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Journal : KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi

Pemanfaatan Digital Public Relations dalam Membangun Customer Engagement melalui Media Sosial Instagram @triindonesia (Studi Divisi Brand Communications PT Hutchison 3 Indonesia) Samuel Ishak Putra; Nani Kurniasari
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Kalbisiana

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Current technological developments make social media develop into one of the company's channels or brands to establish communication with its consumers. In social media as well, companies can build customer engagement effectively through a variety of communication messages which are packaged in the form of creative and interesting content. This study aims to find out the role of digital public relations at PT Hutchison 3 Indonesia in building customer engagement on social media, especially Instagram. The research approach used is descriptive qualitative with in-depth interview data collection methods and documentation. The results of the study indicated that useful of digital public relations Tri Indonesia plays an active role in building customer engagement on social media, by applying a balanced two-way communication model, even though the stage of customer involvement only reaches the curation stage.
Strategi Kreatif Program Ngaca Bareng Yosi untuk Meregenerasi Audiens di Programa 4 Radio Republik Indonesia Nadiva Kissi Ananda; Nani Kurniasari
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Kalbisiana

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A radio broadcast program has a unique creative strategy, has an impact on its audience, and has a novelty nature. Radio broadcasting strategies place the listener as the subject and the participants involved to be able to attract the sympathy and involvement of the audience. The purpose of this research is to find out the creative strategy carried out in the Ngaca program with Yosi to regenerate its audience at RRI. This study uses a constructivism paradigm with a descriptive qualitative approach. Creative strategy as a concept. In-depth interviews with selected informants were used to collect data. Source triangulation is used in the validity of this research data. The results of this study explain the creative strategies used in the Ngaca Bareng Yosi program, which are generic from the program itself, preemtive by promoting cultural education, unique selling where broadcasters and music are the strategies, brand image by not changing the inherent Indonesian image.
Strategi Agensi Humas PT. United Communications dalam Membina Hubungan Baik dengan Media Misyelia; Nani Kurniasari
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Kalbisiana

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Many companies are having trouble in maintaining relations with the media. Therefore, one of the relationships with the press is the PR consultant service to run the company's locale program. The goal of this study is to identify and understand strategies for building good relationships with the media implemented by the United Communications company. This study uses constructivist paradigm, a qualitative approach, a type of descriptive research with a case study method. Data collection techniques are obtained through in-depth interviews, participant observations, and document research. This research show that United communications are successfully enough to build good relationships with media. The strategy by PT. United Communications, namely determining the programs and targets of PR programs, implementing programs that have been made, and producing publications through the media. After that, the last stage carried out by PT. United Communications is evaluating media relations based on the KPI and the obje ctives from each client.
Konstruksi Sosok Anies Baswedan dalam Pemberitaan Pembongkaran Bambu Getah Getih di Media Online Tempo.Co Dini Yuliani Rahmah; Nani Kurniasari
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Kalbisiana

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Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan has been critized by many people regarding his decision to dismantle bambu getah getih instalations which spent Rp 550 million. This research using contructivist paradigm with qualitative approach and social semiotic analysis M.A.K Halliday through three analytical tools including field of discourse, tenor of discourse, and mode of discourse. This research found in field of discourse show that bambu getah getih phenomenon is the way to construct Anies Baswedan’s figure, in tenor of discourse using public official, political party, artist and citizen that has pro and contra with Anies Baswedan figure, meanwhile in mode of discourse using tendentious words for Anies Baswedan’s figure. From this research, researches also found that Anies Baswedan figure constructed as an incompetent leader, as an arrogant leader, as a cunning leader, as conquerer leader, as a has no policy leader and as has no direction in order reign.
Analisis Isi Kualitatif Konten Influencer di Instagram dalam Kampanye Tokopedia By Me Salsabila Fadhilah Ramadhan; Nani Kurniasari
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Kalbisiana

