Wardani Wardani
Antasari State Islamic University Of Banjarmasin

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TEOLOGIA Vol 24, No 1 (2013): Kajian al-Quran dan Hadis
Publisher : TEOLOGIA

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Abstract: The commonly accepted assumption among Muslim scholars is that the abrogation (naskh) theory is regarded as method necessary for interpreting the Qur’ān and for law-making. This article is aimed to explore how it has been used to support ideological interest. At the beginning, some traditions, which are contradictory to each other, ascribed to ‘Alī bin Abī Ṭālib, for instance, which supports the importance of knowledge on naskh should be categorized as unreliable ones. The traditions have been distorted and interpreted in different context to argue for the importance. In wide range of the abuse, the naskh has been used to interpret some ambiguous  verses, such as what Aḥmad Al-Baḥrānī, a Shiite scholar, done to set up his own theological belief. Meanwhile, the Muslim jurists have applied it as a method of making of law decision. ‘Abdullah al-Karkhi (w. 340 H), a Hanafite scholar, for instance, used it to attack against legal opinions of non-Hanafite scholars. Since al-Shafi‘is era till contemporary time, the naskh has been regarded as a method of developing Islamic law, of course, in different contexts and trends. Abstrak: Asumsi umum yang sudah diterima di kalangan sarjana Muslim adalah bahwa teori naskh dianggap sebagai perlu yang perlu untuk menafsirkan al-Quran dan untuk penentuan hukum. Artikel ini dimaksudkan untu meng­ekplorasi bagaimana ia digunakan untuk mendukung ke­penting­an ideologis. Pada mulanya, beberapa hadis, yang saling bertentangan satu sama lain, yang dianggap bersumber dari ‘Al ī bin Abī Ṭālib, misalnya, yang mendukung pentingnya ilmu pengetahuan tentang naskh harus dikategorikan sebagai yang tidak dapat dipercaya. Hadis-hadis yang terdistorsi dan ditafsirkan dalam konteks yang berbeda untuk membuktikan kepentingan tersebut. Dalam deretan penyalahgunaan, naskh digunakan untuk menafsirkan beberapa ayat yang ambigu, seperti yang dilakukan oleh Aḥmadal-Baḥrānī , seorang ulama Syi‘ah, dalam seperangkat kepercayaan teologis. Sementara itu, para ahli hukum telah menerapkan ini sebagai sebuah metode dalam menentukan hukum.‘Abdullah  al-Karkhi (w. 340 H), seorang bermazhab Ḥanafī, misalnya, menggunakannya untuk menyerang pendapat-pendapat hukum dari mazhab-mazhab non- Ḥanaf ī. Sejak era Syāfi’ī hingga masa kontemporer, naskh telah dianggap sebagai sebuah metode membangun hukum Islam, tentu saja, dalam trend dan konteks yang berbeda. Keywords: abrogation(naskh), abrogating verse (nāsikh), abrogated verse  (mansūkh)
KONTROVERSI PENAFSIRAN TENTANG PENCIPTAAN PEREMPUAN DALAM AL-QUR`AN: Analisis terhadap Penafsiran M. Quraish Shihab Wardani, Wardani
Muadalah Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Perempuan dan Kitab Suci
Publisher : IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jsga.v2i2.467


This article analyzes the response of M. Quraish Shihab interpretation on the controversy of sensitive issue in feminism discourse that arises among classical and contemporary Moslem scholars, that is the process of women creation. An interpretation mainstream has been grew among the classical Moslem scholars that women were created from the ribs—a literal interpretation and emphasizes the process of physical events which then has implications for their subordinate position compared to men. Whereas, a metaphor interpretation which emphasizes on the women psychology rather than the actual physical events grows among the contemporary scholars. This study tries to elaborate the interpretation argumentations and to locate the interpretation in the debate arises among classical and contemporary interpretation.
KEKERASAN ATAS NAMA AL-QUR‘AN: Penganuliran Ayat-ayat Damai dengan Ayat Pedang dan Pengaruhnya dalam Formasi Fiqh Jihâd Wardani, Wardani
Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 10, No 2 (2011): Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora IAIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jiu.v10i2.748


Tulisan ini difokuskan berbicara tentang justifikasi kekerasan atas nama kitab suciAlquran, seperti yang pernah melatarbelakangi pemboman di Indonesia, terutamayang dilakukan oleh Imam Samudera. Justifikasi tersebut bertolak dari penganuliran(naskh) luar biasa terhadap keberlakuan ratusan “ayat-ayat damai” yang disebutsebagai “ayat kesabaran, pemberian maaf” atau “ayat rekonsiliasi” dengan hanyasatu atau sedikit ayat yang disebut sebagai “ayat pedang”. Status penganuliran luarbiasa tersebut menjadi kontroversi yang tak berkesudahan di kalangan pakar ilmuilmuAlquran. Para ulama tidak hanya berpolemik dalam mengidentifikasi ayatmana yang disebut sebagai “ayat pedang” dan ada atau tidaknya penganuliran,melainkan juga jumlah ayat damai yang dianulir tersebut yang berkembang secaradramatis dalam sejarah yang panjang. Penganuliran tersebut bertolak dari penafsiranayat-ayat damai secara tidak utuh, seperti pemahaman ayat yang tidak sesuai dengankonteks sesungguhnya dan penganuliran ayat-ayat teologis dan moral yang tidakmungkin teranulir. Penganuliran tersebut berpengaruh besar dalam formasi fiqh jihâd.
Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 14, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora IAIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jiu.v14i1.680


