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Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penjualan dan Tracking Progress Produksi Percetakan Berbasis Web pada CV Abadi Ghea Cikita Karina; M. J. Dewiyani Sunarto; Agus Dwi Churniawan
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 11, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika

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One of the service companies which specializes in printing is CV Abadi. The products produced by CV Abadi include invitations, books, brochures, and magazines. The business process in CV Abadi starts when the customer asks for the unit price of the product to be ordered, then the customer provides the product design to the sales department. Furthermore, the sales department will make a proof of order to the customer. The production department will prepare raw materials and carry out the production process based on the proof of order. After the product is produced according to the order, the sales department will inform the customer. Then the customer makes payment to the sales department. The problem is that the customer has to wait a long time to ensure the price of the product ordered, the sales department does not know the due date of the customer's order due to manual checking, and if the customer wants to know how far the production process of the ordered product (tracking the production progress) is, the customer must ask to the sales department. To overcome the problems above, the solution given is to design a sales application and track the progress of web-based printing production at CV Abadi. This application has several features such as calculating the selling price of products, managing customer orders, being able to view the status of customer payments, being able to track the progress of production status with notifications via email, and displaying up-to-date product orders sales information. Based on the results of trials with black boxes, it is found that all functions in the application can work well and solve existing problems. The application will display an automatic product price list according to the product name and calculate the payment price when inputting the number of products to be ordered. The sales department can find out the due date and see the tracking of the production progress of customer orders on the schedule page. During the process of marketing and tracking progress, the printing production that is conducted by CV Abadi, there are some problems, such as the customer asks about the price of the product unit which he/she is going to order but he/she usually must wait long enough, the marketing division doesn’t know the dates of the due date of the customer’s order, the searching of data still done manually so it makes the customer’s order pass the due date of finishing of the order, the marketing division doesn’t know the due date of the customer’s payment which still has some debts, the searching of the data is still done manually so it takes a long time so there are some customers who have passed their due dates of payments, the customer asks if the company has or has not finished the product he/she ordered but the marketing division must check it out or directly ask the production division, (when) the owner wants to know the income that the company gets during a certain period, the marketing division still do the information presentation manually so it takes a long time to show the information that the owner asks. To overcome the problems above, the solution given is the use of marketing applications and tracking the progress of the printing production which is based on the web in CV Abadi. The application has some features, such as counting the selling price of the product, managing the orders of the customers, and the payments from the customers. The application of marketing and tracking progress of the printing production which is based on the web in CV Abadi produces the reports needed by the owner where the application can provide the information about the progress of the customer’s orders, and the status of the payments.
Design and Build a Decision Support System Application to Determine Potential Customers Using the MOORA Method At PT. SUCOFINDO (Persero) Surabaya Main Branch Dany Prambudi; M. J Dewiyani Sunarto; Agus Dwi Churniawan
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 11, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika

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PT. Superintending Company of Indonesia (PERSERO) or known as SUCOFINDO is a company engaged in testing and analysis, audit and inspection, certification, consulting, and training. In order to retain customers from these various sectors, PT. SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) Surabaya Main Branch is committed to giving rewards to selected customers in each period. The selection is done by looking at the total value of the transaction without having a reference or other method used so that it can lead to a subjective assessment of potential customers who will be rewarded by the company. To overcome the existing problems, PT. SUCOFINDO Main Branch Surabaya requires application design in determining potential customers who will receive rewards by using one of the methods used to support decisions, namely Multi-Optimization Objective on The Basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA). The criteria used in this study consist of the value of customer transactions, frequency of customer transactions, frequency of customer cooperation, and arrears (days). Implementation of a web-based decision support system using the PHP programming language and MySQL as the database. Based on the results of the analysis, system design, and system development that have been carried out, it is found that the functional requirements and calculations carried out both systemically and manually obtained the same calculation results by entering 10 customer transaction data. The system that has been developed produces the largest value with a value of 0.3052 and the lowest value of 0.1613. The selected potential customers are with the largest value, namely 0.3052 in Alternative 8. The existence of a decision support system (SPK) that has been designed and built is expected to assist in the process of assessing and ranking potential customers who will be rewarded during that period.
Penerapan Statistik Deskriptif pada Pengembangan Sistem Informasi SMART RT/RW untuk Peningkatan Pelayanan Kepada Masyarakat Arif Prasetiyo Utomo; Anjik Sukmaaji; Agus Dwi Churniawan
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 11, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika

