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Model-Model Pembelajaran Vokasional 4Cs Pada Sekolah Menegah Kejuruan Iskandar, Ranu; Sudira, Putu
Lembaran Ilmu Kependidikan Vol 48, No 2 (2019): September
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/lik.v48i2.18570


Penelitian ini merupakan studi literatur dari berbagai sumber yang membahas model Pembelajaran vokasional di SMK. Studi literatur ini meneliti model pembelajaran vokasional di SMK dikaitkan dengan 4Cs. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa pentingnya analisis model pembelajaran yang disesuaikan dengan tujuan pembelajaran berdasarkan kompetensi dasar yang diajarkan. Selain itu, TeFa yang digalakan oleh pemerintah mengahadapi berbagai tantangan sehingga dibutuhkan solusinya. Penelitian berikutnya yang menarik untuk dikembangkan sebagai riset adalah keefektifan masing-masing model pembelajaran yang sudah disesuaikan dengan 4Cs. Selain itu, model pembelajaran vokasional perlu diintegrasikan dengan model pembelajaran vokasional lainnya. This research is a literature study from various sources that discuss vocational learning models in vocational high schools. This literature study examines the vocational learning model in SMK associated with 4Cs. The results of the study show that the importance of analyzing learning models that are adjusted to the learning objectives based on the basic competencies taught. In addition, TeFa which is promoted by the government faces various challenges so a solution is needed. The next research that is interesting to be developed as research is the effectiveness of each learning model that has been adapted to 4Cs. In addition, vocational learning models need to be integrated with other vocational learning models.
Perancangan Prototipe Pendiagnosa Penyakit Jantung Koroner Dengan Metode Backpropagation Ranu Iskandar; Prasetyo Prasetyo; Muhammad Rofiq Banu Alfath; Fatchul Arifin
Lontara Journal of Health Science and Technology  Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Ilmu dan Teknologi Kesehatan
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Politeknik Kesehatan Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53861/lontarariset.v2i1.81


Penyakit jantung koroner adalah suatu kelainan yang disebabkan oleh penghambatan pembuluh arteri yang mengalirkan darah ke otot jantung. Penyakit ini merupakan salah satu penyakit tidak menular yang kerap mengakibatkan kematian secara langsung pada para korbannya. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah merancang sebuah arsitektur jaringan syaraf tiruan menggunakan metode backpropagation yang dapat memprediksi seseorang terkena penyakit jantung koroner dengan input kadar kolesterol, tekanan darah, dan kadar gula darah, dan indeks masa tubuh. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada pembuatan prototipe ini, yaitu: (1) analisa masalah, (2) analisa kebutuhan, (3) studi pustaka, (4) perancangan prototipe, dan (5) pengujian prototipe. Data pasien yang digunakan untuk menguji prototipe sejumlah 20. Hasil menunjukkan model jaringan syaraf tiruan yang digunakan memiliki nilai rata-rata kesalahan sebesar 0,792% dengan 5000 kali training. Prototipe diagnosa penyakit jantung koroner menggunakan backpropagation berjalan berhasil dibangun dengan hasil baik.
The mindfulness aspects in the teaching of culinary art in vocational high school Nur Faizal Adkha; Putu Sudira; Ranu Iskandar
Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi Vol 11, No 2 (2021): June
Publisher : ADGVI & Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v11i2.38402