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With the constant development of technology, companies must adapt to new promotion methods. Social Media marketing is a key strategy for promotion in the new era, one of which is through Instagram, where communication strategies are no longer only done only through text, but also through visual posts like photos or videos. One of the most sought after promotion methods is through influencers. This study was made to analyze the hidden contexts behind influencer’s promotional posts, specifically in the Tokopedia ByMe campaign. The researcher used descriptive qualitative content analysis method to analysize photos from 5 main categories of influencers, which are fashion, beauty, technology, traveling and parenting. Through the data obtained, the researcher determined that the majority of products promoted by influencers are in accordance with the main theme of their accounts, that there is consistency in the influencers photos that help the implementation of promotional strategies, and among the five categories, the parenting category is the content that has the most engagement.
Pengaruh Komunikasi Kepemimpinan Terhadap Loyalitas Karyawan pada PT Global Technology Resources (Hargadunia.Com) Fatimah; Nani Kurniasari
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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Leadership communication is the most important factor in persuading people to maintain their organization loyalty. This study aims to determine the relationship between leadership communication and employee loyalty at PT Global Technology Resources (HargaDunia.Com). This study use the positivist paradigm, a quantitative methodology, and the survey method to collect data from 50 respondents via questionnaires completed by all employees using techniques of saturated sampling. This study applies the S-R theory, with leadership communication as the stimulus and employee loyalty as the reaction. This study's hypothesis was evaluated using validity, reliability, descriptive analysis, correlation coefficient, simple linear regression, and T tests. The correlation coefficient test or the degree of link strength "r" returned a value of 0.598, demonstrating that leadership communication (X) and employee loyalty are related (Y). Since 0.00 > 0.05, H1 is accepted and H0 is denied, showing that variable (X) has a significant effect on variable (Y) (Y).
Pengaruh Konten Media Sosial Line Today Terhadap Minat Baca Remaja Akhir di Kota Bekasi Stefanus Imanuel; Nani Kurniasari
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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One of the most used social media in Indonesia is Line. Line has feature, named Line Today which provides a variety of news for its users. Indonesian people’s reading interest is also relatively low, especially teenagers. With Line Today that provides various kind of news, researcher wants to find out the effect of Line Today content on teenagers reading interest in Bekasi. This research is conducted using a survey method and an online questionnaire instrument that was created using google form, and distributed to 100 respondents. This study uses Stimulus-Response theory as the foundation of this research. The results of this research is Line Today has an influence on teenagers reading interest in Bekasi by 69,5%. In addition, the level of relationship between two variables is very strong, because the pearson correlation calculation shows the number 0,834. In the t test, ho is rejected and ha is accepted because the t arithmetic is larger than the t table, which is 14,943 > 1,985.
Konstruksi Sosok Single Mother dalam Film yang Tak Tergantikan Jennifer Lexandra; Nani Kurniasari
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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In the film Yang Tak Tergantikan the single mother figure is seen which is predominantly the important figure in the life of a family. This research was done to determine the single mother's construction contained in the film Yang Tak Tergantikan using a constructive paradigm. This research was researched using qualitative approaches and the theory of social reality construction in the Mass Media and also using semiotic analysis Charles Sanders Peirce, which had three significant elements: sign, object, and interpreter. The research found that there were thirteen single mothers who were constructed in a film Yang Tak Tergantikan. Among them are a critical and calm minded mother, a mother who thinks about her child's future, a hard-working mother who will fight for her children, a strong mother who will make her child a friend for discussion, a gentle and wise mother, a mother who forgives and does not judge her child, a mother who would realize her mistake and protector for her children.
Representasi Kekerasan pada Perempuan dalam Video Klip Tak Mau Berubah-Kesha Ratuliu M. Andre Ardiansyah; Nani Kurniasari
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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Kesha Ratuliu's video clip “Tak Mau Berubah” shows and depicts violence against women. The purpose of this research is to find out the representations of violence against women that occurs in Kesha Ratuliu's video clip "Tak Mau Berubah". This study uses the theory of Mass Media Social Reality Construction. In this study, the paradigm used is constructivism and the analysis used in this study is the semiotic analysis of Charles Sanders Peirce which has signs, objects, interpretants. The approach in this research is qualitative and the type of research used is descriptive. So that this research produces a representation of physical violence against women such as being thrown by a pillow, then holding the cheek so tightly, being threatened, and humiliated in public.
Resepsi Anggota Komunitas Motoladies Mengenai Stereotip Perempuan Pengendara Moge di Media Online Lulu Pranidhar; Nani Kurniasari
KALBISIANA Jurnal Sains, Bisnis dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Kalbisiana

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Motorbike riding is still often differentiated in society based on gender, this is denied by many mass media and the Motoladies community. The study aims to find out about the reception of Motoladies community members regarding to the female stereotype in riding big bikes of online media, using Stuart Hall’s Encoding-Decoding theory. The paragim audience reception analysis, with three positions namely Dominant Hegemony, Negotiation, Opposition. Based on the result of the study, six informants enter the position of Dominant Hegemony and one informant in the position of Negotiation. All the informants give big support for changing the stereotype of female in riding big bikes regarding to the mess media in this research.