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The Smart RT RW Information System is an application designed with the aim of providing financial statement information and citizen services in one reach. This Smart RT RW Information System has features that are tailored to the identified problems, namely the lack of transparency in financial management, manual reception records and lack of efficiency in administrative services. Based on the existing problems, the solution given is to design a Smart RT RW Information System Using a Website-Based Descriptive Statistical Method at Pakal Residence Housing Surabaya. This descriptive statistical method is concerned with collecting and presenting a data set so that it can provide useful information. This descriptive statistical method is used to present data on population information, financial reports of residents, visiting guests, and administrative services. The test results of the Smart RT RW application using blackbox testing were completely successful because based on the results of the trial this application helped residents to see payment of fees, monitor visiting guests, help process computerized correspondence, manage distribution of social assistance and assist residents in expressing aspirations.
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 6, No 5 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika

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Yayasan Bina’Muwahiddin merupakan lembaga Islam nirlaba yang mendarma baktikan kinerjanya untuk kepentingan masyarakat muslim, khususnya masyarakat muslim yang tinggal di pinggiran dan yayasan saat ini memiliki 350 donatur dari luar negri. Selama ini pengelolaan dan pelaporan penyaluran sumbangan masih manual sehingga menyebabkan beberapa masalah seperti tidak terkontrolnya penyaluran sumbangan sehingga menyebabkan laporan sumbangan yang akan dilaporkan kedonatur mengalami kesalahan dalam pelaporan dan keterlambatan pelaporan. Permasalahan tersebut menyebabkan rasa kepercayaan donatur menjadi berkurang dan membuat donatur tidak mau menyumbang lagi sehingga yayasan juga menjadi rugi. Solusi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut penulis merancang sebuah aplikasi yang mampu untuk melakukan pengelolaan dan monitoring dana sumbangan yang berbasis web. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini yayasan dapat dipermudah dalam melakukan pengelolaan dana sumbangan sehingga kesalahan data dalam proses pelaporan menjadi sedikit. Pada aplikasi yang sudah dirancang terdapat berbagai fungsi yang dapat membantu mengatasi masalah yang sedang dialami oleh yayasan seperti fungsi untuk melakukan transaksi proyek, fungsi untuk monitoring perkembangan proyek yang bisa dipantau oleh direktur dengan menggunakan grafik kurva-s, fungsi pembayaran sumbangan secara online dan fungsi pelaporan sumbangan yang nantinya donatur dapat melihat pelaporan sumbangan tersebut secara real time pada aplikasi.
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penjadwalan Proyek Pada PT. Bintang Timur Nangendi Dengan Menggunakan Crithical Path Method Wahyu Indra Setiawan; Sulis tiowati; Agus Dwi Churniawan
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 6, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika

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ABSTRACT: PT. Nangendi Eastern Star is a company engaged in construction that handles multiple building projects from government and private sources. During this time, companies are experiencing delays in completing the project scheduling. This is because in determining the scheduling time projects that are still based on the approximate part of the project manager. So companies are experiencing delays in completing projects already scheduled.Based on these problems, they invented scheduling information system projects using methods Critical Path Method. In such systems aim to schedule in accordance with determining the critical path of a project so that the project manager can carry out the project activities in accordance with the project schedule known critical path with Critical Path Method.The information system is made to produce a report that displays the scheduling of project activities on the critical path. Under the system of information created and a series of trials that have been done, the company can find information needed, especially concerning the determination of the Critical Path. So that the company can determine where an activity is preferred phase project work.
Rancang Bangun apliaksi layanan konsultasi dan sistem antrian pada instalasi gizi rsud dr soetomo surabaya Wedyatama rachma putra; bambang hariadi; agus dwi churniawan
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 7, No 4 (2018)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika

