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Marketing Analysis of Catch Resuts Snakehead Fish Central Muning Village, Daha Selatan Sub-District, Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency of South Kalimantan Tri Dekayanti; Rina Mustika; Hairi Hairi
TROPICAL WETLAND JOURNAL Vol 6 No 2 (2020): Tropical Wetland Journal
Publisher : Postgraduate Program - Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM Press Academic)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/twj.v6i2.81


This study aims to: 1). Analyzing the marketing channels of the Snakehead fish (Channa striata) catch in Central Muning Village. 2). Analyzing the potential margins of the Snakehead Fish (Channa striata) business in Central Muning Village. 3). Analyzing the part (share) price received by catching Snakehead in Central Muning Village. 4). Analyzing the feasibility of Snakehead fishing in Central Muning Village and the business feasibility of the marketing actors. The method of data collection is done by observation and interviews. The sample in this study was determined by purposive sampling method. Sampling is done by two methods: Census Sampling and Snowball Sampling. This research was conducted in the Central Muning Village, Daha Selatan Sub-district, Hulu Sungai Selatan District. The results of this study indicate that the Snakehead fish marketing system in Central Muning Village from the producer level to the final consumer level generally has 2 marketing channel patterns. Snakehead fish marketing margin in Central Muning Village in the marketing pattern I was Rp. 4000, - while the marketing margin in the marketing pattern II for collecting traders is Rp. 2000, - and for retailers Rp. 3000, -. The share value received by fishermen caught is 90%. Looking from the business feasibility analysis carried out, the business of catching Snakehead Fish in the village of Central Muning is feasible to continue.
KINERJA DAN PROSPEK USAHA PEMBENIHAN IKAN PAPUYU (Anabas testudineus) DI KALIMANTAN SELATAN Rina Mustika; Leila Aryani Sofia; Erma Agusliani; Muhammad Muhammad
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan Vol 15, No 1 (2020): Juni 2020
Publisher : Balai Besar Riset Sosial Eonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (550.27 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/jsekp.v15i1.7674


Pemenuhan ketersediaan ikan papuyu untuk konsumsi masih mengandalkan hasil tangkapan, oleh karena itu saat ini dikembangkan usaha budi daya ikan papuyu untuk pemenuhan ketersediaankonsumsi selain dari hasil tangkapan. Budi daya ikan papuyu perlu didukung oleh pemenuhan benih yang berkualitas dari segi teknis dan ekonomis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui jumlah permintaan aktual dan prediksipermintaan benih ikan papuyu pada 5 tahun ke depan, profit usaha pembenihan ikan papuyu dan mengetahui daerah serta sistem pemasaran benih ikan papuyu. Lokasi penelitian ditetapkan secara purposive di balai pembenihan ikan di 4 Kabupaten di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Pengambilan data primer dilakukan dengan metode survei dengan teknik wawancara yang dibantu panduan pertanyaan terstruktur. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif, analisis tren eksponensial, analisis profit dan Revenue Cost Ratio (RC-Ratio) serta analisis sistem dan saluran pemasaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa total permintaan benih papuyu pada tahun 2018 diperkirakan mencapai 996.168 ekor, dan dalam periode 5 tahun ke depan permintaan benih diperkirakan akan terus meningkatkan hingga mencapai 7.081.448 ekor; keuntungan usaha pembenihan ikan papuyu sebesar Rp28.758.233,67. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan RC-Ratio sebesar 2,49, nilai Payback Period 0,71 tahun dan Break Event Point (BEP) produksi sebesar 64.139 ekor dan BEP harga sebesar Rp120,26 maka usaha pembenihan ikan papuyu dinyatakan menguntungkan dan layak untuk dikembangkan. Daerah pemasaran benih ikan papuyu yang disuplai dari balai benih ikan dari kabupatenkabupaten di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan meliputi wilayah Kalimantan Selatan dan Kalimatan Tengah. Sistem pemasaran yang digunakan adalah sistem pemasaran langsung dari balai benih ke konsumen (pembudidaya ikan papuyu).Title: Business Performance and Prospect of Papuyu Fish Hatchery(Anabas testudineus) in South Kalimantan The Papuyu demand for consumption has been depended on fish caught. This condition lead to the development of papuyu fish farming business to meet the consumption need other than wild caught. Papuyu fish farming should be necessarily supported by technical and economical quality of the seeds. This research aimed to estimate the actual demand as well as to forecast the future demand of papuyu seeds, especially in the next 5 years. In addition, this study would also analyse the business profit, areaof hatchery unit, and marketing system of papuyu fish. Research area was purposely selected at the fish hatchery in 4 districts in South Kalimantan Province. Primary data were collected through survey methodwith structured questionnaires interviews. Descriptive analysis, exponential trend analysis, profit analysis and RCR, and system and marketing channels analysis were used in the study. The results described the total demand for papuyu seeds in 2018 is estimated to reach 996,168, while in the next 5 years the demand for the seeds is expected to increase to 7,081,448  fingerlings, and The profit of the papuyu fish hatchery is Idr 28,758,233.67. The RC ratio of 2.49 the value of the Payback Period is 0.71 year the Break Event Point (BEP) of production is 64,139 fingerlings and BEP price is Idr 120.26 per fingerling. Therefore, the business of papuyu fish hatchery is claimed to be profitable and feasible. The marketing areas of papuyu fish seeds produced by the fish hatchery units in 4 districs in South Kalimantan Province covering South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan directly from the hatchery centers to consumers (papuyu fish farmers).
EnviroScienteae Vol 10, No 1 (2014): EnviroScienteae Volume 10 Nomor 1, April 2014
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/es.v10i1.1959


