Zainal Anshari
Institut Agama Islam Negeri(IAIN) Jember

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Jejak Historis Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyah dan Kiprahnya dalam Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam Anshari, Zainal; Fahruddin, Ahmad Hanif
Akademika Vol 14, No 01 (2020): Akademika
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/adk.v14i01.186


Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population in the world. As the majority religion, of course Islam becomes a religion that has a wealth of internal dynamics, both in the context of Islam itself and in the context of Indonesia. This paper discussed that Islam in Indonesia has long-standing organizations. The existence of Islamic organizations even existed though Indonesia had not yet been independent. In this research, the writers conducted a typology of Islamic organizations standing before and after independence including their respective movement orientation. Of the many Islamic organizations considered quite old, the al-Irsyad is one of the Islamic organizations contributing to its historical footprint. Various figures of independence, national figures and even among the scholars were born from the womb of this organization. With a relatively large number of followers, this mass organization oversees educational institutions ranging from elementary to upper secondary levels, which have to this day still existed and continued to reproduce the nation's cadres.
Portrait Of Pai In A Catholic School (Case Study of St. Paulus Catholic High School Jember) Zainal Anshari
International Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jemois.v1i1.10095


Islamic religious education, including subjects that must be given to students who are Muslim, even though these students study at non-Islamic schools. Likewise, on the other hand, Islamic schools must also facilitate religious education in accordance with the religions of their students. Santo Paulus Catholic High School Jember, including a school that facilitates Islamic religious education for Muslim students. Uniquely, there is a religiosity subject, which includes all universal values in the official religion in Indonesia. The focus of this research is, how is the portrait and dynamics of Islamic religious education in non-Muslim schools (Catholic schools)? In this context, the authors chose a qualitative approach in data mining and processing. Interviews, document studies, observation, data research are the techniques chosen in research data collection. The research findings: 1) SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember has 6 Islamic religious education teachers, but they are not in accordance with the qualifications of the subjects they are teaching, 2) apart from PAI subjects, SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember strengthens students with religiosity lessons, namely lessons which includes universal values of all religions, 3) SMA Catholic Santo Paulus Jember is in demand by students from the six official religions in Indonesia.Keywords: Islamic Religious Education, Catholic High School, and religiosity
Jejak Historis Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyah dan Kiprahnya dalam Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam Zainal Anshari; Ahmad Hanif Fahruddin
Akademika Vol 14, No 01 (2020): Akademika
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/adk.v14i01.186


Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population in the world. As the majority religion, of course Islam becomes a religion that has a wealth of internal dynamics, both in the context of Islam itself and in the context of Indonesia. This paper discussed that Islam in Indonesia has long-standing organizations. The existence of Islamic organizations even existed though Indonesia had not yet been independent. In this research, the writers conducted a typology of Islamic organizations standing before and after independence including their respective movement orientation. Of the many Islamic organizations considered quite old, the al-Irsyad is one of the Islamic organizations contributing to its historical footprint. Various figures of independence, national figures and even among the scholars were born from the womb of this organization. With a relatively large number of followers, this mass organization oversees educational institutions ranging from elementary to upper secondary levels, which have to this day still existed and continued to reproduce the nation's cadres.
ISLAM YANG TOLERAN Membedah Pemikiran Terdalam Prof. Dr. KH. Muhammad Tholhah Hasan Zainal Anshari; Ahmad Hanif Fahruddin
Akademika Vol 12, No 01 (2018): Akademika
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (843.023 KB) | DOI: 10.30736/adk.v12i01.144


Abstract: Talking about religious tolerance in Indonesia is not something new. Because, in Indonesia religious tolerance has been been well-preserved for a long time. However, there have been strong indications of "involvement" of foreign parties willing to intervene in the country lately. So that the long-standing tolerance for tens or even hundreds of years has likely met disturbances that "pollute" religious tolerance in Indonesia as explained by Prof. Muhammad Tholhah Hasan in his book, "Multicultural Education as an Option of Preventing Radicalism". Likewise in some works of the cleric who once served as Minister of Religious Affairs in the era of Gus Dur. However, there were several criticisms of the Tolchah Hasan’s work, for example; 1). The theme of Indonesian Islam so-called as Islam Nusantara, no longer leads to the so-called Islam Rahmatan Lil Alamin, because Indonesian Islam or Nusantara Islam has so far become a manifestation of Islam Rahmatan Lil Alamin itself, 2). The work is actually a reflection material from a large amount of data on scientific references and developments in newspapers and television shows as well as inadequate field data directly, 3). The work actually really deserves to be a reference to Indonesian Islamic thought, it's just that the standards of scientific research have not been used completely, for example using a systematic writing methodology, having clear informants, having a clear research location and various other scientific research standards.Keywords: Islam, tolerance, Muhammad Tholhah Hasan
Transformasi Paradigma Manajeman Keilmuan Sekolah Dasar Menuju Pendidikan Dasar Islam Zainal Anshari Marli
FIKROTUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Manajemen Islam Vol. 6 No. 02 (2017): 2017
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Agama Islam Al-Khairat Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (142.93 KB) | DOI: 10.32806/jf.v6i2.3101