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Masalah gizi di Rumah sakit dinilai sesuai kondisi perseorangan yang secara langsung maupun tidak langsung mempengaruhi proses penyembuhan. Kecenderungan peningkstsn ksasus penyakit yang terkait gizi (nutrition-related-disease) pada semua kelompok rentan mulai dari ibu hamil, bayi, anak, remaja,hingga lansia,memerlukan penatalaksanaan gizi secara khusus. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan pelayanan gizi yang bermutu untuk mencapai dan mempertahankan status gizi yang optimal dan mempercepat penyembuhan.   Pada instalasi gizi RSUD DR. Soetomo ini membutuhkan sebuah sarana untuk mempublikasikan kegiatan serta informasi dan konsultasi untuk memberikan pelayanan untuk pemenuhan gizi pasien, baik secara langsung ataupun melalui sarana online dan juga adanya kebutuhan untuk sebuah sarana untuk mendapatkan nomor antrian secara online, karena pasien tidak hanya terbatas pada masyarakat lokal, tetapi juga masyarakat dari daerah lain. Hal ini untuk mempertahankan penilaian akreditasi A sebagai rumah sakit rujukan Indonesia Timur dan sebagai syarat untuk menjadi rumah sakit bertaraf internasional.
Design of Web-Based Library Information System On SD Muhammadiyah 4 Surabaya Esti Vidia Pangesti; Haryanto Tanuwijaya; Agus Dwi Churniawan
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 10 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika

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Muhammadiyah 4 Elementary School Surabaya library need satisfactory service for the convenience of visitors to the library. However, business processes that occur there are still underway manual so that the existing data is not integrated with each other. Additionally librarian often difficulties in data searches both when borrowing, repayment and checking on the sanctions. And also with the members and visitors of the library have difficulty in finding the availability and location of collection.To solve these problems, then created a web-based library design of information systems that integrate existing data so that the information collection can be obtained quickly and accurately. The system is able to improve service in terms of borrowing, repayment, reservation, recommendation and search the collection. It also can accelerate the performance of the library and can provide accurate reports to the librarian.From the implementation of web-based library information system is implemented, it can be concluded that the system can ease the librarian to perform control on borrowing, reservation, booking, recommendation and preparation of reports. Besides members can to search information, booking and nomination of the collection. And based on the results implementation of the system of the questionnaire given to the 5 respondents, indicate that the display system, ease of navigation and precision process assessed either by the user with an average yield of 3.3 sequentially; 2.8 and 3.
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika

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PT. Veloxa Viggo Inti Teknologi is a telecommunication service company which requires employees who have extensive skills and insight so that in the future they can make the company grow rapidly. Employees who have broad skills and insight can influence the profits that the company gets. Therefore, managers need a decision-making system that can assist companies in assessing employees with company work standards
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 9, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika

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PT. Saka Mitra Usaha is a national private company that is engaged in Human Resource Management Outsourcing services. Experienced, competent and knowledgeable professionals in the field of outsourcing services. This company is supported by experienced professionals in their fields, individuals who are trained, educated and have high dedication and always fulfill satisfaction for service users. The main problem in a company's warehouse is the accumulation of goods caused by more incoming goods. Another case is that the goods that come out are more of the goods that enter so that they have a bad impact on the goods which results in big losses for the company because they cannot meet the expenditure / expenditure of the goods at that time. The solution to be created is a web-based application that can determine the amount of goods produced. The process of predicting goods will use the Tsukamoto fuzzy method, this method is a way to map an input space into an output space. This method will be used to determine the prediction of the inventory of goods or the purchase of an item for inventory based on data on the amount of inventory remaining, purchase data and the number of goods out. These data are variables which will be represented by fuzzy functions. From this research, it produces a decision support application for inventory of goods that will be used by PT. SAKA MITRA USAHA to help managers determine the amount of procurement of goods in future warehouses, assist companies in determining goods production decisions, assist companies in mapping production of goods correctly and precisely through dashboard charts, forecasts of goods, and prediction reports.
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 7, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika

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Abstract: SMK Negeri 10 Surabaya is a vocational high school at the city of Surabaya. The problems that occurred at at school today are recording of asset data, asset lending data, and asset recovery data which are still processed manually by using ledger and excel microsfot. The process is still manual has weaknesses are; the old record- keeping process, human error, damaged or loss of ledgers and reporting that still take a long time to manufacture. The solution to this problem is to create an asset registration information system based on the availability of existing assets and asset feasibility, the process of recording asset lending and asset recovery. So the results of the process can be made in the report for reference as information assets that must be replaced or not, asset lending and asset recovery. Final Results show that the system can assist the process to obtain information on assets that need to be replaced, asset borrowing and asset return, as well as in the recording and reporting of assets, asset lending and asset recovery on SMK Negeri 10 Surabaya can be done well .Keywords: asset management, borrowing, returns, assets