This study aims to describe the aspects of mindfulness in the teaching of culinary art in vocational high schools. The aspects of mindfulness in the field of teaching consist of novelty, variety, joyfulness, meaningfulness, and alertness in learning. The benefits of mindfulness are related to the competencies in creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking. These competencies are often referred to as the "Four C's" and are considered important competencies in the 21st century. The research variables based on theoretical studies in the fields of education and psychology consist of novelty, variety, joyfulness, meaningfulness, and alertness in learning. The population in this study is productive teachers of the department of culinary art at five vocational high schools in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The specified sample is 30 teachers. The data were collected using a questionnaire. The validity was measured through product-moment testing, and the reliability was measured using the Cronbach alpha model with the SPSS 16.00 program. The data analysis was done using descriptive analysis. The data were analyzed by calculating the ideal score, mean, and standard deviation and by categorizing the data. The results show that the mindfulness aspect of culinary teaching consists of 1.) Novelty, which is in the good category, with a percentage of 53.33%; 2.) Variation, which is in the good category, with a percentage of 66.67%; 3.) Excitement, which is in the very good category, with a percentage of 60%; 4.) Meaningfulness, which is in the very good category, with a percentage of 76.67%; and 5.) Alertness, which is in the very good category, with a percentage of 70%.
Appropriate learning media for mild mentally impaired students at inclusive vocational schools: A literature review Anggie Marsyaelina; Sudiyatno Sudiyatno; Ranu Iskandar
Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi Vol 12, No 1 (2022): February
Publisher : ADGVI & Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v12i1.47717


In inclusive vocational high schools, students with mild mental retardation have limited thinking and communication. This limitation needs to be overcome by teachers with aid. Students with mild mental retardation study using learning media to improve their knowledge. This study aims to determine what learning media are appropriate for mild retarded learners of Inclusive Vocational High School. This study is a literature review of documents. There are four stages in writing this literature review: determining research topics and questions, searching for literature, analyzing literature search results, and writing a literature review. The documents are journals, conference proceedings, books, thesis reports, and website pages on the internet. The number of documents analyzed is 32 documents. Learning media that is suitable for students with mild mental retardation can be seen from 1.) The text: i.e., short readings, common words used, not convoluted, Arial or Tahoma fonts with the size of 14 pt, non-italic sentences and underline, adding an illustration like image or table; 2.) The colors of the media take on the hot colors: i.e., red, orange, and yellow; 3.) The types of tests that can be used: i.e. multiple-choice tests, right-wrong choices, yes-no question, crossword, cause-effect, test descriptions, and essay; 4.) The shape of learning media is 3D; 5.) the types of aromatherapy that can be used: i.e. lavender essence, calm, citrus melablend, and Northwoods blend.
Students’ readiness in following online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic Siti Wakijah; Thomas Sukardi; Putu Sudira; Pramu Pramu; Ranu Iskandar; Rijalul Haq
Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi Vol 13, No 1 (2023): February
Publisher : ADGVI & Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v13i1.52030


The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted various sectors, including the education sector. This study aimed to determine Polbangtan YoMa students’ readiness to follow online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is survey research. The subjects of this study were 158 Polbangtan YoMa students. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. This study results are: (1) the aspects of facilities and infrastructure get the percentage of 66%, meaning that Polbangtan YoMa students are ready to follow the learning from the aspect of  facilities and infrastructure; (2) the technological literacy aspect gets the percentage of 65%; meaning the Polbangtan YoMa students are ready to follow the learning from the aspect of their technological literacy abilities; (3) the quality aspect of online interactions gets the percentage 35%; meaning that Polbangtan YoMa students are not ready to take part in learning from the aspect of online interaction quality capabilities; (4) aspects of the benefits of online learning get the average sroce percentage of 52%, meaning that Polbangtan YoMa students agree that online learning will be helpful; (5) aspects of assistance services get the percentage of 67%, meaning that Polbangtan YoMa students entirely agree that assistance services help in online learning; and (6) aspects of online learning prospects get the average score percentage of 57%, meaning that Polbangtan YoMa students somewhat agree that online learning provides online learning prospects, thus Polbangtan YoMa students are ready to do online learning with an average proportion of 57%. The online learning model used at Polbangtan YoMa is asynchronous learning using e-learning, WhatsApp, and Google Classroom.
Pengembangan Buku Ajar Interaktif Berbasis QR Code dan Short Link pada Mata Kuliah Praktik Kelistrikan Bodi Ranu Iskandar; Rusiyanto Rusiyanto; Rizki Setiadi; , Khoirul Huda; Hanif Hidayat
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 9 No 9 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
Publisher :