This article is aimed to deal with the development of Islamic philosophy in modern era in many countries, both in the East and the West, in the world commonly, and in Indonesia particularly. Islamic philosophy in this era has grown through four stages. Firstly, at the beginning of 19th century, when the modernization in Muslim countries has been initiated by Jamâl al-Dîn al-Afghânî. Secondly, since 19th until 20th century, when some orientalists among Jews have studied the Islamic philosophy. Thirdly, post-World War II, when the Islamic philosophy has become the concern of the Eastern and Western scholars. Fourthly, the golden age of Islamic philosophy has come, since 20th century hitherto, when the bordes has fused in the sense that both Western and Eastern scholars have collaborated in jointintellectual agenda to study of Islamic philosophy. The Study of Islamic philosophy in Indonesia, in particular, has passed three stages of development; firstly, in 1960-1970s, the stage of consolidation has begun through efforts carried out by Harun Nasution to cultivate rational thought in the mind of Indonesian Moslems; secondly, in 1980-1990s, the stage of institutionalization has begun when the department of theology and philosophy at the Faculty of Ushûl al-Dîn at Syarif Hidayatullah State Institute for Islamic Studies in Jakarta has been initiated in 1982; finally, since 1990 hitherto, the stage of functionalization, when the Islamic philosophy has been studied in Islamic universities, and even functionalized to solve many problems.
Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 13, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora IAIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jiu.v13i1.700


The commonly accepted assumption among Muslim scholars is that the abrogation (naskh)theory is regarded as method necessary for interpreting the Qur‘an and for law-making. This articleis aimed to explore how it has been used and abused to support ideological interest. From thebeginning, some traditions, which are contradictory to each other, ascribed to ‘Alî bin Abî Thâlib,for instance, which supports the importance of knowledge on naskh, falls under unreliable category.The traditions have been distorted and interpreted in different context to argue for its importance.The naskh has been used to interpret some ambigous verses, such as what Ahmad Al-Bahrânî, aShiite scholar, to set up his own theological beliefs. Meanwhile, the Muslim jurists have applied it asa method of making of law decision. ‘Abdullâh al-Karkhî (w. 340 H), a Hanafite scholar, for instance,used it to attack against legal opinions of non-Hanafite scholars. Since al-Shâfi’î‘s era tillcontemporary time, the naskh has been regarded as a method of developing Islamic law, of course,in different contexts and trends.
Tren-tren Pergeseran Pemaknaan Naskh dalam Al-Qur`an : dari Penganuliran ke Penundaan Wardani, Wardani
Tanzil : Jurnal Studi Al-Quran Volume 1 Number 1, October 2015
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Islam Sadra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.639 KB) | DOI: 10.20871/tjsq.v1i1.75


Abstract : This article is aimed to explain trends in Moslem scholars’ understanding on abrogation (naskh) theory. The naskh has been commonly conceived as final abrogation of particular Quranic verse by other one. But, this term has transformed from naskh as final abrogation to postponement (nas’). There have been three trends in understanding the naskh as postponement. First, the concept of postponement does not differ basically from the substance of naskh as final abrogation in the sense that both naskh and nas` have same meaning, as the majority of Moslem scholars said. Second, the nas’ has own meaning which differs from the naskh, but both are regarded as complementary to each other, as argued by al-Zarkasyi, al-Biqa’i, and Ibn Asyur. Third, the idea that the postponement constitutes an alternative to the naskh as final abrogation, so its proponents, such as Muhammad ‘Abduh and Nashr Hamid Abu Zayd rejected the naskh as final abrogation and replaced it by the nas’ as postponement.Keywords : Abrogation (naskh), Postponement (nas’), Replacement (ibdāl) Abstrak : Artikel ini dimaksudkan untuk menjelaskan tren-tren pemahaman para ulama tentang teori naskh. Naskh umumnya dikonsepsi sebagai penganuliran permanen ayat al-Qur’an tertentu dengan ayat lain. Namun, istilah ini kemudian berkembang dari naskh sebagai penganuliran final menjadi penundaan (nas’). Ada tiga tren dalam memahami naskh sebagai penundaan. Pertama, konsep penundaan pada dasarnya tidak berbeda dari substansi naskh sebagai penganuliran final dalam pengertian bahwa naskh dan nas’ memiliki makna yang sama, sebagaimana dinyatakan oleh mayoritas ulama. Kedua, nas’ memi-liki maknanya sendiri yang berbeda dengan naskh, tapi kedua dianggap saling melengkapi, sebagai-mana ditegaskan oleh al-Zarkasyi, al-Biqa’i, dan Ibn Asyur. Ketiga, ide tentang penundaan merupakan sebuah alternatif terhadap naskh sebagai penganuliran final, sehingga para pendukungnya, semisal Muhammad ‘Abduh dan Nashr Hamid Abu Zayd menolak naskh sebagai penganuliran final dan meng-gantinya dengan nas’ sebagai penundaan.Kata-kata kunci : Penganuliran (naskh), Penundaan (nas’), Penggantian (ibdāl)
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 13, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora UIN Antasari Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (553.945 KB) | DOI: 10.18592/jiu.v13i1.700