Salah satu kegiatan ekonomi berbasis sumberdaya hayati pada sektor perikanan adalah kegiatan budidaya ikan.  Tetapi dengan keterbatasan lahan yang dimiliki dan untuk memanfaatkan lahan pekarangan supaya bernilai produktif maka masyarakat Banjarbaru banyak mengusahakan budidaya ikan lele di kolam terpal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis layak atau tidaknya usaha budidaya ikan lele di kolam terpal; (2) menganalisis pengaruh perubahan harga input terhadap usaha budidaya ikan lele di kolam terpal; (3) mengetahui permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh pelaku usaha budidaya  ikan lele di kolam terpal di Kotamadya Banjarbaru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dan wawancara. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Lokasi sampel ditentukan secara sengaja (purposive), yakni Kotamadya Banjarbaru. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap petani ikan  yang aktif mengelola kegiatan usaha budidaya  ikan lele di kolam terpal, yakni sebanyak 200 petani ikan.  Penetapan jumlah sampel dilakukan secara random mengingat populasi yang homogen. Analisis data untuk menjawab tujuan pertama, yakni menganalisis kelayakan investasi usaha budidaya ikan lele di kolam terpal , digunakan perhitungan pada kriteria investasi yang meliputi Net Present Value (NPV), Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net BCR), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) dan Payback Period.   Untuk menjawab tujuan kedua dilakukan pengujian terhadap hasil kelayakan usaha pada metode di atas dengan mempertimbangkan adanya kenaikan harga pakan. Selanjutnya untuk menjawab tujuan ketiga, yakni mengetahui permasalahan yang dihadapi pelaku usaha budidaya ikan lele di kolam terpal, digunakan analisis deskriptif dengan cara mengkaji data-data primer/sekunder dan selanjutnya memaparkannya secara tertulis. Hasil analisis kelayakan usaha diperoleh nilai NPV 12% sebesar Rp 96.600,081 > 0, nilai B/C 12% = 2,089 > 1 dan nilai IRR = ~ (tidak terhingga)  > dari tingkat bunga berlaku. Dari hasil kelayakan usaha menunjukkan usaha budidaya ikan lele dalam kolam terpal layak untuk diusahakan lebih lanjut.  Hasil analisis sensitifitas terhadap kenaikan harga input dalam hal ini pakan ikan meningkat 20%, diperoleh nilai NPV 12% sebesar Rp 87.611,919 > 0, nilai B/C 12% = 1,86 > 1 dan nilai IRR = ~ (tidak terhingga)  > dari tingkat bunga berlaku. Dari hasil analisis sensitifitas menunjukkan walaupun ada kenaikan pakan sebesar 20% usaha budidaya ikan dalam kolam terpal tetap layak untuk diusahakan.  Permasalahan yang ada pada petani ikan lele dalam kolam terpal adalah: mahalnya harga pakan ikan, rendahnya harga jual ikan, terbatasnya modal usaha, sifat kanibal dari ikan lele dan biaya pergantian terpal  yang dilakukan setiap tahun.  Struktur  pasar ikan lele adalah struktur pasar persaingan tidak sempurna (struktur pasar oligopoli).
EnviroScienteae Vol 12, No 2 (2016): EnviroScienteae Volume 12 Nomor 2, Agustus 2016
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/es.v12i2.1682


