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SOSCIED Vol 5 No 1 (2022): SOSCIED - Juli 2022
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Saint Paul Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32531/jsoscied.v5i1.439


This study examines human values ​​in the film Dear Nathan by Erisca Febriani. The purpose of this study is to describe in depth the human values ​​contained in the Dear Nathan film by Erica Febriani. The method used in this research is qualitative method. The formulation of the problem how are the human values ​​contained in the film Dear Nathan Erisca by Febriani Erisca Febriani?. The data source is the film Dear Nathan Erisca by Febriani Erisca Febriani. Data collection techniques are watching techniques, listening techniques and note-taking techniques. Data analysis techniques include three components, namely: (1) data reduction (2) data presentation, (3) drawing conclusions. In conclusion, the Dear Nathan film by Erisca Febriani, there are 5 human values, namely: (1) the value of truth (2) the value of peace (3) the value of love or compassion (4) the value of right behavior or virtue, and (5) the value of non-violence
Pelatihan Optimalisasi Sumber Daya pada Usaha Kecil dan Menengah Menggunakan Metode Simplek Serta POM-QM Tirsa Nina Lina; Matheus Supriyanto Rumetna; Frenny Silvia Pormes; Wiesje Ferdinandus; Frety Matahelumual
ABDIKAN: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55123/abdikan.v1i4.976


The Covid-19 pandemic is still hitting until now, this has caused unrest among the public, especially for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Many SME players have also felt the impact of this situation, one of which is Mrs. Marthina, whose address is at Moyo kilometer 13, Sorong City, West Papua Province. The problem faced by Mrs. Martina is optimizing the existing resources so that she gets a profit in the midst of the pandemic situation so that her business can continue to operate. In such a situation, steps are needed to increase profits. These steps must use a technique or method so that they have estimates in a more accurate calculation. One method that can be used is the Simplex method, for that the Community Service (PkM) team at Victory Sorong University offers a resource optimization training program by utilizing the simplex method and IT in the form of POM-QM software for windows version 5.3. The main objective of this PKM program is to share knowledge to help SMEs to innovate and maintain business activities.
PENERAPAN METODE SIMPLEKS DALAM MENGOPTIMALISASI HASIL PENJUALAN PADA USAHA BERSKALA KECIL Matheus Supriyanto Rumetna; Tirsa Ninia Lina; Jalminj Tindage; Frenny Silvia Pormes; Wiesje Ferdinandus
Journal of Computer Science and Technology Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Mei 2023
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Widya Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54840/jcstech.v3i1.98


Es Teler and Es Pisang Ijo are Indonesian food products in the form of ice snacks which are widely consumed by the public. These snacks are usually sold on the roadside. Mr. Leman, is one of the small-scale business actors who sell Es Teler and Es Pisang Ijo in Sorong City, Southwest Papua, to make ends meet. The problem faced by Mr. Leman in selling Es products is how to determine the optimal amount of Es Teler and Es Pisang Ijo sales production, so that maximum sales profits are obtained. This problem can be solved using the Simplex Method which is a part of Linear Programming (PL) and utilizing Information Technology, namely the POM-QM for Windows software to make the calculation process efficient. The method used in data collection is by interview and observation. The results of the analysis show that manual calculations using the simplex method and PL applications using the POM-QM for Windows software in optimizing sales obtain the same maximum profit, IDR 566,667 per day's production.
Pelatihan Penggunaan Website Sekolah Pada SD 141 Matalamagi Kota Sorong Tirsa Ninia Lina; Matheus Supriyanto Rumetna; Frenny Silvia Pormes; Nurasmi
ABDINE: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): ABDINE : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Dumai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52072/abdine.v3i1.550


Sekolah Dasar Inpres 141 Matalamagi merupakan salah satu sekolah di kota Sorong yang berdiri sekitar tahun 1998. Sekolah ini terus berupaya meningkatkan infrastruktur, salah satunya dengan pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK). Penyebaran informasi yang dilakukan oleh pihak sekolah selama ini masih secara manual dimana berupa lisan dari mulut ke mulut, maupun tulisan seperti menempel pengumuman di papan pengumuman sekolah, brosur, maupun pemasangan spanduk. Hal tersebut dinilai kurang efektif karena informasi yang disampaikan tidak tersebar secara merata sehingga informasi seputar sekolah hanya diketahui oleh masyarakat sekitar yang mendengar informasi tersebut, maupun hanya diketahui oleh siswa-siswi. Oleh sebab itu, sekolah perlu memanfaatkan website untuk penyebaran informasi sekolah. Dari situasi yang ada tim PkM Universitas Victory melakukan pelatihan agar operator sekolah dapat bekerja lebih maksimal khususnya dalam hal mengoperasikan website sekolah. Pelatihan serta sosialisi tidak hanya dilakukan kepada operator sekolah tetapi juga stakeholder lainnya seperti siswa dan orangtua siswa yang akan menggunakan website untuk mengakses informasi sekolah. Serta menjelaskan dan memotivasi guru-guru SD Inpres 141 Matalamagi Kota Sorong untuk terus memanfaatakan TIK terlebih khusus website dalam kegiatan operasional sekolah. Hasilnya penyebaran informasi meningkat dari 68% menjadi 91% setelah menggunakan website.
SOSCIED Vol 6 No 1 (2023): SOSCIED - Juli 2023
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Saint Paul Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32531/jsoscied.v6i1.603


Increasing Ability to Analyze Information in Explanatory Text Using the Discovery Learning Learning Model for Class XI-Beauty Students at SMK Negeri 2 Kota Sorong. Formulation of the problem How to increase the ability to analyze information in explanatory text using the Discovery learning learning model for class XI students of SMK Negeri 2 Sorong city?. The purpose of the research is to find out the increase in the ability to analyze information in explanatory texts using the Discovery learning learning model for class XI students of SMK Negeri 2 Sorong City. The form of this research is classroom action research. The research subjects were 15 students of class XI-Beauty at SMK Negeri 2 Sorong City. The method used is a qualitative - quantitative description method. The research includes two cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection stages. Data collection was carried out by tests and nontes. Data collection tools include observation guidelines, journals, interview guidelines, and photo documentation guidelines. It can be concluded as follows: There was an increase in the ability to analyze explanatory text using the Discovery learning learning model with non-test results in cycle I and cycle II covering two aspects, namely (1) Function (2) Completeness of General Explanation Structure, Process, Closing. The increase in the ability to analyze explanatory text is known from the results of cycle I and cycle II. The average value of the ability to analyze explanatory text is known from the results of cycle I. The average value of ability to analyze explanatory text in cycle I was 76% or in the less category, and experienced an increase in cycle II to 81.6% or in the good category. This shows an increase in the average value of writing the text of the observation report from cycle I to cycle II of 5.6%. In cycle II, using the Discopery Learning learning model, the number of students is 15 with a minimum average score that has been fulfilled, which exceeds the KKM score of 75.