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Hubungan Pola Asuh Orangtua Dengan Perkembangan Sosial Anak Penyandang Disabilitas Di SLBN Surade Kabupaten Sukabumi Johan Budhiana; Taufik Mu`zizat Nugroho; Rima Novianti Utami
Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 11 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Kesehatan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Yatsi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37048/kesehatan.v11i1.421


Children's social development is influenced by parenting patterns. A good relationship between children and their parents will create a sense of affection, where children will be more open in interacting because of the establishment of good relationships that are supported by proper communication. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between parenting patterns and the social development of children with disabilities. Parenting is a whole interaction, where parents intend to stimulate their children by changing the behavior, knowledge and values ​​that are considered the most appropriate by parents, so that children can be independent, grow and develop in a healthy and optimal manner. Social development is the level of interaction of children with other people, ranging from parents, siblings, playmates, to society at large. Types of correlational research. The population is all parents in SLBN Surade Sukabumi Regency with a sample of 48 people. Sampling using Total Sampling. Data analysis using Chi-Square test. The results showed that most of the respondents rated the children's social development as high and had a democratic parenting style. There is a significant relationship between parenting and social development (p=002). The conclusion is that there is a relationship between parenting and social development of children with disabilities at SLBN Surade, Sukabumi Regency. It is hoped that the Surade Health Center can hold a special training program for parents regarding good parenting for the developmental needs of children with disabilities.
Hubungan Self-Efficacy dan Emotional Intelligence dengan Stress Akademik Mahasiswa Sarjana Keperawatan di STIKES Sukabumi Lia Novianty; Rima Novianti Utami; Ghulam Ahmad; Denisa Pusparini
Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 11 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Kesehatan
Publisher : STIKES Ngesti Waluyo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46815/jk.v11i2.95


During their education, students are required to carry out various lecture processes and tasks, and also to complete academic assignments. The lots of lecture assignments that must be completed on time, and also a poor self-management of some students can cause academic stress. Self-efficacy and Emotional intelligence are possible factors that can reduce academic stress in students. This study aimed to determine the correlation between self-efficacy and emotional intelligence on student academic stress. Quantitative research method with a cross sectional approach was used to achieve the aim of the study. The population of this study was undergraduate nursing students of STIKes Sukabumi with a sample of 197 people, using stratified random sampling techniques. The instruments used in this study are self-efficacy variables using the Development of a College Academic Self-Efficacy, Emotional intelligence using the Emotional intelligence Self-Assessment Tool and academic stress using the Perception of Academic Stress scale (PASS). The data then analyzed using simple linear regression and multiple linear regression. The results of the study showed that the factors correlate to academic stress are self-efficacy variables (p 0.000; b -0.385; R2 0.883) and Emotional intelligence variables (p 0.000; b -0.862; R2 0.893). Self-efficacy and Emotional intelligence simultaneously have a negative relationship to academic stress (p 0.000; R2 0.899 with the equation Y=105.694+(-0.148X1)+(-0.540X2)+ε). In conclusion, there is a significant relationship between self-efficacy and emotional intelligence with academic stress of undergraduate nursing students.
Socio-Cultural Approach on Disaster Risk Management of Sirnaresmi Customary Village, West Java Iwan Permana; Rosliana Dewi; Johan Budhiana; Iyam Mariam; Lia Novianty; Rima Novianti Utami; Waqid Sanjaya; Abdul Rahman La Ede
Research Horizon Vol. 1 No. 4 (2021)
Publisher : Publindo Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (575.584 KB) | DOI: 10.54518/rh.1.4.2021.136-142


The Sirnaresmi indigenous people are one of the communities that still maintain their traditional culture to this day. In carrying out the rules and customs in the community, Sirnaresmi Village has its own institutional structure. There are several stakeholder institutions that support landslide risk reduction in Sirnaresmi Village. This study aims to determine the socio-cultural life and disaster risk management of the customary community in Sirnaresmi Village, West Java. The result showed that efforts to reduce the risk of landslides in Sirnaresmi Village have been carried out. However, the capacity in Sirnaresmi Village is still insufficient to reduce the risk of landslides. Some possible solutions are disaster risk reduction efforts by community organizing in disaster management through the formation of Disaster Management Community Groups (KMPB) and increasing public knowledge in reducing disaster risk together with experts from the Regional Disaster Management Agency of Sukabumi Regency. The other practical implications were also suggested such as by nurturing local traditions to help reduce disaster risk and involving local leadership roles in disaster risk reduction efforts.
Knowledge, Attitudes, Disaster Training and Self Efficacy on Disaster Preparedness Iyam Mariam; Johan Budhiana; Iwan Permana; Rosliana Dewi; Woro Rahmanishati; Lia Noviyanti; Rima Novianti Utami; Waqid Sanjaya; Abdul Rahman La Ede; Yohan Frans Unmehopa
Research Horizon Vol. 1 No. 5 (2021)
Publisher : Publindo Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (577.922 KB) | DOI: 10.54518/rh.1.5.2021.179-188


This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the role of knowledge, attitudes, disaster training and self-efficacy of adolescents of Sirnaresmi Village, West Java on disaster preparedness. This study uses the qualitative method with field research in Sirnaresmi. The results showed that there was a simultaneous or shared influence on knowledge, attitudes, disaster training and self-efficacy on disaster preparedness. The results revealed that there is a relationship between the four aspects in influencing disaster preparedness. Training is needed in mitigation as a short-term educational process. It needs to be conducted by using systematic and organized ways and procedures where training participants will learn practical knowledge and skills for specific purposes. By conducting disaster training, an individual will gain knowledge and skills in dealing with disasters so that with the training carried out, knowledge about disasters will increase.
Jurnal Health Society Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): JURNAL HEALTH SOCIETY - APRIL 2021
Publisher : STIKES Sukabumi