The aim of this study was to analyze the advantages mackerel fish cracker business, analyze the feasibility crackers mackerel, and analyze business opportunities in the district crackers mackerel North Sea island of Kotabaru district. This study was carried out in the district of Sea Island Utara Kabupaten Kotabaru. This study took place starting in February 2015 until April 2015, ranging from consulting research proposal, the conduct of research, data collection and data analysis to preparing reports. Research conducted purposively (intentionally) by the consideration that the districts are one of the industrial center's mackerel Fish Crackers manufacture of household scale. In the District of North Sea island amounted to 6 industrialists mackerel fish crackers. Data analysis included analysis of profits, business feasibility analysis, and analysis of business opportunities. The results showed a mackerel fish cracker processing business households in the district-scale North Sea island Kotabaru District profitable. By using the analytical calculation of the advantage of total revenues minus total expenses results are favorable. Mackerel fish cracker processing business household scale in the District of North Sea island of Kotabaru district eligible to try for. Feasibility test results were analyzed by calculating the NPV at the time 12%, Net BCR 12% and 12.45% IRR at the time showed that mackerel fish cracker processing business households in the district-scale North Sea island of Kotabaru district deserve to be developed and expanded. Mackerel fish cracker processing business households in the district-scale North Sea island of Kotabaru district has a very bright business opportunity in the past to the future. It is seen from a greater demand from consumers is about 7000 packs of offers from manufacturers about 5000 packs. Seen when the price of mackerel increased market demand was still high. Judging also from the many days and they produce fish crackers in a month and always sold out.
ZONASI TINGKAT KERENTANAN BANJIR DI KOTA BANJARBARU KALIMANTAN SELATAN Enu Bahtiar Setiawan; Fadly Hairannoor Yusran; Fakhrur Razie; Rina Mustika
EnviroScienteae Vol 11, No 3 (2015): EnviroScienteae Volume 11 Nomor 3, November 2015
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (781.935 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/es.v11i3.1102


Zoning   Level  of Flood Susceptibility   in Banjarbaru City, South Kalimantan. This research aims to formulate  the control guide line  of flood susceptibility  in Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan   Province.  The goal is ac hieved through thest ages of study as follows:  1. Analyzing the characteristics  of Banjarbaru  City consisting of a) the use of land; b) rain fall; c) physical characteristics  of land (infiltration); and d) on steepness,  2.  Conducting  the zoning level of flood susceptibility  in Banjarbaru  City, and 3.Producing a chart of flood susceptibility for Banjarbaru  City. This research applies descriptive   method that consists of data gathering,  data processing  and data analysis. Determining  the high suspectibility  of flood  is done by weighting  indicators  of flood through  the closing   of land, the rain intensity,  the physical  characteristics   of  land (infiltration),  and the tilt of slope. uper weighting, classification  of flood  susceptibility  is carried out. Thecategory of level is done by multiplying  variable values with the variable weight.    Of fload  susceptibilityis divided  into four  categories: very fragile, ,fragile,  somewhat  fragile,  and not fragile. This research results flood  susceptibility  zoning level that aims to identify the areas that are fragile  to flood,  so this region can be analysed to prevent  and handle flood. Based on the result of data collection ,data processing  and data analysis, it can be  concluded   that:  1) based  on  the  results   of  the  analysis   toward   the flood susceptibility  variable,  it  can be concluded  that the cause of flood  susceptibility  in Banjarbaru  City is the change in the landuse because it has great weight beside the topography  of the area. Banjarbaru  City also has the tilt tendency  to beflat (0-8%), so the water from a higher place then will gather in this area. 2) Based on flood susceptibility  zoning level in Banjarbaru  City ,it is discovered  that an area of 16,810 hectares  or 51% of Banjarbaru  City's  width is located  in the level of somewhat fragile,  then an area of 13,118 hectares or 40% is not fragile  and 3,156 hectares or 9% is fragile to flood. 3) The chart of fload  susceptibility  in Banjarbaru  City has shown that almost all parts of areas in Banjarbaru  City are zones with high flood  susceptibility level with the criteria of not fragile ,somewhat fragile and fragile.
Peningkatan Manajemen Usaha Pada Pembenihan Ikan ‘Kolam As Syifa’ Cindai Alus Emmy Sri Mahreda; Rina Mustika; Irma Febrianty; Lindawati Lindawati; Pajar Pardian
Jurnal Pengabdian ILUNG (Inovasi Lahan Basah Unggul) Vol 1, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1411.805 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/ilung.v1i2.4060


