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Journal : Litera

Penyiapan kepemimpinan berdasarkan konsep Islam Jawa dalam Serat Wulang Putra karya Pakubuwana IX Sri Harti Widyastuti
LITERA Vol 21, No 1: LITERA (MARCH 2022)
Publisher : Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/ltr.v21i1.48034


Konsep penyiapan kepemimpinan dimaknai sebagai ide atau gambaran mental masyarakat Jawa berdasarkan tradisi Islam dan tradisi Jawa untuk menyiapkan seseorang menjadi raja, penguasa, atau pemimpin. Ide atau gambaran mental tersebut diwujudkan melalui karya sastra, yakni Serat Piwulang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan konsep-konsep penyiapan kepemimpinan yang terdapat dalam Serat Wulang Putra. Sumber data penelitian adalah Serat Wulang Putra karya Paku Buwana IX. Berdasarkan prinsip filologi modern, langkah penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu (a) trasliterasi sandar, (b) penerjemahan isi, (c) pembacaan heuristik, dan (d) pembacaan hermenutik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga konsep penyiapan kepemimpinan berdasarkan perspektif Islam Jawa pada Serat Wulang Putra. Pertama, kekuatan penghargaan (reward power) yaitu kekuatan yang diperoleh dengan cara berusaha dekat dan rajin menghadap raja. Kedua, kekuatan untuk mencegah penolakan (oercive power) yakni penyiapan kekuasaan yang memerlukan derajat dalam pemerolehannya. Ketiga, kekuasaan yang sah (legitimate power) untuk menyiapkan kekuasaan yang dapat disahkan adalah dengan cara menempatkan legitimasi berupa wahyu. Keempat, kekuatan referensi (referent power) yaitu membiasakan untuk bergaul dengan orang-orang yang berkedudukan tinggi.Kata Kunci: serat wulang, kepemimpinan, kekuasaan, dan konsep Jawa IslamPreparation of leadership based on the concept of Javanese Islam in Serat Wulang Putra by Pakubuwana IXAbstractThe concept of leadership preparation is interpreted as an idea or mental picture of Javanese society based on Islamic tradition and Javanese tradition to prepare someone to become a king, ruler, or leader. The idea or mental picture is realized through a literary work, namely Serat Piwulang. This study aims to explain the concepts of leadership preparation contained in Serat Wulang Putra. The source of the research data is Serat Wulang Putra by Paku Buwana IX. Based on the principles of modern philology, the research steps carried out are (a) standardized transliteration, (b) content translation, (c) heuristic reading, and (d) hermeneutic reading. The results showed that there were three concepts of leadership preparation based on the Javanese Islamic perspective on Serat Wulang Putra. First, the power of appreciation (reward power) is the power that is obtained by trying to be close and diligent to face the king. Second, the power to prevent rejection (coercive power), namely the preparation of power that requires degrees in its acquisition. Third, legitimate power to prepare power that can be ratified is by placing legitimacy in the form of revelation. Fourth, referent power, which is getting used to associating with people of high position.Keywords: serat wulang, leadership, power, and the concept of Javanese Islam
LITERA Vol 17, No 1: LITERA MARET 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/ltr.v17i1.19045


Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan sistem kepengarangan dalam serat-serat wulang Pakubuwono (PB) IX. Data penelitian berupa kata dan kalimat yang menunjukkan sistem kepengarangan dalam serat-serat wulang PB IX. Pengumpulan data dengan metode filologi modern. Analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan penerapan teori asal-usul teks. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut. Pertama, terdapat peran PB IX sebagai pengarang dan penulis atau ingkang anganggit dan ingkang anyerat dalam serat-serat wulang PB IX. Peran ini dibantu oleh penulis kerajaan untuk mengikat karyanya. Peran tersebut ditunjukkan penggunaan gaya tuturan dengan penyebutan kata adikku, guruku Ngabdul Kahar, guruningwang, trahingwang, anakku, woting tyasingsun, dan sutengsun. Kedua, terdapat peran PB IX sebagai pengayom. Peran ini tampak pada manggala dan kolofon teks yang diikuti bentuk sengkalan. Yang memiliki peran pengayom biasanya adalah seorang pujangga kerajaan atau penulis kerajaan yang cukup ternama. Dalam serat-serat wulang PB IX ini muncul pengarang dan penulis, yaitu Nyai Tumenggung Adisara.Kata kunci: serat wulang, Pakubuwono IX, pengayom, filologi modern THE AUTHORSHIP SYSTEM IN SERAT-SERAT WULANG BY PAKUBUWONO IXAbstractThis study aims to describe the authorship system in serat-serat wulang (teaching works) by Pakubuwono (PB)IX. The data were in the form of words and sentences describing the authorship system in serat-serat wulang by PB IX. They were collected using the modern philology method. The data analysis used the descriptive method by applying theories on the origins of texts. The results are as follows. First, there are roles of PB IX as the author (ingkang anganggit) and the writer (ingkang anyerat) in serat-serat wulang PB IX. These roles are assisted by the court author in order to bind the works. The roles are shown in the use of some special terms such as adikku, guruku Ngabdul Kahar, guruningwang, trahingsun, anakku, woting tyasingsun, and sutengsun. Second, there is a role of PB IX as pengayom (patron). This is shown in manggala and the text colophon followed by a form of sengkalan (chronogram). A patron is usually a famous court poet or writer. In serat-serat wulang by PB IX, there is an author or writer, namely Nyai Tumenggung Adisara.Keywords: serat-serat wulang, Pakubuwono IX, patron, modern philology
LITERA Vol 13, No 1: LITERA APRIL 2014
Publisher : Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/ltr.v13i1.1907


This study aims to describe Javanese women’s personality in the perspective of feminism and gender equality and inequality in Serat Suluk Residriya and Serat Wulang Putri. It employed the qualitative research design and modern philology. The findings are as follows. Javanese women’s personality in Serat Suluk Residriya includes their images. Gender inequality in Serat Suluk Residriya includes subordination, woman stereotype, rights to use but not to possess, women as sexual objects, and polygamy. Gender inequality in Serat Wulang Putri shows that women must have a lot of children. Gender equality in Sera Wulang Putrishows that men and women have equal rights to be ascetic, knowledgeable, skillful, brave and great, and wealthy.
LITERA Vol 11, No 1: LITERA APRIL 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/ltr.v11i1.1154


This study aims to describe the moral values in Javanese traditional expressions and Chinese proverbs. The data on Javanese expressions were collected from Javanese course books and Kasusastran Jawi and those on Chinese proverbs were collected from Pepatah China Kuno untuk Generasi Modern. The data were analyzed by classifying the themes and comparing Javanese traditional expressions with Chinese proverbs. The findings are as follows. First, the themes include (a) self-control, (b) ethics of marriage and social life, (c) leadership ethics, and (d) ethics of managing a country and nation. Second, the similarity in themes shows a common way of life in Javanese and Chinese societies. This can serve as a means of understanding the cultures of the two ethnic groups so that there is a close relationship and mutual respect.