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JURNAL TEKNOLOGI TECHNOSCIENTIA Technoscientia Vol 4 No 2 Februari 2012
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34151/technoscientia.v4i2.520


Detonation waves are the combustion reaction waves that propagate at supersonic speeds. The phenomenon of detonation waves that have failed due to the diffraction process which can re-initiatited was back into a detonation wave, interesting to understand that this problem related to the safety of hydrogen gas. This study aims to understand of failure mechanisms and re-initiation of detonation wave behind the plate with double orifices 7mm. This experiment use a Detonation Test Pipe (DTP) with 6 meters length, DTP is divided into two parts, namely 1 meter for the driver test pipe and 5 meters to the driven test pipe. Aluminum plate with double orifices diameter of 7 mm and the distance between the orifices 14 mm,10 mm thickness on the driven test at 5 meters distance from the ignition point. Two mechanisms re-initiation behind the detonation wave propagation test models can be classified as follows: (1) Re-initiation detonation by DDT in down stream area. (2) Re-initiation detonation by shock-wall, re-initiation detonation by interaction between wall pipe and shock wave. Quenching detonation (deflagration) observed at initial pressure of 20kPa, while the initial pressure of 30 - 60kPa re-initiation detonation occurred in the presence of DDT process in the downstream. Re-initiation detonation wave due to interaction between shock wave with the inner wall pipe occurs at the initial pressure of 70-100kPa characterized by the formation of fine smaller detona-tion cells. To guaranty to make quenching detonation (deflagration), pressure must be in the low pressure at 20kPa to design detonation arrester.
Co-Authors Aam Maulana Ikhsan Abdillah Habib Al Misbah Abdillah Habib Al’Misbah Abdurrahman Abdurrahman Adhi Kusumastuti Ahmad Athoillah Ahmad Roziqin, Ahmad Ajhi Bangun Priambudi Aldias Bahatmaka Andi Abdullah Ghyferi Andra Andika Putra Ari Dwi Nur Indriawan Ari Dwi Nur Indriawan Musyono Bakti Laksono Bayu Bagas Hapsoro Chusen Ismail Sidiq Dalila Najwallah A’ida Devi Aisa Fitri Dhimas Andy Saputra Dian Refiana Didik Supriadi Dzaky Riyavika Prasetyo Fadhila Fauzia Syahriar Fiqih Abi Mahardika Fiqri Fadillah Fahmi Fitriyana, Deni Fajar Hanif Hidayat Hanif Nurfa'iq Ihza Humam Septavian Imanu Danar Herunandi Imanu Danar Herunandi Iskandar, Ranu Ja'far Faris Nashiruddin Kharis Burhani, Kharis Kriswanto Kriswanto Kriswanto Kriswanto Kriswanto Kriswanto Kriswanto, Kriswanto Luh Putu Ratna Sundari M. Agung Nur Faiz M. Aufa Nabil M. Sadewa Mikadilana Maharudin Wira Pratama Marika Murniati Masugino Mera Kartika Delimayanti Miftakhun Nuril Mohamad Naufal Aditya Muh. Abiyyu Hafizh Muh. Ridwan Prananda Muh. Rizki Ivan Setiawan Muh. Winarno Burhanudin Muhammad Faizal Ardhiansyah Arifin Muhammad Hafidz Akbar Nugroho Muhammad Iqbal Arif Amrulloh Muhammad Saddam Mahasurya Muhammad Syafiulloh Muhammad Yusuf Wibowo Nabila Hasna Fikrianza Nadhiva Qothrunnada Nilna Fauziyah Nugroho Fajar Susanto R. M. Rois Alwidad Rafif Dimas Pratama Ramelan Ramelan Risky Ramadhani Riwan Setiarso, Riwan Rizki Setiadi Rusman Maturidi Samsudin Anis Satria Bayu Segoro Sholikhul Yudha Pratama Sukoco, Imam Tri Wahyu Priyasigit Vio Fadlu Wahyu Danang Eko Saputro Wahyu Nur Dhuha Warsiti Warsiti Yusuf Subagyo