AbstractThe purpose of the community partnership program activities: improving business management through bookkeeping and report training (logbooks, cash books, inventory, and balance sheets) and increase knowledge to assess business viability through profit analysis training,  Cost-Revenue Ratio, Payment Period, and Break-Even Point. The methods applied are 1. the stage of the situation and condition of the partners, 2. the stage of preparation of all materials and materials for training activities, 3. the stage of counseling and management training (training on preparing and presenting reports), analytical training according to final needs, and 4. the stage of evaluation. Community partnership program activities to improve business management for hatcheries at the As Syifa Pond Business provide increased understanding and skills of fish breeders about professional business management through increasing ability in compiling simple financial reports/bookkeeping and in analyzing business financially. This increase in understanding and skills is not only felt for current operations but also business development in the future.Keywords: management, business, bookkeeping, feasibility, As Syifa  Abstrak Tujuan kegiatan PKM adalah: perbaikan manajemen usaha melalui pelatihan penyusunan pembukuan dan laporan keuangan (log book, buku kas, buku persediaan dan neraca) dan meningkatkan pengetahuan untuk menilai kelayakan usaha melalui pelatihan menganalisis keuntungan, Revenue Cost Ratio, Payback Period dan Break Even Point. Metode kegiatan yang diterapkan adalah: 1. tahap analisis situasi dan kondisi mitra, 2.  tahap persiapan semua bahan dan materi untuk kegiatan pelatihan, 3. tahap penyuluhan dan pelatihan manajemen usaha (pelatihan pembuatan dan penyajian laporan keuangan), pelatihan menganalisis kelayakan usaha secara finasial, dan 4. tahap evaluasi PKM. Kegiatan PKM perbaikan manajemen usaha terhadap pembenih ikan pada Usaha Kolam As Syifa memberikan peningkatan pemahaman dan keterampilan pembenih ikan tentang manajemen usaha yang profesional  melalui peningkatan kemampuan dalam menyusun laporan keuangan/pembukuan sederhana dan dalam menganalisis kelayakan usaha secara finansial.  Peningkatan pemahaman dan keterampilan ini bukan hanya dirasakan untuk operasional saat ini, tetapi juga untuk pengembangan usaha di masa depan.Kata kunci: manajemen, usaha, pembukuan, kelayakan, As Syifa
Pembinaan Manajemen Usaha Pembudidaya Ikan Papuyu (Anabas Testudineus) pada Pokdakan Waringin Baru Rina Mustika; Irma Febrianty
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia Vol 4, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/jpm.v4i2.684


Masyarakat desa Walatung sudah mengembangkan usaha budidaya ikan papuyu dengan kelompok pembudidaya ikan (POKDAKAN) “Waringin Baru”. Namun demikian, usaha pembudidayaan ini masih sangat tradisional tanpa adanya sentuhan teknologi dan manajemen usaha yang dijalankan masih secara kekeluargaan. Modal untuk usaha sangat kurang karena hanya bersumber dari modal sendiri. Anggota pokdakan tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk menyusun laporan keuangan yang merupakan syarat di dalam proposal pengajuan pinjaman ke lembaga keuangan. Dengan kondisi seperti ini, diperlukan suatu pembinaan manajemen usaha khususnya pelatihan cara penyusunan laporan keuangan sederhana sehingga mereka dapat berkembang. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan PKM antara lain pelatihan berupa penyuluhan dan pembimbingan manajemen usaha. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan meliputi: 1. pelatihan pembuatan buku pengeluaran, 2. pelatihan pembuatan buku pendapatan, 3. pelatihan pembuatan buku arus kas, 4. pelatihan pembuatan buku laba rugi. Hasil kegiatan pembinaan manajemen usaha terhadap petani ikan pada Pokdakan Waringin Baru memberikan peningkatan pemahaman dan keterampilan petani ikan tentang manajemen usaha yang profesional dan peningkatan kemampuan dalam menyusun laporan keuangan/pembukuan sederhana sebagai bekal penyusunan proposal untuk dapat mengajukan pinjaman modal ke lembaga keuangan.Kata Kunci - Manajemen usaha, Papuyu, Pokdakan 
Profitability In Fish Breeding Business: A Case Study Of As-Syifa Pond Fisheries Business Rina Mustika
Enrichment : Journal of Management Vol. 12 No. 2 (2022): Management Science and Field
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (759.069 KB) | DOI: 10.35335/enrichment.v12i2.439