The commonly accepted assumption among Muslim scholars is that the abrogation (naskh)theory is regarded as method necessary for interpreting the Quran and for law-making. This articleis aimed to explore how it has been used and abused to support ideological interest. From thebeginning, some traditions, which are contradictory to each other, ascribed to Al bin Ab Thlib,for instance, which supports the importance of knowledge on naskh, falls under unreliable category.The traditions have been distorted and interpreted in different context to argue for its importance.The naskh has been used to interpret some ambigous verses, such as what Ahmad Al-Bahrn, aShiite scholar, to set up his own theological beliefs. Meanwhile, the Muslim jurists have applied it asa method of making of law decision. Abdullh al-Karkh (w. 340 H), a Hanafite scholar, for instance,used it to attack against legal opinions of non-Hanafite scholars. Since al-Shfis era tillcontemporary time, the naskh has been regarded as a method of developing Islamic law, of course,in different contexts and trends.
KEKERASAN ATAS NAMA AL-QURAN: Penganuliran Ayat-ayat Damai dengan Ayat Pedang dan Pengaruhnya dalam Formasi Fiqh Jihd Wardani, Wardani
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 10, No 2 (2011): Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora UIN Antasari Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (342.169 KB) | DOI: 10.18592/jiu.v10i2.748


Tulisan ini difokuskan berbicara tentang justifikasi kekerasan atas nama kitab suciAlquran, seperti yang pernah melatarbelakangi pemboman di Indonesia, terutamayang dilakukan oleh Imam Samudera. Justifikasi tersebut bertolak dari penganuliran(naskh) luar biasa terhadap keberlakuan ratusan ayat-ayat damai yang disebutsebagai ayat kesabaran, pemberian maaf atau ayat rekonsiliasi dengan hanyasatu atau sedikit ayat yang disebut sebagai ayat pedang. Status penganuliran luarbiasa tersebut menjadi kontroversi yang tak berkesudahan di kalangan pakar ilmuilmuAlquran. Para ulama tidak hanya berpolemik dalam mengidentifikasi ayatmana yang disebut sebagai ayat pedang dan ada atau tidaknya penganuliran,melainkan juga jumlah ayat damai yang dianulir tersebut yang berkembang secaradramatis dalam sejarah yang panjang. Penganuliran tersebut bertolak dari penafsiranayat-ayat damai secara tidak utuh, seperti pemahaman ayat yang tidak sesuai dengankonteks sesungguhnya dan penganuliran ayat-ayat teologis dan moral yang tidakmungkin teranulir. Penganuliran tersebut berpengaruh besar dalam formasi fiqh jihd.
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 14, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora UIN Antasari Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jiu.v14i1.680


This article is aimed to deal with the development of Islamic philosophy in modern era in many countries, both in theEast and the West, in the world commonly, and in Indonesia particularly. Islamic philosophy in this era has grownthrough four stages. Firstly, at the beginning of 19th century, when the modernization in Muslim countries has beeninitiated by Jaml al-Dn al-Afghn. Secondly, since 19th until 20th century, when some orientalists among Jews havestudied the Islamic philosophy. Thirdly, post-World War II, when the Islamic philosophy has become the concern ofthe Eastern and Western scholars. Fourthly, the golden age of Islamic philosophy has come, since 20th centuryhitherto, when the bordes has fused in the sense that both Western and Eastern scholars have collaborated in jointintellectualagenda to study of Islamic philosophy. The Study of Islamic philosophy in Indonesia, in particular, haspassed three stages of development; firstly, in 1960-1970s, the stage of consolidation has begun through efforts carriedout by Harun Nasution to cultivate rational thought in the mind of Indonesian Moslems; secondly, in 1980-1990s,the stage of institutionalization has begun when the department of theology and philosophy at the Faculty of Ushl al-Dn at Syarif Hidayatullah State Institute for Islamic Studies in Jakarta has been initiated in 1982; finally, since1990 hitherto, the stage of functionalization, when the Islamic philosophy has been studied in Islamic universities, andeven functionalized to solve many problems.
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol 15, No 2 (2016): Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora UIN Antasari Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.004 KB) | DOI: 10.18592/jiiu.v15i2.1290


This article is aimed to describe psychological approaches in the study of religions. Psychology provides many perspectives, such as Feudian psychoanalysis, eventhough it considered religion as pathology, also provided semantic tool to understand inner religious experiences. Another side of psychoanalysis functioned to study the development of children’s religious experiences. Psychology also can be applied to study spiritual awakening, or more precisely, conversion from non-religious into religious experience, or from situation to other one. Trans-personal psychology is more concerned with therapeutic practices, but in the view of Dan Merkur, this kind of psychology should be called as “theology” rather than psychology in true sense of the word.Â