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7951787


The body electricity course is a compulsory subject so it is necessary to innovate teaching materials to achieve learning goals. This study aims to (1) determine the validity of interactive textbooks based on qr code and short links in body electricity courses, (2) find out the practicality of using interactive textbooks based on QR code and short links in body electricity courses, and (3) find out the effectiveness of interactive textbooks based on QR codes and short links in body electricity courses. This research is R&D. The model used is 4D but only the define, design, and develop stages are carried out. The questionnaire uses 7 Likert scales. The research instrument proved its validity and reliability. The results of this study indicate that (1) interactive textbooks based on QR code and short links in body electricity courses from material experts while media experts are very valid at 94.63% and 95.39%, (2) interactive textbooks interactive textbooks based on QR code and short links in body electricity courses are very practical by 86.61%, and (3) interactive textbooks based on QR code and short links on body electricity courses are very effective by 86.43%. Based on the results of this study, it can be interpreted that the textbooks developed are feasible to be implemented in learning and disseminated.
Pengecekan Tingkat Similaritas Jawaban ChatGPT pada Prompts Pendidikan Kejuruan Anik Maghfiroh; Ranu Iskandar
Journal of Education and Teaching (JET) Vol 4 No 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51454/jet.v4i3.267


ChatGPT is one of the AIs that really helps humans in answering all questions in various sectors including in the education sector if used wisely. This research aims to describe the answers of chatGPT related to vocational education using turnitin and chatGPT. This research is a descriptive research. There were 10 questions asked. After 1 answer appears, then click the generate response button to get other answers. Each question was taken 3 answers from ChatGPT. The results of turnitin checking were compared with the plagiarism rate table. The checking was done by pasting the answers plus a question ‘is this answer from chatGPT?’. Based on checking using turnitin, it is known that 8 answers have a low similarity index while 2 answers have a medium similarity index. Based on checking using chatGPT itself, it is known that chatGPT knows all the answers from him. Recommendations for further research are that paraphrase can be done using AI tools such as Wordtune and Quillbot. Then the results are checked for similarity index with many plagiarism tools.
Pengembangan Buku Ajar Interaktif Berbasis QR Code dan Short Link pada Mata Kuliah Praktik Kelistrikan Bodi Ranu Iskandar; Rusiyanto Rusiyanto; Rizki Setiadi; Khoirul Huda; Hanif Hidayat
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 9 No 10 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
Publisher :

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7988214


The body electricity course is a compulsory subject so it is necessary to innovate teaching materials to achieve learning goals. This study aims to (1) determine the validity of interactive textbooks based on qr code and short links in body electricity courses, (2) find out the practicality of using interactive textbooks based on QR code and short links in body electricity courses, and (3) find out the effectiveness of interactive textbooks based on QR codes and short links in body electricity courses. This research is R&D. The model used is 4D but only the define, design, and develop stages are carried out. The questionnaire uses 7 Likert scales. The research instrument proved its validity and reliability. The results of this study indicate that (1) interactive textbooks based on QR code and short links in body electricity courses from material experts while media experts are very valid at 94.63% and 95.39%, (2) interactive textbooks interactive textbooks based on QR code and short links in body electricity courses are very practical by 86.61%, and (3) interactive textbooks based on QR code and short links on body electricity courses are very effective by 86.43%. Based on the results of this study, it can be interpreted that the textbooks developed are feasible to be implemented in learning and disseminated.
PELATIHAN SOFTWARE RHINOCEROS DAN MAXSURF UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KOMPETENSI DESAIN 3D PENGRAJIN KAPAL TRADISIONAL DI PESISIR PEKALONGAN Aldias Bahatmaka; Ranu Iskandar; Rizki Setiadi; Deni Fajar Fitriyana; Imanu Danar Herunandi; Rizqi Fitri Naryanto; Hanif Hidayat; Abdurrahman Abdurrahman; Muhammad Yusuf Wibowo; Andi Abdullah Ghyferi; Rafif Dimas Pratama; Fiqri Fadillah Fahmi
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 7, No 3 (2023): September
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v7i3.17220