As-Syifa Pond Fishery Business is located in Banjar Regency. It is engaged in a fish hatchery to help meet the needs of fish seed in South Kalimantan, which so far relies mainly on fish seed from the island of Java. This study aims to examine the profitability of a fish hatchery business in more depth. The research method used is a case study on the As-Syifa Pond fishery business. The data collected includes primary data and secondary data. The data obtained were then processed and analyzed descriptively, qualitatively, and descriptively quantitatively. The analysis used to answer the profitability of the fish hatchery business is Profit analysis, Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C) analysis, Break-Even Point (BEP) analysis, and Payback Period (PP) analysis. The results showed that the fish hatchery business in the As-Syifa Pond Fisheries Business was profitable and feasible to develop, so this business could be a model for other fish farmers to do fish hatchery business can also increase income and welfare for the community.
Fish Scientiae Vol 3 No 1 (2013): Issue June-Fish Scientiae Journal
Publisher : Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Lambung Mangkurat University-South Kalimantan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (258.667 KB)


Muara Kintap village in Kintap District Kabupaten Tanah Laut is a centralarea of salted dried mackerel processing and becoming famous in South Kalimantan. The salted dried mackerel fish produced in Muara Kintap village is better quality compared with the mackerel fish produced in another villages distributed in South Kalimantan. The mackerel fish is directly handled by salted anddried on vessel after caught on sea. This purposes from research are to know benefit,feasibility, sensitivity fluctuation price, variation price, and marketing chanell frombusiness analysis of salted dried mackerel while research method used is census.Salted dried mackerel fish processing is becoming an advantagous business in the Muara Kintap village becaused total revenue is greater than total cost, and wellabove the BEP during and in out of the fishing seasons. Based on the analysis of thefeasibility of the NPV at 13% = 82.088.266 Net BCR 13% = 1,148, and IRR =15,3%, the salted dried mackerel fish processing business is worth to the effort.Likewise when not in season the NPV 13% = 132.237.410, Net BCR 13% =1,277, and IRR = 16,7%. It can be said that the salted dried mackerel fish business is more feasible in out of the season. The results of sensitivity analysis with an increase of 25% diesel and 50% salt for processing is sensitive to the time of the season while at no season is not sensitive to the increase in input prices. The average saleprice fluctuation of salted dried mackerel fish in the village Muara Kintap between atthe season and when out of the season of 48,09%, and variation price the season Rp42.000,00 – Rp 48.000,00 while at no season Rp 64.000,00 – Rp 68.000,00. There are two marketing channels of salted dried mackerel fish in the Muara Kintap inclouding:- Fishermen Collecting - Fishermen-Collecting-Consumen
Fish Scientiae Vol 5 No 1 (2015): Issue June-Fish Scientiae Journal
Publisher : Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Lambung Mangkurat University-South Kalimantan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (51.048 KB)


There are problems happening in the marketing system of fresh catfish in Cindai Alus in which the profits received by merchants or middlemen are higher than retailers.The share or benefits received by fish farmers in Cindai Alus are higher than merchants and retailers. This share is as the selling price of fresh catfish from the farmers to the collectors and then to be sold again to the retailers, and finally to the consumers with a higher price.This study is aimed at finding out the marketing channels of fresh fish, especially catfish (Pangasius sp) in Cindai Alus area, finding out the marketing agents either as producers or consumers, determining the differences in the marginal level of marketing and profitability of each agents as well as factors affecting the margin, finding out the share price received by the producers from the consumers price in different marketing channels, and finding out the structure, behavior and market performance of catfish (Pangasius sp) in Cindai Alus.This study applied survey and interview as methods of data analysis. The data collected included primary data, i.e. data from the fish farmer the main source which obtained through a structured interview (with questionnaire), as well as secondary data obtained from various sources, such as the results from other research, literature study and information from related institutions relevant to the study.The results showed that the pattern of marketing channels of fresh catfish (Pangasius sp) from the farmers to the final consumers in Cindai Alus consists of 4 patterns and marketing participants consist of manufacturers, merchants from local orfrom other regions, and retailers. In addition, the share percentage received by the fish farmers are efficient by 87.26%, and the marketing system of fresh catfish in Cindai Alusis considered as imperfect competition structure or oligopsony in which the amount of sellers are bigger than the buyers.