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Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Anggota Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Nurlelasari Ginting; Imelda Barus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47668/pkwu.v10i2.430


The existence of environmental changes that occurred and people’s behavior to keep their money in the bank. It is encourage the increased demand for banking services usage needs. The increasing of competition in the banking industry created a variety of ways to attract customers. This study aims to determine how the customer response to the quality of services provided by credit union to its customers. This research is a quantitative descriptive, this study population is the customer data in 2012 at credit union with total 2500 people, samples in this study amounted to 100 respondents drawn using Slovin formula and sampling technique in this study is probability sampling with simple random sampling. The findings of the study on dimensions which are tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy will help the community to determine the quality of service credit union . In the responsiveness dimension, reliability, assurance, empathy and tangible researchers found positive results or good result, but there are several factors that are still rated poorly by customers of credit union unit.
Analisa Pengaruh Return on Equity (ROE) Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), terhadap Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) Misrofingah Misrofingah; Nurlelasari Ginting
Jesya (Jurnal Ekonomi dan Ekonomi Syariah) Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Article Research Volume 5 Number 1, Januari 2022
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Al-Washliyah Sibolga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36778/jesya.v5i1.588


Dividend Payout Ratio is the percentage of the amount of the dividend to be paid company’s of total profits from the company to stockholders. The stockholders to invest they capital to get profits. For the company should be able to take a decision or a policy to pay dividends to stockholders or hold for reinvestment. This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of Return on Equity, Current Ratio, and Debt to Equity Ratio toward Dividend Payout Ratio in manufacture companies that listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2016 to 2020. This research is quantitative research explanatory with data collection technique using a pruposive sampling. A total of 16 manufakturing firm are used as sample firm. Data analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The test data used is normality test, test (t), test (f), and the coefficient of determination. The results of this research are: ROE positive effect on DPR, CR no effect on DPR, DER negative effect on DPR.
Kepemimpinan Transformasional terhadap Komitmen dan Niat Berpindah Pada Perusahaan Konstruksi Syariah Nila Pratiwi; M. Anton Fatoni; M. Asbullah; Nurlelasari Ginting; Krisna Wahyu Nugraha
Jesya (Jurnal Ekonomi dan Ekonomi Syariah) Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Article Research Volume 6 Number 1, Januari 2023
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Al-Washliyah Sibolga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36778/jesya.v6i1.969


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh kepemimpinan transformasional terhadap komitmen organisasi dan turnover intention pada perusahan yang bergerak pada sektor konstruksi syariah menggunakan kepuasan kerja sebagai variabel mediasi. Sebanyak 172 karyawan menjadi responden dan mengisi kuesioner. Pengolahan data statistik menggunakan bantuan software smart pls. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan transformasional secara langsung mampu meningkatkan komitmen organisasi dan menurunkan turnover intention. Hasil penelitian juga membuktikan bahwa kepuasan kerja berhasil menjadi variabel mediasi secara parcial dalam pengaruh antara kepemimpinan transformasional terhadap komitmen organisasi dan turnover intention. Penelitian ini secara teoritis berkontribusi pada pengembangan kerangka konseptual untuk penelitian di bidang manajemen sumber daya manusia, sementara secara praktis mendukung gagasan bahwa Perusahaan konstruksi syariah harus terus memprioritaskan kepuasan kerja dan, di sisi lain, manajer harus mengadopsi dan menerapkan gaya kepemimpinan transformasional.
Learning Independence and Learning Motivation as Determinants of Increasing Students' Critical Thinking Ability in 21st Century Learning Dafid Ginting; Jeffry H. Sinaulan; Nurlelasari Ginting; Fredrik Warwer; Lukman Affandi; Ade Onny Siagian
Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33487/edumaspul.v7i1.5755


This research is motivated by the importance of critical thinking skills. The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze learning independence and learning motivation as determinants of increasing students' critical thinking in 21st century learning. This study used a quantitative approach with a survey method. The sampling technique used purposive sampling of 100 students. The instruments used are tests and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is the classical assumption, correlation analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis including hypothesis testing T test, F test and R2 test. 1) Learning independence has a positive and significant effect on students' critical thinking skills in 21st century learning, 2) Learning motivation has a positive and significant effect on students' critical thinking skills in 21st century learning, and 3) Learning independence and learning motivation have a positive effect and significant effect on students' critical thinking skills in 21st century learning. The findings of this study indicate the importance of independent learning and learning motivation in improving students' critical thinking skills.
Musytari : Neraca Manajemen, Akuntansi, dan Ekonomi Vol. 1 No. 9 (2023): Musytari : Neraca Manajemen, Akuntansi, dan Ekonomi
Publisher : CV SWA Anugrah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.8734/mnmae.v1i9.618


Pada penelitian yang dibuat ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) dan Perputaran Modal Kerja terhadap Return on Assets (ROA) pada perusahaan PT. Nippon Indosari Corpindo, Tbk yang terdaftar di BEI periode 2012-2022. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder berupa laporan keuangan tahunan perusahaan yang diteliti. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis data kuantitatif dan sumber data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu data sekunder dengan metode analisis menggunakan metode regresi linier berganda dengan pengolahan data menggunakan SPSS. Hasil pengujian hipotesis secara parsial menyatakan bahwa variabel Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) dan Perputaran Modal Kerja berpengaruh negatif dan positif signifikan terhadap Return on Assets (ROA). Secara simultan varibel Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) dan Perputaran Modal Kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Return on Assets (ROA).
Analysis Of The Influence Of Leadership, Work Discipline And Compensation On Performance Of State-Owned Pawnbroker Employees In Indonesia Ratih Pratiwi; Arifhan Ady Dj; Nurlelasari Ginting; Arifuddin; H.M.Anwar
JEMSI (Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi) Vol. 9 No. 6 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Sekretariat Pusat Lembaga Komunitas Informasi Teknologi Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/jemsi.v9i6.1711


The competition amongst Indonesian pawn services, both state-run and commercial, has intensified in the contemporary globalization age. In this study, Pegadaian is one of the government-owned pawn service branches, was examined by researchers. The purpose of this study is to ascertain if or to what extent the factors of work discipline, leadership, and salary affect employee performance. This study makes use of quantitative methodologies and data gathering strategies that include questionnaire distribution and library data. Thirty employees made up the study's sample. Multiple linear regression is the data analysis method that is employed with SPSS. Additionally, the impact of leadership, work discipline, and salary on employee performance is seen in hypothesis testing. The corrected R Square value, derived from multiple linear regression analysis, is 60%. Thus, it makes sense that factors related to work discipline, leadership, and remuneration account for 60% of the variance in employee performance.