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Desa Sinaresmi pada tahun 2018 mengalami bencana longsor yang dapat menimbulkan banyak korban dan melumpuhkan beberapa bangunan salah satunya adalah bangunan sekolah, untuk itu perlu dikaji mengenai implementasi program sekolah siaga bencana. Tujuan penelitian ini, untuk mengetahui implementasi program sekolah siaga bencana di Sekolah Dasar Desa Sinaresmi Kecamatan Cisolok Kabupaten Sukabumi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif analitik. Teknik penentuan informan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling yakni sebanyak 5 informan selaku kepala sekolah, guru dan murid. Analisis implementasi program sekolah siaga bencana dilakukan dengan deskriptif kualitatif yang mengintegrasikan keempat aspek diantaranya adalah parameter sikap dan tindakan, parameter kebijakan, parameter rencana tanggap darurat, dan parameter mobilisasi sumberdaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada parameter sikap dan tindakan, sekolah-sekolah di Desa Sirnaresmi sudah diberikan pengetahuan bencana, namun dilakukan hanya sekali; berdasarkan parameter kebijakan belum terlaksana sepenuhnya; pada parameter rencana tanggap darurat belum maksimal, dibuktikan dengan adanya dua indikator belum terpenuhi mengenai penilaian kerentanan gedung/bangunan sekolah dan rencana aksi sekolah; pada parameter mobilisasi sumberdaya masih belum maksimal mulai dari segi bangunan, perlengkapan penunjang penanggulangan bencana, gugus siaga bencana, kerjasama, pemantauan dan evaluasi. Kesimpulan, implementasi sekolah program sekolah siaga bencana di Sekolah Dasar Desa Sinaresmi Kecamatan Cisolok Kabupaten Sukabumi belum diterapkan secara optimal. Kata Kunci : Bencana Tanah Longsor, Desa Sirnaresmi, Program Sekolah Siaga Bencana
The Relationship Between Religiosity And Coping Strategies With Family Resilience During The Covid-19 Pandemic In Karang Tengah Village, Sukabumi City Nisa Fajriah; Rima Novianti Utami; Astri Zeini Wahida; Dedi Wahyudin; Abdul Rahman La Ede
Jurnal Health Sains Vol. 4 No. 9 (2023): Journal Health Sains
Publisher : Syntax Corporation Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/jhs.v4i9.1077


The family is the smallest unit of society that plays an important role in realizing the welfare of the population which is the ideal of development. The outbreak of Covid-19 has resulted in various imbalances in the line of life. Indirectly, this has an impact on the resilience of the family as the smallest social unit. If family resilience is disrupted, it can cause less than optimal family functions. In 2020, BPS Sukabumi City recorded an increase in the unemployment rate of 3.81% from 2019. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between religiosity and coping strategies with family resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic. This type of research is correlational with a cross sectional approach. A sample of 372 respondents used cluster random sampling. The instrument used is a questionnaire. Data analysis used simple linear regression and multiple linear regression. The results showed a relationship between communication patterns and family resilience (0.000), a relationship between religiosity and family resilience (0.000), a relationship between coping strategies and family resilience (0.000) and a simultaneous relationship between religiosity and coping strategies with family resilience (0.000). The conclusion in this study is that there is a relationship both partial and simultaneous related to religiosity and coping strategies with family resilience
Hubungan Pola Asuh Orangtua Dengan Perkembangan Sosial Anak Penyandang Disabilitas Di Slbn Surade Kabupaten Sukabumi Johan Budhiana; Taufik Mu`zizat Nugroho; Rima Novianti Utami
Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 11 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Yatsi Madani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Perkembangan sosial anak dipengaruhi pola asuh orang tua. Hubungan yang baik anak dengan orangtua akan terjalin rasa kasih sayang, dimana anak akan lebih terbuka dalam melakukan interaksikarena terjalinnya hubungan baik yang ditunjang oleh komunikasi yang tepat. Tujuan penelitianadalah untuk mengetahui hubungan pola asuh orangtua dengan perkembangan sosial anakpenyandang disabilitas. Pola asuh merupakan kesuluruhan interaksi, dimana orang tua bermaksudmenstimulasi anaknya dengan mengubah tingkah laku, pengetahuan serta nilai-nilai yang dianggappaling tepat oleh orang tua, agar anak dapat mandiri, tumbuh dan berkembang secara sehat danoptimal. Perkembangan sosial adalah tingkat jalinan interaksi anak dengan orang lain, mulai dariorang tua, saudara, teman bermain, hingga masyarakat secara luas. Jenis penelitian korelasional.Populasi adalah seluruh orangtua di SLBN Surade Kabupaten Sukabumi dengan sampel 48 orang.Sampling menggunakan Total Sampling. Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-Square. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar responden menilai perkembangan sosial anak adalah tinggidan memiliki pola asuh demokratis. Ada hubungan yang siginifikan antara pola asuh denganperkembangan sosial (p=002). Simpulan ada hubungan pola asuh orangtua dengan perkembangansosial anak Penyandang Disabilitas di SLBN Surade Kabupaten Sukabumi. Diharapkan pihakPuskesmas Surade dapat mengadakan program pelatihan khusus kepada orang tua mengenai polaasuh yang baik untuk kebutuhan perkembangan anak penyandang disabilitas.Kata Kunci : Pola Asuh, Perkembangan Sosial, Penyandang Disabilitas