetramethylsilan) spectrum of the beach sand filtrate fluid by paying attention to the CH3 compounds which are arranged in TMS. FTIR test results show that the beach sand filtrate fluid gives an illustration that from wavelengths of 3000 to 3500 the sharpness of the amount of nitrogen and hydrogen in the sand beach filtrate liquid solution can be used as ammonia gas (a fuel). Nitrogen and Hydrogan when bound with Hydroxide will form ammonium hydroxide which can function as a fuel (heating).
Potensi Energi Gelombang sebagai Sumber Energi Alternatif di Pulau-Pulau Terluar Wilayah NKRI Sabaruddin Rahman; Achmad Yasir Baeda; Hasdinar Umar
Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring Vol 20 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin

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Ketergantungan terhadap minyak sebagai bahan bakar pembangkit listrik di pulau-pulau terluar wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) sangat terkendala pada pengadaannya. Sehingga potensi energi gelombang yang secara alami tersedia dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengatasi persoalan tersebut. Pada penelitian ini dikaji potensi energi gelombang di beberapa pulau terluar wilayah NKRI. Data gelombang dalam rentang sepuluh tahun terakhir (2006-2015) diperoleh dari hasil prediksi yang dirilis oleh European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Program Fortran digunakan untuk membuat program aplikasi sederhana yang berfungsi dalam pengolahan data tersebut untuk mendapatkan variabel tinggi dan periode gelombang. Variabel tersebut kemudian digunakan dalam penentuan energi gelombang. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa energi gelombang rata-rata per tahun terbesar terjadi di pulau Rondo yang berada pada kisaran 14.05 ~ 14.13 kW/m selama lima belas tahun terakhir selanjutnya diikuti pulau Dana sebesar 10.01 ~ 10.27 kW/m. Sementara energi gelombang di pulau lainnya seperti Berhala, Sebatik, Nipah tidak berpotensi untuk dikembangkan.
Reduksi Angkutan Sedimen Menyusur Pantai Studi Kasus Pantai Glagah, Kulon Progo, Jawa Tengah Hasdinar Umar; Nur Yuwono; Radianta Triatmadja; Nizam Nizam
Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring Vol 20 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin

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Angkutan sedimen menyusur pantai (longshore sediment transport) merupakan sedimen yang bergerak sepanjang pantai akibat arus yang terjadi sepanjang pantai (longshore current). Perhitungan angkutan sedimen menyusur pantai sangat penting karena angkutan sedimen menyusur pantai dapat menimbulkan permasalahan seperti pendangkalan di pelabuhan, erosi dan sedimentasi pantai. Untuk mengendalikan permasalahan yang timbul akibat angkutan sedimen menyusur pantai salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan membangun pelindung pantai berupa struktur groin permeable. Struktur groin permeable dapat digunakan untuk mereduksi besarnya laju angkutan sedimen menyusur pantai, sehingga permasalahan erosi dan sedimentasi yang terjadi dapat diatasi. Reduksi angkutan sedimen menyusur pantai dihitung dengan menggunakan parameter koefisien reduksi yang merupakan perbandingan antara kecepatan arus menyusur pantai sebelum adanya struktur groin permeable dan setelah adanya struktur groin permeable. Perhitungan angkutan sedimen menyusur pantai pada Pantai Glagah jika tanpa struktur groin permeable diperoleh sebesar 343,32.103 m3/tahun, jika pada Pantai Glagah dipasang struktur groin permeable (kerapatan groin 40%) maka diperoleh angkutan sedimen menyusur pantai sebesar 166,36.103 m3/tahun dengan koefisien reduksi sebesar 0,48.
Analisa Ukuran Butiran Sedimen Pantai Desa Aeng Kabupaten Takalar dan Pantai Padongko Kabupaten Barru Hasdinar Umar; Taufiqur Rachman; Sabaruddin Rahman; Chairul Paotonan; Achmad Yasir Baeda; Taufiqurrahman Taufiqurrahman; Ilham Alkhaer
Zona Laut : Jurnal Inovasi Sains Dan Teknologi Kelautan Volume 1, Nomor 1, Edisi Maret 2020
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kelautan Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/zl.v1i1.9653


Beach is an area that is physically subject to change. This change is caused by natural processes and human activities. Physical changes that generally occur on the beach are erosion and sedimentation. The dynamic processes that occur atthe beach are the result of a combination of various forces at work on the beach, which include the force of waves,currents, sedimentary movements, wind and so on. To analyze sediment transport in coastal areas, one of the main thingsthat need to be known is the characteristics of coastal sediments. The study was carried out on beaches prone to erosion and sedimentation, the location of sample data research at several points taken in the area around the Aeng TakalarVillage Beach and Padongko Barru Beach. The analysis carried out is the analysis of the distribution of sediment grainsto determine the characteristics of existing sediments on the beach. The results showed that the sizes of the sediment samples on the beach in Aeng Village, Takalar District were a mixture of fine sand and medium sand which had a diameterof 0.125 mm - 0.5 mm and the size of the sediment grains on the Padongko beach. Kabru was a mixture of fine sand and medium sand which has a diameter of 0.125 - 0.5 mm.
Rancang Bangun Alat Gasifikasi Biomassa Hasdinar Umar; Deni Mulyawan
Zona Laut : Jurnal Inovasi Sains Dan Teknologi Kelautan Volume 2, Nomor 3, Edisi November 2021
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kelautan Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/zl.v2i3.14888


Indonesia as a country which has a very large area and a high population as well as diverse geographical conditions and a dispersed population, still faces challenges in meeting energy for all its inhabitants. Many Indonesians do not have access to fuel and use traditional stoves for cooking. In fact, as we all know, Indonesia has a high potential for clean and renewable energy. The potential of these renewable energy resources can be utilized to create equitable and clean energy access. By looking at the achievement of using clean and renewable energy in Indonesia which is still low while the potential for renewable energy is quite high and widespread, the idea arises to take advantage of local potentials by creating a design of a biomass gasification tool that can be used in areas that do not yet have access to energy. Using simple tools that are easily obtained locally, the researchers designed a biomass gasification device, which will later be tested whether it is capable of producing gas fuel. This research has succeeded in proving that the gasification equipment that is assembled and uses rice husk and beach sand as fuel is able to produce gas for a fire which can later be used by the community, especially in coastal areas.