Islami Elementary School is combination Islamic education institution that was born from non formal education in Islamic boarding school formed as formal education of madrasah with elementary school as the continuing of Sekolah Rakyat (SR). This school is an elementary school formed by Dutch colonialist for the local students in Indonesia as the basic need of education. Sekolah Rakyat for the next transformation become elementary school created to make a combination the heritage of colonial education with the heritage of Indonesian Islamic education so that it is called Islamic Elementary School that still drive formal education mission and madrasah generally. Islamic Elementary School is a respond of muslim that shown by doing some innovation and creation of development of education institution in a complex society. Islamic elementary school not always using Islamic term, some of them stil use elementary school but the subject elaborate between elementary school and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, so the content of this school become an Islamic Elementary School. It means the combination elementlary school with Madrasah Ibtidaiyah like Elementary Full Day School al-Baitul Amien Jember as the object focus of this paper.
Fenomena Vol 19 No 2 (2020): FENOMENA: Journal of the Social Sciences
Publisher : LP2M UIN KH.Achmad Siddiq Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/fenomena.v19i2.37


Abdul Muchith Muzadi (termasuk juga dikenal dengan sebutan Mbah Muchith Muzadi), termasuk seorang kiai yang memiliki wawasan sangat luas, wara’ mendalam dan tajam. Pada saat yang bersamaan, KH. Abdul Muchith Muzadi, termasuk sosok kiai yang memiliki etika sangat kuat, paling tidak hal itu terpancar dalam perilakunya sehari-hari. Beliau tetap berperilaku sebagaimana layaknya kiai yang khusu’, wara’ dan hidup dengan kesederhanaan. Kajian ini, memiliki fokus sebagai berikut; 1) bagaimana latar belang kehidupan, pendidikan dan pengabdian KH. Abdul Muchith Muzadi di dalam NU dan lembaga pendidikan Islam Indonesia? 2) apa saja karya tulis ilmiah yang dihasilkan oleh KH. Abdul Muchith Muzadi? 3) bagaimana konsep pendidikan ahlak dalam pandangan KH. Abdul Muchith Muzadi? Pendekatan penelitian kualitatif, dengan jenis library research (studi pustaka). Tujuan penelitian ini, untuk menjawab tiga hal yang telah dirumuskan di atas. Berikut kesimpulannya; Pertama, latar belang kehidupan, pendidikan dan pengabdian di dalam NU. KH. Abdul Muchith Muzadi dilahirkan di Bangilan Tuban, pada tanggal 19 jumadil awwal 1344 H/ 4 Desember 1925 M. beliau merupakan kader sekaligus aktivis NU yang dari sejak awal berjuang bersama putra KH. Hasyim Asy’ari, yakni KH. Wahid Hasyim. Kedua, beberapa karya tulis ilmiah KH. Abdul Muchith Muzadi. Sebagai berikut; 1) Beberapa Masalah Kewanitaan Dan Kepemimpinan Di Kalangan Wanita, 1974, makalah tidak diterbitkan. 2) Bermazhab. Sosiologis Atau Takut Resiko? Dalam pesantren No 4/Vol III/1998. Jakarta: P3M. 3) Berusaha memahami kehadiran bank-BPR, dalam majalah AULA. Maret 1991, dan sebagainya. Ketiga, Konsep pendidikan ahlak dalam pandangan KH. Abdul Muchith Muzadi. Konsep pola hidup birrul walidain. Menurutnya, Islam menempatkan birrul walidain ini sebagai kewajiban dengan urutan nomor dua sesudah beribadah kepada Allah dan sebaliknya menempatkan uququl walidain sebagai larangan dengan urutan nomor dua sesudah syirik (menyekutukan Allah). Abdul Muchith Muzadi (also known as Mbah Muchith Muzadi), including a Kiai who has a comprehensive insight, deep and sharp wara’. At the same time, KH. Abdul Muchith Muzadi, including the figure of Kiai who has solid ethics, is reflected in his daily behavior. He still behaves like a special kiai', wara ' and lives with simplicity. This study has a focus as follows; 1) how the background of life, education, and devotion Kh. Abdul Muchith Muzadi in NU and Indonesian Institute of Islamic education? 2) What are the scientific papers produced by KH. Abdul Muchith Muzadi? 3) how the concept of ahlak education in the view of KH. Abdul Muchith Muzadi? Qualitative research approach, with the type of library research. The purpose of this study is to answer the three things formulated above. Here are the conclusions; First, the background of life, education, and devotion in NU. KH. Abdul Muchith Muzadi was born in Bangilan Tuban on 19 jumadil awwal 1344 H / 4 December 1925 M. he is a cadre as well as NU activists who, from the beginning, fought with the son of KH. Hashim Ash'ari, namely KH. Wahid Hashim. Second, some scientific papers KH. Abdul Muchith Muzadi. As follows; 1) some problems of womanhood and leadership among women, 1974, unpublished paper. 2) fasting. Sociological Or Fear Of Risk? In boarding school No. 4 / Vol III / 1998. Jakarta: P3M. 3) trying to understand the presence of banks-RBS in Hall magazine. March 1991, and so on. The third is the concept of ahlak education in the view of KH. Abdul Muchith Muzadi. Birrul walidain lifestyle concept. According to him, Islam puts this birrul walidain as an obligation in the order of number two after worshiping Allah, and vice versa puts uququl walidain as a prohibition in the order of number two after shirk (associating partners with Allah).