ABSTRAKKota Pekalongan terletak di pantai utara Jawa Tengah dimana wilayah pesisir utara ini terdapat potensi yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi aset yang berharga bagi bangsa yaitu para pembuat kapal tradisional. Dalam pelaksanaannya, baik tipe ataupun bentuk kapal yang dibangun, berdasarkan pengalaman kapal-kapal yang pernah dibuat sebelumnya, tanpa melalui perhitungan dan penggambaran terlebih dahulu, sehingga dalam beberapa kasus terhadap pesanan kapal yang berbeda bentuknya, maka pengrajin ini akan mengalami kesulitan. Minimnya pengetahuan tentang gambar teknik juga menyebabkan para pengrajin kapal tradisional tidak dapat menggambar lambung kapal mereka. Hal ini menyebabkan perlunya sosialisasi mengenai teknologi perkapalan kepada pengrajin kapal di Kota Pekalongan terutama dibidang rancang bangun (design) dan konstruksi kapal agar terdapat standar baku mengenai konstruksi kapal kayu yang sesuai dengan standar yang ada seperti Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI). Pelatihan dilakukan dengan metode presentasi, demonstrasi, serta praktik langsung. Untuk mengukur pencapaian maka dilakukan pretest dan posttest yang dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan. Hasil kuesioner menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan peserta pelatihan desain kapal. Sebelum dilakukan pelatihan, rata-rata pengetahuan peserta sebesar 26% dalam memahami desain kapal dan 33% dalam memahami analisa tahanan kapal, kemudian mengalami peningkatan menjadi rata-rata sebesar 76% untuk pemahaman desain kapal dan 77% untuk analisa tahanan kapal setelah diberi pelatihan. Kata kunci: desain; pengrajin; kapal kayu; karakteristik kapal ABSTRACTThe city of Pekalongan is located on the north coast of Central Java where there is potential for this northern coastal region to be developed into a valuable asset for the nation, namely traditional shipbuilders. In practice, both the type and shape of the ship built, based on the experience of ships that have been made before, without going through calculations and drawings beforehand, so that in some cases orders for ships with different shapes, these craftsmen will experience difficulties. The lack of knowledge about technical drawings also causes traditional shipbuilders to be unable to draw their hulls. This causes the need for socialization regarding shipping technology to ship craftsmen in Pekalongan City, especially in the field of ship design and construction so that there are standard standards regarding wooden ship construction in accordance with existing standards such as the Indonesian Classification Bureau (BKI). The training is carried out using presentation methods, demonstrations, and hands-on practice. To measure achievement, a questionnaire was filled out before and after the training. The results of the questionnaire showed an increase in the knowledge of ship design training participants. Before the training, the average knowledge of the participants was 26% in understanding ship design and 33% in understanding ship resistance analysis, then increased to an average of 76% for understanding ship design and 77% for ship resistance analysis after being given training. Keywords: design; craftsmen; wooden ships; ship characteristics
Pelatihan Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Tentang Budaya Keris Berbasis Virtual Reality di Sekolah Dasar Rizqi Fitri Naryanto; Mera Kartika Delimayanti; Ranu Iskandar; Didik Supriadi; Imam Sukoco; Aldias Bahatmaka; Warsiti Warsiti
TAAWUN Vol. 3 No. 02 (2023): TA'AWUN AUGUST 2023
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Al-Fattah Siman Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37850/taawun.v3i02.511


The utilization of Virtual Reality (VR) technology for educational purposes, namely in instructing Indonesian culture, particularly the Keris culture, holds significant importance. This is due mainly to the limited dissemination of knowledge on Keris and traditional weaponry inside educational institutions, as they are not currently incorporated into the curriculum. The Universitas Negeri Semarang and Politeknik Negeri Jakarta teams have developed interactive learning media focusing on virtual reality (VR) technology. The primary objective of the virtual reality (VR) application is to provide a comprehensive exploration of Keris culture, intending to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of Indonesia's rich cultural legacy among the younger generation, mainly elementary school pupils. The approach involves offering instructional sessions to students and educators, focusing on utilizing virtual reality (VR) technology as an educational instrument. Training activities were provided at Barusari 02 Elementary School in South Semarang. Considering technological accessibility is crucial to ensuring that all students can access educational materials without obstacles. The findings derived from administering pre- and post-assessments to primary school children indicate that Virtual Reality Technology has the potential to engender greater interest among pupils in acquainting themselves with Indonesian culture. Most participants, above 80%, expressed a strong positive inclination towards utilizing Virtual Reality (VR) Technology to acquire knowledge about various cultural aspects. By providing appropriate support and adopting a comprehensive approach, virtual reality (VR) has the potential to serve as an efficacious instrument for enhancing students' comprehension and admiration of Indonesian culture.
Co-Authors , Khoirul Huda Aam Maulana Ikhsan Abdillah Habib Al Misbah Abdillah Habib Al Misbah Abdillah Habib Al’Misbah Abdurrahman Abdurrahman Ajhi Bangun Priambudi Aldias Bahatmaka Alya Widya Natasya Andi Abdullah Ghyferi Andra Andika Putra Anggie Marsyaelina Anik Maghfiroh Bakti Laksono Cahyo Adin Nugroho Chandra Adi Winarko Chusen Ismail Sidiq Devi Aisa Fitri Dian Refiana Didik Supriadi Dzaky Riyavika Prasetyo Eka Amirudin Eliza Laura Panjaitan Fatchul Arifin Fiqih Abi Mahardika Fiqri Fadillah Fahmi Fitriyana, Deni Fajar Hanalinda Kubrus Arrijah Hanif Hidayat Hanif Nurfa'iq Herdin Bergas Farras Hidayat, Hanif Ibnu Alfarizy Ilham Falah Hamdi Imanu Danar Herunandi Ja'far Faris Nashiruddin Khoirul Huda Khoirul Huda Kriswanto Kriswanto M. Abiyyu Hafizh Harahap M. Agung Nur Faiz M. Aufa Nabil M. Sadewa Mikadilana Mahardika Setya Dharma Maharudin Wira Pratama Mera Kartika Delimayanti Miftakhun Nuril Muh. Abiyyu Hafizh Muh. Ridwan Prananda Muh. Rizki Ivan Setiawan Muh. Winarno Burhanudin Muhammad Akmal Maulana Muhammad Dwi Saputra Muhammad Raihan Firmansyah Muhammad Rizal Saputra Muhammad Rofiq Banu Alfath Muhammad Ryo Suhartian Muhammad Saddam Mahasurya Muhammad Saddam Mahasurya Muhammad Syafiulloh Muhammad Yusuf Wibowo Muhammad Zia Ulhakim Nadhiva Qothrunnada Nugroho Fajar Susanto Nur Faizal Adkha Panggah Bowo Leksono Pramu Pramu Prasetyo Prasetyo Putu Sudira Putu Sudira R. M. Rois Alwidad Rafif Dimas Pratama Rahmat Doni Widodo Rijalul Haq Risky Ramadhani Rizki Setiadi Rizqi Fitri Naryanto Rizqi Fitri Naryanto Rusiyanto Rusiyanto Rusman Maturidi Sarwi Asri Satria Bayu Segoro Sholikhul Yudha Pratama Siti Wakijah Sudiyatno Sudiyatno Sukoco, Imam Thomas Sukardi Tri Wahyu Priyasigit Vio Fadlu Wahyu Nur Dhuha Warsiti Warsiti