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ANALYSIS OF MAINTENANCE PLANNING C01 CHECK IN AIRBUS A320-214 PK-LUM AT BATAM AERO TECHNIC (BAT) Rika Raudhatul Hazhiyah; Lazuardy Rahendra Pinandhita; Sri Mulyani
Vortex Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (342 KB) | DOI: 10.28989/vortex.v3i1.1178


Maintenance is all activities undertaken to maintain the aircraft, its aircraft components and equipment in an air condition including inspection, repair, servicing, overhaul and part change. To be able to perform maintenance properly, every aircraft is required to have a maintenance program. . Batam Aero Technic (BAT) handles MRO work on Airbus A320-214 aircraft with registration number PK-LUM. By analyzing the results of the aircraft maintenance planning to find out the comparison of the results of the planning with the implementation of maintenance. This can maximize the implementation of future maintenance so as not to interfere with aircraft flight operations at Batam Aero Technic (BAT). Before carrying out the treatment process, you should do the planning in advance to ensure that the treatment process runs in accordance with the planning made. To find out the treatment process is running in accordance with its planning or not, it will be analyzed using a fiishbone diagram. Fishbone diagrams are generally used in the stage of identifying problems and determining the cause of the problem. This treatment planning analsis process includes analysis of C01 check care implementation, evaluation of the implementation of C01 check treatment program, treatment delay solution, and C01 check care planning. Then from the results of the analysis the author obtained the cause of delays that occur in the field that is difficult to control such as the problem of delays in the availability of materials / spare parts where ordering and delivery time is needed. Therefore the authors propose to multiply the estimated manhours by 2.5 as an alternative to the anticipation of delayed completion of treatment. This is done to minimize the occurrence of delays in manhours on the ground. 
Manufacturing Engine Test Bed Dle-55cc Single Cylinder Petrol Siti Iin Infitah Hilmiah; Sri Mulyani; Lazuardy Rahendra P
Vortex Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (481.423 KB) | DOI: 10.28989/vortex.v2i2.1007


The engine test bed is a tool used for testing in the development of new aircraft when it is installed into the aircraft to determine the capabilities of each engine. This engine test bed research aims to meet the needs of the learning process in supporting the practicum. By determining the geometry, modeling, material selection, manufacture, and testing of the engine test bed it will be known that the engine performance is good before use. The method used is a practical and analytical method to analyze the data that has been obtained from the test. The object of research used in this study is a dle-55cc engine. based on the results of testing the results of the thrust that compares with the static value of the thrust calculator, the average difference is obtained. From the results of the comparison of errors on the test equipment, the 22×8 propeller (4.5cm chord) obtained an average error of 4.178%. While the propeller 22×8 (chord 5cm) the error generated is 3.719% and from the value of fuel consumption obtained it produces 588,600-20,708 (N/ this shows a good level of decline, so the engine used is more efficient in its use. From the test results, it can be said that the engine test bed has accuracy and can produce good engine performance to be used as a testing and other learning tool.
Vortex Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28989/vortex.v4i1.1528


Bandar Udara Tanjung Api Ampana merupakan bandara yang cukup tingkat pelayanan terhadap arus penumpang dan barang yang digunakan untuk penerbangan ke berbagai wilayah di kota Ampana – Palu – Makasar. Dengan kebutuhan operasional penerbangan yang padat, kemampuan kapasitas muat pesawat yang diijinkan dan kekuatan runway dalam menerima pembebanan pesawat pada saat takeoff maupun landing. Maka penelitian ini dititik beratkan pada analisa berat operasional pesawat terbang terhadap kemampuan kekuatan runway di Bandar Udara Tanjung Api Ampana dengan menggunakan perhitungan ACN – PCN. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode ACN-PCN serta metode ARFL. Hasil menunjukkan hubungan antara berat take-off pesawat, PCN, serta panjang landasan. Pada analisa maksimum berat operasional yang dibatasi PCN didapatkan nilai maksimum yang diijinkan di Bandara tersebut dengan batasan kekuatan runway sesuai dengan jenis dan tipe pesawatnya. Hasil analisa runway strength didapatkan pada semua jenis dan tipe pesawat sesuai dengan operasional penerbangan di Bandar Udara Tanjung Api Ampana dapat menggunakan nilai maximum takeoff mass yang telah ditetapkan pada Tabel ACN Jeppesen. Dan berdasarkan analisis, panjang runway untuk pesawat ATR 500, CESSNA 208, dan HERCULES C-130 dapat dilayani oleh Bandara Tanjung Api Ampana dengan panjang runway nya. Agar pesawat jenis tersebut dapat take-off dan landing dengan aman.
Pengenalan regulasi penerbangan indonesia pada siswa SMK di Kulon Progo Fajar Khanif Rahmawati; Rindu Alriavindra Funny; Sri Mulyani; Istyawan Priyahapsara Priyahapsara
KACANEGARA Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol 6, No 3 (2023): Agustus
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28989/kacanegara.v6i2.1601


Dikutip dari Travel and Leisure, Badan Transportasi Amerika Serikat (DOT) pada 2015 menyebut bahwa pesawat terbang menjadi moda transportasi yang paling aman dibandingkan dengan jenis transportasi lainnya. Faktor kemanan yang dimiliki oleh pesawat terbang bukanlah sesuatu yang muncul secara kebetulan, akan tetapi merupakan salah satu aspek yang sangat dipertimbangkan bahkan sebelum pesawat tersebut diproduksi. Regulasi mengenai penerbangan telah disusun sedemikian rupa guna mendukung terpenuhinya aspek keselamatan dan keamanan. Untuk terus mendukung terselenggaranya moda transportasi yang aman, maka pemahaman mengenai regulasi penerbangan pada setiap personel yang akan terlibat dalam kegiatan pengoperasian pesawat terbang sangatlah diperlukan. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah membekali siswa SMK di Kulon Progo mengenai regulasi penerbangan di Indonesia. Analisis SWOT terlebih dahulu dilakukan agar materi yang disampaikan dapat dilakukan dengan tepat. Dari hasil penyampaian materi diperoleh hasil bahwa Siswa SMK di Kulon Progo mempunyai dasar pengetahuan tentang regulasi penerbangan di Indonesia.
Green Concept of Kulon Progo Airport Development using UMI Simulation Sri Mulyani; Rianto Rianto; Bangga Dirgantara Adiputra
Compiler Vol 12, No 1 (2023): May
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28989/compiler.v12i1.1654


High energy consumption on the airport becomes a very crucial issue nowadays. Uninterruptable energy supply is required to support airline’s activity and keep the passenger convenience. Regarding the mentioned problem, there is a need to enhance the current plan of the airport with green airport concept. Green airport concept also known as eco-airport is an airport that adopted green and sustainable ecosystem concept to integrate community and environment that lead to reduction of energy consumption. The blueprint of Kulon Progo airport with green concept located in D.I. Yogyakarta, Indonesia has been made and the construction started in the mid of 2016. The airport has a FAR of 0.16 with 637 hectares land area. This study is simulating the plan to assess the energy consumption and CO2 emission in each part of the building in Kulon Progo Airport using Urban Modeling Interface simulator. From the results, it can be seen that the passenger terminal building is responsible for the highest share with 1,351,861.01 Kwh while second floor of ATC building has the highest CO2 emission 2,679.77 kgCO2/m