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PAI RAFAH Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Jurnal PAI Raden Fatah
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah Dan Keguruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/pairf.v4i2.10200


The Lectora inspire app is an e-learning creation tool that can be used to create advanced materials, featuring unique materials and scenery structures. The Lectora application is the latest learning media that is not yet commonly used in schools, and there are still many schools that have not been able to use it. This study aims to: 1) Know the application of Lectora Inspire-based visual learning media in the subjects of Aqeedah Akhlaq, the material of social morality for class XI teenagers in Madrasahs. Aliyah Aisyiyah Palembang. 2) determine the effectiveness of the visual learning media based on Lectora inspire on students' learning motivation in the subjects of aqidah morals material for the social behavior of teenagers in class XI at Madrasah Aliyah Aisyiyah Palembang. This research includes the type of field research (field research) with a quantitative approach method. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation and questionnaires. The sample of this research is the students of class XI Madrasah Aliyah Aisyiyah Palembang, totaling 13 students. Data analysis using the t-test formula. The results showed that 1) early student learning motivation before the application of Lectora inspire learning media obtained an average score of 57.15 and was classified as "medium" category. 2) students' learning motivation after the application of Lectora inspire learning media experienced an increase in obtaining an average score of 65.15 and classified as "medium" category. 3) Lectora inspire-based learning media is effective in increasing students' learning motivation as seen from the result value of Thit = 5.43 and Tab = 2.58 (with a significant level of 0.05).
THE USE OF INTERNET AS A MEDIUM FOR LEARNING Nyimas Yunierti Prihatin; Muhammad Abrar Parinduri; Siti Hawa Lubis; Halim Purnomo; Jesus Alberto Valero Mata
Tadrib: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Tadrib: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah Dan Keguruan UIN Raden Fatah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/tadrib.v8i2.11665


This study aims to determine the use of the Internet as a learning medium for Islamic Religious Education at SMK Negeri 3 Palembang. The research is descriptive qualitative research using data collection instruments in the form of observation, interview, and documentation. The informants in this study were three Islamic Education teachers, the principal, vice principal, and students in grades X, XI, and XII. Data analysis is done by data reduction, then presenting and finally drawing conclusions from the data that has been obtained. The results showed that the utilization of the internet as a learning medium for Islamic religious education at SMK Negeri 3 Palembang has been going well, this is evidenced by: a). the internet helps facilitate access to Islamic Religious Education subjects, b). The availability of the Internet as a learning resource for Islamic religious education, c). The accuracy of the internet function as a learning resource, and d). The use of the internet can help learning achievement. The supporting factors for the use of the Internet as a learning medium for Islamic Religious Education at SMK Negeri 3 Palembang are: a). Teachers master information technology/computer science, b). Students master the operation of computers, schools provide computer facilities, and also subscribe to internet service providers at PT Telkom, and also provide internet hotspots that can be accessed in classrooms. While the inhibiting factors of using the internet as a learning media for Islamic Religious Education at SMK Negeri 3 Palembang are: a). Computer damage due to virus attacks, b). Internet network links and slow internet access because too many people use it simultaneously.
Pelatihan Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Dan Skripsi Zulhijra Zulhijra; Ermis Suryana; Maryamah; Nyimas Yunierti Prihatin; Angge Sapto Mubharokh; Kgs. Abdul Gamal; Ludiman; Praja Nugraha
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara (JPkMN)
Publisher : Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi (Sisfokomtek)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (516.81 KB)


Penulisan karya ilmiah dan skripsi merupakan bagian penting dari proses pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi. Proses penulisan ini membutuhkan keterampilan dan kemampuan tertentu untuk merumuskan masalah, mengumpulkan data, menganalisis, dan menyajikan temuan. Selain itu, penulisan karya ilmiah dan skripsi juga menjadi indikator keberhasilan mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan program studi. Oleh karena itu, pelatihan dan penulisan karya ilmiah serta skripsi di STAI Raudhatul Ulum Sakatiga Ogan Ilir bertujuan untuk membantu mahasiswa dalam meningkatkan keterampilan akademik mereka. Pelatihan ini akan membantu mahasiswa memahami konsep dasar penulisan karya ilmiah dan skripsi, termasuk teknik penelitian dan penulisan yang benar. Berdasarkan hasil pengabdian yang dilakukan bahwa minat mahasiswa terhadap penulisan karya tulis ilmiah cukup tinggi. Akan tetapi pengetahuan awal mereka tentang karya tulis ilmiah dan metode penulisan masih kurang. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan pelatihan penulisan karya tulis ilmiah ini memang diperlukan guna meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menyusun karya tulis ilmiah dan meskipun salah satu matakuliah di STAI Raudhatul Ulum Sakatiga Indralaya adalah matakuliah Metodologi Penelitian sebagai matakuliah pendukung bagi mahasiswa dalam menyusun karya tulis ilmiah. Akan tetapi, masih banyak mahasiswa merasa kesulitan untuk menulis karya. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan pelatihan penulisan karya tulis ilmiah ini dapat dijadikan sebagai kegiatan pendamping matakuliah Metodologi Penelitian. Sehingga, pelatihan penulisan karya tulis ilmiah dapat dijadikan sebagai kegiatan berkelanjutan. Selain itu, saat ini telah tersedia beragam software penulisan rujukan karya tulis ilmiah. Oleh karena perlu diadakan pelatihan penggunaan software manajemen rujukan agar penulisan rujukan menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien.