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Identifikasi Pengetahuan Mahasiswa Teknik Industri Terhadap Implementasi Program MBKM dengan Pendekatan Analytical Network Process Nunung Nurhasanah; Budi Aribowo; Aprilia Tri Purwandari; Dicky Sumantri; Sopian Maulana; Moza Aisyah Yasmin; Raghdawulan Raghdawulan; Cut Shity
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v7i2.1016


Outcome based education is the basis of thinking for the Industrial Engineering Department Program, Al-Azhar University, Indonesia in formulating graduate profiles. Determination of the graduate profile is an important education program so that this study program tries to accommodate the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program as an alternative learning media that is beneficial for students. This study aims to identify students' knowledge of the implementation of the MBKM program. This study uses an analytical network process approach to rank 5 questions that are the focus of students' attention in implementing the MBKM program. In addition, a descriptive analysis was also conducted on the survey results based on the five priority survey questions. In general, based on the survey, it can be said that the MBKM program has its own charm for students to develop their competencies, skills, and soft skills as a provision for future graduates. In addition, students think that the MBKM program has significant benefits in improving students' abilities. This research is still limited in processing the questionnaire manually. Future research can be continued to carry out data mining on the results of an in-depth student survey. This research has the opportunity to be developed in terms of situational analysis of the MBKM program through the Soft system methodology (SSM) approach. The situational analysis carried out will produce activities that can be carried out for continuous improvement. Keywords – Analytical network process, Decision analysis, Industrial engineering department, Outcome based education, Survey
Perancangan Filament Extruder pada Mesin Pengolah Sampah Plastik Terintegrasi “Creatics” Menggunakan Metode TRIZ dan AHP Aprilia Tri Purwandari; Dicky Sumantri; Niken Parwati; Ahmad Juang Pratama
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v7i2.1041


3D printer technology is being widely used in various manufacturing industries. 3D printers can produce three-dimensional products made of plastic sheets with a certain diameter called filaments. 3D printer filaments that are widely used are made of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) plastic. The purpose of this research is to develop a Creatics plastic waste processing machine to produce products in the form of filaments that can be used as materials in 3D printers, so that they have more economic value and are environmentally friendly. Creatics machine is an integrated plastic waste processing machine that converts plastic waste into recycled products. In this study, the Teorija Rezhenija Izobretatelskih Zadach (TRIZ) method is used as a product development method to determine product specifications that are able to generate new ideas by eliminating contradictions and using innovative principles that can produce creative solutions. In the process of selecting alternative concepts, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) decision-making method is used. The results obtained by the TRIZ method are important parameters and need to be prioritized in designing a filament extruder, namely product reliability, energy use from moving objects, and product strength. The product design chosen based on the AHP method is a filament extruder made of stainless steel to be resistant to rust and utilizes the fan in the filament cooling process.Keywords - AHP method, Creatics machine, Filament extruder, Plastics waste, TRIZ method
Pengembangan Produk Tempat Sampah Penghancur Plastik Berbasis Green Technology Deyorizky Setyo Nugroho; Farra Nabila Murti; Max Dewar Rivero; Muhammad Noviandy; Siti Nurlelyza Trisaid; Aprilia Tri Purwandari; Seto Bayu Ismoyo; Niken Parwati
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v4i4.306


Abstrak – Inovasi merupakan aspek kunci yang mendorong suatu perusahaan semakin berkembang dan tetap bertahan dalam ketatnya persaingan di pasar. Seiringan dengan perkembangan teknologi yang revolusioner, menimbulkan adanya kebutuhan akan produk-produk dengan kemampuan yang mutakhir, oleh karena itu dibutuhan pola pikir yang kreatif dan berorientasi pada kreativitas bagi para perusahaan untuk tetap mempertahankan kedudukannya di persaingan pasar. Dalam upaya menghasilkan produk yang inovatif dan berkualitas tinggi, diperlukan perencanaan dan pengembangan produk yang komprehensif, selain itu juga diharapkan memiliki manfaat yang berkelanjutan dan bermanfaat bagi kelestarian lingkungan. Salah satu orientasi yang ditujukan pada perusahaan saat ini ialah mengembangkan Green Technology yang merujuk pada pembangunan dan aplikasi produk, peralatan serta sistem untuk memelihara alam sekitar dan meminimumkan dampak kerusakan lingkungan yang diakibatkan oleh manusia. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan perencanaan dan pengembangan produk tempat sampah penghancur plastik ramah lingkungan bertenaga mekanik, dengan sensor elektrik yang mampu mendeteksi ketinggian sampah agar tidak menumpuk. Alur penelitian dilakukan mulai dari pencarian dan pengumpulan ide produk, penyaringan ide produk yang feasible dan berpotensi menguntungkan, pembuatan prototipe produk, hingga analisis ekonomi dari produk yang akan dikembangkan. Tempat sampah penghancur sampah yang ramah lingkungan ini diberi nama Trade (Trash Destroyer).Abstract - Innovation is a key aspect that encourages a company to grow and stay afloat in the tight competition in the market. In tandem with revolutionary technological developments, there is a need for products with cutting edge capabilities, therefore a creative, creativity-oriented mindset is required for companies to maintain their position in the marketplace. To be able to produce innovative and high quality products, comprehensive product planning and development is required, but it is also expected to have sustainable and beneficial benefits for environmental sustainability. One of the orientations aimed at companies today is to develop Green Technology which refers to the development and application of products, equipment and systems to maintain the natural surroundings and nature and minimize or minimize negative impressions rather than human activities. This study carries out the planning and development of an environmentally friendly, mechanical-powered, plastic crushing trash bin that is equipped with electric sensors which is capable of detecting the height of waste to prevent trash accumulation. The flow of research is carried out starting from the search and collection of product ideas, filtering feasible and potentially profitable product ideas, making product prototypes, to economic analysis of the products to be developed. This environmentally friendly trash dumpster is named Trade (Trash Destroyer).Keywords - Green Technology, Planning and Development, Trade
Pembuatan Building Blocks Dengan Mesin” CREATICS” Menggunakan Metode Design Thinking Aria Prima Jayakusuma; Niken Parwati; Widya Nurcahayanty Tanjung; Aprilia Tri Purwandari
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v7i1.843


This research was conducted to help solve the problem of environmental pollution resulting from excessive use of plastik and the use of wood as a raw material for production. In addition, the development of creatics 2.0 products to create new products that are of interest to consumers. In this study, the manufacture of product types will be made based on a questionnaire given to 30 respondents to provide input regarding the type and reasons for making the product, which is then concluded to be a decision for the final product to be made. After knowing the type of product to be produced, the design thinking method is used to collect the wishes and opinions of users regarding similar products to find out consumer needs. Design thinking goes through 5 stages of the work process, namely empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. The design thinking process is a product development process that prioritizes consumer needs. And from data collection and processing, it can be concluded that the desired product is a furniture product that is flexible, lightweight, waterproof, strong, weather-resistant, and easy to store. In addition, plastik molds are also needed in the manufacturing process, the required mold specifications are plastik molds that can be integrated with the creatics machine so there is no need for refutation, and plastik molds that can withstand the heat of the melted plastik until the molding process is complete.Keywords – Product development, Plastik recycle, Design thinking
Perancangan SOP dan Tata Letak Lantai Produksi Pada LCC Respira V.01 PAPR (Powered Air Purifying Respirator) Melati Nur Affiyanti; Aprilia Tri Purwandari; Ahmad Juang Pratama
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v6i1.655


The production process of a tool is very important in a manufacturing company, especially in producing medical equipment. The use of medical masks by health workers in handling COVID-19 patients for hours will make medical personnel uncomfortable when wearing them, one of which is congestion. Therefore, the LCC RESPIRA V.01 PAPR (Powered Air Purifying Respirator) was produced, designed by Mr. Ahmad Juang Pratama, who is a lecturer at Al Azhar University Indonesia. In the production of LCC RESPIRA V.01, a standardization of the production process is needed, so that the reliability of the product can be guaranteed. For this reason, the design of the SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) and the layout of the production floor are carried out in the production process of the LCC RESPIRA V.01 tool. The results of this study include the design of a production SOP in which several departments take part in it, namely team leader, head of the production, production operator, research and development department, head of the warehouse, and quality control department. Besides, a production floor layout design is obtained, where the total production floor area is 8.2 x 6.0 m2 with manual and trolley material handling types.Keywords – Covid-19, Layout production floor, Medical equipment, Standard operational procedure